This DBM is Heavily copied from
- Voice cues
- Range Radar (Turns yellow if out of range but still may get hit)
- Disable cinematics
- Auto combat log fix every 2seconds
- Difficulty announce after doing /dbm pull
- Added new warnings and adjusted timers for Warmane-Icecrown realm.
- Details phasing compability
PS: All the features above can be disabled/reverted to the original dbm.
PS2: TTS can be turned off in general options or in boss options for specific ones.
PS3: There is no localization for added features.
Slow dps and stop dps special warnings at 40% and 30% corporeality
TTS voice cues =
- Debuff on you(ping)
- Cutter countdown
- Meteor countdown
- Slow dps(40%)
- Stop dps(30%)
TTS voice cues =
- Bone storm countdown
- Casting bone spike
Attempt to detect spirits target (not working until warmane fixes the spirits)
Remove druid buff before first mc/After getting mc
Auto weapons removal(Make a set with weapons and name it dps all lower case for reequip)
Timers adjusted
TTS voice cues =
- Dominate mind countdown
- Adds countdown
- Spirits spawn
- Auto equip call
- Auto unequip call
- Spirits on you
Beasts timer adjusted
TTS voice cues =
- Beasts countdown
- Beasts summon
- Call for vanish if mark is going to you (rogue only)
- Call for Shadowmeld if mark target (nightelf)
TTS voice cues =
- Gas spore on you
- Malleable countdown(WIP)
- Malleable goo summonn(WIP)
Changed timers for first choking/malleable of every phase
Timer for first green ooze in phase 1 adjusted.
TTS voice cues =
- Choking spawn
- Malleable goo spawn
- Ooze variable debuff
- Gas variable debuff
- 83 percent call
- 37 percent call
- Unstable experiment countdown
- Red ooze on you
Roleplay timer
Shadow Prison metronom to avoid any stacks (time your movements with the beeps)
TTS voice cues =
- Target switch countdown
- Near vortex call
- Flame orb on you
- Empowered vortex cast
TTS voice cues =
- Bite countdown
- Pact of the darkfallen on you
- Swarming shadow on you
TTS voice cues =
- Frost beacon on you
- High chilled to the bone stacks
- Unchained callout
- Frost breath countdown
- Blistering cold countdown
Fixed timers for first defile,soulreaper,infest of every phase
Removed useless timers when p3 starts
TTS voice cues =
- Shadow trap near you
- Infest cast
- Infest coundown
- Necrotic on you
- Necrotic countdown
- Shambling enrage countdown
- Raging countdown
- Defile countdown
- Defile on you
- Soulreaper countdown
- Soulreaper on you
- Valkyrs countdown
- Harvest soul countdown
PS: Defile,Soulreaper,infest,Harvest soul countdowns can overlap since they happen together alot. turn 2 on maximum(1 is probably the best)
- Fix every current function/timer, you can help me too by telling me whats not working/wrong or using this dbm and stream your Light of dawn or halion 25 hc run on twitch
- Add some more useful TTS calls, feel free to contact me for requests
- Fix the overlaps all together by shortening some TTS files
my discord: Pallitic#2129