This notebook describes the different steps we used to obtain our results. One should be able to follow those steps to reproduce them. We describe:
- The code and software required to run the experiment
- The files and code we used in our use case
- The sequence of commands to produce our results
To do this experiment, you will need:
- docker, docker-compose, gawk, lua5.1
# docker from the install script curl -fsSL -o sh # other dependencies used to deploy the application and launch the benchmarks apt install -y lua5.1 liblua5.1 liblua5.1-dev luarocks docker-compose gawk luarocks install luasocket
- SimGrid microservice model and code generation scripts (this repository)
- Modified Jaeger front-end to obtain a .dot graph from an execution trace
required before code generation:
git clone [email protected]:klementc/jaeger-ui.git cd jaeger-ui nvm use yarn install # To start jaeger-ui (the back-end need to be run separately) yarn start
- DeathStarBench dockerfiles (see our docker-compose modifications later) and
benchmarking scripts:
git clone # we will only use the content of the socialnetwork/ folder
- This repository, and the content of the ./resource/ folder
git clone [email protected]:klementc/calvin-microbenchmarks.git
The Goal of the calibration step is to obtain an execution trace from deathstarbench that we can use to calibrate and generate the simulation code for SimGrid. To do so, we
- Deploy the application on a single machine
- Execute some requests without overloading the application
- Visualize execution traces obtained through jaeger
- Export one of the execution traces as a .dot graph
Simply go to the right folder, and docker-compose up using the default file.
cd DeathStarBench/socialNetwork/ docker-compose pull # get the images from dockerhub docker-compose up -d docker ps
Once done, your services should be up and running, and you should be able to access the application (use chrome if you want to test the application manually, firefox seems to have issues at the time of writing).
- Front end : http://localhost:8080/ create an account, log into it and you can try composing a message, adding friends etc
- Jaeger: http://localhost:16686/search once you did a few requests, you should be able to observe the actions that happened with jaeger. Click on a trace to observe it in details.
To obtain an execution trace to generate the simulator, we need to execute some requests. With DeathStarBench, we notice an impact of cache on execution times. Indeed, when launching a very small amount of requests per second, we have much longer execution times than what is possible. What we want to simulate is the application in a “stable” state, meaning we want an execution trace of the “average” request duration. To do so, we can execute a load of around 100 requests per second, which is not enough to overload the resources of most machines (adapt it if you have very limited resources), while still catching the advantages of cache and in-memory storage.
To launch this load, we use the load-generation scripts available for DeathStarBench. We make 100 compose requests per second for 1 minute.
# from the socialNetwork/ folder cd wrk2 make # build the benchmarking tool # launch the calibratio ./wrk -D fixed -T 60s -t 1 -c 1 -d 60s -L -s ./scripts/social-network/compose-post.lua -R 100
This benchmark should output some information on how many requests have been performed during the 60 seconds, tail-latencies etc. On our test-machine, we obtain 100 RPS (meaning the application is not overloaded, otherwise the output load would be different to the input load), and an latency between 3 and 4 millisecond per request. If you notice that your machine has some request loss, or abnormal latencies, relaunch your calibration with a new load.
Now that we ran the calibration, we need to obtain an execution trace of this calibration that we will use to generate the simulator code.
To observe the execution traces, you can go to the jaeger front-end at http://localhost:16686, select nginx-web-server and the COMPOSE request. This should give you a screen such as in the following picture:
Now, the goal is to choose a trace that fit the average behaviour of the application. In our case, we find the average request to take a bit more than 3ms to be executed. We go through the registered traces and select one of the requests fitting this execution time (knowing that you can later modify the requestRatio of the simulated execution to fit more or less powerful nodes. The most important here is to obtain the ratio of time spent executing between each service, which should not change with different configurations). Because we want to obtain a trace as a dot graph, so that it can be processed with our code generator, let’s launch our modified jaeger front-end:
cd jaeger-ui/ yarn start
Wait for a few seconds, and you should be able to access localhost:3000 Go to the trace you selected and, in the Trace Graph panel, download the trace as a dot file as shown in the following
That’s it, you can now remove the application, and process to the generation of the simulator!
# from the socialNetwork/ folder docker-compose down
The output of this step can be found in the “generated_2inst.cpp” file. We modified a bit more this file than described here to fit our experimental requirements, to have 2 running instances of each service, and an additional launch parameter to specify the frequency of requests without recompiling the code after each modification.
We now have an execution trace from the application. The next step is to use this trace to obtain a runnable simulator that transposed the constraints of the application into SimGrid code. To do so, we
- Use SimGrid code generation script to process and transform the graph from step 1 into code
- Add a few logging and request generation objects to the produced code
- Compile the code into a runnable simulator
If you didn’t get an execution step or skipped the previous section, you can use the trace we use for our published experimental results, that can be found in ./resources/
Before generating the code, here is what the exported trace looks like:
The script we use is in the internship_simgrid project. Remember the path of your trace and launch the following
cd internship_simgrid/script python -i
Here are some logs of what we obtain:
Welcome to the simulation code generator. Before executing this you need to obtain jaeger traces of the requests you want in your simulator as a dot file. You can obtain them from this modified jaeger-ui: Do you want to add a new trace to your simulator? [Y/n] Y Enter the request name associated to this trace : COMPOSE Enter the path to your file : testdot/ Processing dot graph for request COMPOSE (file: testdot/ Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '149', 'label': 'nginx_web_server'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclient'] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '258', 'label': 'nginx_web_server'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostserver'] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '544', 'label': 'compose_post_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposeuniqueidclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposemediaclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposecreatorclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposetextclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewritehometimelineclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewriteusertimelineclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicestorepostclient'] FORK 7 nodes Execute in parallel? Node: compose_post_service Childs: - compose_post_service - compose_post_service - compose_post_service - compose_post_service - compose_post_service - compose_post_service - compose_post_service [Y/n] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '12', 'label': 'unique_id_service'} [] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '6', 'label': 'media_service'} [] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '5', 'label': 'user_service'} [] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '296', 'label': 'text_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposetextclienttextservicecomposetextservertextservicecomposeusermentionsclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposetextclienttextservicecomposetextservertextservicecomposeurlsclient'] FORK 2 nodes Execute in parallel? Node: text_service Childs: - text_service - text_service [Y/n] n Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '81', 'label': 'user_mention_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposetextclienttextservicecomposetextservertextservicecomposeusermentionsclientusermentionservicecomposeusermentionsserverusermentionservicecomposeusermentionsmemcachedgetclientLEAF', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposetextclienttextservicecomposetextservertextservicecomposeusermentionsclientusermentionservicecomposeusermentionsserverusermentionservicecomposeusermentionsmongofindclientLEAF'] FORK 2 nodes Execute in parallel? Node: user_mention_service Childs: - user_mention_service - user_mention_service [Y/n] n Only one node, add it and return Only one node, add it and return Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '117', 'label': 'url_shorten_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicecomposetextclienttextservicecomposetextservertextservicecomposeurlsclienturlshortenservicecomposeurlsserverurlshortenserviceurlmongoinsertclientLEAF'] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '438', 'label': 'url_shorten_service'} [] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '22', 'label': 'home_timeline_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewritehometimelineclienthometimelineservicewritehometimelineserverhometimelineservicegetfollowersclient', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewritehometimelineclienthometimelineservicewritehometimelineserverhometimelineservicewritehometimelineredisupdateclientLEAF'] FORK 2 nodes Execute in parallel? Node: home_timeline_service Childs: - home_timeline_service - home_timeline_service [Y/n] n Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '78', 'label': 'social_graph_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewritehometimelineclienthometimelineservicewritehometimelineserverhometimelineservicegetfollowersclientsocialgraphservicegetfollowersserversocialgraphservicesocialgraphredisgetclientLEAF', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewritehometimelineclienthometimelineservicewritehometimelineserverhometimelineservicegetfollowersclientsocialgraphservicegetfollowersserversocialgraphservicesocialgraphmongofindclientLEAF'] FORK 2 nodes Execute in parallel? Node: social_graph_service Childs: - social_graph_service - social_graph_service [Y/n] n Only one node, add it and return Only one node, add it and return Only one node, add it and return Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '93', 'label': 'user_timeline_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewriteusertimelineclientusertimelineservicewriteusertimelineserverusertimelineservicewriteusertimelinemongoinsertclientLEAF', 'nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicewriteusertimelineclientusertimelineservicewriteusertimelineserverusertimelineservicewriteusertimelineredisupdateclientLEAF'] FORK 2 nodes Execute in parallel? Node: user_timeline_service Childs: - user_timeline_service - user_timeline_service [Y/n] n Only one node, add it and return Only one node, add it and return Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '51', 'label': 'post_storage_service'} ['nginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebserverwrkapipostcomposenginxwebservercomposepostclientcomposepostservicecomposepostservercomposepostservicestorepostclientpoststorageservicestorepostserverpoststorageservicepoststoragemongoinsertclientLEAF'] Sequence, no problem add: %s %s {'dur': '340', 'label': 'post_storage_service'} [] Save seq output graph as image to 'testdot/graph_compose_100p.dot_seqnot.png', dot file to 'testdot/' Save processed ouput as image to 'testdot/graph_compose_100p.dot_seqnot_processed.png', dot file to 'testdot/' Render testdot/ to testdot/graph_compose_100p.dot_seqnot.png Render testdot/ to testdot/graph_compose_100p.dot_seqnot_processed.png Sum of times in the original file: 7290 Sum of times in the the processed graph: 7290 Sum of times in the the final graph: 7290 Do you want to add a new trace to your simulator? [Y/n] n All traces processed. Now generating code for : - Trace COMPOSE Please give the name of the code file to produce : codeProduced.cpp generate output code for request COMPOSE edge: ('nginx_web_server', 'compose_post_service') generate code for: nginx_web_server request: COMPOSE nginx_web_server (serv nginx_web_server) sends to compose_post_service edge: ('compose_post_service', 'compose_post_service_') Nodes and their attributes: unique_id_service: {'serv': 'unique_id_service', 'label': 'unique_id_service dur: 12', 'id': 'unique_id_service', 'dur': 12} compose_post_service_: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 138', 'id': 'compose_post_service_', 'dur': 138, 'seen': True} edge: ('compose_post_service_', 'unique_id_service') generate code for: compose_post_service_ request: COMPOSE_0 compose_post_service_ (serv compose_post_service) sends to unique_id_service add break to compose_post_service add break to unique_id_service Nodes and their attributes: media_service: {'serv': 'media_service', 'label': 'media_service dur: 6', 'id': 'media_service', 'dur': 6} compose_post_service__: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 140', 'id': 'compose_post_service__', 'dur': 140, 'seen': True} edge: ('compose_post_service__', 'media_service') generate code for: compose_post_service__ request: COMPOSE_1 compose_post_service__ (serv compose_post_service) sends to media_service add break to compose_post_service add break to media_service Nodes and their attributes: compose_post_service___: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 135', 'id': 'compose_post_service___', 'dur': 135, 'seen': True} user_service: {'serv': 'user_service', 'label': 'user_service dur: 5', 'id': 'user_service', 'dur': 5} edge: ('compose_post_service___', 'user_service') generate code for: compose_post_service___ request: COMPOSE_2 compose_post_service___ (serv compose_post_service) sends to user_service add break to compose_post_service add break to user_service Nodes and their attributes: user_mention_service: {'serv': 'user_mention_service', 'label': 'user_mention_service dur: 934', 'id': 'user_mention_service', 'dur': 934} url_shorten_service: {'serv': 'url_shorten_service', 'label': 'url_shorten_service dur: 555', 'id': 'url_shorten_service', 'dur': 555} text_service_: {'serv': 'text_service', 'label': 'text_service dur: 146', 'id': 'text_service_', 'dur': 146} compose_post_service____: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 147', 'id': 'compose_post_service____', 'dur': 147, 'seen': True} text_service: {'serv': 'text_service', 'label': 'text_service dur: 646', 'id': 'text_service', 'dur': 646} edge: ('compose_post_service____', 'text_service') generate code for: compose_post_service____ request: COMPOSE_3 compose_post_service____ (serv compose_post_service) sends to text_service edge: ('text_service', 'user_mention_service') generate code for: text_service request: COMPOSE_3 text_service (serv text_service) sends to user_mention_service edge: ('user_mention_service', 'text_service_') generate code for: user_mention_service request: COMPOSE_3 user_mention_service (serv user_mention_service) sends to text_service_ edge: ('text_service_', 'url_shorten_service') generate code for: text_service_ request: COMPOSE_3 text_service_ (serv text_service) sends to url_shorten_service add break to compose_post_service add break to text_service add break to user_mention_service add break to url_shorten_service Nodes and their attributes: home_timeline_service: {'serv': 'home_timeline_service', 'label': 'home_timeline_service dur: 243', 'id': 'home_timeline_service', 'dur': 243} compose_post_service_____: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 138', 'id': 'compose_post_service_____', 'dur': 138, 'seen': True} home_timeline_service_: {'serv': 'home_timeline_service', 'label': 'home_timeline_service dur: 7', 'id': 'home_timeline_service_', 'dur': 7} social_graph_service: {'serv': 'social_graph_service', 'label': 'social_graph_service dur: 707', 'id': 'social_graph_service', 'dur': 707} edge: ('compose_post_service_____', 'home_timeline_service') generate code for: compose_post_service_____ request: COMPOSE_4 compose_post_service_____ (serv compose_post_service) sends to home_timeline_service edge: ('home_timeline_service', 'social_graph_service') generate code for: home_timeline_service request: COMPOSE_4 home_timeline_service (serv home_timeline_service) sends to social_graph_service edge: ('social_graph_service', 'home_timeline_service_') generate code for: social_graph_service request: COMPOSE_4 social_graph_service (serv social_graph_service) sends to home_timeline_service_ add break to compose_post_service add break to home_timeline_service add break to social_graph_service Nodes and their attributes: user_timeline_service: {'serv': 'user_timeline_service', 'label': 'user_timeline_service dur: 913', 'id': 'user_timeline_service', 'dur': 913} compose_post_service______: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 192', 'id': 'compose_post_service______', 'dur': 192, 'seen': True} edge: ('compose_post_service______', 'user_timeline_service') generate code for: compose_post_service______ request: COMPOSE_5 compose_post_service______ (serv compose_post_service) sends to user_timeline_service add break to compose_post_service add break to user_timeline_service Nodes and their attributes: post_storage_service: {'serv': 'post_storage_service', 'label': 'post_storage_service dur: 391', 'id': 'post_storage_service', 'dur': 391} compose_post_service_______: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 508', 'id': 'compose_post_service_______', 'dur': 508, 'seen': True} edge: ('compose_post_service_______', 'post_storage_service') generate code for: compose_post_service_______ request: COMPOSE_6 compose_post_service_______ (serv compose_post_service) sends to post_storage_service add break to compose_post_service add break to post_storage_service fetch pr code for request COMPOSE 1 : ['compose_post_service'] 7 : ['compose_post_service_', 'compose_post_service__', 'compose_post_service___', 'compose_post_service____', 'compose_post_service_____', 'compose_post_service______', 'compose_post_service_______'] Nodes and their attributes: unique_id_service: {'serv': 'unique_id_service', 'label': 'unique_id_service dur: 12', 'id': 'unique_id_service', 'dur': 12} compose_post_service_: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 138', 'id': 'compose_post_service_', 'dur': 138, 'seen': True} 1 : ['unique_id_service'] add break to compose_post_service add break to unique_id_service Nodes and their attributes: media_service: {'serv': 'media_service', 'label': 'media_service dur: 6', 'id': 'media_service', 'dur': 6} compose_post_service__: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 140', 'id': 'compose_post_service__', 'dur': 140, 'seen': True} 1 : ['media_service'] add break to compose_post_service add break to media_service Nodes and their attributes: compose_post_service___: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 135', 'id': 'compose_post_service___', 'dur': 135, 'seen': True} user_service: {'serv': 'user_service', 'label': 'user_service dur: 5', 'id': 'user_service', 'dur': 5} 1 : ['user_service'] add break to compose_post_service add break to user_service Nodes and their attributes: user_mention_service: {'serv': 'user_mention_service', 'label': 'user_mention_service dur: 934', 'id': 'user_mention_service', 'dur': 934} url_shorten_service: {'serv': 'url_shorten_service', 'label': 'url_shorten_service dur: 555', 'id': 'url_shorten_service', 'dur': 555} text_service_: {'serv': 'text_service', 'label': 'text_service dur: 146', 'id': 'text_service_', 'dur': 146} compose_post_service____: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 147', 'id': 'compose_post_service____', 'dur': 147, 'seen': True} text_service: {'serv': 'text_service', 'label': 'text_service dur: 646', 'id': 'text_service', 'dur': 646} 1 : ['text_service'] 1 : ['user_mention_service'] 1 : ['text_service_'] 1 : ['url_shorten_service'] add break to compose_post_service add break to text_service add break to user_mention_service add break to url_shorten_service Nodes and their attributes: home_timeline_service: {'serv': 'home_timeline_service', 'label': 'home_timeline_service dur: 243', 'id': 'home_timeline_service', 'dur': 243} compose_post_service_____: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 138', 'id': 'compose_post_service_____', 'dur': 138, 'seen': True} home_timeline_service_: {'serv': 'home_timeline_service', 'label': 'home_timeline_service dur: 7', 'id': 'home_timeline_service_', 'dur': 7} social_graph_service: {'serv': 'social_graph_service', 'label': 'social_graph_service dur: 707', 'id': 'social_graph_service', 'dur': 707} 1 : ['home_timeline_service'] 1 : ['social_graph_service'] 1 : ['home_timeline_service_'] add break to compose_post_service add break to home_timeline_service add break to social_graph_service Nodes and their attributes: user_timeline_service: {'serv': 'user_timeline_service', 'label': 'user_timeline_service dur: 913', 'id': 'user_timeline_service', 'dur': 913} compose_post_service______: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 192', 'id': 'compose_post_service______', 'dur': 192, 'seen': True} 1 : ['user_timeline_service'] add break to compose_post_service add break to user_timeline_service Nodes and their attributes: post_storage_service: {'serv': 'post_storage_service', 'label': 'post_storage_service dur: 391', 'id': 'post_storage_service', 'dur': 391} compose_post_service_______: {'serv': 'compose_post_service', 'label': 'compose_post_service dur: 508', 'id': 'compose_post_service_______', 'dur': 508, 'seen': True} 1 : ['post_storage_service'] add break to compose_post_service add break to post_storage_service Do you want to add output sizes for request COMPOSE from a size file? (Otherwise use default value: 100 bytes) [y/N] Using default size 100 for all messages {} COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE COMPOSE <-> COMPOSE compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default compose_post_service not in d, use default unique_id_service not in d, use default media_service not in d, use default user_service not in d, use default text_service not in d, use default user_mention_service not in d, use default url_shorten_service not in d, use default home_timeline_service not in d, use default social_graph_service not in d, use default user_timeline_service not in d, use default post_storage_service not in d, use default Give a name for the service config file:configGen.csv 12 different services Generate constructor for service nginx_web_server Generate constructor for service compose_post_service Generate constructor for service unique_id_service Generate constructor for service media_service Generate constructor for service user_service Generate constructor for service text_service Generate constructor for service user_mention_service Generate constructor for service url_shorten_service Generate constructor for service home_timeline_service Generate constructor for service social_graph_service Generate constructor for service user_timeline_service Generate constructor for service post_storage_service =--------------------------------------------------= Code generated successfully to 'codeProduced.cpp' You now need to add your dataSources to the simulation code before running it!
You can observe we use some default network packet sizes in this experiment. This is cause by the fact that in this setup, network isn’t the bottleneck, what we want to study is the CPU bottleneck of the resources we study. If you wanted to study networking issues in a constrained setup, you can provide a csv file with the network sizes of the request coming and going of each request that would be used with SimGrid.
You can also observe that for the nodes that have multiple childs in the trace graph, the user is asked whether the children should be executed in parallel or sequentially. We do not do this automatically because we do not have the exact information contained in our trace graph. The goal of this is to allow a more fine modeling of the end-to-end latency of single requests by ordering correctly sub-executions, but whatever your choices, the overall amount of cpu execution will stay the same.
In the end, you obtain a cpp file along with the configuration file required to launch the experiment.
The code generated during the previous step requires a small intervention of the user to run. There are 2 things to do:
- Adding some additional logs if you want to: There are some default debug
logs that can be activated. To cound the exact number of requests executed
during an experiment and their latency (what we take into account in our
results), we add a log line in the output of post_storage_service
XBT_INFO("FINISHED REQUEST at ts %lf arr: %lf dur: %lf", simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_clock(), td->firstArrivalDate, simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_clock()-td->firstArrivalDate);
This code simply prints the timestamp of creation of the request, and its finished execution timestamp. We use it later to create our data files from execution logs.
- Adding datasources: DataSources are the objects responsible for sending
and receiving requests to the application. In this work we use constant
rate datasource that will send N requests per second. You can add them
/* ADD DATASOURCES MANUALLY HERE, SET THE END TIMER AS YOU WISH, AND LAUNCH YOUR SIMULATOR*/ DataSourceFixedInterval* dsf = new DataSourceFixedInterval("nginx_web_server",RequestType::COMPOSE, 1/freq,100); simgrid::s4u::ActorPtr dataS = simgrid::s4u::Actor::create("snd", simgrid::s4u::Host::by_name(""), [&]{dsf->run();});
Don’t forget to kill the dataSource once your experiment is finished, example:
// kill policies and ETMs simgrid::s4u::this_actor::sleep_for(30); /*set it according to your needs*/ XBT_INFO("Done. Killing policies and etms"); dataS->kill();
Here the experiment lasts for 30 seconds, after which we kill the dataSource.
The code can now be compiled and run to perform performance predictions of the application as we do in the next step!
We are now able to predict the performance of the application using SimGrid. In this step, we detail our procedure to compare the predictions obtained with SimGrid against real world executions.
- Launch SimGrid simulations and obtain performance prediction results
- Launch DeathStarBench’s socialnetwork in the 2 configurations: 1 node, and 2 nodes
- Compare output values
To launch the simulations on SimGrid, copy these files in the directory of your executable program (build/examples if you compiled this repository) and launch the following script for each configuration: ./resources/, ./resources/, and ./resources/ Modify it if you created your own simulator, otherwise, it will run the generated code with the trace that we presented earlier.
You can modify the scripts to your convenience, you can modify the configuration files in the internship_simgrid directory (see the files in config_files/{configServices-platforms})
Then, to launcthe experiment, just run the scripts, and wait for the results. It can be experienced that once the application gets congested (~1600 for the 1 node configuration), you will have long execution times of your simulation (~30 minutes for the last measurement) due to large queueing of requests. The performance until the congestion point should be faster or similar to the real execution time (~30 seconds).
To launch the experiments, we used grid5000, on the paravance cluster (see for hardware details). However, you can do it with any 3 connected computing nodes with sufficient network capacity to send and receives the request without a network bottleneck. Your nodes need to be configured in a swarm.
We proceed in 2 steps: first we set the location constraints in the docker-compose files, second we launch the experiment and gather our results.
We evaluate the application on 3 configurations:
- configuration 1: 1 node executes the services included in the execution
of the compose request, the other node executes the other services so
that it does not affect the performance of our benchmark.
To do so, take the file ./resources/awkfile_1.awk and set the hostname of
your node that will execute the services. Then, use this file on the
template in ./resources/docker_compose_2.yml to generate the
docker-compose file to launch the experiment.
awk -f awkfile_1.awk docker_compose_2.yml > docker_compose_1_launchable.yml
- configuration 2.a: we have 2 nodes each executing 6 of the services
included in the execution of the compose request, and the third node
executes the other services.
To do so, same procedure as with the first configuration. Modify
./resources/awkfile_2.awk with the hostname of the two nodes that will
executes the services, and generate the docker-compose with
awk -f awkfile_2.awk docker_compose_2.yml > docker_compose_2_launchable.yml
- configuration 2.b: Same as 2.a but with different groups of services.
To do so, same procedure as with the first configuration. Modify
./resources/awkfile_2.awk with the hostname of the two nodes that will
executes the services, and generate the docker-compose with
awk -f awkfile_2.awk docker_compose_2.1.yml > docker_compose_2.1_launchable.yml
To launch this experiment, we used the scrips ./resources/ In this file, you can set the minmum/maximum request throughputs, the amount of samples to execute and such. This file takes care of deploying the application on the swarm and launch the load test.
Before running it, you might want to limit the maximum amount of cpus assigned to each node (in our results for example, we set 10 cores per node to execute the application). Docker-swarm is not very great at resource assignment on single nodes. One trick is to modify the cgroup with:
# nodes 0 to 9 are affected to execute the containers
echo 0-9 > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/docker/cpuset.cpus
do this on all nodes
You also need to have an operational swarm. To do so, on the master node, launch “docker swarm init” and paste the join command on the other 2 nodes. You should be able to see if your nodes joined the swarm with a “docker swarm ls” command.
Modify to set the scenario number you want (nbn to 1, 2, or 2.1) and the request lower and upper bounds to be tested.
You can now launch the experiment:
perc=100 bash
And wait until the end. The results should be found in “res/resTot.csv”
The comparison between the output csv of simgrid and real world values are analyzed using an R notebook, see: