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1502 lines (1009 loc) · 61.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1502 lines (1009 loc) · 61.9 KB

Note about upgrading: Doctrine uses static and runtime mechanisms to raise awareness about deprecated code.

  • Use of @deprecated docblock that is detected by IDEs (like PHPStorm) or Static Analysis tools (like Psalm, phpstan)
  • Use of our low-overhead runtime deprecation API, details:

Upgrade to 3.6

Deprecated not setting a schema manager factory

DBAL 4 will change the way the schema manager is created. To opt in to the new behavior, please configure the schema manager factory:

$configuration = new Configuration();
$configuration->setSchemaManagerFactory(new DefaultSchemaManagerFactory());

$connection = DriverManager::getConnection(
    [/* your parameters */],

If you use a custom platform implementation, please make sure it implements the createSchemaManager()method . Otherwise, the connection will fail to create a schema manager.

Deprecated the url connection parameter

DBAL ships with a new and configurable DSN parser that can be used to parse a database URL into connection parameters understood by DriverManager.


$connection = DriverManager::getConnection(
    ['url' => 'mysql://my-user:t0ps3cr3t@my-host/my-database']


$dsnParser  = new DsnParser(['mysql' => 'pdo_mysql']);
$connection = DriverManager::getConnection(

Deprecated Connection::PARAM_*_ARRAY constants

Use the corresponding constants on ArrayParameterType instead. Please be aware that ArrayParameterType will be a native enum type in DBAL 4.

Upgrade to 3.5

Deprecated extension via Doctrine Event Manager

Extension of the library behavior via Doctrine Event Manager has been deprecated.

The following methods and properties have been deprecated:

  • AbstractPlatform::$_eventManager,
  • AbstractPlatform::getEventManager(),
  • AbstractPlatform::setEventManager(),
  • Connection::$_eventManager,
  • Connection::getEventManager().

Deprecated extension via connection events

Subscription to the postConnect event has been deprecated. Use one of the following replacements for the standard event listeners or implement a custom middleware instead.

The following postConnect event listeners have been deprecated:

  1. OracleSessionInit. Use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\Middleware\InitializeSession.
  2. SQLiteSessionInit. Use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractSQLiteDriver\Middleware\EnableForeignKeys.
  3. SQLSessionInit. Implement a custom middleware.

Deprecated extension via transaction events

Subscription to the following events has been deprecated:

  • onTransactionBegin,
  • onTransactionCommit,
  • onTransactionRollBack.

The upgrade path will depend on the use case:

  1. If you need to extend the behavior of only the actual top-level transactions (not the ones emulated via savepoints), implement a driver middleware.
  2. If you need to extend the behavior of the top-level and nested transactions, either implement a driver middleware or implement a custom wrapper connection.

Deprecated extension via schema definition events

Subscription to the following events has been deprecated:

  • onSchemaColumnDefinition,
  • onSchemaIndexDefinition.

Use a custom schema manager instead.

Deprecated extension via schema manipulation events

Subscription to the following events has been deprecated:

  • onSchemaCreateTable,
  • onSchemaCreateTableColumn,
  • onSchemaDropTable,
  • onSchemaAlterTable,
  • onSchemaAlterTableAddColumn,
  • onSchemaAlterTableRemoveColumn,
  • onSchemaAlterTableChangeColumn,
  • onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn.

The upgrade path will depend on the use case:

  1. If you are using the events to modify the behavior of the platform, you should extend the platform class and implement the corresponding logic in the sub-class.
  2. If you are using the events to modify the arguments processed by the platform (e.g. modify the table definition before the platform generates the CREATE TABLE DDL), you should do the needed modifications before calling the corresponding platform or schema manager method.

Deprecated the emulation of the LOCATE() function for SQLite

Relying on the availability of the LOCATE() on SQLite deprecated. SQLite does not provide that function natively, but the function INSTR() can be a drop-in replacement in most situations. Use AbstractPlatform::getLocateExpression() if you need a portable solution.

Deprecated SchemaDiff::toSql() and SchemaDiff::toSaveSql()

Using SchemaDiff::toSql() to generate SQL representing the diff has been deprecated. Use AbstractPlatform::getAlterSchemaSQL() instead.

SchemaDiff::toSaveSql() has been deprecated without a replacement.

Deprecated SchemaDiff::$orphanedForeignKeys

Relying on the schema diff tracking foreign keys referencing the tables that have been dropped is deprecated. Before dropping a table referenced by foreign keys, drop the foreign keys first.

Deprecated the userDefinedFunctions driver option for pdo_sqlite

Instead of funneling custom functions through the userDefinedFunctions option, use getNativeConnection() to access the wrapped PDO connection and register your custom functions directly.


$connection = DriverManager::getConnection([
    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
    'path' => '/path/to/file.db',
    'driverOptions' => [
        'userDefinedFunctions' => [
            'my_function' => ['callback' => [SomeClass::class, 'someMethod'], 'numArgs' => 2],


$connection = DriverManager::getConnection([
    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
    'path' => '/path/to/file.db',

    ->sqliteCreateFunction('my_function', [SomeClass::class, 'someMethod'], 2);

Deprecated Table methods.

The hasPrimaryKey() method has been deprecated. Use getPrimaryKey() and check if the return value is not null. The getPrimaryKeyColumns() method has been deprecated. Use getPrimaryKey() and Index::getColumns() instead. The getForeignKeyColumns() method has been deprecated. Use getForeignKey() and ForeignKeyConstraint::getLocalColumns() instead. The changeColumn() method has been deprecated. Use modifyColumn() instead.

Deprecated SchemaException error codes.

Relying on the error code of SchemaException is deprecated. In order to handle a specific type of exception, catch the corresponding exception class instead.

Error Code Class
CONSTRAINT_DOESNT_EXIST UniqueConstraintDoesNotExist

Deprecated fallback connection used to determine the database platform.

Relying on a fallback connection used to determine the database platform while connecting to a non-existing database has been deprecated. Either use an existing database name in connection parameters or omit the database name if the platform and the server configuration allow that.

Deprecated misspelled isFullfilledBy() method

This method's name was spelled incorrectly. Use isFulfilledBy instead.

Deprecated default PostgreSQL connection database.

Relying on the DBAL connecting to the "postgres" database by default is deprecated. Unless you want to have the server determine the default database for the connection, specify the database name explicitly.

Deprecated the "default_dbname" parameter of the wrapper Connection.

The "default_dbname" parameter of the wrapper Connection has been deprecated. Use "dbname" instead.

Deprecated the "platform" parameter of the wrapper Connection.

The "platform" parameter of the wrapper Connection has been deprecated. Use a driver middleware that would instantiate the platform instead.

Deprecated driver name aliases.

Relying on driver name aliases in connection parameters has been deprecated. Use the actual driver names instead.

Deprecated "unique" and "check" column properties.

The "unique" and "check" column properties have been deprecated. Use unique constraints to define unique columns.

Deprecated relying on the default precision and scale of decimal columns.

Relying on the default precision and scale of decimal columns provided by the DBAL is deprecated. When declaring decimal columns, specify the precision and scale explicitly.

Deprecated Comparator::diffTable() method.

The Comparator::diffTable() method has been deprecated in favor of Comparator::compareTables() and TableDiff::isEmpty().

Instead of having to check whether the diff is equal to the boolean false, you can optionally check if the returned table diff is empty.


$diff = $comparator->diffTable($oldTable, $newTable);

// mandatory check
if ($diff !== false) {
    // we have a diff


$diff = $comparator->compareTables($oldTable, $newTable);

// optional check
if (! $diff->isEmpty()) {
    // we have a diff

Deprecated not passing $fromTable to the TableDiff constructor.

Not passing $fromTable to the TableDiff constructor has been deprecated.

The TableDiff::$name property and the TableDiff::getName() method have been deprecated as well. In order to obtain the name of the table that the diff describes, use TableDiff::getOldTable().

Deprecated renaming tables via TableDiff and AbstractPlatform::alterTable().

Renaming tables via setting the $newName property on a TableDiff and passing it to AbstractPlatform::alterTable() is deprecated. The implementations of AbstractSchemaManager::alterTable() should use AbstractPlatform::renameTable() instead.

The TableDiff::$newName property and the TableDiff::getNewName() method have been deprecated.

Marked Comparator methods as internal.

The following Comparator methods have been marked as internal:

  • columnsEqual(),
  • diffForeignKey(),
  • diffIndex().

The diffColumn() method has been deprecated. Use diffTable() instead.

Marked SchemaDiff public properties as internal.

The public properties of the SchemaDiff class have been marked as internal. Use the following corresponding methods instead:

Property Method
$newNamespaces getCreatedSchemas()
$removedNamespaces getDroppedSchemas()
$newTables getCreatedTables()
$changedTables getAlteredTables()
$removedTables getDroppedTables()
$newSequences getCreatedSequences()
$changedSequences getAlteredSequence()
$removedSequences getDroppedSequences()

Marked TableDiff public properties as internal.

The public properties of the TableDiff class have been marked as internal. Use the following corresponding methods instead:

Property Method
$addedColumns getAddedColumns()
$changedColumns getModifiedColumns()
$removedColumns getDroppedColumns()
$renamedColumns getRenamedColumns()
$addedIndexes getAddedIndexes()
$changedIndexes getModifiedIndexes()
$removedIndexes getDroppedIndexes()
$renamedIndexes getRenamedIndexes()
$addedForeignKeys getAddedForeignKeys()
$changedForeignKeys getModifiedForeignKeys()
$removedForeignKeys getDroppedForeignKeys()

Marked ColumnDiff public properties as internal.

The $fromColumn and $column properties of the ColumnDiff class have been marked as internal. Use the getOldColumn() and getNewColumn() methods instead.

Deprecated ColumnDiff::$changedProperties and ::hasChanged().

The ColumnDiff::$changedProperties property and the hasChanged() method have been deprecated. Use one of the following ColumnDiff methods in order to check if a given column property has changed:

  • hasTypeChanged(),
  • hasLengthChanged(),
  • hasPrecisionChanged(),
  • hasScaleChanged(),
  • hasUnsignedChanged(),
  • hasFixedChanged(),
  • hasNotNullChanged(),
  • hasDefaultChanged(),
  • hasAutoIncrementChanged(),
  • hasCommentChanged().

Deprecated ColumnDiff APIs dedicated to the old column name.

The $oldColumnName property and the getOldColumnName() method of the ColumnDiff class have been deprecated.

Make sure the $fromColumn argument is passed to the ColumnDiff constructor and use the $fromColumn property instead.

Marked schema diff constructors as internal.

The constructors of the following classes have been marked as internal:

  1. SchemaDiff,
  2. TableDiff,
  3. ColumnDiff.

These classes can be instantiated only by schema comparators. The signatures of the constructors may change in future versions.

Deprecated SchemaDiff reference to the original schema.

The SchemaDiff::$fromSchema property has been deprecated.

Marked AbstractSchemaManager::_execSql() as internal.

The AbstractSchemaManager::_execSql() method has been marked as internal. It will not be available in 4.0.

Deprecated AbstractSchemaManager schema introspection methods.

The following AbstractSchemaManager methods has been deprecated:

  1. listTableDetails(). Use introspectTable() instead,
  2. createSchema(). Use introspectSchema() instead.

Upgrade to 3.4

Deprecated wrapper- and driver-level Statement::bindParam() methods.

The following methods have been deprecated:

  1. Doctrine\DBAL\Statement::bindParam(),
  2. Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement::bindParam().

Use the corresponding bindValue() instead.

Deprecated not passing parameter type to the driver-level Statement::bind*() methods.

Not passing $type to the driver-level Statement::bindParam() and ::bindValue() is deprecated. Pass the type corresponding to the parameter being bound.

Deprecated passing $params to Statement::execute*() methods.

Passing $params to the driver-level Statement::execute() and the wrapper-level Statement::executeQuery() and Statement::executeStatement() methods has been deprecated.

Bind parameters using Statement::bindParam() or Statement::bindValue() instead.

Deprecated QueryBuilder methods and constants.

  1. The QueryBuilder::getState() method has been deprecated as the builder state is an internal concern.
  2. Relying on the type of the query being built by using QueryBuilder::getType() has been deprecated. If necessary, track the type of the query being built outside of the builder.
  3. The QueryBuilder::getConnection() method has been deprecated. Use the connection used to instantiate the builder instead.

The following QueryBuilder constants related to the above methods have been deprecated:

  1. SELECT,
  2. DELETE,
  3. UPDATE,
  4. INSERT,

Marked Connection::ARRAY_PARAM_OFFSET as internal.

The Connection::ARRAY_PARAM_OFFSET constant has been marked as internal. It will be removed in 4.0.

Deprecated using NULL as prepared statement parameter type.

Omit the type or use ParameterType::STRING instead.

Deprecated passing asset names as assets in AbstractPlatform and AbstractSchemaManager methods.

Passing assets to the following AbstractPlatform methods and parameters has been deprecated:

  1. The $table parameter of getDropTableSQL(),
  2. The $table parameter of getDropTemporaryTableSQL(),
  3. The $index and $table parameters of getDropIndexSQL(),
  4. The $constraint and $table parameters of getDropConstraintSQL(),
  5. The $foreignKey and $table parameters of getDropForeignKeySQL(),
  6. The $sequence parameter of getDropSequenceSQL(),
  7. The $table parameter of getCreateConstraintSQL(),
  8. The $table parameter of getCreatePrimaryKeySQL(),
  9. The $table parameter of getCreateForeignKeySQL().

Passing assets to the following AbstractSchemaManager methods and parameters has been deprecated:

  1. The $index and $table parameters of dropIndex(),
  2. The $table parameter of dropConstraint(),
  3. The $foreignKey and $table parameters of dropForeignKey().

Pass a string representing the quoted asset name instead.

Marked AbstractPlatform methods as internal.

The following methods have been marked internal as they are not designed to be used from outside the platform classes:

  1. getAdvancedForeignKeyOptionsSQL(),
  2. getColumnCharsetDeclarationSQL(),
  3. getColumnCollationDeclarationSQL(),
  4. getColumnDeclarationSQL(),
  5. getCommentOnColumnSQL(),
  6. getDefaultValueDeclarationSQL(),
  7. getForeignKeyDeclarationSQL(),
  8. getForeignKeyReferentialActionSQL(),
  9. getIndexDeclarationSQL(),
  10. getInlineColumnCommentSQL(),
  11. supportsColumnCollation(),
  12. supportsCommentOnStatement(),
  13. supportsInlineColumnComments(),
  14. supportsPartialIndexes().

Deprecated internal AbstractPlatform methods.

The following methods have been deprecated as they do not represent any platform-level abstraction:

  1. getCustomTypeDeclarationSQL(),
  2. getIndexFieldDeclarationListSQL(),
  3. getColumnsFieldDeclarationListSQL().

Deprecated AbstractPlatform methods.

  1. usesSequenceEmulatedIdentityColumns() and getIdentitySequenceName() have been deprecated since the fact of emulation of identity columns and the underlying sequence name are internal platform-specific implementation details.
  2. getDefaultSchemaName() has been deprecated since it's not used to implement any of the portable APIs.
  3. supportsCreateDropDatabase() has been deprecated. Try calling AbstractSchemaManager::createDatabase and/or ::dropDatabase() to see if the corresponding operations are supported by the current database platform or implement conditional logic based on the platform class name.

Deprecated SqlitePlatform::getTinyIntTypeDeclarationSQL() and ::getMediumIntTypeDeclarationSQL() methods.

The methods have been deprecated since they are implemented only by the SQLite platform, and the column types they implement are not portable across the rest of the supported platforms.

Use SqlitePlatform::getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSQL() and ::getIntegerTypeDeclarationSQL() respectively instead.

Deprecated NULL schema asset filter.

Not passing an argument to Configuration::setSchemaAssetsFilter() and passing NULL as the value of $callable has been deprecated. In order to disable filtering, pass a callable that always returns true.

Deprecated custom schema options.

Custom schema options have been deprecated since they effectively duplicate the functionality of platform options.

The following Column class properties and methods have been deprecated:

  • $_customSchemaOptions,
  • setCustomSchemaOption(),
  • hasCustomSchemaOption(),
  • getCustomSchemaOption(),
  • setCustomSchemaOptions(),
  • getCustomSchemaOptions().

Use platform options instead.

Deprecated array and object column types.

The array and object column types have been deprecated since they use PHP built-in serialization. Without additional configuration, which the API of these types doesn't allow, the usage of built-in serialization may lead to security issues.

The following classes and constants have been deprecated:

  • ArrayType,
  • ObjectType,
  • Types::ARRAY,
  • Types::OBJECT.

Use JSON for storing unstructured data.

Deprecated Driver::getSchemaManager().

The Driver::getSchemaManager() method has been deprecated. Use AbstractPlatform::createSchemaManager() instead.

Deprecated ConsolerRunner.

The ConsoleRunner class has been deprecated. Use Symfony Console documentation to bootstrap a command-line application.

Deprecated Visitor interfaces and visit() methods on schema objects.

The following interfaces and classes have been deprecated:

  1. Visitor,
  2. NamespaceVisitor,
  3. AbstractVisitor.

The following methods have been deprecated:

  1. Schema::visit(),
  2. Table::visit(),
  3. Sequence::visit().

Instead of having schema objects call the visitor API, call the API of the schema objects.

Deprecated removal of namespaced assets from schema.

The RemoveNamespacedAssets schema visitor and the usage of namespaced database object names with the platforms that don't support them have been deprecated.

Deprecated the functionality of checking schema for the usage of reserved keywords.

The following components have been deprecated:

  1. The dbal:reserved-words console command.
  2. The ReservedWordsCommand and ReservedKeywordsValidator classes.
  3. The KeywordList::getName() method.

Use the documentation on the used database platform(s) instead.

Deprecated CreateSchemaSqlCollector and DropSchemaSqlCollector.

The CreateSchemaSqlCollector and DropSchemaSqlCollector classes have been deprecated in favor of CreateSchemaObjectsSQLBuilder and DropSchemaObjectsSQLBuilder respectively.

Deprecated calling AbstractPlatform::getCreateTableSQL() with any of the CREATE_INDEXES and CREATE_FOREIGNKEYS

flags unset.

Not setting the CREATE_FOREIGNKEYS flag and unsetting the CREATE_INDEXES flag when calling AbstractPlatform::getCreateTableSQL() has been deprecated. The table should be always created with indexes. In order to build the statements that create multiple tables referencing each other via foreign keys, use AbstractPlatform::getCreateTablesSQL().

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::supportsForeignKeyConstraints().

The AbstractPlatform::supportsForeignKeyConstraints() method has been deprecated. All platforms should support foreign key constraints.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::supportsForeignKeyConstraints().

Relying on the DBAL not generating DDL for foreign keys on MySQL engines other than InnoDB is deprecated. Define foreign key constraints only if they are necessary.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform methods exposing quote characters.

The AbstractPlatform::getStringLiteralQuoteCharacter() and ::getIdentifierQuoteCharacter() methods have been deprecated. Use ::quoteStringLiteral() and ::quoteIdentifier() to quote string literals and identifiers respectively.

Deprecated AbstractSchemaManager::getDatabasePlatform()

The AbstractSchemaManager::getDatabasePlatform() method has been deprecated. Use Connection::getDatabasePlatform() instead.

Deprecated passing date interval parameters as integer.

Passing date interval parameters to the following AbstractPlatform methods as integer has been deprecated:

  • the $seconds argument in ::getDateAddSecondsExpression(),
  • the $seconds parameter in ::getDateSubSecondsExpression(),
  • the $minutes parameter in ::getDateAddMinutesExpression(),
  • the $minutes parameter in ::getDateSubMinutesExpression(),
  • the $hours parameter in ::getDateAddHourExpression(),
  • the $hours parameter in ::getDateAddHourExpression(),
  • the $days parameter in ::getDateAddDaysExpression(),
  • the $days parameter in ::getDateSubDaysExpression(),
  • the $weeks parameter in ::getDateAddWeeksExpression(),
  • the $weeks parameter in ::getDateSubWeeksExpression(),
  • the $months parameter in ::getDateAddMonthExpression(),
  • the $months parameter in ::getDateSubMonthExpression(),
  • the $quarters parameter in ::getDateAddQuartersExpression(),
  • the $quarters parameter in ::getDateSubQuartersExpression(),
  • the $years parameter in ::getDateAddYearsExpression(),
  • the $years parameter in ::getDateSubYearsExpression().

Use the strings representing numeric SQL literals instead (e.g. '1' instead of 1).

Deprecated transaction nesting without savepoints

Starting a transaction inside another transaction with Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::beginTransaction() without enabling transaction nesting with savepoints beforehand is deprecated.

Transaction nesting with savepoints can be enabled with $connection->setNestTransactionsWithSavepoints(true);

In case your platform does not support savepoints, you will have to rework your application logic so as to avoid nested transaction blocks.

Added runtime deprecations for the default string column length.

In addition to the formal deprecation introduced in DBAL 3.2, the library will now emit a deprecation message at runtime if the string or binary column length is omitted, but it's required by the target database platform.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL()

The AbstractPlatform::getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL() method has been deprecated. Use AbstractPlatform::getStringTypeDeclarationSQL() instead.

Deprecated $database parameter of AbstractSchemaManager::list*() methods

Passing $database to the following methods has been deprecated:

  • AbstractSchemaManager::listSequences(),
  • AbstractSchemaManager::listTableColumns(),
  • AbstractSchemaManager::listTableForeignKeys().

Only introspection of the current database will be supported in DBAL 4.0.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform schema introspection methods

The following schema introspection methods have been deprecated:

  • AbstractPlatform::getListTablesSQL(),
  • AbstractPlatform::getListTableColumnsSQL(),
  • AbstractPlatform::getListTableIndexesSQL(),
  • AbstractPlatform::getListTableForeignKeysSQL().

AbstractPlatform schema introspection methods made internal

The following schema introspection methods have been marked as internal:

  • AbstractPlatform::getListDatabasesSQL(),
  • AbstractPlatform::getListSequencesSQL(),
  • AbstractPlatform::getListViewsSQL().

The queries used for schema introspection are an internal implementation detail of the DBAL.

Deprecated collate option for MySQL

This undocumented option is deprecated in favor of collation.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::getListTableConstraintsSQL()

This method is unused by the DBAL since 2.0.

Deprecated Type::getName()

This method is not useful for the DBAL anymore, and will be removed in 4.0. As a consequence, depending on the name of a type being json for jsonb to be used for the Postgres platform is deprecated in favor of extending Doctrine\DBAL\Types\JsonType.

You can use Type::getTypeRegistry()->lookupName($type) instead.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::getColumnComment(), AbstractPlatform::getDoctrineTypeComment(),

AbstractPlatform::hasNative*Type() and Type::requiresSQLCommentHint()

DBAL no longer needs column comments to ensure proper diffing. Note that all the methods should probably have been marked as internal as these comments were an implementation detail of the DBAL.

Upgrade to 3.3

Deprecated Type::canRequireSQLConversion().

Consumers should call Type::convertToDatabaseValueSQL() and Type::convertToPHPValueSQL() regardless of the type.

Deprecated the doctrine-dbal binary.

The documentation explains how the console tools can be bootstrapped for standalone usage.

The method ConsoleRunner::printCliConfigTemplate() is deprecated because it was only useful in the context of the doctrine-dbal binary.

Deprecated the Graphviz visitor.

This class is not part of the database abstraction provided by the library and will be removed in DBAL 4.

Deprecated the --depth option of RunSqlCommand.

This option does not have any effect anymore and will be removed in DBAL 4.

Deprecated platform "commented type" API

Since Type::requiresSQLCommentTypeHint() already allows determining whether a type should result in SQL columns with a type hint in their comments, the following methods are deprecated:

  • AbstractPlatform::isCommentedDoctrineType()
  • AbstractPlatform::initializeCommentedDoctrineTypes()
  • AbstractPlatform::markDoctrineTypeCommented()

The protected property AbstractPlatform::$doctrineTypeComments is deprecated as well.

Deprecated support for IBM DB2 10.5 and older

IBM DB2 10.5 and older won't be supported in DBAL 4. Consider upgrading to IBM DB2 11.1 or later.

Deprecated support for Oracle 12c ( and older

Oracle 12c ( won't be supported in DBAL 4. Consider upgrading to Oracle 18c ( or later.

Deprecated support for MariaDB 10.2.6 and older

MariaDB 10.2.6 and older won't be supported in DBAL 4. Consider upgrading to MariaDB 10.2.7 or later. The following classes have been deprecated:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MariaDb1027Platform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\MariaDb102Keywords

Deprecated support for MySQL 5.6 and older

MySQL 5.6 and older won't be actively supported in DBAL 4. Consider upgrading to MySQL 5.7 or later. The following classes have been deprecated:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL57Platform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\MySQL57Keywords

Deprecated support for Postgres 9

Postgres 9 won't be actively supported in DBAL 4. Consider upgrading to Postgres 10 or later. The following classes have been deprecated:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQL100Platform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\PostgreSQL100Keywords

Deprecated Connection::getWrappedConnection(), Connection::connect() made @internal.

The wrapper-level Connection::getWrappedConnection() method has been deprecated. Use Connection::getNativeConnection() to access the native connection.

The Connection::connect() method has been marked internal. It will be marked protected in DBAL 4.0.

Add Connection::getNativeConnection()

Driver and middleware connections need to implement a new method getNativeConnection() that gives access to the native database connection. Not doing so is deprecated.

Deprecate accessors for the native connection in favor of getNativeConnection()

The following methods have been deprecated:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Connection::getWrappedConnection()
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\SQLSrv\Connection::getWrappedConnection()
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Mysqli\Connection::getWrappedResourceHandle()

Call getNativeConnection() to access the underlying PDO or MySQLi connection.

Upgrade to 3.2

Minor BC Break: using cache keys with characters reserved by psr/cache

We have been working on phasing out doctrine/cache, and 3.2.0 allows to use psr/cache instead. To help calling our own internal APIs in a unified way, we also wrap doctrine/cache implementations with a psr/cache adapter. Using cache keys containing characters reserved by psr/cache will result in an exception. The characters are the following: {}()/\@.

Deprecated SQLLogger and its implementations.

The SQLLogger and its implementations DebugStack and LoggerChain have been deprecated. For logging purposes, use Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\Middleware instead. No replacement for DebugStack is provided.

The Configuration methods getSQLLogger() and setSQLLogger() have been deprecated as well.

Deprecated SqliteSchemaManager::createDatabase() and dropDatabase() methods.

The SqliteSchemaManager::createDatabase() and dropDatabase() methods have been deprecated. The SQLite engine will create the database file automatically. In order to delete the database file, use the filesystem.

Deprecated AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreate*() and ::tryMethod() methods.

The following AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreate*() methods have been deprecated:

  1. AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreateConstraint(). Use AbstractSchemaManager::dropIndex() and AbstractSchemaManager::createIndex(), AbstractSchemaManager::dropForeignKey() and AbstractSchemaManager::createForeignKey() or AbstractSchemaManager::dropUniqueConstraint() and AbstractSchemaManager::createUniqueConstraint() instead.
  2. AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreateIndex(). Use AbstractSchemaManager::dropIndex() and AbstractSchemaManager::createIndex() instead.
  3. AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreateForeignKey(). Use AbstractSchemaManager::dropForeignKey() and AbstractSchemaManager::createForeignKey() instead.
  4. AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreateSequence(). Use AbstractSchemaManager::dropSequence() and AbstractSchemaManager::createSequence() instead.
  5. AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreateTable(). Use AbstractSchemaManager::dropTable() and AbstractSchemaManager::createTable() instead.
  6. AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreateDatabase(). Use AbstractSchemaManager::dropDatabase() and AbstractSchemaManager::createDatabase() instead.
  7. AbstractSchemaManager::dropAndCreateView(). Use AbstractSchemaManager::dropView() and AbstractSchemaManager::createView() instead.

The AbstractSchemaManager::tryMethod() method has been also deprecated.

Deprecated AbstractSchemaManager::getSchemaSearchPaths().

  1. The AbstractSchemaManager::getSchemaSearchPaths() method has been deprecated.
  2. Relying on AbstractSchemaManager::createSchemaConfig() populating the schema name for those database platforms that don't support schemas (currently, all except for PostgreSQL) is deprecated.
  3. Relying on Schema using "public" as the default name is deprecated.

Deprecated AbstractAsset::getFullQualifiedName().

The AbstractAsset::getFullQualifiedName() method has been deprecated. Use ::getNamespaceName() and ::getName() instead.

Deprecated schema methods related to explicit foreign key indexes.

The following methods have been deprecated:

  • Schema::hasExplicitForeignKeyIndexes(),
  • SchemaConfig::hasExplicitForeignKeyIndexes(),
  • SchemaConfig::setExplicitForeignKeyIndexes().

Deprecated Schema::getTableNames().

The Schema::getTableNames() method has been deprecated. In order to obtain schema table names, use Schema::getTables() and call Table::getName() on the elements of the returned array.

Deprecated features of Schema::getTables()

Using the returned array keys as table names is deprecated. Retrieve the name from the table via Table::getName() instead. In order to retrieve a table by name, use Schema::getTable().

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::canEmulateSchemas().

The AbstractPlatform::canEmulateSchemas() method and the schema emulation implemented in the SQLite platform have been deprecated.

Deprecated udf* methods of the SQLitePlatform methods.

The following SQLServerPlatform methods have been deprecated in favor of their implementations in the UserDefinedFunctions class:

  • udfSqrt(),
  • udfMod(),
  • udfLocate().

SQLServerPlatform methods marked internal.

The following SQLServerPlatform methods have been marked internal:

  • getDefaultConstraintDeclarationSQL(),
  • getAddExtendedPropertySQL(),
  • getDropExtendedPropertySQL(),
  • getUpdateExtendedPropertySQL().

OraclePlatform methods marked internal.

The OraclePlatform::getCreateAutoincrementSql() and ::getDropAutoincrementSql() have been marked internal.

Deprecated OraclePlatform::assertValidIdentifier()

The OraclePlatform::assertValidIdentifier() method has been deprecated.

Deprecated features of Table::getColumns()

  1. Using the returned array keys as column names is deprecated. Retrieve the name from the column via Column::getName() instead. In order to retrieve a column by name, use Table::getColumn().
  2. Relying on the columns being sorted based on whether they belong to the primary key or a foreign key is deprecated. If necessary, maintain the column order explicitly.

Deprecated not passing the $fromColumn argument to the ColumnDiff constructor.

Not passing the $fromColumn argument to the ColumnDiff constructor is deprecated.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::getName()

Relying on the name of the platform is discouraged. To identify the platform, use its class name.

Deprecated versioned platform classes that represent the lowest supported version:

  1. PostgreSQL94Platform and PostgreSQL94Keywords. Use PostgreSQLPlatform and PostgreSQLKeywords instead.
  2. SQLServer2012Platform and SQLServer2012Keywords. Use SQLServerPlatform and SQLServerKeywords instead.

Deprecated schema comparison APIs that don't account for the current database connection and the database platform

  1. Instantiation of the Comparator class outside the DBAL is deprecated. Use SchemaManager::createComparator() to create the comparator specific to the current database connection and the database platform.
  2. The Schema::getMigrateFromSql() and ::getMigrateToSql() methods are deprecated. Compare the schemas using the connection-aware comparator and produce the SQL by passing the resulting diff to the target platform.

Deprecated driver-level APIs that don't take the server version into account.

The ServerInfoAwareConnection and VersionAwarePlatformDriver interfaces are deprecated. In the next major version, all drivers and driver connections will be required to implement the APIs aware of the server version.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::prefersIdentityColumns().

Whether to use identity columns should be decided by the application developer. For example, based on the set of supported database platforms.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::getNowExpression().

Relying on dates generated by the database is deprecated. Generate dates within the application.

Deprecated reference from ForeignKeyConstraint to its local (referencing) Table.

Reference from ForeignKeyConstraint to its local (referencing) Table is deprecated as well as the following methods:

  • setLocalTable(),
  • getLocalTable(),
  • getLocalTableName().

When a foreign key is used as part of the Table definition, the table should be used directly. When a foreign key is used as part of another collection (e.g. SchemaDiff), the collection should store the reference to the key's referencing table separately.

Deprecated redundant AbstractPlatform methods.

The following methods implement simple SQL fragments that don't vary across supported platforms. The SQL fragments implemented by these methods should be used as is:

  • getSqlCommentStartString(),
  • getSqlCommentEndString(),
  • getWildcards(),
  • getAvgExpression(),
  • getCountExpression(),
  • getMaxExpression(),
  • getMinExpression(),
  • getSumExpression(),
  • getMd5Expression(),
  • getSqrtExpression(),
  • getRoundExpression(),
  • getRtrimExpression(),
  • getLtrimExpression(),
  • getUpperExpression(),
  • getLowerExpression(),
  • getNotExpression(),
  • getIsNullExpression(),
  • getIsNotNullExpression(),
  • getBetweenExpression(),
  • getAcosExpression(),
  • getSinExpression(),
  • getPiExpression(),
  • getCosExpression(),
  • getTemporaryTableSQL(),
  • getUniqueFieldDeclarationSQL().

The getListUsersSQL() method is not implemented by any of the supported platforms.

The following methods describe the features consistently implemented across all the supported platforms:

  • supportsIndexes(),
  • supportsAlterTable(),
  • supportsTransactions(),
  • supportsPrimaryConstraints(),
  • supportsViews(),
  • supportsLimitOffset().

All 3rd-party platform implementations must implement the support for these features as well.

The supportsGettingAffectedRows() method describes a driver-level feature and does not belong to the Platform API.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform methods that describe the default and the maximum column lengths.

Relying on the default and the maximum column lengths provided by the DBAL is deprecated. The following AbstractPlatform methods and their implementations in specific platforms have been deprecated:

  • getCharMaxLength(),
  • getVarcharDefaultLength(),
  • getVarcharMaxLength(),
  • getBinaryDefaultLength(),
  • getBinaryMaxLength().

If required by the target platform(s), the column length should be specified based on the application logic.

Deprecated static calls to Comparator::compareSchemas($fromSchema, $toSchema)

The usage of Comparator::compareSchemas($fromSchema, $toSchema) statically is deprecated in order to provide a more consistent API.

Deprecated Comparator::compare($fromSchema, $toSchema)

The usage of Comparator::compare($fromSchema, $toSchema) is deprecated and replaced by Comparator::compareSchemas($fromSchema, $toSchema) in order to clarify the purpose of the method.

Deprecated Connection::lastInsertId($name)

The usage of Connection::lastInsertId() with a sequence name is deprecated as unsafe in scenarios with multiple concurrent connections. If a newly inserted row needs to be referenced, it is recommended to generate its identifier explicitly prior to insertion.

Introduction of PSR-6 for result caching

Instead of relying on the deprecated doctrine/cache library, a PSR-6 cache can now be used for result caching. The usage of Doctrine Cache is deprecated in favor of PSR-6. The following methods related to Doctrine Cache have been replaced with PSR-6 counterparts:

class old method new method
Configuration setResultCacheImpl() setResultCache()
Configuration getResultCacheImpl() getResultCache()
QueryCacheProfile setResultCacheDriver() setResultCache()
QueryCacheProfile getResultCacheDriver() getResultCache()

Upgrade to 3.1

Deprecated schema- and namespace-related methods

The usage of the following schema- and namespace-related methods is deprecated:

  • AbstractPlatform::getListNamespacesSQL(),
  • AbstractSchemaManager::listNamespaceNames(),
  • AbstractSchemaManager::getPortableNamespacesList(),
  • AbstractSchemaManager::getPortableNamespaceDefinition(),
  • PostgreSQLSchemaManager::getSchemaNames().

Use AbstractSchemaManager::listSchemaNames() instead.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager methods marked internal.

PostgreSQLSchemaManager::getExistingSchemaSearchPaths() and ::determineExistingSchemaSearchPaths() have been marked internal.

OracleSchemaManager methods marked internal.

OracleSchemaManager::dropAutoincrement() has been marked internal.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform::getReservedKeywordsClass()

Instead of implementing getReservedKeywordsClass(), AbstractPlatform subclasses should implement createReservedKeywordsList().

Deprecated ReservedWordsCommand::setKeywordListClass()

The usage of ReservedWordsCommand::setKeywordListClass() has been deprecated. To add or replace a keyword list, use setKeywordList() instead.

Deprecated $driverOptions argument of PDO\Statement::bindParam() and PDO\SQLSrv\Statement::bindParam()

The usage of the $driverOptions argument of PDO\Statement::bindParam() and PDO\SQLSrv\Statement::bindParam() is deprecated. To define parameter binding type as ASCII, BINARY or BLOB, use the corresponding ParameterType::* constant.

Deprecated Connection::$_schemaManager and Connection::getSchemaManager()

The usage of Connection::$_schemaManager and Connection::getSchemaManager() is deprecated. Use Connection::createSchemaManager() instead.

Deprecated Connection::$_expr and Connection::getExpressionBuilder()

The usage of Connection::$_expr and Connection::getExpressionBuilder() is deprecated. Use Connection::createExpressionBuilder() instead.

Deprecated QueryBuilder::execute()

The usage of QueryBuilder::execute() is deprecated. Use either QueryBuilder::executeQuery() or QueryBuilder::executeStatement(), depending on whether the queryBuilder is a query (SELECT) or a statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).

You might also consider the use of the new shortcut methods, such as:

  • fetchAllAssociative()
  • fetchAllAssociativeIndexed()
  • fetchAllKeyValue()
  • fetchAllNumeric()
  • fetchAssociative()
  • fetchFirstColumn()
  • fetchNumeric()
  • fetchOne()

Upgrade to 3.0

BC BREAK: leading colon in named parameter names not supported

The usage of the colon prefix when binding named parameters is no longer supported.

BC BREAK Doctrine\DBAL\Abstraction\Result removed

The Doctrine\DBAL\Abstraction\Result interface is removed. Use the Doctrine\DBAL\Result class instead.

BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getDefaultLength() removed

The Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getDefaultLength() method has been removed as it served no purpose.

BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException class renamed

The Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException class has been renamed to Doctrine\DBAL\Exception.

BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table constructor new parameter

Deprecated parameter $idGeneratorType removed and added a new parameter $uniqueConstraints. Constructor changed like so:

- __construct($name, array $columns = [], array $indexes = [], array $fkConstraints = [], $idGeneratorType = 0, array $options = [])
+ __construct($name, array $columns = [], array $indexes = [], array $uniqueConstraints = [], array $fkConstraints = [], array $options = [])

BC BREAK: change in the behavior of SchemaManager::dropDatabase()

When dropping a database, the DBAL no longer attempts to kill the client sessions that use the database. It's the responsibility of the operator to make sure that the database is not being used.

BC BREAK: removed Synchronizer package

The Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Synchronizer\SchemaSynchronizer interface and all its implementations have been removed.

BC BREAK: removed wrapper Connection methods

The following methods of the Connection class have been removed:

  1. query().
  2. exec().
  3. executeUpdate().

BC BREAK: Changes in the wrapper-level API ancestry

The wrapper-level Connection and Statement classes no longer implement the corresponding driver-level interfaces.

BC BREAK: Removed DBALException factory methods

The following factory methods of the DBALException class have been removed:

  1. DBALException::invalidPlatformSpecified().
  2. DBALException::invalidPdoInstance().

BC BREAK: PDO-based driver classes are moved under the PDO namespace

The following classes have been renamed:

  • PDOMySql\DriverPDO\MySQL\Driver
  • PDOOracle\DriverPDO\OCI\Driver
  • PDOPgSql\DriverPDO\PgSQL\Driver
  • PDOSqlite\DriverPDO\SQLite\Driver
  • PDOSqlsrv\DriverPDO\SQLSrv\Driver
  • PDOSqlsrv\ConnectionPDO\SQLSrv\Connection
  • PDOSqlsrv\StatementPDO\SQLSrv\Statement

BC BREAK: Changes schema manager instantiation.

  1. The $platform argument of all schema manager constructors is no longer optional.
  2. A new $platform argument has been added to the Driver::getSchemaManager() method.

BC BREAK: Changes in driver classes

  1. All implementations of the Driver interface have been made final.
  2. The PDO\Connection and PDO\Statement classes have been made final.
  3. The PDOSqlsrv\Connection and PDOSqlsrv\Statement classes have been made final and no longer extend the corresponding PDO classes.
  4. The SQLSrv\LastInsertId class has been made final.

BC BREAK: Changes in wrapper-level exceptions

DBALException::invalidTableName() has been replaced with the InvalidTableName class.

BC BREAK: Changes in driver-level exception handling

  1. The convertException() method has been removed from the Driver interface. The logic of exception conversion has been moved to the ExceptionConverter interface. The drivers now must implement the getExceptionConverter() method.
  2. The driverException() and driverExceptionDuringQuery() factory methods have been removed from the DBALException class.
  3. Non-driver exceptions (e.g. exceptions of type Error) are no longer wrapped in a DBALException.

BC BREAK: More driver-level methods are allowed to throw a Driver\Exception.

The following driver-level methods are allowed to throw a Driver\Exception:

  • Connection::prepare()
  • Connection::lastInsertId()
  • Connection::beginTransaction()
  • Connection::commit()
  • Connection::rollBack()
  • ServerInfoAwareConnection::getServerVersion()
  • Statement::bindParam()
  • Statement::bindValue()
  • Result::rowCount()
  • Result::columnCount()

The driver-level implementations of Connection::query() and Connection::exec() may no longer throw a DBALException.

The ExceptionConverterDriver interface is removed

All drivers must implement the convertException() method which is now part of the Driver interface.

The PingableConnection interface is removed

The functionality of pinging the server is no longer supported. Lost connections are now automatically reconnected by Doctrine internally.

BC BREAK: Deprecated driver-level classes and interfaces are removed.

  • AbstractDriverException
  • DriverException
  • PDOConnection
  • PDOException
  • PDOStatement
  • IBMDB2\DB2Connection
  • IBMDB2\DB2Driver
  • IBMDB2\DB2Exception
  • IBMDB2\DB2Statement
  • Mysqli\MysqliConnection
  • Mysqli\MysqliException
  • Mysqli\MysqliStatement
  • OCI8\OCI8Connection
  • OCI8\OCI8Exception
  • OCI8\OCI8Statement
  • SQLSrv\SQLSrvConnection
  • SQLSrv\SQLSrvException
  • SQLSrv\SQLSrvStatement

BC BREAK: ServerInfoAwareConnection::requiresQueryForServerVersion() is removed.

The ServerInfoAwareConnection::requiresQueryForServerVersion() method has been removed as an implementation detail which is the same for all supported drivers.

BC BREAK Changes in driver exceptions

  1. The Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\DriverException::getErrorCode() method is removed. In order to obtain the driver error code, please use ::getCode() or ::getSQLState().
  2. The value returned by Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException::getSQLState() no longer falls back to the driver error code.

BC BREAK: Changes in OracleSchemaManager::createDatabase()

The $database argument is no longer nullable or optional.

BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::__toString() removed

Relying on string representation was discouraged and has been removed.

BC BREAK: Changes in the Doctrine\DBAL\Schema API

  • Removed unused method Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\AbstractSchemaManager::_getPortableFunctionsList()
  • Removed unused method Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\AbstractSchemaManager::_getPortableFunctionDefinition()
  • Removed unused method Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\OracleSchemaManager::_getPortableFunctionDefinition()
  • Removed unused method Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SqliteSchemaManager::_getPortableTableIndexDefinition()

BC BREAK: Removed support for DB-generated UUIDs

The support for DB-generated UUIDs was removed as non-portable. Please generate UUIDs on the application side (e.g. using ramsey/uuid).

BC BREAK: Changes in the Doctrine\DBAL\Connection API

  • The following methods have been removed as leaking internal implementation details: ::getHost(), ::getPort(), ::getUsername(), ::getPassword().

BC BREAK: Changes in the Doctrine\DBAL\Event API

  • ConnectionEventArgs::getDriver(), ::getDatabasePlatform() and ::getSchemaManager() methods have been removed. The connection information can be obtained from the connection which is available via ::getConnection().
  • SchemaColumnDefinitionEventArgs::getDatabasePlatform() and SchemaIndexDefinitionEventArgs::getDatabasePlatform() have been removed for the same reason as above.

BC BREAK: Changes in obtaining the currently selected database name

  • The Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getDatabase() method has been removed. Please use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::getDatabase() instead.
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::getDatabase() will always return the name of the database currently connected to, regardless of the configuration parameters and will initialize a database connection if it's not yet established.
  • A call to Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::getDatabase(), when connected to an SQLite database, will no longer return the database file path.

BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getName() removed

The Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getName() has been removed.

BC BREAK Removed previously deprecated features

  • Removed json_array type and all associated hacks.
  • Removed Connection::TRANSACTION_* constants.
  • Removed AbstractPlatform::DATE_INTERVAL_UNIT_* and AbstractPlatform::TRIM_* constants.
  • Removed AbstractPlatform::getSQLResultCasing(), ::prefersSequences() and ::supportsForeignKeyOnUpdate() methods.
  • Removed PostgreSqlPlatform::getDisallowDatabaseConnectionsSQL() and ::getCloseActiveDatabaseConnectionsSQL() methods.
  • Removed MysqlSessionInit listener.
  • Removed MySQLPlatform::getCollationFieldDeclaration().
  • Removed AbstractPlatform::getIdentityColumnNullInsertSQL().
  • Removed AbstractPlatform::fixSchemaElementName().
  • Removed Table::addUnnamedForeignKeyConstraint() and Table::addNamedForeignKeyConstraint().
  • Removed Table::renameColumn().
  • Removed SQLParserUtils::getPlaceholderPositions().
  • Removed LoggerChain::addLogger.
  • Removed AbstractSchemaManager::getFilterSchemaAssetsExpression(), Configuration::getFilterSchemaAssetsExpression() and Configuration::getFilterSchemaAssetsExpression().
  • SQLParserUtils::*_TOKEN constants made private.

BC BREAK changes the Driver::connect() signature

The method no longer accepts the $username, $password and $driverOptions arguments. The corresponding values are expected to be passed as the "user", "password" and "driver_options" keys of the $params argument respectively.

Removed MasterSlaveConnection

This class was deprecated in favor of PrimaryReadReplicaConnection

BC BREAK: Changes in the portability layer

  1. The platform-specific portability constants (Portability\Connection::PORTABILITY_{PLATFORM}) were internal implementation details which are no longer relevant.
  2. The Portability\Connection class no longer extends the DBAL Connection.
  3. The Portability\Class class has been made final.

BC BREAK changes in fetching statement results

  1. The Statement interface no longer extends ResultStatement.
  2. The ResultStatement interface has been renamed to Result.
  3. Instead of returning bool, Statement::execute() now returns a Result that should be used for fetching the result data and metadata.
  4. The functionality previously available via Statement::closeCursor() is now available via Result::free(). The behavior of fetching data from a freed result is no longer portable. In this case, some drivers will return false while others may throw an exception.

Additional related changes:

  1. The ArrayStatement and ResultCacheStatement classes from the Cache package have been renamed to ArrayResult and CachingResult respectively and marked @internal.

BC BREAK Statement::rowCount() is moved.

Statement::rowCount() has been moved to the ResultStatement interface where it belongs by definition.

Removed FetchMode and the corresponding methods

  1. The FetchMode class and the setFetchMode() method of the Connection and Statement interfaces are removed.
  2. The Statement::fetch() method is replaced with fetchNumeric(), fetchAssociative() and fetchOne().
  3. The Statement::fetchAll() method is replaced with fetchAllNumeric(), fetchAllAssociative() and fetchColumn().
  4. The Statement::fetchColumn() method is replaced with fetchOne().
  5. The Connection::fetchArray() and fetchAssoc() methods are replaced with fetchNumeric() and fetchAssociative() respectively.
  6. The StatementIterator class is removed. The usage of a Statement object as Traversable is no longer possible. Use iterateNumeric(), iterateAssociative() and iterateColumn() instead.
  7. Fetching data in mixed mode (former FetchMode::MIXED) is no longer possible.

BC BREAK: Dropped handling of one-based numeric arrays of parameters in Statement::execute()

The statement implementations no longer detect whether $params is a zero- or one-based array. A zero-based numeric array is expected.

BC BREAK Statement::project() has been removed

  • The Statement::project() method has been removed. Use ::executeQuery() and fetch the data from the statement using one of the Statement::fetch*() methods instead.

BC BREAK ::errorCode() and ::errorInfo() removed from Connection and Statement APIs

The error information is available in DriverException thrown in case of an error.

BC BREAK: Dropped support for FetchMode::CUSTOM_OBJECT and ::STANDARD_OBJECT

Instead of fetching an object, fetch an array and map it to an object of the desired class.

BC BREAK: Dropped support for the $columnIndex argument in ResultStatement::fetchColumn(), other ResultStatement::fetch*() methods invoked with FetchMode::COLUMN and Connection::fetchColumn().

In order to fetch a column with an index other than 0, use FetchMode::NUMERIC and the array element with the corresponding index.

BC BREAK: Removed EchoSQLLogger

EchoSQLLogger is no longer available as part of the package.

BC BREAK: Removed support for SQL Anywhere

The support for the SQL Anywhere database platform and the corresponding driver has been removed.

BC BREAK: Removed support for PostgreSQL 9.3 and older

DBAL now requires PostgreSQL 9.4 or newer, support for unmaintained versions has been dropped. If you are using any of the legacy versions, you have to upgrade to a newer PostgreSQL version (9.6+ is recommended).

The following classes have been removed:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSqlPlatform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQL91Platform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQL92Platform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\PostgreSQLKeywords
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\PostgreSQL91Keywords
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\PostgreSQL92Keywords

BC BREAK: Removed support for MariaDB 10.0 and older

DBAL now requires MariaDB 10.1 or newer, support for unmaintained versions has been dropped. If you are using any of the legacy versions, you have to upgrade to a newer MariaDB version (10.1+ is recommended).

BC BREAK: The ServerInfoAwareConnection interface now extends Connection

All implementations of the ServerInfoAwareConnection interface have to implement the methods defined in the Connection interface as well.

BC BREAK: VersionAwarePlatformDriver interface now extends Driver

All implementations of the VersionAwarePlatformDriver interface have to implement the methods defined in the Driver interface as well.

BC BREAK: Removed MsSQLKeywords class

The Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MsSQLKeywords class has been removed. Please use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform instead.

BC BREAK: Removed PDO DB2 driver

This PDO-based IBM DB2 driver (built on top of pdo_ibm extension) has already been unsupported as of 2.5, it has been now removed.

The following class has been removed:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOIbm\Driver

BC BREAK: Removed support for SQL Server 2008 and older

DBAL now requires SQL Server 2012 or newer, support for unmaintained versions has been dropped. If you are using any of the legacy versions, you have to upgrade to a newer SQL Server version.

The following classes have been removed:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServer2005Platform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServer2008Platform
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\SQLServerKeywords
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\SQLServer2005Keywords
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\Keywords\SQLServer2008Keywords

The AbstractSQLServerDriver class and its subclasses no longer implement the VersionAwarePlatformDriver interface.

BC BREAK: Removed Doctrine\DBAL\Version

The Doctrine\DBAL\Version class is no longer available: please refrain from checking the DBAL version at runtime.

BC BREAK User-provided PDO instance is no longer supported

In order to share the same PDO instances between DBAL and other components, initialize the connection in DBAL and access it using Connection::getWrappedConnection()->getWrappedConnection().

BC BREAK: the PDO symbols are no longer part of the DBAL API

  1. The support of PDO::PARAM_*, PDO::FETCH_*, PDO::CASE_* and PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT constants in the DBAL API is removed.
  2. \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection does not extend \PDO anymore. Please use \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection::getWrappedConnection() to access the underlying PDO object.
  3. \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement does not extend \PDOStatement anymore.


use Doctrine\DBAL\Portability\Connection;

$params = array(
    'wrapperClass' => Connection::class,
    'fetch_case' => PDO::CASE_LOWER,

$stmt->bindValue(1, 1, PDO::PARAM_INT);


use Doctrine\DBAL\ColumnCase;
use Doctrine\DBAL\FetchMode;
use Doctrine\DBAL\ParameterType;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Portability\Connection;

$params = array(
    'wrapperClass' => Connection::class,
    'fetch_case' => ColumnCase::LOWER,

$stmt->bindValue(1, 1, ParameterType::INTEGER);

BC BREAK: Removed Drizzle support

The Drizzle project is abandoned and is therefore not supported by Doctrine DBAL anymore.

BC BREAK: Removed dbal:import CLI command

The dbal:import CLI command has been removed since it only worked with PDO-based drivers by relying on a non-documented behavior of the extension, and it was impossible to make it work with other drivers. Please use other database client applications for import, e.g.:

  • For MySQL and MariaDB: mysql [dbname] < data.sql.
  • For PostgreSQL: psql [dbname] < data.sql.
  • For SQLite: sqlite3 /path/to/file.db < data.sql.

BC BREAK: Changed signature of ExceptionConverter::convert()


public function convert(string $message, Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception $exception): DriverException


public function convert(Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception $exception, ?Doctrine\DBAL\Query $query): DriverException

BC Break: The DriverException constructor is now internal

The constructor of Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException is now @internal.

BC Break: Configuration

  • all Configuration methods are now typed
  • Configuration::setSchemaAssetsFilter() now returns void
  • Configuration::$_attributes has been removed; use individual properties in subclasses instead