Install OpenGL::Modern, Image::PNG::Const, and Image::PNG::Libpng using cpan:
cpan OpenGL::Modern Image::PNG::Const Image::PNG::Libpng
Install GLM and Mocap-BVH following the instructions.
--start start_frame: which frame to start;
--floory floor_y: put the floory at y=floor_y;
-g, --geo geomerty_file: use geometry_file for geometry configuration;
--contact contact_file: visualize contacts in _contact_file;
--zmp zmp_file: visualize ZMP in zmp_file;
--sp support_polygon_file: visualize support polygons in support_polygon_file;
--extforce external_force_file: visualize external forces in external_force_file;
-w, --winsize wxh: set the window size at w by h;
--floorsize wxh: set the floor size at w by h;
--camera camera_file: use camera_file for camera configuration.