Angular-animate.css is no more. Angular.js 1.2 has totally reworked the animation module.
An example of how to use animate.css in your Angular (1.2+) projects can be found here:
Angular-animate.css WAS a collection of animation helpers for AngularJS (1.1.5) web apps.
Demo page is here:
First of, you'll need animate.css and angular (1.1.5). When that's done, include angular-animate[.min].css after animate.css into your project.
Animate.css -> AngularJS ->
More info on animation in AngularJS
Yearofmoo ->
Angular-animate is also available through bower:
bower install angular-animate.css
You can now animate the appropriate angular directives: e.g.
<div class="animated" ng-if="isVisible()" ng-animate="'fade'"></div>
This will trigger the fade animation on enter / show and leave / hide. If you only want fade on enter, you have to use
<div class="animated" ng-if="isVisible()" ng-animate="{enter: 'fade-enter'}"></div>
In and Out animations are combined, so if you use
<div class="animated" ng-if="isVisible()" ng-animate="'fadeUp'"></div>
This will trigger fadeInUp on enter and fadeOutUp on leave. If you want this differently (e.g. fadeOutDown on leave / hide), you'll have to define the enter and leave seperately.
<div class="animated" ng-if="isVisible()" ng-animate="'{enter: 'fadeUp-enter', leave: 'fadeDown-leave'}'"></div>
All of the animate.css animations are currently available.
flash bounce shake tada swing wobble wiggle pulse
flip flipInX flipOutX flipInY flipOutY
fadeIn fadeInUp fadeInDown fadeInLeft fadeInRight fadeInUpBig fadeInDownBig fadeInLeftBig fadeInRightBig
fadeOut fadeOutUp fadeOutDown fadeOutLeft fadeOutRight fadeOutUpBig fadeOutDownBig fadeOutLeftBig fadeOutRightBig
bounceIn bounceInDown bounceInUp bounceInLeft bounceInRight
bounceOut bounceOutDown bounceOutUp bounceOutLeft bounceOutRight
rotateIn rotateInDownLeft rotateInDownRight rotateInUpLeft rotateInUpRight
rotateOut rotateOutDownLeft rotateOutDownRight rotateOutUpLeft rotateOutUpRight
lightSpeedIn lightSpeedOut
hinge rollIn rollOut
- create a custom build
- daisy chaining of animations
- ...
- 2013-08-08: proper semver for bower
- 2013-07-11: v1.0.0 Bump to v1.0.0
- 2013-07-08: First public release