diff --git a/games/REINCAR.yaml b/games/REINCAR.yaml index 56502a5d..6c6cfcb9 100644 --- a/games/REINCAR.yaml +++ b/games/REINCAR.yaml @@ -8,9 +8,13 @@ description: | ### What Have you planned for this project? For the technical side, I plan for this project to be something as high quality as i can make it, with most character's expression and poses being unique and non-reusable, with some of said expressions and some elements that'd id want to animate, if possible, with a good soundtrack that I'll commission from multiple artists i want to support! + Ideally, I'd want this project to have a visual rhythm similar to storyboards. + The story main points have already been written down and it will be divided into 3 tomes/books that'll each have 5 chapters. + When it comes to length, the demo will be around 8 to 10 minutes, and ideally each chapter would last around 90 to 120 minutes, and while im aware that it's prob not much compared to the standards of other visual novels, the goal is to have a polished, very detailed and visual experience that needs much more artwork than most visual novel projects, so with the amount of work being increased per scene, it's normal that the overall length of the experience is shortened to lessen the overall workload. + The project will not be updated bit by bit publicly, and public releases will only occur when a full chapter is finished. The 8-10 min demo is AVAILABLE diff --git a/games/l10n/zh-cn/REINCAR.yaml b/games/l10n/zh-cn/REINCAR.yaml index 3637f205..c7c5abd6 100644 --- a/games/l10n/zh-cn/REINCAR.yaml +++ b/games/l10n/zh-cn/REINCAR.yaml @@ -6,11 +6,15 @@ description: | ### 你对这个项目有什么计划? 在技术方面,我计划将这个项目打造成尽可能高质量的作品。大多数角色表情和姿势都将是独特且不可复用的,并且如果可能还会有一些我想要进行动画处理的表情和元素。同时还会有一部分优质的配乐,我将从多位艺术家那里委托创作! + 理想情况下,我希望这个项目在视觉节奏上类似于故事板。主要故事内容已经写好,并且将被分为三卷书,每卷书包含五章。 + 关于长度方面,演示版将持续约8到10分钟,而每章的理想时长应该在90到120分钟左右。虽然我意识到与其他视觉小说相比可能不算太长,但目标是打造一个精致、非常详细和视觉体验丰富的作品。因此需要比大多数视觉小说项目更多的艺术设计工作量,在每个场景中增加了工作量后,整体体验时间自然会缩短以减轻总体工作负担。 + 该项目不会逐步公开更新,并且只有当完整一章完成时才会进行公开发布。 8-10分钟的演示版现已可用。 + 最后,如果你希望支持这个项目并在经济上给予我帮助,请访问我的 Patreon 页面,在那里你可以获得各种回报,从在章节结尾字幕中展示你的名字到获取剧本和故事板等等! description-format: markdown