This testnet will start with the node version v1.0.0-rc0
- 8-16GB RAM
- 100GB of disk space
- 2 cores
git clone
cd migaloo-chain
git checkout v1.0.0-rc0
make install
# Get node version (should be v1.0.0-rc0)
migalood version
# Get node long version (should be 78953dff50cf2f292a0f00eb6d7629531d86716d)
migalood version --long | grep commit
migalood init MONIKER --chain-id=narwhal-1
curl -s > ~/.migalood/config/genesis.json
Create wallet
migalood keys add KEY_NAME
Fund yourself 20000000uwhale
migalood add-genesis-account $(migalood keys show KEY_NAME -a) 20000000uwhale
Use half (10000000uwhale
) for self-delegation
migalood gentx KEY_NAME 10000000uwhale --chain-id=narwhal-1
If all goes well, you will see a message similar to the following:
Genesis transaction written to "/home/user/.migalood/config/gentx/gentx-******.json"
- Fork this repo
- Copy the generated gentx json file to
- Commit and push to your repo
- Create a PR on this repo