Conseil is a query API for the Tezos blockchain by Cryptonomic. TezosKit provides integration with Conseil to build more advanced queries.
Conseil functionality supports both Result
style completion blocks or a promises API (via PromiseKit).
Create a ConseilClient
that will connect to a remote Conseil service.
let apiKey = "a_conseil_api_key_"
let remoteNodeURL = URL(string: "https://conseil.instance.address")!
let conseilClient = ConseilClient(remoteNodeURL: remoteNodeURL, apiKey: apiKey, network: .alphanet)
Simply make a call to get originated accounts.
and completion blocks:
let conseilClent = ...
let address = "tz1iZEKy4LaAjnTmn2RuGDf2iqdAQKnRi8kY"
conseilClient.originatedAccounts(from: address) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let originatedAccounts):
print("Originated Accounts:")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error fetching originated accounts: \(error)")
Or using Promises:
let conseilClent = ...
let address = "tz1iZEKy4LaAjnTmn2RuGDf2iqdAQKnRi8kY"
conseilClient.originatedAccounts(from: address).done { result in
print("Originated Accounts:")
} .catch { error in
print("Error fetching originated accounts: \(error)")
Use the same style as originated accounts, above.
and completion blocks:
let conseilClent = ...
let address = "tz1iZEKy4LaAjnTmn2RuGDf2iqdAQKnRi8kY"
conseilClient.transactions(from: address) { result in
Or using Promises:
let conseilClent = ...
let address = "tz1iZEKy4LaAjnTmn2RuGDf2iqdAQKnRi8kY"
conseilClient.transactoins(from: address).done { result in
} .catch { error in
print("Error fetching transactions: \(error)")
Conseil provides advanced functionality that lets users complex queries that TezosKit may not serve out of the box. If you need to write a more advanced custom query, read on.
This documentation deals with specifics to TezosKit. If you want to know what is possible to query with Conseil, please read the Conseil Query API documentation.
will dutifully send along any RPC that subclasses ConseilQueryRPC
. You can subclass this object to create custom queries:
public class CustomQueryRPC: ConseilQueryRPC {
public init(...) {
And send queries to the ConseilClient, with either completion callbacks or promises
let conseilClent = ConseilClient(...)
let customQueryRPC = CustomQueryRPC(...)
// Either send with completion callbacks
conseilClient.send(customQueryRPC) { result in ... }
// Or with promises
conseilClient.send(customQueryRPC).done { result in ... }
Internally, your custom Query will need to build a dictionary that represents a JSON object that will make the query to Conseil.
TezosKit provides helper classes to build these queries. Specifically, you can use ConseilQuery
to get access to constants you need and helper funtions. ConseilQuery also provides public typealiases to make working with queries easier.
Here's how you could build a query that gets up to 100 transactions that are sent from addressA to addressB:
let accountA = "tz1iZEKy4LaAjnTmn2RuGDf2iqdAQKnRi8kY"
let accountB = "tz1NWfe5f11NTExNuHu8BmGgjDWT9bSsdL5R"
/// Three predicates:
/// (1) kind of transaction is an operation
/// (2) source account is accountA
/// (3) destination account is accountB
/// Note: ConseilPredicate is simply a typealias for [String: Any].
let predicates: [ConseilPredicate] = [
ConseilQuery.Predicates.predicateWith(field: "kind", set: ["transaction"]),
ConseilQuery.Predicates.predicateWith(field: "source", set: [accountA])
ConseilQuery.Predicates.predicateWith(field: "destination", set: [accountB])
/// Ordered by timestamp.
/// Note: Like ConseilPredicate, ConseilOrderBy is simply a typealias for [String: Any]
let orderBy = ConseilQuery.OrderBy.orderBy(field: "timestamp")
/// Bind up to a query.
/// Note: As above, ConseilQuery is also just a typealias for [String: Any]
let query = ConseilQuery.query(predicates: predicates, orderBy: orderBy, limit: 100)
Lastly, Conseil needs to know what entity it is querying. For instance, for originated accounts, the accounts
entity is queried. For sent transactions, the operations
entity is queried.
This entity is provided in the initializer of ConseilQueryRPC. Possible values are defined in the ConseilQuery enum.
Like all RPCs in TezosKit, responses are parsed using a class that inherits from AbstractResponseAdapter
. Response adapters will be called by TezosKit to parse the raw data returned from the RPC to the given type.
For more information, see the ResponseAdapter API Section of the TezosKit docs.
TezosKit provides integration tests for ConseilClient
to ensure that features are always working. To run the tests yourself, simply configure the ConseilURL
and API Key
in ConseilIntegrationTests.swift
and run the tests.