If you used the OpenStack provisioning playbook, the only accessible external ports will be SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and several OMERO ports on idr-proxy
For all administrative OMERO operations you will first need to SSH into idr-proxy
and/or set up a SSH tunnel for other ports and servers.
Any changes that do not involve manipulating the data stored in OMERO (such as changes to the OMERO.server and OMERO.web configuration) should be done by modifying the deployment playbooks to ensure they are included in future deployments.
There are two ways to access the production IDR:
- Nginx web proxy running on
- Back-end OMERO.web and OMERO.server running on
The IDR appears as a read-only resource to public users, so the Nginx proxy has a custom caching configuration that ignores any headers sent by the back-end OMERO.web. This should only be used for public web access, otherwise private tokens or views may inadvertently be cached.
This means if the back-end OMERO data is modified the cache may become stale.
A special cache-buster port 9000
is configured on idr-proxy
Any requests to this port will force a cache refresh.
For example:
ssh idr-proxy -L 9000:localhost:9000
And open http://localhost:9000. Due to the way OMERO.web redirects you may be redirected to a host without the port, in which case add the port back.
In the case of large screens this may lead to a significant slowdown of the server, though it does also show the importance of the cache.
You can force a complete refresh of the cache by removing everything under /var/cache/nginx/
WARNING: Never log in to OMERO.web on any idr-proxy port to prevent incorrect state being cached.
The read-only servers have a database statement timeout to prevent big queries from breaking the server.
If you need to cache a large response that exceeds this timeout you can use port 8009
on idr-proxy
If you SSH into these servers you will have full access to OMERO.server, including OMERO.web and the command-line client. If you need to login to OMERO you should always connect to these servers.
If you need to restart OMERO.server or OMERO.web, you must use systemctl
and not omero admin
or omero web
The number of idr-omeroreadonly*
servers may vary, check /etc/hosts
oni idr-proxy
for a full list of internal servers.
Every time a new version of the software that invalidates the Bio-Formats cache files is deployed, it will be necessary to regenerate these files ahead of time.
Bio-Formats cache files should be regenerated for each imported fileset. For large databases, this operation can be parallelized across the available OMERO servers (read-write and read-only).
Using the OMERO read-write server as the master node, the following commands
create a list of all remote servers, creates a local SSH key and copies it
across nodes to prevent PermissionsDenied
$ grep -oE 'omero[^ ]+$' /etc/hosts > nodes
$ ssh-keygen
$ for i in $(cat nodes); do ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa $i; done
Bio-Formats cache regeneration makes use of the OMERO.CLI render plugin. The plugin can be installed on each node as:
$ for i in $(cat nodes); do ssh $i 'pip install --user omero-cli-render'; done
The existing Bio-Formats cache can be moved from the read-write server as:
$ sudo rm -rf /data/BioFormatsCache/*
For very large databases with millions of filesets, it is preferable to
distribute the cache regeneration at the level of plates and datasets. The
following SQL will generate a file ids.txt
containing a list of all the
$ /opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/bin/omero login public@localhost -w public
$ /opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/bin/omero hql --limit -1 --ids-only --style csv 'select MIN(field.image.id) FROM WellSample AS field GROUP BY field.well.plate' > plates.txt
$ /opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/bin/omero hql --limit -1 --ids-only --style csv 'select d.id from Dataset d' > datasets.txt
$ cut -d ',' -f2 plates.txt | sed -e 's/^/Image:/' > ids.txt
$ cut -d ',' -f2 datasets.txt | sed -e 's/^/Dataset:/' >> ids.txt
The cache file regeneration can be started using the GNU parallel utility within a screen environment using the following command:
$ screen -dmS cache parallel --eta --sshloginfile nodes -a ids.txt --results /tmp/cache/ -j10 '/opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/bin/omero render -s localhost -u public -w public test --force'
If using a recent version of GNU parallel with the BDB-CSV module, it is possible to create a CSV output of the results:
$ screen -dmS cache parallel --eta --sshloginfile nodes -a ids.txt --results /tmp/cache/ --sqlandworker csv:////%2Ftmp%2Fcache.csv -j10 '/opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/bin/omero render -s localhost -u public -w public test --force'
The IDR has a well-defined separation between applications and data. The following directories contain data that must be backed up:
: The OMERO data directoryidr-database:/var/lib/pgsql
: The PostgreSQL data directory
The following directories are not essential but you may wish to also back them up:
: The front-end web cache (can be regenerated)
If you used the OpenStack provisioning playbook, these are all separate volumes that can be backed up using the OpenStack clients.
If you need to restore the IDR, it is sufficient to restore these directories into a clean Rocky Linux 9 server before running the deployment playbooks, which will take the existing data into account when installing the IDR. The OpenStack provisioning playbook includes optional parameters to specify existing volumes to be copied.
The public-facing IDR is read-only and we aim to minimize any downtime, so instead of upgrading the existing system the procedure for new releases involves cloning the existing server volumes into a new system:
- Ensure you have an unused floating IP.
- Run the OpenStack provisioning playbook with an alternative IDR environment parameter (
) and set the existing volumes as the source for the new volumes. - When you are ready to go live disassociate the floating IPs from the production and new deployments, and associate the previous production floating IP with the new deployment.
Changes to the live production server must be avoided where possible. If it is necessary to stop OMERO server or OMERO web, for isntance due to maintenance by the cloud provider, a maintenance page can be displayed for all OMERO.web requests. On idr-proxy create this flag file:
$ touch /srv/www/omero-maintenance.flag
When maintenance is complete:
$ rm /srv/www/omero-maintenance.flag