I understand and advocate for Octopus users, and have a deep knowledge of the ecosystem Octopus lives in. I help shape the strategic direction for the Octopus product. I am passionate about building software that users love.
- I spend time listening to users, through various communication channels
- I take the time to understand the problems they are trying to solve
- I use data effectively to predict and report the success of delivered features
- I use the insight I gain about our users to improve the Octopus product
- I have a deep working knowledge of the software development lifecycle
- I spend time evaluating other tools in the ecosystem
- I understand Octopus's relative strengths and opportunities
- I use the insight I gain about our competitors to improve the Octopus product
- I am an information honey bee, helping all the teams at Octopus connect the dots
- I communicate clearly, in the right places, at the right times. That probably means I communicate a lot!
- I am passionate and persuasive when discussing product direction
- I help the marketing team to tell a compelling story
- I am influential in shaping pitches which progress the product in a direction which aligns with company strategy
- I help the development team to understand the level of polish required in different areas: i.e. minimal/viable/complete/lovable
- I am decisive, but always willing to listen. I have strong opinions, weakly held.
- I am valued by development teams, and help to deliver a higher quality product