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All tutorials available on this page were created by Dr. Laura Boucheron of the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Mexico State University.
This information is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
A copy of the GNU General Public License can be viewed/downloaded at COPYING.txt or see
If working on a laptop (right click the links to download and save items in your working directory)
If working on the ARS Ceres HPC
navigate to your working directory, then:
curl -O -O -O
Day 1 notebook with answers:
Day 1 Zoom Recording
Recordings likely will NOT be available indefinitely. Please follow the link and download the video file to your local computer to guarantee your future access to the recording.
Day1 Part1 Zoom Recording from 7/26/2021 password: dS5B.3G# Zoom Chat part1 from 7/26/2021
Day1 Part2 Zoom Recording from 7/26/2021 password: dS5B.3G# Zoom Chat part2 from 7/26/2021
If working on a laptop
CalTech101 dataset 101_ObjectCategories.tar.gz (126 MB; follow the link to download)
CalTech101 dataset Annotations.tar (13 MB; follow the link to download)
Move the compressed image data folders to your working directory and unzip. Unzip using a terminal (e.g. Windows PowerShell) with tar -xvf filename
If working on the ARS Ceres HPC
navigate to your working directory, then:
curl -O
cp /project/shared_files/NMSU-AI-WORKSHOP/*.zip ./
unzip '*.zip'
Presentation slides
Day 2 notebook with answers:
Day 2 Zoom Recording
Recordings likely will NOT be available indefinitely. Please follow the link and download the video file to your local computer to guarantee your future access to the recording.
Day2 Part1 Zoom Recording from 7/27/2021 password: 9?x13i1M Zoom Chat part1 from 7/27/2021
Day2 Part2 Zoom Recording from 7/27/2021 password: 9?x13i1M Zoom Chat part2 from 7/27/2021
Make sure you have built the workshop Conda environment and then activate it (use the kernel) inside your Jupyter Notebook (use the instructions on the Before you Come page). You will not be able to run the Notebook for Day 3 if you haven't built and activated the workshop Conda environment successfully.
If working on a laptop
If working on the ARS Ceres HPC
navigate to your working directory, then:
curl -O
Presentation slides:
Day 3 notebook with answers:
Day 3 Zoom Recording
Recordings likely will NOT be available indefinitely. Please follow the link and download the video file to your local computer to guarantee your future access to the recording.
to be posted; There appears to be a problem with the Day 3 recordings as Zoom says they are still processing as of 9am on 8/2/2021. They will be posted if/when they become available.
For USDA folks and others with USDA eAuth, the Day 3 recordings from May 2021 can be found on the MS Stream Group "REE-ARS-SCINet-Media" Channel "Training & Workshops" (eAuth required). The Day 3 video has been split into 5 sections. Look for the series of videos titled "NMSU/USDA-ARS AI Workshop Day 3 Section X (05/26/2021)".
For those without eAuth, the only Day 3 videos we have available are from 10/23/2020:
Day3 Part1 Zoom Recording from 10/23/2020 password: [email protected]
Day3 Part2 Zoom Recording from 10/23/2020 password: [email protected]
If working on a laptop (right click the links to download and save to working directory)
If working on the ARS Ceres HPC
navigate to your working directory, then:
curl -O -O -O
Day 1 notebook with outputs/answers:
Day 1 Zoom Recording
Recordings likely will NOT be available indefinitely. Please follow the link and download the video file to your local computer to guarantee your future access to the recording.
Day1 Part1 Zoom Recording from 7/29/2021 password: T2Yx7Ww# Zoom Chat part1 from 7/29/2021
Day1 Part2 Zoom Recording from 7/29/2021 password: T2Yx7Ww# Zoom Chat part2 from 7/29/2021
If working on a laptop
Tutorial5_Advanced_DL_Networks_complete.ipynb (notebook with answers)
If working on the ARS Ceres HPC
navigate to your working directory, then:
curl -O
Day 2 Zoom Recording
Recordings likely will NOT be available indefinitely. Please follow the link and download the video file to your local computer to guarantee your future access to the recording.
Day2 Zoom Recording from 7/30/2021 password: =^eP7S=r Zoom Chat from 7/30/2021