diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome.manifest b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome.manifest index 4466a29..4ae1f37 100644 --- a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome.manifest +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome.manifest @@ -17,26 +17,26 @@ resource kfmod modules/ # locales # commented out locales are not complete enough on Transifex locale keefox cs chrome/locale/cs/ -#locale keefox da chrome/locale/da/ +locale keefox da chrome/locale/da/ locale keefox de chrome/locale/de/ -#locale keefox el chrome/locale/el/ +locale keefox el chrome/locale/el/ locale keefox en-US chrome/locale/en-US/ locale keefox es-AR chrome/locale/es-AR/ #locale keefox es-ES chrome/locale/es-ES/ locale keefox fi chrome/locale/fi/ locale keefox fr chrome/locale/fr/ -#locale keefox hu chrome/locale/hu/ -#locale keefox it chrome/locale/it/ +locale keefox hu chrome/locale/hu/ +locale keefox it chrome/locale/it/ #locale keefox ja chrome/locale/ja/ -#locale keefox ko-KR chrome/locale/ko-KR/ -#locale keefox nb-NO chrome/locale/nb-NO/ +locale keefox ko-KR chrome/locale/ko-KR/ +locale keefox nb-NO chrome/locale/nb-NO/ locale keefox nl chrome/locale/nl/ -#locale keefox pl chrome/locale/pl/ -#locale keefox pt-BR chrome/locale/pt-BR/ -#locale keefox pt-PT chrome/locale/pt-PT/ -#locale keefox ro chrome/locale/ro/ +locale keefox pl chrome/locale/pl/ +locale keefox pt-BR chrome/locale/pt-BR/ +locale keefox pt-PT chrome/locale/pt-PT/ +locale keefox ro chrome/locale/ro/ locale keefox ru chrome/locale/ru/ locale keefox sv-SE chrome/locale/sv-SE/ -#locale keefox vi-VN chrome/locale/vi-VN/ +locale keefox vi-VN chrome/locale/vi-VN/ locale keefox zh-CN chrome/locale/zh-CN/ #locale keefox zh-TW chrome/locale/zh-TW/ diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/da/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/da/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..164a977 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/da/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox tilføjer gratis, sikker og brugervenlig håndtering af adgangskoder til Firefox, hvilket sparer din tid og holder dine private data sikre. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints og tips der vil være specielt brugbare for nye brugere af KeeFox, KeePass og adgangskode-manager software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=Du kan tilpasse din Firefox værktøjslinje (inklusiv den for KeeFox) ved at arrangere og skjule knapper og derved spare skærmplads. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Klik på den midterste musetast eller hold Ctrl nede og klik på poster i loginlisten for at åbne en ny fane, indlæs en webside og udfylde en login-formular med en enkelt klik. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Vær varsom med at udfylde loginformularer automatisk - det er bekvemmeligt, men en smule mere risikabelt end selv at klikke på login knappen. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=Teksten: "Logget ind" og "Logget ud" i KeeFox værktøjslinjen, indikerer om du er logget ind en in KeePass database. +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=Du kan tvinge specifikke poster til at have en højere prioritet end andre. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Få hurtig adgang til noter og andre data om posten ved at højreklikke på en login-post og vælge "Rediger post". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=Du kan have mere end en KeePass database åben på samme tid. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Nogle websider viser først deres login-formular efter siden er indlæst. Prøv "Detektér formularer" funktionen for at søge efter et matchende login. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generér sikre adgangskoder fra KeeFox knappen på værktøjslinken - Dette vil benytte de indstillinger de senest har benyttet til at generere en adgangskode med KeePass. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Dine KeePass poster kan benyttes i andre webbrowsere og programmer. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Selv velkendte websider får stjålet deres data en gang imellem; Beskyt dig selv ved at bruge en forskellig adgangskode for hver webside. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Venstre-klik på en post in loginlisten for at indlæse en webside i den aktive fane og automatisk udfylde og indsende et login med bare et klik. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Nogle websider er designet så de ikke fungerer med programmer som KeeFox, der automatisk udfylder adgangskoder. Læs mere om, hvordan du bedst få disse sider til at fungere. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Længere adgangskoder er ofte mere sikre en korte og komplicerede. ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" er en undtagelse fra denne regel!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source sikkerhedssoftware som KeePass og KeeFox er mere sikre end closed source alternativer. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=Hvis du har gamle KeePass poster uden webside-specifikke ikoner (favicons), kan du forsøge at bruge KeePass Favicon downloader plugin'et. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=Du kan konfigurere individuelle websider til at virke bedre med KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Tastatur genveje kan gøre det hurtigere at til gå mange af KeeFoxs features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox muligheder kan nu findes i din kontekst (højre muse-klik) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Sikkerhedsnotifikationer +security-description=Vigtige sikkerhedsnotifikationer som brugeren ikke burde ignorere hvis de ønsker fyld beskyttelse +security-default-title=KeeFox sikkerhedsadvarsel +security201201040000a-body=Denne version af KeeFox er meget gammel. Du bør installere en nyere version hvis det er muligt. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Vigtige beskeder +messages-description=Vigtige med sjældne notifikationer der kan være nyttige for KeeFox brugere +messages-help-keefox=Hjælp KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=Du har benyttet KeeFox i et stykke tid nu, så du kan hjælpe andre ved at skrive en positiv anmeldelse på Mozillas addons webside. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox samler annonymt statistik for at udberede fejl og forbedre din oplevelse. læs mere for at se hvilke data der bliver sendt og hvad du kan ændre. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/da/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/da/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4147014 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/da/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logget ind +loggedOut.label= Logget ud +launchKeePass.label= Start KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login i KeeFox +loggedIn.tip= Du er logget ind på din '%S' adgangskodedatabase +loggedInMultiple.tip=Du er logget ind på %S adgangskodedatabaser. '%S' er aktiv. +loggedOut.tip= Du er logget ud af din adgangskodedatabase (Den kan være låst) +launchKeePass.tip= Du skal starte KeePass og logge ind for at kunne bruge KeeFox. Klik her for at gøre det. +installKeeFox.label= Installér KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox skal installere nogle ekstra ting, før det kan fungere på din computer. Klik her for at gøre det. +noUsername.partial-tip= intet brugernavn +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Se alle logins i denne mappe. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login på %S med brugernavnet: %S. Højreklik for flere indstillinger. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Tom +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Denne mappe indeholder ingen logins +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S i %S gruppen (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Åbn min adgangskodedatabase (Start KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Start KeePass for at aktivere KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Åbn min adgangskodedatabase (Login i KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login i din KeePass database for at aktivere KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Du er ikke logget ind i din adgangskodedatabase. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Du er ikke logget in i din adgangskodedatabase. +rememberPassword= Brug KeeFox til at gemme denne adgangskode. +savePasswordText= Skal KeeFox gemme denne adgangskode? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Skal KeeFox gemme denne multi-side adgangskode? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Gem +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Gem i en gruppe +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Aldrig for denne side +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Ikke Nu +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Gem i en gruppe i '%S' databasen +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Gem i '%S' databasen + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Gem i '%S' databasen. Klik på den lille trekant for at gemme i en anden database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Gem i en gruppe i '%S' databasen. Klik på den lille trekant for at gemme i en anden database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Gem denne adgangskode i den valgte database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Gem denne adgangskode i en gruppe i den valgte database + +passwordChangeText= Vil du ændre den gemte adgangskode for %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Vil du ændre den gemte adgangskode for dette login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Skift +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Skift ikke +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Skift database +changeDBButton.tip= Skift til en anden KeePass database +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Skift database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Start KeePass for at aktivere denne feature +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Ingen database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= Der er ingen databaser i din liste over nyligt bennyttede KeePass databaser. Brug KeePass til at åbne din foretrukne database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Skift til %S databasen +autoFillWith.label= Auto-udfyld med +httpAuth.default= Du er logget ud af din adgangskodedatabase (den kan være låst) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Indlæser adgangskoder +httpAuth.noMatches= Fandt intet passende resultat +install.somethingsWrong= Noget gik galt +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Start venligst KeePass først. +generatePassword.copied= En ny adgangskode er kopieret til din udklipsholder. +loading= Indlæser +selectKeePassLocation= Fortæl KeeFox hvor KeePass findes +selectMonoLocation= Fortæl KeeFox hvor Mono findes +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Vælg en standard adgangskodedatabase +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Besked-nedhentning og visnings-indstillinger for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Nulstil konfiguration +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= Dette vil nulstille konfigurationen til hvordan den var efter du installerede %S. Dette vil kun påvirke besked-nedhentning og visnings-indstillinger for %S; andre indstillinger vil ikke ændres. Klik OK for at nulstille konfigurationen +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Frekvens for besked nedhentning (timer) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S vil regelmæssigt forbinde til internettet og hente sikre beskeder der vises i din browser. Det anbefales at der tjekkes meget ofte for at sikre at du bliver opmærksom på eventuelle sikkerhedsproblemer med det samme. Ændringer af denne indstilling vil først træde i kraft når Firefox er genstartet +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Vis %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maksimal frekvens for visning af beskeder (dage) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S vil regelmæssigt tjekke om beskeder fra denne gruppe skal vises. Denne indstilling begrænser hvor ofte beskeder som KeeFox vil vise, faktisk bliver vist på skærmen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Lær mere +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Gå til side +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donér nu +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Bedøm KeeFox nu +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Skift beskedindstillinger +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Vis ikke besked igen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= ADVARSEL: KeeFox logger dine adgangskoder! Hvis du ikke bevidst har aktiveret dette, bør du deaktivere det med det samme + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox loader... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox loader og laver nogle få opstartstests. Det burde ikke tage lang tid... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Klik for at se KeeFox menuen +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Ændr database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Vælg en anden KeePass password database. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detekter formularer +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Tving KeeFox til at omdirigere formularer op denne side. Dette er nødvendigt på et lille fåtal af hjemmesider. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generér ny adgangskode +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Henter en ny adgangskode fra KeePass ved brug af den seneste brugte adgangskode-generator profil, og kopierer den til din udklipsholder. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Indstillinger +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Vis og skift dine KeeFox indstillinger. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Se alle dine logins og log hurtigt ind på hjemmesider. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Redigér login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Slet login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Slet gruppe +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Redigér gruppe +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Gem i en gruppe... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Dette er en del af en multiside formular +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox hjælp. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Hjælp +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Besøg den online guide til at komme i gang. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Kom i gang +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Besøg det online hjælpecenter. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Hjælpecenter +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox indstillinger +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Vælg en gruppe +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Fortryd +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= O + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Installér KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Opdater KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox installationen kører allerede i en anden browser-tab. Hvis du kan finde den anden, luk venligst denne tab, og følg instruktionerne i den anden tab. Hvis du ikke kan finde den eksisterende tab, kan du forsøge at genstarte installationsprocessen ved at klikke op knappen herunder. Hvis det ikke virker, skal du måske genstarte Firefox for at fortsætte. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= Det ser ud til at KeeFox allerede er installeret. Hvis du har problemer med at få Firefox til at detektere at du er logget ind i en KeePass database, prøv forsigtigt (og midlertidigt!) at deaktivere sikkerhedssoftware på din computer (f.eks. firewalls, anti-spyware osv.) da dette en gang i mellem kan skabe problemer med KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Besøg venligst KeeFox hjemmesiden for mere hjælp +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= En uventet fejl opstod under KeeFox installationen. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Nedhentningen af en nødvendig komponent slog fejl. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= Nedhentningen af en nødvendig komponent blav afbrudt. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= En nedhentet komponent er i stykker. Forsøg igen og hvis du fortsat modtager denne besked, spørg om hjælp i supportforummet på http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Forsøg igen +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Afbryd + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox skal installere to andre komponenter - klik blot på knappen ovenfor for at komme i gang. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mere information og avancerede installationsindstillinger +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox skal installere KeePass Password Safe 2 for at opbevare dine adgangskoder sikkert. Klik på knappen ovenfor for en hurtig og nem installation med standardindstillinger. Klik på knappen nedenfor hvis du allerede har en kopi af KeePass Password Safe 2, gerne vil benytte en installationsfri udgave af KeePasse eller vil tage kontrol med installationsprocessen. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mere information og avancerede installationsindstillinger +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox skal installere to andre komponenter - klik blot p åknappen ovenfor for at komme i gang. Hvis du ikke kan give en administratoradgangskode til denne computer, må du bede din systemadministrator om hjælp. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mere information og avancerede installationsindstillinger +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox skal installere KeePass Password Safe 2 for at opbevare dine adgangskoder sikkert. Du vil blive spurgt hvor KeePass Password Safe 2 skal installeres, eller du kan vælge stien til en eksisterende installation (KeeFox kunne ikke finde en automatisk). OBS: KeeFox kan ikke altid automatisk installere sig selv korrekt på computere hvor du ikke har administrative rettigheder. Du får måske brug for at referere til online hjælp for at finde instruktioner til manuel installation, eller bede din systemadministrator om hjælp. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mere information og avancerede installationsindstillinger +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox bruger KeePass Password Safe 2 til at opbevare dine adgangskoder sikkert. Det er allerede installeret på din computer, men du skal måske give en administrator adgangskode for at KeeFox kan sammenkoble KeePass Password Safe 2 og Firefox korrekt. Hvis du ikke kan give en administrator adgangskode til denne computer kan du klikke nedenfor for andre muligheder. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Moere information og avancerede installationsindstillinger + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox vil installere Microsoft .NET frameworket og KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 er den adgangskode manager applikation som KeeFox benytter til at opbevare dine adgangskoder sikkert. Hvis du vil vælge hvor KeePass Password Safe 2 skal installeres, sproget eller avancerede installationsindstillinger, download og installer venligst .NET fra Microsofts hjemmeside og genstart derefter Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternativt kan du forsøge en manuel installation ved at følge disse trin: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Hent og installér .NET fra Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download og installér KeePass Password Safe 2 installationsfil eller ZIP fil fra http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Genstart Firefox for at vende tilbage til denne installationsside, for at det sidste trin kan gennemføres +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Ellers kopier manuelt KeePassRPC.plgx filen fra Firefox´s 'extensions' mappe (kig efter en undermappe kaldet 'deps') til KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins mappen. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Hvis du vil vælge hvor KeePass Password Safe 2 skal installeres, sproget eller andre avancerede oplysninger, skal du trykke på knappen herunder. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Installér KeePass for alle brugere og med fuld kontrol over processen +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= Hvis du vil installere den transportable version af KeePass til en specific destination (såsom et USB drev) kan du vælge destinationen herunder. Hvis KeePass Password Safe 2 allerede er installeret, benyt da venligst boksen herunder til at informere KeeFox om, hvor det er installeret. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Vælg KeePass Password Safe 2 installationsmappen +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Klik på ovenstående knap for at forbinde KeeFox med KeePass Password Safe 2. (Teknisk set installerer dette KeePassRPC plugin'et til KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Hvis du kender administrator kodeordet til denne computer kan du installere KeePass for alle brugere, ved at benytte en af indstillingerne herunder. Klik på knappen herunder hvis du vil vælge en specifik installationsmappe, et ikke-engelsk sprog, eller andre avancerede indstillinger. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Installér KeeFix for alle brugere +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= Du kan installere KeePass Password Safe 2 på et USB drev (eller et andet sted på din computer). Tryk bare på knappen herunder, men overvej at det måske kan være forvirrende at have to seperate installationer af KeePass Password Safe 2. Hvis det overhovedet er muligt, bør du installere KeeFox ved at trykke på knappen ovenover, og give administrator adgangskoden til computeren hvis det er nødvendigt. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Installér KeePass/KeePassRPC i en anden mappe + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= Filerne der skal bruges til at installere KeeFox bliver downloadet... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download er færdig. Følg venligst instruktionerne i .NET installationen der åbner om et øjeblik... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 bliver downloadet... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download er færdig. Følg venligst instruktionerne i installationen der starter nu... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Næsten færdig... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= Filerne der skal bruges til at installere KeeFox bliver downloadet... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download er færdig. Vent venligst... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Næsten færdig... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Næsten færdig... Du vil måske blive spurgt om du vil køre en eksekvérbar fil 'KeePassRPCCopier.exe' der vil udføre det sidste installationstrin automatisk. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= Filerne der skal bruges til at installere KeeFox bliver downloadet... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download er færdig. Vent venligst... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Næsten færdig... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFoc vil nu forbinde til KeePass. Indenfor 30 sekunder vil du blive bedt omat a sikre forbindelsen ved at skrive et midlertidligt password. Når det er gjort, vil KeeFox knappen på toolbaren skifte fra grå til farvet. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Prøv at følge disse trin for at komme i gang med at bruge KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Følg instruktionerne i 'KeePass startup helper' for enten at lave en ny database til at gemme dine adgangskoder, eller for at åbne en KeePass database du allerede bruger. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Klik her for en vejledning i at komme i gang. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Klik her for at finde ud af, hvordan man importerer eksisterende adgangskoder fra FireFox eller andre adgangskodemanagere. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Til sidst: Hvis du har problemer med at få KeeFox til at virke korrekt, kan du se på hjælperesourcerne der findes på: +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Luk venligst KeePass før du fortsætter! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass ser allerede ud til at være installeret på din computer. Sørg venligst for at det er lukket før du fortsætter, for at sikre at KeeFox bliver installeret korrekt! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox kan køre på Mac og Linux, men det skal installeres manuelt ved at følge disse trin: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download og installér Mono fra webside herunder. Linux brugere kan som regel installere den seneste version af Mono fra deres distributions repository, men huske venligst at installere den komplette Mono pakke (nogle distributioner opdeler Mono i flere pakker). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download den transportable udgave af KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (eller nyere) fra websiden herunder, eller brug din sistributions pakke manager (vær sikker på at versionen er ny nok!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Udpak KeePass til ~/KeePass (denne standard mappe kan ændres), hvor ~ repræsenterer din hjemme/home mappe +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Kopiér KeePassRPC.plgx filen til mappen der indeholder din KeePass installation(f.eks. ~/KeePass/plugins) i en undermappe der hedder 'plugins' +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Genstart Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= KeePassRPC.plgx filen du skal kopiere, findes i: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Tilpasnings instruktioner: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) Det antages at KeePass er installeret i: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) Det antages at Mono er installeret i: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= For at ændre disse standardindstillinger, gå ind under KeeFox->Indstillinger->KeePass og ændr KeePass installations stien og Mono eksekvérbar stien. + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= For at opgradere KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1)Kopiér KeePassRPC.plgx filen til mappen der indeholder din KeePass installation(f.eks. ~/KeePass/plugins, hvor ~ repræsenterer din hjemme/home mappe) i en undermappe der hedder 'plugins' +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Genstart FireFox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Indstillinger +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Udfyld formularen +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Udfyld og indsen formularen +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Gør ingenting +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Udfyld login formularen +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Udfyld og indsend login formularen +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox skal +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: Du kan ændre denne opførsel for individuelle poster i ved "Rediger post" menuen. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Når jeg vælger en matchende adgangskode skal KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= Når Keefox vælger et matchende login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= En standard formular +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= En HTTPAith, NTLM eller proxy formular +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Formularer med flere matches, skal automatisk udfyldes og indsendes +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Detektering af poster +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifikationer +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logning +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Avanceret +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= Dette er de vigtigste indstillinger der har betydning for, hvordan KeeFox fungerer +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Skift disse indstillinger for at ændre hvordan KeeFox fanger din opmærksomhed +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= Disse indstillinger kan hjælpe dig med at fejlfinde et problem eller sætte avancerede indstillinger. De fleste brugere kan ignorere disse +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= Disse indstillinger påvirker hvordan KeePass fungerer +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= Hvordan KeeFox skal opføre sig når KeePass poster findes +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Indstillinger for notifikationer +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Avancerede indstillinger +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass indstillinger +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Udfyld automatisk formularer når en matchende adgangskode findes +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Indsend automatisk formularer når en matchende adgangskode findes +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Udfyld automatisk autentifikationsforespørgsler når en matchende adgangskode findes +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Indsend automatisk autentifikationsforespørgsler når en matchende adgangskode findes +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overskriv indholdet af en matchende og ikke-tom formular og autentifikationsforespørgsler +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Indsend formularer når du vælger en matchende adgangskode +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logningsniveau +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Tilbyd at gemme adgangskoder +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= Disse sider vil aldrig spørge dig om at gemme en adgangskode +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Fjern +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Vis en notifikationsnar hvis KeePass skal åbnes +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Vis en notifikationsbar hvis du skal logge ind i en KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Vis brugernavn i loginlisten og søgeresultater +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Vælg hvor du vil gemme en log af KeeFox's aktiviteter. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Advarsels-popups (anbefales ikke) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript konsol +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Systemets Standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= Gem i fil (gemmes i en "keefox" mappe i den Firefox profilmappe) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Vælg hvor ordrig loggen skal være. Desto højere niveau der indstilles, desto flere informationer vil loggen indeholde. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Detektér nye formularer på hver webside +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: Denne indstilling vil få KeeFox til at detektere flere formularer på bekostning af ydelse +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Kommunikér med KeePass ved brug af denne TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: Ændr denne indstilling i KeePass.config, ellers vil KeeFox ikke altid kunne kommunikere med KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Gem logo/ikon for websiden +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= Brug denne database fil når KeePass åbnes eller når du logger ind +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Husk den seneste benyttede KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installationssti +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installationssti +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Sti til Mono eksekvérbar (f.eks. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Husk ovenstående indstillinger (f.eks. når KeePass Portable benyttes) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Brug denne sti +KeeFox-browse.label= Gennemse +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Besked/tip notifikationsindstillinger +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Søg i alle åbne KeePass databaser +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= Vis liste med logins fra alle åbne KeePass databaser +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox samler anonymt system og brugsstatistik for at udbedre problemer og forbedre din oplevelse. Ingen private data bliver samlet. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Læs mere om det anonyme data som KeeFox samler +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonym brugsstatistik + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox forsøger at finde login oplysninger til alle formularer der indeholder et felt til en adgangskode. Justér dette og andet i +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=indstillinger der er specifikke for hver side +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Deaktivér "gem adgangskode" notifikation i +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Indstillinger for alle sider. Tilføj adresser til specifikke sider for at overskrive. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Indstillinger for alle sider, hvis adressen begynder med +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox vil forsøge at finde en matchende adgangskode til alle formularer der indeholder et felt til en adgangskode. Du kan ændre denne opførsel herunder. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=Hvis en formular matches med en fra positiv-listen herunder, vil KeeFox altid forsøge at udfylde den. Hvis en formular mathces med en fra negativ-listen herunder, vil KeeFox aldrig forsøge at udfylde den. Hvis den mathces i begge lister vil den ikke blive udfyldt. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: Navnene og ID´erne er ikke nødvendigvis de samme som dem der vises på siden (De bestemmes af kildekoden for siden) +KeeFox-form-name=Navn på formularen +KeeFox-form-id=ID for formularen +KeeFox-text-field-name=Navn på tekstfeltet +KeeFox-text-field-id=ID for tekstfeltet +KeeFox-white-list=Positiv-liste +KeeFox-black-list=Negativ-liste +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox side-specifikke indstillinger +KeeFox-add-site=Tilføj side +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Gem side-specifikke indstillinger +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Afkyds boksene i venstre side for at aktivere en indstilling + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generer nyt password fra profil +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Få et nyt kodeord via dit valg af kodeordsgenerator og put passwordet i udklipsholderen. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sendte en ugyldig kommando til din password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFoc kan ikke skabe forbindelse til KeePass. Du skal enable WebSockets. Aktiver about:config / network.websocket.enabled, ved at sætte den til true (eller bed Firefox support om yderligere hjælp). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation afbrudt eller afvist. Det næste forsøg vil blive forsinket med %S minutter. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox sikkerhedsniveau +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Lav +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=Høj +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Tast venligst et nyt password når du bliver spurgt. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Yderligere information kan forekomme: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Forbindelses sikkerhed +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Tillad forbindelser +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Kommandoer + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Vælg genvejstasten for de vigtige KeeFox kommandoer. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Vis hovedmenuen +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login til KeePass / Vælg matchende login / Vis listen af matchende logins +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Vis login listen +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Skriv en ny genvejstast + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=En Firefox addon som muliggør sikker automatisk login til de fleste websider. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matchende logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=Se logins som matcher den nuværende side +KeeFox_Back.label=Tilbage +KeeFox_Back.tip=Tilbage til den tidligere KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Søg... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Begynd at taste for at vide dine match diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/el/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/el/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/el/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/el/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/el/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ff86d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/el/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Συνδεδεμένος +loggedOut.label= Αποσυνδεθήκατε +launchKeePass.label= Έναρξη KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= Είστε συνδεδεμένος στην '%S' βάση δεδομένων κωδικών +loggedInMultiple.tip=Είστε συνδεδεμένος σε '%S' βάσεις δεδομένων κωδικών. Η '%S' είναι ενεργή. +loggedOut.tip= Αποσυνδεθήκατε από την βάση δεδομένων κωδικών (πιθανόν να είναι κλειδωμένη) +launchKeePass.tip= Πρέπει να ανοίξετε και να συνδεθείτε στο KeePass για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το KeeFox. Κάντε κλικ εδώ για να το κάνετε αυτό. +installKeeFox.label= Εγκαταστήστε το KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= Το KeeFox χρειάζεται να εγκαταστήσει μερικά επιπλέον πράγματα πριν μπορέσετε να το χρησιμοποιήσετε. Κάντε κλικ εδώ για να το κάνετε αυτό. +noUsername.partial-tip= δεν υπάρχει όνομα χρήστη +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Εξερευνήστε τα logins μέσα σε αυτόν τον φάκελο. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Συνδεθείτε στο %Σ με αυτό το όνομα χρήστη: %S. Κάντε δεξί κλικ για περισσότερες επιλογές. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Κενό +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Αυτός ο φάκελος δεν έχει logins μέσα +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S στο %S γκρουπ (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Φορτώστε τη βάση δεδομένων κωδικών (Έναρξη KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Ξεκινήστε το KeePass για να ενεργοποιήσετε το KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Φορτώστε τη βάση δεδομένων κωδικών (Σύνδεση στο KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Συνδεθείτε στη KeePass βάση δεδομένων για να ενεργοποιήσετε το KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Δεν είστε συνδεδεμένος στην βάση δεδομένων κωδικών σας. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Δεν είστε συνδεδεμένος στην βάση δεδομένων κωδικών σας. +rememberPassword= Χρησιμοποιήστε το KeeFox για να σώσετε τον κωδικό αυτό. +savePasswordText= Θέλετε το KeeFox να σώσει τον κωδικό αυτό; +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Θέλετε το KeeFox να σώσει τον αυτόν τον κωδικό πολλαπλών σελίδων; +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Αποθήκευση +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Αποθήκευση σε γρουπ +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Ποτέ για αυτή τη σελίδα +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Όχι τώρα +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= Ν + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Αποθήκευση σε γρουπ στην '%S' βάση δεδομένων +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Αποθήκευση στην '%S' βάση δεδομένων + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Αποθήκευση στην '%S' βάση δεδομένων. Κάντε κλικ στο τριγωνάκι για να αποθηκεύσετε σε διαφορετική βάση δεδομένων. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Αποθήκευση σε ένα γρουπ στην '%S' βάση δεδομένων. Κάντε κλικ στο τριγωνάκι για να αποθηκεύσετε σε διαφορετική βάση δεδομένων. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Αποθηκεύστε τον κωδικό αυτό στην καθορισμένη βάση δεδομένων +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Αποθηκεύστε τον κωδικό αυτό σε ένα γρουπ στην καθορισμένη βάση δεδομένων + +passwordChangeText= Θα θέλατε να αλλάξετε τον αποθηκευμένο κωδικό για το '%S'; +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Θα θέλατε να αλλάξετε τον αποθηκευμένο κωδικό για αυτή τη σύνδεση; +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Αλλαγή +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Μη Αλλαγή +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Αλλαγή βάσης δεδομένων +changeDBButton.tip= Αλλαγή σε διαφορετική KeePass βάση δεδομένων +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Αλλαγή βάσης δεδομένων +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Ξεκινήστε το KeePass για την ενεργοποιήση αυτής της επιλογής +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Δεν υπάρχει βάση δεδομένων +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= Δεν υπάρχουν βάσεις δεδομένων στον κατάλογο προσφάτων KeePass βάσεων δεδομένων. Χρησιμοποιείστε το KeePass για να ανοίξετε την βάση δεδομένων που προτιμάτε +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Αλλαγή στην '%S' βάση δεδομένων +autoFillWith.label= Αυτόματη συμπλήρωση με +httpAuth.default= Είστε αποσυνδεδεμένος από την βάση δεδομένων κωδικών σας (είναι πιθανό να είναι κλειδωμένη) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Φόρτωση κωδικών +httpAuth.noMatches= Δεν βρέθηκαν καταχωρήσεις που να ταιριάζουν +install.somethingsWrong= Κάτι πήγε λάθος +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Συγγνώμη, το KeeFox δεν μπόρεσε να εγκαταστήσει αυτόματα το KeePassRPC plugin για το KeePass Password Safe 2, το οποίο είναι απαραίτητο για τη λειτουργία του KeeFox. Αυτό συμβαίνει συνήθως γιατί προσπαθείτε να εγκαταστήσετε σε τοποθεσία που δεν έχετε άδεια να προσθέσετε καινούργια αρχεία. Μπορείτε να επανεκκινήσετε τον Firefox και να δοκιμάσετε την εγκατάσταση με διαφορετικές επιλογές ή μπορίτε να ζητήσετε βοήθεια από τον διαχειριστή σας. +generatePassword.launch= Παρακαλούμε πρώτα ξεκινήστε το KeePass. +generatePassword.copied= Ένας καινούργιος κωδικός έχει αντιγραφεί στο clipboard σας. +loading= Φόρτωση +selectKeePassLocation= Πείτε στο KeeFox που να βρει το KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Πείτε στο KeeFox που να βρει το Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Διαλέξτε την προεπιλεγμένη βάση δεδομένων κωδικών +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Επιλογές μυνημάτων και εμφάνισης του KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Επαναφορά επιλογών +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= Αυτό θα επαναφέρει τις ρυθμίσεις όπως ήταν στην αρχική εγκατάσταση του %S. Αυτό επηρεάζει μόνο τις επιλογές μηνυμάτων και εμφάνισης του %S. Οι υπόλοιπες ρυθμίσεις δεν θα αλλάξουν. Πατήστε OK για επαναφορά ρυθμίσεων. +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Συχνότητα μηνυμάτων (ώρες) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= Το %S θα συνδέεται συχνά στο ίντερνετ για να κατεβάσει μηνύματα ασφαλείας και να τα εμφανίζει στον browser σας. Συνίσταται να ελέγχεται συχνά ώστε να είστε ενημερωμένοι για τυχόν προβλήματα ασφαλείας αμέσως. Οι αλλάγες σε αυτή τη ρύθμιση θα τεθούν σε ισχύ μετά την επανεκκίνηση του Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Δείξτε %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Μέγιστη συχνότητα εμφάνισης μηνυμάτων (μέρες) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= Το %S θα ελέγχει συχνά για να δει εάν υπάρχουν μηνύματα από αυτό το γκρουπ που πρέπει να εμφανιστούν. Αυτή η ρύθμιση περιορίζει πόσο συχνά μηνύματα που το KeeFox θέλει να εμφανίσει, πράγματι εμφανίζονται +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Διαβάστε περισσότερα +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Πηγαίντε στη σελίδα +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Κάντε δωρεά τώρα +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Βαθμολογήστει το KeeFox τώρα +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Αλλάξτε τις επιλογές μυνημάτων +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Μην δείξετε αυτό το μύνημα ξανά +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= Ν +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Το KeeFox καταγράφει τους κωδικούς σας! Αν δεν έχετε ενεργοποιήσει αυτή τη ρύθμιση σκόπιμα, πρέπει να την απενεργοποιήσετε αμέσως + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= Φόρτωση KeeFox +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= Το KeeFox φορτώνει και κάνει μερικά τεστ εκκίνησης. Δεν θα αργήσει... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Κάντε κλικ για να δείτε το μενού του KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Αλλάγη βάσης δεδομένων +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Διαλέξτε μια διαφορετική KeePass βάση δεδομένων +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Εντοπισμός φορμών +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Εξαναγκάστε το KeeFox να ξανάανιχνεύσει φόρμες σε αυτή τη σελίδα. Αυτό είναι απαραίτητο σε μια μικρή μειοψηφεία σελίδων. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Δημιουργία νέου κωδικού +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Παίρνει καινούργιο κωδικό από το KeePass χρησιμοποιώντας το πιο πρόσφατο χρησιμοποιημένο προφίλ της γεννήτριας κωδικών και το βάζει στο clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Επιλογές +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Δείτε και αλλάξτε τις προτιμώμενες KeeFox επιλογές σας +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Εξερευνήστε όλα τα login σας και συνδεθείτε γρήγορα στις σελίδες σας +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Αλλαγή login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Διαγραφή login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Διαγραφή γκρουπ +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Αλλαγή γκρουπ +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Αποθήκευση σε γκρουπ... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Αυτό είναι μέρος φόρμας login πολλαπλών σελίδων +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= Βοήθεια KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Βοήθεια +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Επισκεφθείτε το online tutorial για να ξεκινήσετε +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Ξεκινήστε +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Επισκεφθείτε το online κέντρο βοήθειας +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Κέντρο βοήθειας +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= Επιλογές KeeFox +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Διαλέξτε ένα γκρουπ +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Ακύρωση +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Ρυθμίσεις εγκατάστασεις KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Αναβάθμιση KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Προειδοποίηση: Αυτή η έκδοση του KeeFox (%S) είναι πιο παλιά από το εγκατεστημένο KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Κάνοντας κλικ στο "Upgrade KeeFox" ίσως διακόψει άλλες εφαρμογές που χρησιμοποιούν το KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= Η εγκατάσταση KeeFox τρέχει ήδη σε άλλο tab του browser σας. Αν μπορείτε να βρείτε το tab, παρακαλούμε κλείστε το και ακολουθείστε τις οδηγίες στο άλλο tab. Αν δεν μπορείτε να βρείτε το προυπάρχον tab, μπορείτε να επανεκκινήσετε την διαδικασία εγκατάστασης κάνοντας κλικ στο παρακάτω κουμπί. Αν αυτό δεν δουλέψει, ίσως χρειαστεί να επανεκκινήσετε τον Firefox για να συνεχίσετε. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= Φαίνεται ότι το KeeFox είναι ήδη εγκατεστημένο. Αν έχετε πρόβλημα στο να κάνετε το KeeFox να εντοπίσει ότι είστε συνδεδεμένος σε μια KeePass βάση δεδομένων, τότε απενεργοποιήστε προσεχτικά (και προσωρινά!) οποιαδήποτε προγράμματα ασφαλείας τρέχετε στον υπολογιστή σας (π.χ. firewalls, anti-spyware κτλ), καθώς μερικές φορές υπάρχει σύγκρουση με το KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Παρακαλώ επισκεθφείτε τη σελίδα του Keefox για περαιτέρω βοήθεια +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= Ένα μη αναμενόμενο λάθος έγινε κατα την εγκατάσταση του KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Η λήψη ενός απαραίτητου μέρους απέτυχε. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= Η λήψη ενός απαραίτητου μέρους ακυρώθηκε. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= Ένα κατεβασμένο μέρος είναι ελλατωματικό. Προσπαθήστε ξανά και αν συνεχίσετε να λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα, ζητήστε βοήθεια στο φόρουμ υποστήριξης http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Προσπαθήστε ξανά +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Ακύρωση + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= Το KeeFox πρέπει να εγκαταστήσει άλλα δύο μέρη - κάντε κλικ στο επάνω κουμπί για να ξεκινήσετε. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και επιλογές εγκατάστασης για προχωρημένους +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= Το KeeFox πρέπει να εγκαταστήσει το KeePass Password Safe 2 για να αποθηκεύσει με ασφάλεια τους κωδικούς σας. Κάντε κλικ στο παραπάνω κουμπί για γρήγορη και εύκολη εγκατάσταση με κανονικές ρυθμίσεις. Πατήστε το κάτω κουμπί εάν έχετε ήδη το KeePass Password Safe 2, θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τη φορητή έκδοση του KeePass ή θέλετε να ελέγξεται τη διαδικασία εγκατάστασης. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και προχωρημένες επιλογές εγκατάστασης +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= Το KeeFox πρέπει να εγκαταστήσει δύο ακόμα μέρη - κάντε κλικ στο παραπάνω κουμπί για να ξεκινήσετε. Αν δεν μπορείτε να παρέχετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης διαχειριστή για αυτόν τον υπολογιση, θα χρειαστεί να ζητήσετε τη βοήθεια του διαχειριστή συστήματος. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και προχωρημένες επιλογές εγκατάστασης +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= Το KeeFox πρέπει να εγκαταστήσει το KeePass Password Safe 2 για να αποθηκεύσει με ασφάλεια τους κωδικούς σας. Θα ερωτηθείτε που θέλετε να εγκαταστήσετε το KeePass Password Safe 2 ή μπορείτε να διαλέξετε την τοποθεσία ενός προυπάρχοντος KeePass Password Safe 2 (Το KeeFox απέτυχε να βρει). ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Το KeeFox πιθανόν να μη μπορεί να κάνει αυτόματη εγκατάσταση σωστά σε υπολογιστές που δεν έχουν πρόσβαση διαχειριστή. Ίσως χρειαστεί να βρείτε βοήθεια στο ίντερνετ ή να ζητήσετε βοήθεια από τον διαχειριστή συστήματος. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και επιλογές για προχωρημένους +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Το KeeFox χρησιμοποιεί το KeePass Password Safe 2 για την ασφαλή αποθήκευση των κωικών σας. Είναι ήδη εγκατεστημένο στον υπολογιστή σας αλλά ίσως χρειαστεί να παρέχετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης διαχειριστή για να βοηθήσετε το KeeFox να κάνει σωστή σύνδεση του KeePass Password Safe 2 και του Firefox. Εάν δεν μπορείτε να παρέχεται τον κωδικό διαχειριστή για τον υπολογιστή αυτό, κάντε κλικ παρακάτω για άλλη επιλογή. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και προχωρημένες επιλογές εγκατάστασης + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= Το KeeFox θα εγκαταστήσει το Microsoft .NET framework και το KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= Το KeePass Password Safe 2 είναι μια εφαρμογή διαχείρισης κωδικών που χρησιμοποιεί το KeeFox για να αποθηκεύει με ασφάλεια τους κωδικούς σας. Αν θέλετε να διαλέξετε την τοποθεσία εγκατάστασης, τη γλώσσα ή τις ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους του KeePass Password Safe 2, παρακαλούμε κατεβάστε και εγκαταστήστε το .NET από τη σελίδα της Microsoft και επανεκκινήστε τον Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Εναλλακτικά, θα μπορούσατε να προσπαθήσετε μια "χειροκίνητη" εγκατάσταση ακολουθώντας να επόμενα βήματα: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Κατεβάστε και εγκαταστήστε το .NET από τη Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Κατεβάστε και εγκαταστήστε το KeePass Password Safe 2 ή το ZIP από το http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3α) Είτε επανεκκινήστε τον Firefox για να επανέλθετε στην σελίδα εγκατάστασης και να ολοκληρώσετε το τελέυταίο βήμα +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3β) Ή αντιγράψτε χειροκίνητα το αρχείο KeePassRPC.plgx από τον φάκελο προσθέτων του Firefox (βρείτε το φάκελο με όνομα deps) στον φάκελο προσθέτων(plugins) του KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Αν θέλετε να διαλέξετε την τοποθεσία εγκατάστασης, τη γλώσσα ή τις ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους του KeePass Password Safe 2, πατήστε το παρακάτω κουμπί. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Εγκαταστήστε το KeePass για όλους τους χρήστες με πλήρη πρόσβαση της διεργασίας +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= Αν θέλετε να εγκαταστήσετε την φορητή έκδοση του KeePass σε μια δυγκεκριμένη τοποθεσία (όπως ένα USB stick) μπορείτε να διαλέξετε τοποθεσία παρακάτω. Αν έχετε ήδη εγκαταστήσει το KeePass Password Safe 2, παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε το παρακάτω κουτί για να πείτε στο KeeFox που να το βρει. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Ορίτε την τοποθεσία εγκατάστασης του KeePass Password Safe 2 +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Πατήστε στο παραπάνω κουμπί για να συνδέσετε το KeeFox στο KeePass Password Safe 2. (Ουσιαστικά, αυτό εγκαταστεί τοKeePassRPC plugin για το KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Αν γνωρίζεται τον κωδικό διαχειριστή για τον υπολογιστή αυτό, μπορείτε να εγκατασήσετε το KeePass για όλους τους χρήστες χρηιμοποιώντας μια από τις παρακάτω επιλογές. Πατήστε το κάτω κουμπί αν θέλετε να ορίσετε μια συγκεκριμένη τοποθεσία εγκατάστασης, μια γλώσσα εκτός των Αγγλικών ή άλλες ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Εγκατάσταση KeeFox για όλους τους χρήστες +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= Μπορείτε να εγκαταστήσετε το KeePass Password Safe 2 σε ένα φορητό/USB δίσκο (ή σε μια δεύτερη τοποθεσία στον υπολογιστή σας). Απλώς πατήστε στο παρακάτω κουμπί αλλά έχετε υπόψην την πιθανή σύγχυση στο μέλλον λόγω του ότι ο υπολογίστής σας θα έχει δύο διαφορετικές εγκαταστάσεις του KeePass Password Safe 2. Αν είναι δυνατό, εγκαταστήστε το KeeFox χρησιμοποιώντας το παραπάνω κουμπι, παρέχοντας τον κωδικό διαχειριστή του υπολογιστή σας εφόσον ζητηθεί. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Εγκατάσταση KeePass/KeePassRPC σε μια δεύτερη τοποθεσία + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= Τα αρχεία που απαιτούνται για την εγκατάσταση του KeeFox κατεβαίνουν... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Η λήψη ολοκληρώθηκε. Παρακαλούμε ακολουθείστε .ΝΕΤ οδηγό εγκατάστασης ο οποίος θα αρχίσει σύντομα... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= Το KeePass Password Safe 2 κατεβαίνει... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Η λήψη ολοκληρώθηκε. Παρακαλούμε ακολουθήστε τον οδηγό εγκατάστασης ο οποίος αρχίζει σύντομα... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Σχεδόν ολοκληρώθηκε... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Η λήψη ολοκληρώθηκε. Παρακαλούμε περιμένετε... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Σχεδόν ολοκληρώθηκε... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Σχεδόν ολοκληρώθηκε... Πιθανό να σας ζητηθεί να τρέξετε ένα εκτελέσιμο με όνομα KeePassRPCCopier.exe το οποίο θα εκτελέσει το τελευταίο βήμα εγκατάστασης αυτόματα. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Σχεδόν ολοκληρώθηκε... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Δοκιμάστε αυτά τα βήματα για να αρχίσετε να χρησιμοποιήτε το KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Ακολουθείστε τις οδηγίες του 'KeePass βοηθού εγκατάστασης' για να δημιουργήσετε μια νέα βάση δεδομένων ή να ανοίξετε μια KeePass βάση δεδομένων που ήδη χρησιμοποιείτε. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Πατήστε εδώ για να δοκιμάσετε τον οδηγό ξεκινήματος. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Πατήστε εδώ για να μάθετε πως να εισάγεται τους υπάρχοντες κωδικούς από τον Firefox ή άλλους διαχειριστές κωδικών. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Τέλος, αν έχετε κάποιο πρόβλημα στη λειτουργία του Keefox, παρακαλούμε ρίξτε μια ματιά στην βοήθεια που βρίσκεται στο +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Παρακαλούμε κλείστε το KeePass πριν συνεχίσετε! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= Το KeePass έχει ανιχνευθεί στον υπολογιστή σας. Για να εξασφαλίσετε ότι το KeeFox θα εγκατασταθεί ομαλά, παρακαλούμε επιβεβαιώστε ότι είναι κλειστό πριν συνεχίσετε! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= Το KeeFox μπορεί να τρέξει σε Mac και Linux συστήματα, αλλά απαιτείται χειροκίνητη εγκατάσταση ακολουθώντας τα παρακάτω βήματα: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Κατεβάστε και εγκαταστήστε το Mono από το παρακάτω site. Οι χρήστες Linux συνήθως μπορούν να εγκαταστήσουν την τελευταία έκδοση του Mono από το repository πακέτων της διανομής αλλά παρακαλούμε επιβεβαιώστε ότι εγκαταστείτε όλοκληρο το Mono πακέτο (κάποιες διανομές διαχωρίζουν το Mono σε πολλαπλά υπο-πακέτα) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Κατεβάστε το KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (ή πιο καινούργιο) Portable (ZIP πακέτο) από το παρακάτω site ή χρησιμοποιήστε τον διαχειριστή πακέτων της διανομής σας (βεβαιωθείτε ότι θα κατεβάσετε μια αρκετά νέα έκδοση!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Κάντε unzip το KeePass στο ~/KeePass (αυτή η προεπιλογή μπορεί να προσαρμοστεί) όπου ~ αντιπροσωπεύει τον προσωπικό σας φάκελο. +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Αντιγράψτε το KeePassRPC.plgx αρχείο σε έναν υποφάκελο με όνομα plugins στον φάκελο που περιέχει την KeePass εγκατάσταση (π.χ. ) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Επανεκκινήστε τον Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= Το KeePassRPC.plgx αρχείο που πρέπει να αντιγράψετε χειροκίνητα βρίσκεται: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Οδηγίες προσαρμογής: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) Γίνεται η υπόθεσή ότι το KeePass έχει εγκατασταθεί στο: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) Γίνεται η υπόθεσή ότι το Mono έχει εγκατασταθεί στο: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= Για να αναβαθμίσετε το KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Αντιγράψτε το KeePassRPC.plgx αρχείο στον υποφάκελο plugins μέσα στον φάκελο που περιέχει την εγκατάσταση του KeePass (π.χ. ~/KeePass/plugins όπου ~ ο προσωπικός σας φάκελος) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Επανεκκινήστε τον Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox επιλογές +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Συμπληρώστε τη φόρμα +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Συμπληρώστε και υποβάλλετε τη φόρμα +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Μην κάνετε τίποτα +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Συμπληρώστε τη φόρμα σύνδεσης +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Συμπληρώστε και υποβάλλετε τη φόρμα σύνδεσης +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= Το KeeFox πρέπει να +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Όταν διαλέγω έναν κωδικό που ταιριάζει, το KeeFox θα πρέπει να +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= Όταν το KeeFox διαλέγει έναν κωδικό που ταιριάζει για +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Μια προεπιλεγμένη φόρμα +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= Ένα HTTPAuth, NTLM ή proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Φόρμες με πολλαπλές αντιστοιχίες πρέπει να συμπληρώνονται και να υποβάλλεται αυτόματα +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Εύρεση καταχωρήσεων +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Ειδοποιήσεις +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Σύνδεση +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Για προχωρημένους +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= Αυτες ειναι οι πιο σημαντικες ρυθμισεις που καθοριζουν την συμπεριφορα του KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Αλλάξτε αυτές τις ρυθμίσεις για να μεταβάλλετε το πως προσελκύει την προσοχή σας το KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= Αυτές οι ρυθμίσεις ίσως σας βοηθήσουν να κάνετε debug κάποιο πρόβλημα ή να αλλάξετε ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους αλλά οι περισσότεροι χρήστες μπορούν να τις αγνοήσουν +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= Αυτές οι ρυθμίσεις επηρεάζουν την συμπεριφορά του KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= Πως συμπεριφέρεται το KeeFox όταν βρίσκονται καταχωρήσεις του KeePass +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Ρυθμίσεις ειδοποιήσεων +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= Ρυθμίσεις KeePass +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Συμπληρώστε τις φόρμες αυτόματα όταν βρεθεί κωδικός που ταιριάζει +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Υποβάλλεται τις φόρμες αυτόματα όταν βρεθεί κωδικός που ταιριάζει +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Συμπληρώστε τους διαλόγους πιστοποίησης αυτόματα όταν βρεθεί κωδικός που ταιριάζει +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Υποβάλλεται τους διαλόγους πιστοποίησης αυτόματα όταν βρεθεί κωδικός που ταιριάζει +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Επανεγράψτε τα περιεχόμενα οποιονδήποτε μη κενών φορμων και διαλόγων πιστοποίησης που ταιριάζουν +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Υποβολή φορμών όταν διαλέγετε κωδικό που ταιριάζει +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Επίπεδο καταγραφής +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Πρόταση αποθήκευσης κωδικών +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= Αυτά τα sites δεν θα σας ζητήσουν να αποθηκεύσετε ένα νέο κωδικό +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Κατάργηση +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Εμφάνιση μπάρας ειδοποιήσεων όταν το KeePass πρέπει να ανοιχθεί +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Εμφάνιση μπάρας ειδοποιήσεων όταν πρέπει να συνδεθείτε σε μια KeePass βάση δεδομένων +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Διαλέξτε που θα θέλατε το KeeFox να καταγράψει της δραστηριότητες του. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Ειδοποιήσεις με popups (δεν ενδείκνυται) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Κονσόλα Javascript +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Standard output σύστημα +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= Αρχείο (βρίσκεται σε ένα 'keefox' φάκελο μέσα στο προφίλ σας στον Firefox) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Διαλέξτε πόσο λεπτομερής θέλετε να είναι η καταγραφή. Όσο πιο υψηλό επίπεδο καταγραφής τόσο πιο λεπτομερής. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Παρακολούθηση κάθε καινούργιας σελίδας για νέες φόρμες +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: Αυτή η επιλογή ίσως δώσει τη δυνατότητα στο KeeFox να αναγνωρίζει περισσότερες φόρμες με κόστος την απόδοση +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Επικοινωνία με το KeePass χρησιμοποιώντας αυτή τη TCP/IP θύρα +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: αλλάξτε τη ρύθμιση στο KeePass.config αλλιώς το KeeFox δεν θα μπορεί πάντα να επικοινωνεί με το KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Αποθήκευση λογότυπου/εικονιδίου του site (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= Όταν ξεκινάτε ή συνδέεστε στο KeePass, , χρησιμοποιείστε αυτό το αρχείο βάσης δεδομένων +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Να θυμάται την πιο πρόσφατη KeePass βάση δεδομένων +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= Τοποθεσία εγκατάστασης του KeePassRPC plugin +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= Τοποθεσία εγκατάστασης του KeePass +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Τοποθεσία εγκατάστασης του εκτελέσιμου Mono (π.χ. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Να θυμάται τις παραπάνω ρυθμίσεις (π.χ. όταν χρησιμοποιείτε το KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Χρησιμοποιήση αυτής της τοποθεσίας +KeeFox-browse.label= Περιήγηση +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Ρυθμίσεις μηνημάτων/ειδοποιήσεων +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Αναζήτηση όλων των ανοιχτών KeePass βάσεων δεδομένων +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= Λίστα συνδέσεων από όλες τις ανοιχτές KeePass βάσεις δεδομένων +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=Το KeeFox προσπαθεί να βρει τις λεπτομέρειες σύνδεσεις για όλες τις φόρμες που περιέχουν πεδία κωδικών. Προσαρμόστε αυτό και περισσότερα +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=Ρυθμίσεις σχετικά με το site +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Απενεργοποίηση ειδοποιήσεων "αποθήκευση κωδικού" στο +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Ρυθμίσεις για όλα τα sites. Προσθέστε μεμονωμένες διευθύνσεις site για παράκαμψη. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Ρυθμίσεις για όλα τα sites των οποίων οι διευθύνσεις ξεκινούν με +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=Το KeeFox προσπαθεί να συμπληρώσει τις KeePass καταχωρήσεις για όλες τις φόρμες που περιέχουν πεδία κωδικών. Προσαρμόστε αυτή τη συμπεριφορά παρακάτω. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=Αν μια φόρμα ταιριάζει με κάτι από τις whitelists παρακάτω, το KeeFox θα προσπαθεί πάντα να τη συμπληρώσει. Αν μια φόρμα ταιριάζει με κάτι από τις blacklists παρακάτω, το KeeFox δεν θα προσπαθήσει ποτέ να τη συμπληρώσει. Αν ταιριάζει και με τις δύο λίστες το KeeFox δεν θα προσπαθήσει ποτέ να τη συμπληρώσει. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=ND: Τα ονόματα και τα IDs ίσως δεν είναι ίδια όπως οι ορατές ετικέτες στην σελίδα (είναι καθορισμένα στον πηγαίο κώδικα της σελίδας) +KeeFox-form-name=Όνομα φόρμας +KeeFox-form-id=ID φόρμας +KeeFox-text-field-name=Όνομα πεδίου κειμένου +KeeFox-text-field-id=ID πεδίου κειμένου +KeeFox-white-list=Λίστα επιτρεπόμενων +KeeFox-black-list=Μαύρη λίστα +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox επιλογές site +KeeFox-add-site=Πρόσθεσε site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Αποθήκευεσε ρυθμίσεις site +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Επιλέξτε τα κουτάκια στα αριστερά για να ενεργοποιήσετε μια ρύθμιση + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Αυτόματη πληκτρολόγιση εδώ +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Εκτέλεση της αυτόματης πληκτρολόγησης του KeePass για καλύτερη αντιστοίχιση των καταχωρήσεων συνδέσεων +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Αντιστοίχιση καταχωρήσεων συνδέσεων +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Κράτηση θέσης για βέλτιστη αντιστοίχιση καταχωρήσεων συνδέσεων +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Δημιουργία νέου κωδικού από το προφίλ +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Παίρνει καινούργιο κωδικό από το KeePass χρησιμοποιώντας το προφίλ της γεννήτριας κωδικών της επιλογής σας και το βάζει στο clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=Πρέπει να υποβαθμίσετε σε %S έκδοση ή να αναβαθμίσετε το KeePassRPC ώστε να ταιριάζει με την έκδοση του KeeFox. Θα γίνει έναρξη του οδηγού αναβάθμισης τώρα. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=Πρέπει να αναβαθμίσετε σε %S έκδοση ή να υποβαθμίσετε το KeePassRPC ώστε να ταιριάζει με την έκδοση του KeeFox. Θα γίνει έναρξη του οδηγού αναβάθμισης τώρα. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=Το KeeFox παρέχει ένα μη έγκυρο πρωτόκολλο. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=Το KeeFox έστειλε μια μη έγκυρη εντολή στην βάση δεδομένων κωδικών σας. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=Ένα μη αναμενόμενο λάθος συνέβη καθώς έγινε προσπάθεια για σύνδεση στη βάση δεδομένων κωδικών σας. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=Το KeeFox δεν μπορεί να συνδεθεί στο KeePass. Πιθανόν κάποιο τείχος προστασίας μπλοκάρει την επικοινωνία στην TCP θύρα 12546 +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=Το KeeFox ζήτησε για επίπεδο ασφαλείας το οποίο ήταν πολύ χαμηλό για να γίνει αποδεκτό από τον server κωδικών. Πρέπει να επανεκκινήσετε την διαδικασία πιστοποίησης χρησιμοποιώντας επίπεδο προστασίας %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=Το KeeFox απέρριψε τη σύνδεση στον server κωδικών επειδή το επίπεδο ασφαλείας είναι πολύ χαμηλό. Πρέπει να επανεκκινήσετε την διαδικασία πιστοποίησης χρησιμοποιώντας επίπεδο ασφαλείας %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=Δεν επιτράπηκε στο KeeFox να συνδεθεί, πιθανόν επειδή εισάγατε λάθος κωδικό σύνδεσης. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=Το KeeFox πρέπει να επανεκκινήσει την διαδικασία πιστοποίησης. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=Χρησιμοποιείται το ίδιο μυστικό κλειδί για πολύ καιρό. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=Το KeeFox παρείχε μία μη έγκυρη παράμετρο. Ίσως ακολουθήσουν περισσότερες πληροφορίες: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=Το KeeFox απέτυχε να παρέχει μια ζητούμενη παράμετρο. Ίσως ακολουθήσουν περισσότερες πληροφορίες: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Παρακαλούμε εισάγεται των κωδικό που παρουσιάζεται από το KeePass παράθυρο "Επέτρεψε μια καινούργια σύνδεση". Δεν χρειάζεται να θυμάστε τον κωδικό αυτό. Αν κάνετε λάθος θα μπορέσετε να ξαναδοκιμάσετε σύντομα. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Αλλάξτε τις ρυθμίσεις παρακάτω για να ελέγξετε πόσο ασφάλης είναι η επικοινωνία μεταξύ Firefox και KeePass. Πιθανόν δεν θα ξαναχρειαστεί να προσαρμόσετε αυτές τις ρυθμίσεις αλλά αν το κάνετε, παρακαλούμε βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε διαβάσει τον σχετικό οδηγό προηγουμένως. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Μάθετε περισσότερα για αυτές τις ρυθμίσεις και την επικοινωνία μεταξύ του Firefox και του KeePass στο εγχειρίδιο +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=Επίπεδο ασφαλείας KeeFox +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Ελάχιστο αποδεκτό επίπεδο ασφαλείας του KeePass +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=Αυτό σας επιτρέπει να ελέγξετε πόσο ασφαλή το KeeFox θα αποθηκεύσει την μυστικό κλειδί επικοινωνίας μέσα στον Firefox. Είναι πιθανόν να ρυθμίσετε διάφορες ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας για το KeeFox και το KeePass αλλά σπάνια είναι χρήσιμο. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=Αυτό σας επιτρέπει να εμποδίσετε το KeeFox από το να συνδεθεί στο KeePass αν το επίπεδο ασφαλείας είναι ρυθμισμένο χαμηλό. Δείτε τις επιλογές μέσα στο KeePass για να ρυθμίσετε το πραγματικό επίπεδο ασφαλείας που χρησιμοποιείται από το KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Χαμηλό +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Μεσαίο +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=Υψηλό +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=Ένα χαμηλό επίπεδο ασφαλείας μπορεί να αυξήσει την πιθανότητας κλοπής των κωδικών σας. Παρακαλούμε βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε διαβάσει τις πληροφορίες στο εγχειρίδιο (δείτε τον σύνδεσμο παραπάνω) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=Ένα υψηλό επίπεδο ασφαλείας θα απαιτεί να εισάγεται έναν τυχαίο κωδικό που θα παράγεται κάθε φορά που ξεκινάτε τον Firefox ή το KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Παρακαλούμε πληκτρολογήστε ένα νέο κωδικό όταν ζητείται. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Ίσως ακολουθήσουν περισσότερες πληροφορίες: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Ασφάλεια Σύνδεσης +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Επιτρεπόμενες Συνδέσεις +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Εντολές + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Επιλέξτε τις συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου για τις κύριες εντολές του KeeFox. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Εμφάνιση κυρίου μενού +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/en/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/en/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/en/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/en/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/en/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dff31b --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/en/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logged in +loggedOut.label= Logged out +launchKeePass.label= Launch KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= You are logged in to your '%S' password database +loggedInMultiple.tip=You are logged in to %S password databases. '%S' is active. +loggedOut.tip= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +launchKeePass.tip= You need to open and log into KeePass to use KeeFox. Click here to do that. +installKeeFox.label= Install KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox needs to install some extra things before it can work on your computer. Click here to do that. +noUsername.partial-tip= no username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Explore the logins inside this folder. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login to %S with this username: %S. Right click for more options. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Empty +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= This folder has no logins inside it +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S in the %S group (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Launch KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Launch KeePass to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Login to KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login to your KeePass database to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +rememberPassword= Use KeeFox to save this password. +savePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this password? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Save +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Save to a group +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Never for This Site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Not Now +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Save to a group in the '%S' database +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Save in the '%S' database + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Save this password in the specified database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Save this password to a group in the specified database + +passwordChangeText= Would you like to change the stored password for %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Change +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Don't Change +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Change database +changeDBButton.tip= Switch to a different KeePass database +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Change database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Launch KeePass to enable this feature +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= No database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= There are no databases in your KeePass Recent databases list. Use KeePass to open your preferred database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Switch to the %S database +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Loading passwords +httpAuth.noMatches= No matching entries found +install.somethingsWrong= Something went wrong +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Please launch KeePass first. +generatePassword.copied= A new password has been copied to your clipboard. +loading= Loading +selectKeePassLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Choose a default password database +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Message download and display options for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Reset configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Message download frequency (hours) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Show %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum message display frequency (days) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Learn more +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Go to site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donate now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Rate KeeFox now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Change message settings +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Don't show message again +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox loading... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox is loading and doing a few startup tests. It shouldn't take long... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Click to see the KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Change database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Choose a different KeePass password database. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detect forms +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generate new password +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using the most recently used password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Options +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= View and change your preferred KeeFox options. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Explore all your logins and quickly log in to your websites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Edit login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Delete login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Delete group +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Edit group +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Save to a group... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= This is part of a multi-page login form +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox help. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Help +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visit the online getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Getting Started +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visit the online help centre. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Help Centre +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox options +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Select A Group +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Setup KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Upgrade KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Please visit the KeeFox website for more help +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= An unexpected error occured during KeeFox installation. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= The download of a required component failed. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= The download of a required component was cancelled. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= A downloaded component is corrupt. Try again and if you continue to receive this message, ask for help in the support forum at http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Try again +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox will install the Microsoft .NET framework and KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatively, you could attempt a manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install .NET from Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download and install KeePass Password Safe 2 setup or ZIP from http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Or manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file from the Firefox extensions folder (look in a subfolder called deps) to the KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins folder. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, click the button below. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Set KeePass Password Safe 2's installation location +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the .NET installer which will start soon... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Please close KeePass before continuing! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Restart Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= To upgrade KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Restart Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Options +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Fill in the form +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Fill in and submit the form +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Do nothing +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifications +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Advanced +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Notification options +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Advanced options +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass options +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Offer to save passwords +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remove +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript console +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installation location +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Browse +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form name +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=White List +KeeFox-black-list=Black List +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Site options +KeeFox-add-site=Add site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Save site settings +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-AR/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-AR/keefox.properties index 0bf131b..17a6447 100644 --- a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-AR/keefox.properties +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-AR/keefox.properties @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox esta cargando y haciendo unas pruebas de KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Clic para ver el menú de KeeFox KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Cambiar la base de datos -KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Elegir a una diferente base de datos de contraseñas de KeePass +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Elegí a una base de datos de contraseñas KeePass diferente KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detectar formularios -KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Forzar a KeeFox para re-detectar formularios en esta página. Ésto es necesario en una pequeña minoria de sitios. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Forzá a KeeFox para re-detectar formularios en ésta página. Ésto es necesario en una pequeña minoria de sitios. KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generar nueva contraseña -KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Conseguí una nueva contraseña desde KeePass usando el perfil generador de contraseñas usado más recientemente y ubicala en el portapapeles. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Conseguí una nueva contraseña desde KeePass usando el perfil generador de contraseñas usado más recientemente y ubicála en el portapapeles. KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Opciones KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Observá y cambiá tus opciones preferidas de KeeFox . @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visitar en linea el tutorial primeros pasos KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Primeros pasos KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G -KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visitar el centro de ayuda en linea +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visitá el centro de ayuda en línea KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Centro de Ayuda KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= Opciones de KeeFox @@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Reiniciá Firefox KeeFox-Options.title= Opciones KeeFox -KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Rellená en el formulario -KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Rellená y enviá el formulario -KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= No hagas nada -KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Rellená el aviso de conexión -KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Rellená y enviá el aviso de conexión +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Rellenar el formulario +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Rellenar y enviar el formulario +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= No hacer nada +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Rellenar el aviso de conexión +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Rellenar y enviar el aviso de conexión KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox debería KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: Podés alterar éste comportamiento para accesos\n individuales en el dialogo de KeePass "editar acceso" KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Cuando elijo una contraseña con coincidencia, KeeFox debería @@ -245,19 +245,19 @@ KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Enviar diálogos automaticamente cuando un KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Sobrescribir el contenido de cualquier formulario coincidente no vacío y los diálogos de autenticación KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Enviar formularios cuando elegís una contraseña con coincidencia KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Nivel de conexión -KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Oferta para guardar contraseñas +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Ofrecer guardar contraseñas KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= Éstos sitios nunca le pedirán guardar una nueva contraseña KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remover KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Visualizar una barra de notificación cuando KeePass necesite ser abierto KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Visualizar una barra de notificación cuando necesités conectarte a la base de datos deKeePass -KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Visualizá el nombre de usuario en la lista de conexiones y búsqueda de resultados +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Visualizar el nombre de usuario en la lista de conexiones y búsqueda de resultados KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Seleccionar donde te gustaría que KeeFox grabara un registro de su actividad. KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Pop-ups de alerta (no recomendado) KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Consola Javascript KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Salida estándar del Sistema KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= Archivo (ubicado en una carpeta 'keefox' dentro de tu perfil de Firefox) -KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Elegir cuan pretencioso querés que sea el registro. Cada nivel de registro más alto produce más producción. -KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitorear cada página web por nuevos formularios +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Elegir cuan pretencioso querés que sea el registro. Cada nivel de registro más alto produce más registro de salida. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitorear por nuevos formularios en cada página web KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: Ésta opción puede permitir a KeeFox reconocer más formularios a expensas del rendimiento KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Comunicarse con KeePass usando éste puerto TCP/IP KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: cambiá la configuración en KeePass.config o sino KeeFox no siempre será capaz de comunicarse con KeePass @@ -278,10 +278,10 @@ KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Leer más sobre los datos anónimos que colecta KeeFox KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Envíar estadísticas anónimas de uso -KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox trata de encontrar detalles de conexión para todos los formularios que contienen un campo de contraseña. Adustá ésto y más en +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox trata de encontrar detalles de conexión para todos los formularios que contienen un campo de contraseña. Ajustá ésto y más en KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=Configuraciones específicas de un sitio -KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Desactivar "guardá contraseña" en las notificaciones -KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Configuraciones para todos los sitios. Agrega direcciones de sitios individuales para anular. +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Desactivar "guardar contraseña" en las notificaciones +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Configuraciones para todos los sitios. Agregá para ignorar direcciones de sitios específicos.. KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Configuraciones para todos los sitios cuya dirección empiece con KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox tratará de rellenar los accesos de KeePass con coincidencia para todos los formularios que tengan un campo de contraseña (caja). Podés ajustar éste comportamiento debajo. KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=Si un formulario coincide con uno de las listas blancas de abajo, KeeFox siempre tratará de rellenarlo. Si un formulario coincide con uno de las listas negras de abajo, KeeFox nunca tratará de rellenarlo. Si coincide con ambas listas KeeFox no tratará de rellenarlo. @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ KeeFox-text-field-name=Campo de texto del nombre KeeFox-text-field-id=Campo de texto del ID KeeFox-white-list=Lista Blanca KeeFox-black-list=Lista Negra -KeeFox-site-options-title=Opciones del Sitio KeeFox +KeeFox-site-options-title=Opciones KeeFox sobre sitios KeeFox-add-site=Agregar Sitio KeeFox-save-site-settings=Guardar las configuraciones KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Seleccionar las casillas de verificación a la izquierda para permitir un ajuste diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-ES/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-ES/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-ES/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-ES/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-ES/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dff31b --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/es-ES/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logged in +loggedOut.label= Logged out +launchKeePass.label= Launch KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= You are logged in to your '%S' password database +loggedInMultiple.tip=You are logged in to %S password databases. '%S' is active. +loggedOut.tip= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +launchKeePass.tip= You need to open and log into KeePass to use KeeFox. Click here to do that. +installKeeFox.label= Install KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox needs to install some extra things before it can work on your computer. Click here to do that. +noUsername.partial-tip= no username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Explore the logins inside this folder. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login to %S with this username: %S. Right click for more options. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Empty +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= This folder has no logins inside it +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S in the %S group (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Launch KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Launch KeePass to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Login to KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login to your KeePass database to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +rememberPassword= Use KeeFox to save this password. +savePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this password? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Save +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Save to a group +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Never for This Site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Not Now +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Save to a group in the '%S' database +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Save in the '%S' database + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Save this password in the specified database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Save this password to a group in the specified database + +passwordChangeText= Would you like to change the stored password for %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Change +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Don't Change +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Change database +changeDBButton.tip= Switch to a different KeePass database +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Change database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Launch KeePass to enable this feature +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= No database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= There are no databases in your KeePass Recent databases list. Use KeePass to open your preferred database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Switch to the %S database +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Loading passwords +httpAuth.noMatches= No matching entries found +install.somethingsWrong= Something went wrong +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Please launch KeePass first. +generatePassword.copied= A new password has been copied to your clipboard. +loading= Loading +selectKeePassLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Choose a default password database +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Message download and display options for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Reset configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Message download frequency (hours) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Show %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum message display frequency (days) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Learn more +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Go to site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donate now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Rate KeeFox now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Change message settings +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Don't show message again +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox loading... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox is loading and doing a few startup tests. It shouldn't take long... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Click to see the KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Change database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Choose a different KeePass password database. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detect forms +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generate new password +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using the most recently used password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Options +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= View and change your preferred KeeFox options. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Explore all your logins and quickly log in to your websites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Edit login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Delete login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Delete group +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Edit group +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Save to a group... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= This is part of a multi-page login form +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox help. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Help +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visit the online getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Getting Started +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visit the online help centre. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Help Centre +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox options +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Select A Group +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Setup KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Upgrade KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Please visit the KeeFox website for more help +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= An unexpected error occured during KeeFox installation. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= The download of a required component failed. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= The download of a required component was cancelled. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= A downloaded component is corrupt. Try again and if you continue to receive this message, ask for help in the support forum at http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Try again +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox will install the Microsoft .NET framework and KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatively, you could attempt a manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install .NET from Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download and install KeePass Password Safe 2 setup or ZIP from http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Or manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file from the Firefox extensions folder (look in a subfolder called deps) to the KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins folder. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, click the button below. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Set KeePass Password Safe 2's installation location +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the .NET installer which will start soon... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Please close KeePass before continuing! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Restart Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= To upgrade KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Restart Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Options +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Fill in the form +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Fill in and submit the form +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Do nothing +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifications +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Advanced +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Notification options +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Advanced options +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass options +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Offer to save passwords +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remove +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript console +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installation location +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Browse +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form name +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=White List +KeeFox-black-list=Black List +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Site options +KeeFox-add-site=Add site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Save site settings +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/hu/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/hu/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fa454a --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/hu/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox hozzáteszi a szabad, biztonságos és könnyen használható jelszó funkciókat, amely segítségével a Firefox időt takarít meg, és tartja a személyes adatokat nagyobb biztonságban. +tips-name= Tippek +tips-description=Tippek és tanácsok, hogy lesz különösen hasznos az emberek számára új KeeFox, KeePass vagy jelszó szoftver +tips-default-title=KeeFox tippek +tips201201040000a-body= "Testreszabható" a Firefox eszköztár (KeeFox-ot tartalmazza), hogy újra rendezhető gombbokkal, és mentse helyet a képernyőn. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Középsú gombkattintás vagy Ctrl + kattintás egy üres bejegyzést ad a bejelentkezési listához és nyit egy új lapot, betölti a weboldalt, és automatikusan bejelentkezik egyetlen kattintással. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Legyen óvatos az automatikus űrlapok bejelentkezési benyújtásakor - ez kényelmes, de valamivel kockázatosabb, mint a manuális belépés gomb kattintása. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=Bizonyos bejegyzéseket magasabb prioritásra kényszeríthetsz mint másokat. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=Lehet egynél több nyitott KeePass adatbázis ugyanabban az időben. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=A KeePass bejegyzések használhatóak más böngészőkkel és alkalmazásokkal. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Nyílt forráskódú biztonsági szoftver, mint a KeePass és KeeFox sokkal biztonságosabb, mint a zárt forráskódú alternatívák. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Biztonsági megjegyzések +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox biztonsági figyelmeztetés +security201201040000a-body=Ez a verzió a KeeFox nagyon régi. Telepítenie kell egy újabb verziót, ha egyáltalán lehetséges. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Fontos üzenetekek +messages-description=Fontos, de ritka értesítéseket, amelyek hasznosak lehetnek a felhasználók számára KeeFox-nál +messages-help-keefox=KeeFox súgó +messages201201040000a-body=Már egy ideje használod a KeeFox-t, így kérném, segítsen másoknak pozitív vélemény megosztásával a Mozilla addons honlapján. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/hu/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/hu/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad5711e --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/hu/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Bejelentkezés +loggedOut.label= Kijelentkezés +launchKeePass.label= KeePass indítása +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= Bejelentkezett a '%S' jelszóval az adatbázisba +loggedInMultiple.tip=Bejelentkezett a '%S' jelszóval az adatbázisba. '%S' aktív. +loggedOut.tip= Időtúllépés bejelentkezésnél a jelszó adatbázisban (lehetséges, hogy lezárt) +launchKeePass.tip= Meg kell nyitni, és jelentkezzen be KeePass használatához KeeFox-nál. Kattintson ide, hogy ezt tegyük. +installKeeFox.label= KeeFox telepítése +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox-nál kell telepíteni néhány extra dolgot, mielőtt tudsz dolgozni a számítógépen. Kattintson ide, hogy ezt megtegyük. +noUsername.partial-tip= Nincs felhasználónév +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Bejelentkezések felfedezése ebben a mappában. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Bejelentkezés %S felhasználónévvel: %S. Jobb kattintás a többi opciókra. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Üres +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Ebbe a mappába nincsen bejelentkezve +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S a %S csoportba (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Jelszó adatbázisom betöltése (KeePass indítása) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= KeePass indítása és a KeeFox bekapcsolása +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Jelszó adatbázisom betöltése (Bejelentkezés a KeePass-ba) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Jelentkezzen be a KeePass adatbázisba és KeeFox-ot kapcsolja be +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Nem vagy bejelentkezve a jelszó adatbázisodba. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Nem vagy bejelentkezve a jelszó adatbázisodba. +rememberPassword= Használd a KeeFox mentését ezzel a jelszóval. +savePasswordText= Szeretnéd menteni a KeeFox-ot ezzel a jelszóval? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= El akarod menteni a KeeFox-ba ezeket a több oldalas jelszavakat? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Mentés +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Csoportba mentés +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Ezen a webhelyen soha +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Nem most +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Mentés csoportba a '%S' adatbázisba +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Mentés a '%S' adatbázisba + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Mentés az '%S' adatbázisba. Kattintson a kicsi háromszökbe és mentese a különböző adatbázisokat. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Mentse a csoportot a '%S' adatbázisba. Kattintson a kicsi háromszögbe és mentese a különböző adatbázisba. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Jelszó mentése a megadott adatbázisba +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Mentsd a jelszavat csoportba a megadott adatbázisba + +passwordChangeText= Szeretne változtani a tárolt jelszón a %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Szeretnéd megváltoztatni a tároló jelszavát ennél a bejelentkezésnél? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Változtatás +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Nem változat +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Adatbázis változatatás +changeDBButton.tip= Hozzákapcsolja a különböző KeePass adatbázishoz? +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Adatbázis változtatás +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= KeePass indítása és bekapcsolása ezzel a funkcióval +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Nincs adatbázis +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= A modern adatbázis listában nincsen adatbázis. Használja KeePass-t úgy hogy nyissa meg a preferált adatbázist. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Hozzákapcsolás a %S adatbázishoz +autoFillWith.label= Automatikus kitöltés az +httpAuth.default= Nem vagy bejelentkezve a jelszó adatbázisodba (Lehet, hogy zárva van.) . +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Jelszavak beolvasása +httpAuth.noMatches= Nem található ilyen bejegyzés +install.somethingsWrong= Valami nem megfelelő +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Kérlek indítsd a KeePass-t először. +generatePassword.copied= Az új jelszót bemásolja a vágólapra. +loading= Betöltés +selectKeePassLocation= Mondd meg KeeFox-nak, hol találja KeePass-t +selectMonoLocation= Mondd meg a KeeFoxnak, hol találja meg a Mono-t. +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Válaszd az alapértelmezett adatbázist +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Üzenet letöltés és kijelző beállítások a Keefoxban +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Beállítások újraindítása +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= Ez visszaállítja a konfigurációt, hogy milyen volt, amikor először telepítette a % S. Ez csak akkor befolyásolja az üzenet letöltést és a kijelző beállításait % S; más beállítások nem módosíthatók. Kattintson az OK gombra, hogy a konfiguráció visszaállításához. +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Üzenet letöltés frekvencia (óra) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= % S rendszeresen csatlakozik az interneten letölthető biztonságosan megjelenítse az üzeneteket a böngészőben. Javasoljuk, hogy ellenőrizze igen gyakran annak érdekében, hogy Ön tisztában esetleges biztonsági problémákat elkerülje. Változások a beállításkor nem lépnek érvénybe, amíg újra nem indítja a Firefox-ot. +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Mutatsa %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum üzenet kijelsző fekvencia (napok) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= % S rendszeresen ellenőrzi, hogy minden üzenetet ennek a csoportnak meg kell jelennie. Ez a beállítás korlátozza, hogy milyen gyakran küldi és megjeleníti a KeeFox az üzeneteket +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Tanulj többet +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= A weboldalra ugrás +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Támogatás most +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= KeeFox aránya most +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Üzenet beállítások változtatása +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Ne jelenjen meg újra ez az üzenet +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= FIGYELMETETÉS: KeeFox bejelentkezett a jelszavaddal! Ha nem szándékosan bekapcsolta ezt a beállítást le kell tiltani, azonnal + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox betöltés... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox betölt és elvégez néhány indító tesztet. Ez nem tart sokáig ... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Kattinson és nézze meg a KeeFox menüt +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Adatbázis változtatás +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Kiválaszt különböző KePass jelszó adatbázist. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Űrlapok észlelése +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Új jelszó készítése +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Kap egy új jelszót a KeePasstól használja a legutóbb legtöbbet használt jelszógenerátor-profilját és tegye be a vágólapba. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Opiciók +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Nézi és változtatja a preferált KeeFox opciókat. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Intéz minden bejelentkezést és gyors bejegyzést a weboldaladon. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Bejelentkezések +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Bejelentkezés szerkesztése +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Bejelentkezés törlése +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Csoport törlése +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Csoport szerkesztése +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Mentés a csoport... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Több oldalas bejelentkezés része +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox súgó +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Súgó +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Internetes bevezetés indítása. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Bevezetés +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Látogatás az online súgó központba. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Súgó központ +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox opciók +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Egy csoport kiválasztása +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Mégse +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= KeeFox beállítás +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= KeeFox frissítése +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Figyelem: +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox beállítás már fut egy másik böngészőben fülön. Ha megtalálja a fület zárja be ezt a fület, és kövesse az utasításokat a másik lapot. Ha nem találja a meglévő fülön, akkor próbálja meg újraindítani a telepítést, kattintson az alábbi gombra. Ha ez nem működik, akkor lehet, hogy indítsa újra a Firefoxot ismét a folytatáshoz. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= Úgy tűnik, hogy KeeFoxot már telepítették. Ha sikerül KeeFox felismerni, hogy be van jelentkezve a KeePass adatbázis, akkor kérem, körültekintéssel (és ideiglenesen!) tiltsa le a biztonsági szoftvert a számítógépen futó (pl. tűzfal, anti-spyware, stb), mivel ezek ellentétesek néha a KeeFoxal. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Kérlek látogasd meg a KeeFox weboldalt a több segítséghez +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= Váratlan hiba történt a KeeFox telepítése közben. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Az letöltéshez szükséges összetevő hibás. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= A letöltéshez szükséges összetevő megszakítva. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= Egy letöltött összetevő hibás. Próbáld megint és ha tovább kapod még ezt az üzenetet, kérj a támogatásfórumban történő segítséget a http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Próbálja újra +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Mégse + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox kell telepíteni két másik komponenst - csak kattintson a gombra a kezdéshez. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= További információk és a fejlett beállítási lehetőségek +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= További információk és a fejlett beállítási lehetőségek +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox-hoz kell telepíteni két másik komponenst - csak kattintson a gombra a kezdéshez. Ha nem tud adminisztratív jelszót a számítógép, meg kell, hogy kérdezze meg a rendszergazdát, hogy segítsen. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= További információk és a fejlett beállítási lehetőségek +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Több információ és haladó telepítő beállítások +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox használja a KeePass Password Safe 2 biztosan tárolja a jelszavaidat. Már lelepítheted a számítógépedre de neked szükséged lehet egy adminisztrációs jelszóra, hogy képessé tedd a KeeFoxot arra, hogy helyesen összekapcsolja KeePass Password Safe 2 és Firefoxot. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Több információ és haladó telepítő beállítások + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox telepíteni szeretné a Microsoft .NET frameworköt és a KeePass Jelszó Mentő 2-t. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 az a jelszómenedzser-alkalmazás, amit KeeFox használ, biztosan tárolja a jelszavaidat. Ha a KeePass Password Safe 2 telepítési helyet, nyelvet vagy haladó opciókat akarsz választani, kérlek töltsd le és telepítsd a .NET-et a Microsoft honlapjáról és utánna indítsd újra a Firefoxot. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatív megoldásként, akkor próbálja a kézi telepítést a következő lépésben: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Töltse le és telepítse a .NET -et a Microsofttól +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Letöltés és telepítés a KeePass Password Safe 2 beállítása vagy ZIP a http://keepass.info -ról. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Ha szeretné kiválasztani a KeePass Password Safe 2 telepítés helyét, a nyelv vagy a speciális beállításokat, kattintson az alábbi gombra. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= KeePass beállítás minden felhasználónál teljes ellenőrzést végez a folyamatnál +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Beállítja a KeePass Password Safe 2 telepítési helyét +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Ha te tudod az adminisztrációs jelszót ennek a számítógépnek, minden felhasználónak be tudod állítani KeePasst azáltal, hogy lent használod az opciók közül az egyiket. Kattints a legalsó gombra, ha egy sajátos üzembehelyezési helyet, egy nem angol nyelvet vagy másik haladó opciókat akarsz beállítani. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Telepítse a KeeFoxot minden felhasználó számára +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= A szükséges fájlok beállítása KeeFox letöltéséhez ... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Letöltés kész. Kérjük, kövesse az utasításokat a. NET telepítő amely indul hamarosan ... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 töltődik le ... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Letöltés kész. Kérjük, kövesse a telepítő utasításokat, ami most kezdődik ... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Majdnem kész ... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= A szükséges fájlok beállítása KeeFox letöltéséhez ... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Letöltés befejeződött. Kérem várjon... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Majdnem kész ... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Letöltés befejeződött. Kérem várjon... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Majdnem kész ... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Próbálja meg ezeket a lépéseket, hogy elkezdje használni a KeeFox-ot +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Kövesse az útbaigazításokat a 'KeePass startup helper' -re nézve bármelyiknek hozzon létre egy új adatbázist hogy tárold a jelszavaidat vagy nyiss ki egy olyan KeePass adatbázist, amit már használsz. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Kattints ide, hogy kipróbáld az elkezdő oktatást. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Kérem zárja be a KeePass-t utánna folytassa! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Firefox újraindítása +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= A KeePassRPC.plgx fájl kézzel kell másolni: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Testreszabásutasítások: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) Feltételezzük KeePass telepítve van: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) Feltételezzük a Mono telepítve van: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= KeeFox frissítése: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Firefox újraindítása + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox beállítások +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Az űrlap kitöltése +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Töltse ki és küldje el az űrlapot +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Ne tegyen semmit +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Töltse ki a bejelentkező parancsot +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Töltse ki és küldje el a login prompt-ot +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox kell +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= Amikor KeeFox választ megfelelő bejelentkezést +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Egy szabványos űrlap +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Megtaláló belépések +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Értesítés +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Bejelntkezés +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Álltalános +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Ezeket az opciókat megváltoztatni, mert a KeeFox beállításai így a figyelmet felkelti másokban +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Értesítési beállítások +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Álltalános beállítások +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass beállítások +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Küldje az űrlapot, amikor úgy dönt, a jelszó megfelelő +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Bejelntkezési szintek +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Felkínálja, hogy mentse a jelszavait +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Eltávolítás +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Riasztási előreugró ablak (nem ajánlott) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript vezérőpult +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Rendszerszabványos kimenet +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Kommunikáljon a KeePassal használja ezt a TCP/IP portot. +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Mentse a weboldalak logó/ikonjait (kedvencikon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= Amikor megnyit vagy belép a KeePassba, használja ezt az adatbási fájlt. +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass telepítési helye. +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Használja ezt a helyet +KeeFox-browse.label= Böngész +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Üzenet / tip értesítési beállítások +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Keresés minden nyitott KeePass adatbázisban +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= Belépési lista az egész megnyitott KeePass adatbázistól. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=Oldal secifikus beállítások +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Kikapcsolva "jelszó mentés" értesités +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Beállítások minden oldalra. Adja hozzá az egyes oldal címeit, hogy felülbarálja. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Beállítások minden weboldalhoz, akinek a címe kezdődik +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Űrlap neve +KeeFox-form-id=Űrlap ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Szöveg kitöltött neve +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=Fehér Lista +KeeFox-black-list=Fekete Lista +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Oldal beállitások +KeeFox-add-site=Oldal hozzáadása +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Mentse az oldal beállításait +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Automatikus begépelés itt +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Ellenőrzött bejelentkezési bejegyzések +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Készítsen új jelszót a profiljához +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox-nál újra kell indítani az engedélyezési folyamatot. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox biztonsági szint +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Alacsony +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Közép +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=Magas +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Biztonságos kapcsolat +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Hitelesített kapcsolatok +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Parancsok + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Mutassa a saját menüt +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Mutatja a bejelentkezési listát +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Írja be az új gyosbíllenyű kúlcsot + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/it/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/it/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11be9b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/it/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox aggiunge funzionalità di gestione password gratuite, sicure e facili e Firefox, permettendoti di risparmiare tempo e di mantenere i tuoi dati ancora più sicurid. +tips-name= Consigli +tips-description=Consigli e suggerimenti che saranno utili a chi è nuovo nel mondo di KeeFox, KeePass o programmi di gestione password +tips-default-title=Suggerimento su KeeFox +tips201201040000a-body=Puoi "personalizzare" le toolbar di Firefox (incluso KeeFox) You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) per riposizionare i pulsanti e risparmiare spazio. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Il clic centrale o Ctrl-click su un elemento nella lista dei login, lo aprirà in una nuova tab, carica la pagina, riempie il form e preme invia, automaticamente. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Stai attento a far fare il login automatico, è comodo ma è un po' più pericoloso rispetto a cliccare il pulsante login manualmente. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=Lo "scollegato" e il "collegato" sulla barra di KeeFox si riferiscono allo stato del tuo database di KeePass (che tu sia entrato con la master password o no). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=Puoi impostare una priorità più alta su alcuni elementi, rispetto ad altri. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Accedi velocemente alle note ed ad altro facendo clic destro su un login e selezionando "Modifica elemento". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=Puoi avere più di un database KeePass aperto alla volta. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Qualche sito internet crea il modulo per il login dopo che la pagina ha finito di caricare, prova la funzione "rileva moduli" sul pulsante principale per cercare login corrispondenti. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Genera password sicure dal pulsante principale di KeeFox - userà le stesse impostazioni che hai usato l'ultima volta sul generatore di password di KeePass. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Gli elementi di KeePass possono essere usati su altri browser e altre applicazioni. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Anche siti famosi subiscono attacchi da parte degli hacker; proteggiti usando password differenti per ogni sito che visiti. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Clic sinistro su un elemento nella lista dei login per caricare una pagina nella tab corrente, riempire il modulo e inviare con un solo clic. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Qualche sito internet è progettato in modo da non funzionare con gestori di password automatizzati come KeeFox. Leggi come consigliamo di fare con questi siti. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Le password lunghe di solito sono più sicure di password corte ma complesse ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" è un'eccezione alla regola!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Password manager Open source come KeePass e KeeFox sono più sicuri delle alternative "closed source". +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=Se hai un vecchio database KeePass senza icone specifiche per ogni sito internet (favicon) prova il plugin KeePass Favicon downloader. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Notifiche sicurezza +security-description=Notifiche importanti sulla sicurezza che gli utenti non dovrebbero ignorare se desiderano continuare ad essere protetti +security-default-title=Avvertenza sulla sicurezza di KeeFox +security201201040000a-body=Questa versione di KeeFox è obsoleta. Dovresti installare una versione più recente se possibile. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Messaggi importanti +messages-description=Notifiche importanti ma rare che potrebbero essere utili agli utenti di KeeFox +messages-help-keefox=Aiuta KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=Stai usando KeeFox da un bel po'. Aiuta gli altri aggiungendo una recensione positiva sul sito delle estensioni di Mozilla. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/it/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/it/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f15cb79 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/it/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Collegato a KeePass +loggedOut.label= Scollegato da KeePass +launchKeePass.label= Apri KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= Sei collegato al database '%S' +loggedInMultiple.tip=Sei collegato ai database %S. '%S' è attivo. +loggedOut.tip= Sei scollegato dal database delle password (potrebbe essere bloccato) +launchKeePass.tip= Devi aprire KeePass per usare KeeFox. Clicca qui per farlo. +installKeeFox.label= Installa KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox necessita di installare altre cose prima di poter funzionare su questo computer. Clicca qui per farlo. +noUsername.partial-tip= nessun username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Esplora i login dentro questa cartella. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Entra in %S con questo username: %S. Clic destro per più opzioni. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Vuoto +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Questa cartella non ha login al suo interno +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S nel gruppo %S (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Carica il mio database delle password (Apri KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= C +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Apri KeePass per abilitare KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Apri il mio database delle password (Login in KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Apri il tuo database di KeePass per abilitare KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Non sei collegato al database delle password. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Non sei collegato al database delle password. +rememberPassword= Usa KeeFox per salvare questa password. +savePasswordText= Vuoi usare KeeFox per salvare questa password? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Vuoi usare KeeFox per salvare questa password multipagina? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Salva +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Salva in un gruppo +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Mai per questo sito +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= M +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Non adesso +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Salva in un gruppo nel database '%S' +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Salva nel database '%S' + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Salva nel database '%S'. Clicca il triangolino per salvare su un database differente. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Salva in un gruppo nel database '%S'. Clicca il triangolino per salvare su un database differente. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Salva questa password nel database specificato +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Salva questa password in un gruppo nel database specificato + +passwordChangeText= Vuoi cambiare la password salvata per %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Vuoi cambiare la password salvata per questo login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Cambia +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Non cambiare +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= N +changeDBButton.label= Cambia database +changeDBButton.tip= Passa a un database differente +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Cambia database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Apri KeePass per abilitare questa funzione +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Nessun database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= Non ci sono database nella lista database recenti di KeePass. Usa KeePass per aprire il tuo database preferito. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Passa al database %S +autoFillWith.label= Autoriempi con +httpAuth.default= Non sei collegato al database delle password (potrebbe essere bloccato) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Caricamento password +httpAuth.noMatches= Nessun elemento corrispondente trovato +install.somethingsWrong= Qualcosa è andato storto +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Apri KeePass prima. +generatePassword.copied= Una nuova password è stata copiata nei tuoi appunti. +loading= Caricamento +selectKeePassLocation= Dì a KeeFox dove trovare KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Dì a KeeFox dove trovare Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Scegli il database predefinito +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Opzioni di scaricamento messaggi e visualizzazione per KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Resetta la configurazione +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= Questo resetterà la configurazione a quando avevi installato per la prima volta %S. Questo influisce solo sulle impostazioni di scaricamento messaggi e visualizzazione di %S; altre impostazioni non saranno cambiate. Clicca OK per resettare la configurazione +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Frequenza scaricamento messaggi (ore) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S si collegherà regolarmente a Internet per scaricare messaggi sicuri da mostrare sul browser. È raccomandabile controllare molto frequentemente in modo da essere messi al corrente di problemi di sicurezza il prima possibile. I cambiamenti su questa opzione non avranno effetto finché non riavvierai Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Mostra %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Massima frequenza di display messaggi (giorni) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S controllerà se ci i messaggi di questo gruppo debbano essere mostrati. Questa impostazione limita quanto spesso i messaggi che vorrebbe mostrare KeeFox siano effettivamente mostrati a schermo +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Più info +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= P +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Vai sul sito +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= V +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Dona +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Recensisci KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Cambia impostazioni dei messaggi +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Non mostrare più messaggi +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= PERICOLO: KeeFox sta loggando le tue password! Se non hai abilitato questa impostazione intenzionalmente, dovresti disabilitarla immediatamente + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= Sto caricando KeeFox... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox sta caricando e sta facendo i test iniziali. Non dovrebbe impiegarci molto tempo... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Clicca per vedere il menu di KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Cambia database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Scegli un database di KeePass differente. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Rileva moduli +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Forza KeeFox a rilevare nuovamente i moduli su questa pagina. Questa azione è necessaria su una piccola parte dei siti. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= R +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Genera una nuova password +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Genera una nuova password usando l'ultimo profilo utilizzato su KeePass e la mette negli appunti di sistema. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Opzioni +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Visualizza e modifica le opzioni di KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Esplora tutti i login ed entra velocemente sui tuoi siti. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Login +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Modifica login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Elimina login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Elimina gruppo +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Modifica gruppo +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Salva su un gruppo... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Questo fa parte di un form multipagina +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= Aiuto su KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Aiuto +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= A +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visita il tutorial introduttivo. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Introduzione +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= I +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visita l'assistenza online. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Assistenza Online +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= O +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= Opzioni di KeeFox +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Seleziona un gruppo +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Annulla +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Imposta KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Aggiorna KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= Il setup di KeeFox è già in esecuzione in un'altra tab. Se riesci a trovarla, si prega di chiudere questa e continuare le istruzioni nell'altra. Se non riesci a trovarla, puoi provare a riavviare l'installazione cliccando il pulsante sottostante. Se non funziona, potresti aver bisogno di riavviare Firefox per continuare. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= Sembra che KeeFox sia già installato. Se hai problemi a far rilevare il database di KeePass a KeeFox, allora prova, con cautela (e temporaneamente), a disabilitare antivirus o firewall sul tuo computer, in quanto, raramente, interferiscono con KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Visita il sito di KeeFox per maggiori informazioni +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= Un errore inaspettato è accaduto durante l'installazione di KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Il download di un componente richiesto è fallito. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= Il download di un componente richiesto è stato annullato. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= Un componente scaricato è corrotto. Riprova e se continui a ricevere questo errore, chiedi aiuto sul forum all'indirizzo http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Riprova +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Annulla + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox deve installare due altri componenti - clicca sul pulsante sovrastante per iniziare. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Più informazioni e opzioni di installazione avanzate +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox deve installare KeePass Password Safe 2 per salvare le tue password in modo sicuro. Clicca il pulsante sovrastante per un'installazione veloce con le impostazioni di default. clicca il pulsante sottostante se hai già installato KeePass Password Safe 2, vuoi usare la versione portatile o se vuoi avere più controllo sul processo di installazione. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Più informazioni e opzioni di setup avanzate +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox deve installare due altri componenti - clicca sul pulsante qua sopra. Se non puoi fornire una password amministrativa per questo computer, dovrai chiedere all'amministratore di sistema di aiutarti. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Più informazioni e opzioni di setup avanzate +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox deve installare KeePass Password Safe 2 per salvare le tua password in sicurezza. Ti sarà chiesto dove installare KeePass Password Safe 2 o puoi scegliere la posizione di un'installazione esistente di KeePass Password Safe 2 (KeeFox non è riuscito a trovarne una automaticamente). NOTA: KeeFox non sempre riesce a configurarsi automaticamente su computer dove non hai permessi amministrativi. Potresti aver bisogno di cercare assistenza online per cercare le istruzioni per l'installazione manuale o chiedere all'amministratore di sistema di aiutarti. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Più informazioni e opzioni di setup avanzate +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox usa KeePass Password Safe 2 per salvare le password in sicurezza. È già stato installato sul tuo computer ma potresti dover fornire una password amministrativa per abilitare KeeFox a collegare correttamente KeePass Password Safe 2 e Firefox. Se non puoi fornire una password amministrativa per questo computer, clicca qua sotto per un'altra opzione. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Più informazioni e opzioni di setup avanzate + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox installerà il Microsoft .NET framework e KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 è il password manager che KeeFox usa per salvare le tue password con sicurezza. Se vuoi scegliere dove installare KeePass Password Safe 2, la lingua o altre opzioni, si prega di installare il framework .NET dal sito Microsoft e poi di riavviare Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Altrimenti, puoi provare l'installazione manuale seguendo questi passi: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Scarica e installa il framework .NET dal sito Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Scarica installa KeePass Password Safe 2 da http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Riavvia Firefox per ritornare a questa pagina di setup e finisci l'ultimo step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Oppure copia manualmente il file the KeePassRPC.plgx dalla cartella delle estensioni di Firefox (cerca in una sottocartella chiamata deps) alla cartella dei plugin di KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Se si desidera scegliere la posizione d'installazione di KeePass Password Safe 2, la lingua o le opzioni avanzate, fare clic sul pulsante qui sotto. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Installa KeePass per tutti gli utenti con pieno controllo del processo +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= Se si desidera installare la versione portatile di KeePass in una posizione specifica ( ad esempio una chiavetta USB ), è possibile scegliere una posizione sottostante. Se si dispone già di KeePass Password Safe 2, si prega di utilizzare la casella qui sotto per dire a KeeFox dove trovarlo. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Imposta la posizione di installazione di KeePass Password Safe 2 +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Fare clic sul pulsante qui sopra per collegare KeeFox a KeePass Password Safe 2. (Tecnicamente, questo installa il plugin KeePassRPC per KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Se si conosce la password di amministrazione per questo computer è possibile installare KeePass per tutti gli utenti utilizzando una delle seguenti opzioni. Fare clic sul pulsante in basso se si desidera impostare una particolare posizione di installazione, una lingua non inglese o altre opzioni avanzate. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Imposta KeeFox per tutti gli utenti +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= È possibile installare KeePass Password Safe 2 su una / disco USB portatile (o in una seconda posizione sul computer). Basta cliccare sul pulsante in basso, ma prendi in considerazione la potenziale confusione in cui si potrebbe incorrere in futuro, perché il computer avrà due installazioni separate di KeePass Password Safe 2. Se possibile, si dovrebbe impostare KeeFox utilizzando il pulsante sopra , fornendo la password di amministrazione del computer, se richiesto. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Installa KeePass / KeePassRPC in una seconda posizione + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= I file necessari per la configurazione KeeFox vengono scaricati... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Scaricamento completato. Si prega di seguire le istruzioni dell'Installer .NET che inizierà presto... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= Sto scaricando KeePass Password Safe 2... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Scaricamento completato. Si prega di seguire le istruzioni dell'Installer che inizierà presto... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Quasi completato... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= I file necessari per la configurazione id KeeFox vengono scaricati... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download completato. Attendere prego... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Quasi completato... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Quasi finito... È possibile che venga richiesto di eseguire un file eseguibile chiamato KeePassRPCCopier.exe che eseguirà la fase di installazione finale automaticamente. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= I file necessari per la configurazione KeeFox vengono scaricati... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download completato. Attendere prego... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Quasi completato... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Prova questi passaggi per iniziare a utilizzare KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Seguire le istruzioni nel 'KeePass startup helper' per creare un nuovo database per memorizzare le tue password o aprire un database KeePass che si utilizza già .. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Clicca qui per guardare l'esercitazione introduttiva. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Clicca qui per scoprire come importare le password esistenti da Firefox o altri gestori di password. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Infine, se avete difficoltà far funzionare correttamente KeeFox, si prega di dare un'occhiata alle risorse di aiuto disponibili all'indirizzo +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Chiudere KeePass prima di continuare ! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass è stato rilevato sul vostro computer. Per poter configurare KeeFox senza problemi, si prega di assicurarsi che sia chiuso prima di continuare! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox può essere eseguito su sistemi Linux e Mac , ma richiede l'installazione manuale seguendo questi passaggi: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Scaricare e installare Mono dal sito sottostante. Gli utenti Linux possono solito installare l'ultima versione di Mono dal repository di pacchetti della vostra distribuzione, ma si prega di assicurarsi di aver installato il pacchetto Mono completo ( alcune distribuzioni separano Mono in sotto- pacchetti multipli). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Scarica KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (o superiore) Portable (ZIP Package) dal sito web sottostante o provare sul package manager della vostra distribuzione (assicuratevi di avere una nuova però!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass su ~/KeePass (posizione di default, può essere personalizzata), dove ~ rappresenta la directory home +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copiare il file KeePassRPC.plgx nella subdirectory plugin nella directory che contiene l'installazione di KeePass (ad esempio ~/KeePass/plugins ) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Riavvia Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= Il file KeePassRPC.plgx che è necessario copiare manualmente è situato: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Istruzioni di personalizzazione: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) Si presume che KeePass è installato su: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) Si presume Mono è installato su: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= Per ignorare le impostazioni predefinite, vai su KeeFox -> Opzioni -> KeePass, potrai impostare la posizione di Mono e KeePass + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= Per aggiornare KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copiare il file KeePassRPC.plgx per i plugin sottodirectory all'interno della directory che contiene l'installazione di KeePass (ad esempio ~/KeePass/plugins dove ~ rappresenta la directory home) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Riavvia Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= Opzioni di KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Compila il modulo +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Compila ed invia il modulo +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Non fare nulla +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Compilare il prompt di login +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Compila e invia il prompt di login +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox dovrebbe +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB : È possibile ignorare questo comportamento per le singole voci della KeePass finestra di dialogo "Modifica voce". +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Quando scelgo una password abbinata, KeeFox dovrebbe +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= Quando KeeFox sceglie un account di accesso corrispondente per +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Un modulo standard +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= Un HTTPAuth, NTLM o prompt di delega +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Pagine con più elementi possono essere riempiti e inviati automaticamente +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Trovando elementi +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifiche +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Avanzato +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= Queste sono le opzioni più importanti che regolano il comportamento di KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Modificare queste opzioni per cambiare il modo KeeFox attira la tua attenzione +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= Queste opzioni possono aiutare a eseguire il debug di un problema o di configurare le impostazioni avanzate, ma la maggior parte degli utenti possono ignorarle +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= Queste opzioni influenzano il comportamento di KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= Come si comporta KeeFox quando trova le voci KeePass +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Opzioni di notifica +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Opzioni avanzate +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= Opzioni di KeePass +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Compila i moduli automaticamente quando viene trovata una password corrispondente +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Compila e invia i moduli automaticamente quando viene trovata una password corrispondente +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Compila e invia le finestre di dialogo automaticamente quando viene trovata una password corrispondente +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Compila e invia le finestre di dialogo automaticamente quando viene trovata una password corrispondente +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Sovrascrivere il contenuto di tutti i moduli non vuoti corrispondenti e le finestre di dialogo +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Invia il form quando si sceglie una password corrispondente +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Chiedi di salvare la password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= Su questi siti non sarà mai chiesto di salvare una nuova password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Rimuovi +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Visualizza la barra di notifica quando KeePass deve essere aperto +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Mostra una barra di notifica quando è necessario accedere a un database di KeePass +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Selezionare dove si desidera registrare il log dell'attività di KeeFox. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Popup di avviso (non consigliato) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Console Javascript +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Uscita standard di sistema +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (che si trova in una cartella 'keefox' all'interno del vostro profilo di Firefox) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Scegliere la modalità verbose si desidera che il registro sia. Ogni livello di registro più alto produce più output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Controllare ogni pagina web per nuovi moduli +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB : Questa opzione può consentire KeeFox di riconoscere più moduli, a scapito delle prestazioni +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Comunicare con KeePass con questa porta TCP / IP +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: modificare l'impostazione anche in KeePass.config altrimenti KeeFox non sarà sempre in grado di comunicare con KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Salva il logo/icona del sito (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= Durante l'apertura o l'accesso a KeePass , utilizzare questo file di database +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Ricorda il database di KeePass utilizzato più di recente +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= Posizione del plugin KeePassRPC +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= Percorso di installazione KeePass +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Posizione eseguibile Mono (ad esempio /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Memorizza le impostazioni di cui sopra (ad esempio quando si utilizzano KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Utilizzare questa posizione +KeeFox-browse.label= Sfoglia +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Opzioni di notifica messaggi/suggerimenti +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Cerca in tutti i database KeePass aperti +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= Elenca gli account di accesso da tutti i database KeePass aperti +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox cerca di trovare dei dati identificativi in tutti i form che contengono un campo password. Impostare questo e più in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=impostazioni specifiche del sito +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disabilita le notifiche "Salva password" +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Impostazioni per tutti i siti. Aggiungere indirizzi da ignorare. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Impostazioni per tutti i siti il cui indirizzo inizia con +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox cercherà di colmare corrispondenti voci KeePass per tutti i moduli che hanno un campo password. È possibile impostare questo comportamento di seguito . +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=Se un modulo è presente in una whitelist, KeeFox tenterà sempre di riempirlo. Se il modulo è presente in una delle blacklist qua sotto, KeeFox non proverà mai a riempirlo. Se è presente in entrambe le liste, KeeFox non proverà a riempirlo. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: NB: I nomi e gli ID potrebbero non essere gli stessi visibili sulla pagina (sono impostati nel codice sorgente della pagina) +KeeFox-form-name=Nome modulo +KeeFox-form-id=ID modulo +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=Whitelist +KeeFox-black-list=Blacklist +KeeFox-site-options-title=Opzioni siti KeeFox +KeeFox-add-site=Aggiungi sito +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Salva impostazioni sito +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Selezionare le caselle di controllo a sinistra per abilitare un settaggio + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ja/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ja/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ja/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ja/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ja/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dff31b --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ja/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logged in +loggedOut.label= Logged out +launchKeePass.label= Launch KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= You are logged in to your '%S' password database +loggedInMultiple.tip=You are logged in to %S password databases. '%S' is active. +loggedOut.tip= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +launchKeePass.tip= You need to open and log into KeePass to use KeeFox. Click here to do that. +installKeeFox.label= Install KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox needs to install some extra things before it can work on your computer. Click here to do that. +noUsername.partial-tip= no username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Explore the logins inside this folder. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login to %S with this username: %S. Right click for more options. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Empty +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= This folder has no logins inside it +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S in the %S group (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Launch KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Launch KeePass to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Login to KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login to your KeePass database to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +rememberPassword= Use KeeFox to save this password. +savePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this password? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Save +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Save to a group +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Never for This Site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Not Now +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Save to a group in the '%S' database +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Save in the '%S' database + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Save this password in the specified database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Save this password to a group in the specified database + +passwordChangeText= Would you like to change the stored password for %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Change +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Don't Change +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Change database +changeDBButton.tip= Switch to a different KeePass database +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Change database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Launch KeePass to enable this feature +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= No database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= There are no databases in your KeePass Recent databases list. Use KeePass to open your preferred database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Switch to the %S database +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Loading passwords +httpAuth.noMatches= No matching entries found +install.somethingsWrong= Something went wrong +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Please launch KeePass first. +generatePassword.copied= A new password has been copied to your clipboard. +loading= Loading +selectKeePassLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Choose a default password database +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Message download and display options for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Reset configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Message download frequency (hours) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Show %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum message display frequency (days) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Learn more +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Go to site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donate now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Rate KeeFox now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Change message settings +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Don't show message again +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox loading... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox is loading and doing a few startup tests. It shouldn't take long... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Click to see the KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Change database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Choose a different KeePass password database. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detect forms +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generate new password +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using the most recently used password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Options +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= View and change your preferred KeeFox options. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Explore all your logins and quickly log in to your websites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Edit login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Delete login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Delete group +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Edit group +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Save to a group... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= This is part of a multi-page login form +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox help. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Help +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visit the online getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Getting Started +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visit the online help centre. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Help Centre +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox options +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Select A Group +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Setup KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Upgrade KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Please visit the KeeFox website for more help +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= An unexpected error occured during KeeFox installation. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= The download of a required component failed. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= The download of a required component was cancelled. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= A downloaded component is corrupt. Try again and if you continue to receive this message, ask for help in the support forum at http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Try again +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox will install the Microsoft .NET framework and KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatively, you could attempt a manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install .NET from Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download and install KeePass Password Safe 2 setup or ZIP from http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Or manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file from the Firefox extensions folder (look in a subfolder called deps) to the KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins folder. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, click the button below. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Set KeePass Password Safe 2's installation location +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the .NET installer which will start soon... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Please close KeePass before continuing! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Restart Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= To upgrade KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Restart Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Options +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Fill in the form +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Fill in and submit the form +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Do nothing +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifications +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Advanced +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Notification options +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Advanced options +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass options +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Offer to save passwords +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remove +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript console +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installation location +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Browse +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form name +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=White List +KeeFox-black-list=Black List +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Site options +KeeFox-add-site=Add site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Save site settings +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ko-KR/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ko-KR/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a2aa8b --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ko-KR/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= 정보 +tips-description=조언 및 정보는 KeeFox, KeePass 또는 암호 관리 소프트웨어를 새로 접하는 사람들에겐 특히 유용할 겁니다. +tips-default-title=KeeFox 정보 +tips201201040000a-body=버튼 재정렬로 귀하의 Firefox (KeeFox를 포함한)도구막대를 "사용자 맞춤"을 할 수 있고 화면 공백을 저장할 수 있습니다. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=로그인 목록 내 항목을 가운데 클릭 또는 Ctrl-클릭하면 새 탭으로 열어, 웹 페이지 불러와 한번의 클릭으로 자동으로 로그인 정보가 제출됩니다. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=로그인 양식 자동 제출 주의 - 수동으로 로그인 버튼을 클릭하는 것보다는 편리하지만 조금 더 위험합니다. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=특정 항목이 다른 것보다 더 높은 우선 순위를 가지게 강제할 수 있습니다. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=동시에 열려있는 하나 이상의 KeePass 데이터베이스를 가질 수 있습니다. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=KeePass 항목은 다른 웹 브라우저와 응용 프로그램에서 사용할 수 있습니다. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=긴 암호는 일반적으로 짧은 것보다 더 안전하지만 복잡해야 합니다("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"같은 것은 이런 규칙의 예외입니다!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=KeePass와 KeeFox 같은 오픈 소스 보안 소프웨어가 다른 폐쇄 소스 제품들 보다 더 안전합니다. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=보안 알림 +security-description=보호된 상태가 유지되길 원한다면 사용자가 무시해선 안될 중요 보안 공지 +security-default-title=KeeFox 보안 경고 +security201201040000a-body=이 KeeFox 버전이 너무 오래 됐습니다. 가능하다면 더 새로운 버전을 설치해 주십시오. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=중요 메세지 +messages-description=KeeFox 사용자에게 유용할수 있는 중요하지만 희귀한 알림 +messages-help-keefox=KeeFox 도움말 +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add" +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ko-KR/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ko-KR/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b18d22 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ko-KR/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= 로그인 +loggedOut.label= 로그아웃 +launchKeePass.label= KeePass 시작 +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= 귀하의 '%S' 암호 데이터 베이스에 로그인 +loggedInMultiple.tip='%S' 암호 데이터 베이스에 로그인했습니다. '%S'(이)가 동작합니다. +loggedOut.tip= 암호 데이터베에스에 로그아웃했습니다(잠길수 있습니다) +launchKeePass.tip= KeeFox를 사용하기 위해 KeePass를 열고 로그인이 필요합니다. 그렇게 하려면 여기를 클릭. +installKeeFox.label= KeeFox 설치 +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox가 귀하의 컴퓨터에서 동작하기 전에 추가로 몇가지 것들을 설치해야합니다. 그렇게 하려면 여기를 클릭. +noUsername.partial-tip= 사용자명 없음 +loginsButtonGroup.tip= 이 폴더 안에서 로그인을 찾아보세요. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= 이 사용자 명으로 %S에 로그인합니다:%S. 더 자세한 사항은 오른쪽 클릭. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= 공란 +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= 이 폴더는 내부 로그인이 없습니다 +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S / %S 그룹 (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= 내 암호 데이터베이스 불러오기(KeePass 시작) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Keefox를 사용해 KeePass 시작 +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= 내 암호 데이터 베이스 불러오기(KeePass에 로그인) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= KeeFox를 사용하기 위해 KeePass 데이터베이스에 로그인 +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= 암호 데이터베이스에 로그인하지 않았습니다. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= 암호 데이터베이스에 로그인하지 않았습니다. +rememberPassword= 이 암호를 저장하기 위해 KeeFox를 사용합니다. +savePasswordText= 이 암호를 저장하기 위해 KeeFox를 원하시나요? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= 이 다중 페이지 암호를 저장하기 위해 KeeFox를 원하시나요? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= 저장 +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= 그룹에 저장 +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= 이 사이트에선 절대 안함 +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= 지금 말고 +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label='%S' 데이터베이스 내 그룹에 저장 +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label='%S' 데이터베이스에 저장 + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=지정된 데이터베이스 안에 이 암호를 저장 +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=지정된 데이터베이스 내 그룹에 이 암호를 저장 + +passwordChangeText= %S에 대해 저장된 암호를 변경 하시겠습니까? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= 변경 +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= 변경안함 +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= 데이터베이스 변경 +changeDBButton.tip= 다른 KeePass 데이터베이스로 전환 +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= 데이터베이스 변경 +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= 이 기능을 사용하기위해 KeePass 실행 +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= 데이터베이스 없음 +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= KeePass 최근 데이터베이스 목록 안에 데이터베이스가 없습니다. 원하는 데이터베이스를 열려면 KeePass를 사용하세요. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= %S 데이터베이스로 전환 +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= 암호 불러오는중 +httpAuth.noMatches= 이치하는 항목 없음 +install.somethingsWrong= 문제가 발생했습니다 +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= 먼저 KeePass를 실행해 주세요. +generatePassword.copied= 새 암호가 클립보드에 복사되었습니다. +loading= 불러오는 중 +selectKeePassLocation= 어디서 KeePass를 찾을지 KeeFox에게 알려주기 +selectMonoLocation= 어디서 Mono를 찾을지 KeeFox에게 알려주기 +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= 기본 암호 데이터베이스를 선택 +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= 메세지 다운로드 및 KeeFox를 위한 선택사항 표시 +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= 환경설정 재설정 +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= 메세지 다운로드 주기(시간) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= %S %S 보기 +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= 최대 메세지 표시 주기(일) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Learn more +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= 사이트 가기 +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= 바로 기부하기 +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= 바로 KeeFox 평가하기 +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= 메세지 설정 변경 +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= 메세지를 다시 표시 하지 않음 +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= 주의:KeeFox는 귀하의 암호를 기록합니다! 만약 의도적으로 이 설정을 사용하도록 설정하지 않은 경우 당신은 즉시 비활성화해야합니다 + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox 불러오는 중… +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox is loading and doing a few startup tests. It shouldn't take long... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= KeeFox 메뉴를 보려면 클릭 +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= 데이터베이스 변경 +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= 다른 KeePass 암호 데이터베이스를 선택합니다. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= 양식 감지 +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= KeeFox가 이 페이지에서 양식을 재 감지하도록 시킵니다. 이것은 작은 예외의 웹사이트에서 필요로 합니다. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= 새로운 암호 생성 +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using the most recently used password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= 선택사항 +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= 원하는 KeeFox 선택사항을 확인하거나 변경합니다. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= 모든 로그인 탐색 및 웹사이트에 빠른 로그인합니다. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= 로그인 +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= 로그인 편집 +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= 로그인 삭제 +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= 그룹 삭제 +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= 그룹 편집 +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= 그룹으로 저장… +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= 다중 페이지 로그인 양식의 일부입니다 +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox 도움말. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= 도움말 +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visit the online getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Getting Started +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visit the online help centre. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Help Centre +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox 선택사항 +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= 그룹 선택 +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= 확인 +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= 취소 +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= KeeFox 설치 +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= KeeFox 업그레이드 +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Please visit the KeeFox website for more help +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= An unexpected error occured during KeeFox installation. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= The download of a required component failed. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= The download of a required component was cancelled. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= A downloaded component is corrupt. Try again and if you continue to receive this message, ask for help in the support forum at http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= 다시 시도 +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= 취소 + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox will install the Microsoft .NET framework and KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatively, you could attempt a manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install .NET from Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download and install KeePass Password Safe 2 setup or ZIP from http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Or manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file from the Firefox extensions folder (look in a subfolder called deps) to the KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins folder. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, click the button below. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Set KeePass Password Safe 2's installation location +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= 내려받기 완료. 곧 시작되는 .NET 설치 프로그램의 지시에 따르시기 바랍니다… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2를 내려받는 중입니다… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= 내려받기 완료. 지금부터 시작되는 설치 프로그램의 지시를 따르시기 바랍니다… +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= 거의 완료돼 갑니다… +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= KeeFox를 설치하는데 필요한 파일들을 내려받는 중입니다… +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= 내려받기 완료. 기다려주세요… +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= 거의 완료돼 갑니다… +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= KeeFox를 설치하는데 필요한 파일들을 내려받는 중입니다… +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= 내려받기 완료. 기다려 주세요… +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= 거의 완료돼 갑니다… +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= KeeFox를 사용하려면 다음 과정을 따라주세요: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= 계속하기 전에 KeePass를 닫아주세요! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Firefox 재시작 +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= KeeFox를 업그레이드 하려면: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Firefox 재시작 + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox 선택사항 +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Fill in the form +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Fill in and submit the form +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Do nothing +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= 통지 +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Advanced +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Notification options +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= 고급 선택사항 +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= Keepass 선택사항 +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= 암호 저장 여부 확인 +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= 삭제 +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= 경고 팝업(추천하지 않음) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript 콘솔 +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= 시스템 표준 출력 +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= 웹사이트 로고/아이콘(파비콘) 저장 +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= 가장 최근에 사용된 KeePass 데이터베이스 기억 +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC 플러그인 설치 위치 +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass 설치 위치 +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono 실행 위치 (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= 이 위치 사용 +KeeFox-browse.label= 찾아보기 +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= 열려있는 모든 KeePass 데이터베이스 검색 +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=폼 이름 +KeeFox-form-id=폼 ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=허용 목록 +KeeFox-black-list=차단 목록 +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeePass 사이트 선택사항 +KeeFox-add-site=사이트 추가 +KeeFox-save-site-settings=사이트 설정 저장 +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/nb-NO/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/nb-NO/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/nb-NO/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/nb-NO/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/nb-NO/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccffc58 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/nb-NO/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logged in +loggedOut.label= Logged out +launchKeePass.label= Launch KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= You are logged in to your '%S' password database +loggedInMultiple.tip=You are logged in to %S password databases. '%S' is active. +loggedOut.tip= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +launchKeePass.tip= You need to open and log into KeePass to use KeeFox. Click here to do that. +installKeeFox.label= Install KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox needs to install some extra things before it can work on your computer. Click here to do that. +noUsername.partial-tip= no username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Explore the logins inside this folder. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login to %S with this username: %S. Right click for more options. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Empty +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= This folder has no logins inside it +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S in the %S group (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Launch KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Launch KeePass to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Login to KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login to your KeePass database to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +rememberPassword= Use KeeFox to save this password. +savePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this password? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Save +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Save to a group +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Never for This Site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Not Now +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Save to a group in the '%S' database +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Save in the '%S' database + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Save this password in the specified database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Save this password to a group in the specified database + +passwordChangeText= Would you like to change the stored password for %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Change +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Don't Change +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Change database +changeDBButton.tip= Switch to a different KeePass database +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Change database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Launch KeePass to enable this feature +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= No database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= There are no databases in your KeePass Recent databases list. Use KeePass to open your preferred database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Switch to the %S database +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Loading passwords +httpAuth.noMatches= No matching entries found +install.somethingsWrong= Something went wrong +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Please launch KeePass first. +generatePassword.copied= A new password has been copied to your clipboard. +loading= Loading +selectKeePassLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Choose a default password database +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Message download and display options for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Reset configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Message download frequency (hours) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Show %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum message display frequency (days) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Learn more +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Go to site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donate now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Rate KeeFox now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Change message settings +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Don't show message again +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= Laster KeeFox... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox starter og utfører noen oppstartstester. Dette burde ikke ta lang tid... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Klikk for å se menyen til KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Skift database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Velg en annen KeePass passorddatabase +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= V +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Oppdag skjemaer +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Tving KeeFox til å gjenoppdage skjemaer på denne siden. Dette er nødvendig på et lite antall nettsider. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= G +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generer nytt passord +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Henter et nytt passord fra KeePass ved å benytte seg av siste brukte passordgeneratorprofil og legger denne på utklippstavlen. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Innstillinger +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Viser og lar deg endre dine ønskede KeeFox-innstillinger +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= I +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Utforsk alle dine pålogginger for raskt å logge inn på dine nettsteder. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Pålogginger +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Rediger innlogging +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Slett innlogging +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Slett gruppe +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Rediger gruppe +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Lagre til en gruppe... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Dette er en del av innloggingsskjema som går over flere sider. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox hjelp +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Hjelp +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Besøk "Komme i gang" innføringen på nettet. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Komme i gang +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= K +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Besøk hjelpesenteret på nettet. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Hjelpesenter +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= j +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox innstillinger +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Velg en gruppe +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_OK_Button.label; +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_Cancel_Button.label; +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Klargjøre KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Oppgradere KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox kjører allerede i et annet nettleservindu. Hvis du kan finne det andre vinduet, lukk dette vinduet og følg innstruksjonene videre der. Hvis du ikke finner den andre siden, kan du forsøke å starte innstalasjonsprossessen på nytt ved å trykke på knappen under. Hvis dette ikke skulle virke, må du kanskje starte Firefox på nytt for å fortsette... +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= Det ser ut til at KeeFox allerede er innstallert. Hvis du har problemer å få KeeFox til å gjennkjenne din innlogging i en KeePass-database, prøv å midlertidig stenge av diverse sikkerhetsprogramvare (antivirus, brannmur e.l.) siden disse av og til kan komme i konflikt med KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Vær vennlig å besøk hjemmesiden til KeeFox for mer informasjon og hjelp +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= En uforutsett feil oppstod under innstallasjonen av KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Nedlastningen av en avhengig komponent feilet. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= Nedlastningen av en avhengig komponent ble avbrutt. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= En av de nedlastede komponentene virker ikke. Forsøk en gang til og hvis det skjer igjen, sprø om hjelp på forumet - http://keefox.org/help/forum +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Forsøk igjen +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_Cancel_Button.label; + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= %KeeFox_Shared_Must_Install_Two_Components;. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_More_Info_And_Options; +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= %KeeFox_Shared_Must_Install_KeePass;. Trykk på knappen ovenfor en enkel og rask installasjon med standard oppsett. Trykk på knappen nedenfor hvis du allerede har KeePass Password Safe 2, ønsker å bruke en portabel versjon av KeePass eller ønsker å ta kontroll over innstallasjonsprosessen. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_More_Info_And_Options; +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= %KeeFox_Shared_Must_Install_Two_Components;. %KeeFox_Shared_IF_Do_Not_Know_Admin_Password;, du må spørre en som har administratorrettigheter om hjelp. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_More_Info_And_Options; +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= %KeeFox_Shared_Must_Install_KeePass;. Du vil bli spurt om hvor du vil innstallere KeePass Password Safe 2 eller du kan velge lokasjonen til en allerede eksisterende KeePass Password Safe 2 innstallasjon (KeeFox klarte ikke å finne en automagisk). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_More_Info_And_Options; +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox benytter seg av KeePass Password Safe 2 til å sikkert lagre dine passord. KeePass er allerede innstallert på maskinen din men du kan bli nødt til å oppgi et administratorpassord for å kunne koble KeePass Password Safe 2 med Firefox. %KeeFox_Shared_IF_Do_Not_Know_Admin_Password;, trykk på knappen nedenunder for andre valg. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= %KeeFox_Shared_More_Info_And_Options; + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox vil nå innstallere Microsoft .NET Framework og KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 er passordbehandleren som KeeFox bruker til sikkert å lagre pssordene dine. Hvis du ønsker å velge lokasjon for innstallasjonen av KeePass Password Safe 2 samt språk og avanserte innstillinger, vennligst last ned og innstaller .NET Framework fra Microsoft sin nettside og start Firefox på nytt. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternativt kan du forsøke en manuell innstallasjon ved å følge disse trinnene: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Last ned og innstaller .NET Framework fra Microsft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Last ned og innstaller KeePass Password Safe 2 fra http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Enten start Firefox på nytt for å komme tilbake til denne oppsettsiden for å fullføre siste steg +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) eller kopier for hånd filen KeePassRPC.plgx fra Firefox sin mappe for utvidelser (se etter en mappe som heter deps) til KeePass Password Safe 2 sin plugin-mappe. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Hvis du ønsker å velge KeePass Password Safe 2 sitt innstallasjonsmål, språk eller avanserte innstillinger, trykk på knappen nedenfor. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Sett opp KeePass for alle brukere med full kontroll av prosessen +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= Hvis du ønsker å innstallere KeePass sin portabel-versjon til en spesifikk lokasjon (f.eks. en minnepinne) kan du velge dette nedenunder. Hvis du allerede har KeePass Password Safe 2 installert, vennligst bruk boksen nedenfor til å fortelle KeeFox hvor den finnes. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= KeePass Password Safe 2 sin installasjonslokasjon +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Trykk på knappen ovenfor for å koble KeeFox sammen med KeePass Password Safe 2. (Dette vil teknisk sett innstallere KeePassRPC-plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the .NET installer which will start soon... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Please close KeePass before continuing! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Restart Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= To upgrade KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Restart Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Options +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Fill in the form +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Fill in and submit the form +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Do nothing +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifications +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Advanced +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Notification options +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Advanced options +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass options +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Offer to save passwords +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remove +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript console +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installation location +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Browse +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form name +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=White List +KeeFox-black-list=Black List +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Site options +KeeFox-add-site=Add site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Save site settings +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pl/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pl/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pl/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pl/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pl/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..280decd --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pl/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Zalogowany +loggedOut.label= Wylogowany +launchKeePass.label= Uruchom KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= Jesteś zalogowany do bazy haseł "%S". +loggedInMultiple.tip=Jesteś zalogowany do bazy haseł %S. Baza "%S" jest aktywna. +loggedOut.tip= Obecnie jesteś wylogowany z bazy haseł (baza może być zablokowana). +launchKeePass.tip= Musisz uruchomić i zalogować się do KeePassa aby używać KeeFoxa. Kliknij tutaj aby to zrobić. +installKeeFox.label= Zainstaluj KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox musi zainstalować kilka dodatkowych rzeczy zanim będzie mógł rozpocząć pracę na tym komputerze. Kliknij tutaj aby to zrobić. +noUsername.partial-tip= brak nazwy użytkownika +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Przeglądaj wpisy w folderze. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Zaloguj się do %S za pomocą nazwy użytkownika: %S. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy aby przeglądać więcej opcji. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Pusty +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Ten folder nie zawiera żadnych wpisów. +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S w grupie %S (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Załaduj moją bazę haseł (Uruchom KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Uruchom KeePass aby aktywować KeeFox. +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Załaduj bazę haseł (Zaloguj do KeePassa) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Zaloguj się do KeePassa aby aktywować KeeFox. +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Nie jesteś zalogowany do bazy haseł. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Nie jesteś zalogowany do bazy haseł. +rememberPassword= Uzyj KeeFox by zapamietac to haslo. +savePasswordText= Czy chcesz aby KeeFox zapisał to hasło? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Zapisz +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Zapisz w grupie +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Nigdy dla tej strony. +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Nie teraz +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Zapisz do grupy w bazie haseł "%S". +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Zapisz w bazie haseł "%S" + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Zapisz w bazie "%S". Kliknij na mały trójkąt aby zapisać w innej bazie haseł. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Zapisz w grupie, w bazie "%S". Kliknij na mały trójkąt aby zapisać w innej bazie haseł. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Zapisz hasło w określonej bazie haseł. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Zapisz hasło w grupie, w określonej bazie haseł. + +passwordChangeText= Czy chciałbyś zmienić zapisane hasło do %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Czy chciałbyś zmienić zapisane hasło dla tej nazwy użytkownika? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Zmien +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Nie zmieniaj +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Zmien baze danych +changeDBButton.tip= Przełącz do innej bazy haseł KeePassa +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Zmien baze danych +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Uruchom KeePass aby aktywować tą funkcję +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Brak bazy danuch +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= Nie ma żadnej bazy na liście ostatnio otwieranych baz w KeePass. Użyj KeePassa aby otworzyć swoją preferowaną bazę. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Przełącz do bazy haseł %S +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= Jesteś wylogowany ze swojej bazy haseł (baza może być zablokowana) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Laduje haslo +httpAuth.noMatches= Nie znaleziono pasujących wpisów. +install.somethingsWrong= Coś poszło źle +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Proszę najpierw uruchomić KeePass. +generatePassword.copied= Nowe hasło zostało skopiowane do schowka. +loading= Ładowanie +selectKeePassLocation= Wskaż KeeFoxowi lokalizację KeePassa. +selectMonoLocation= Wskaż KeeFoxowi lokalizację Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Wybierz swoją domyślną bazę haseł. +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Opcje pobierania wiadomości i ich wyświetlania w KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Zresetuj konfigurację +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Częstotliwość pobierania wiadomości (godziny) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Pokaż %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maksymalna częstotliwość wyświetlania wiadomości +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Przeczytaj więcej +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Przejdź do strony +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Przekaż dotację. +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Oceń KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Zmień ustawienia wiadomości. +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Nie pokazuj tej wiadomości ponownie. +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox startuje... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox startuje i robi kilka testów uruchamiania. To nie powinno trwac dlugo ... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Kliknij, aby zobaczyc KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox Menu +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Zmien baze danych +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Wybierz inna baze danych z haslami KeePass. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Wykryj formy +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Wygeneruj nowe haslo +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Pobiera nowe haslo z KeePass uzywajac ostatnio wybrany profil generatora hasel i kopiuje je do schowka. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Opcje +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Przegladaj i zmieniaj swoje ulubione opcje KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Explore all your logins and quickly log in to your websites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Loginy +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Edytuj login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Usun login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Usun grupe +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Edytuj grupe +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Zapisz jako grupa... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= This is part of a multi-page login form +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox pomoc. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Pomoc +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Odwiedź samouczek programu. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Pierwsze kroki +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Odwiedź centrum pomocy online. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Centrum pomocy +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox opcje +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Wybierz grupe +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Zamknij +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Konfiguruj KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Aktualizuj KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Please visit the KeeFox website for more help +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= An unexpected error occured during KeeFox installation. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= The download of a required component failed. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= The download of a required component was cancelled. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= A downloaded component is corrupt. Try again and if you continue to receive this message, ask for help in the support forum at http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Spróbuj ponownie +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Anuluj + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox musi zainstalować dwa dodatkowe komponenty - kliknij przycisk powyżej aby rozpocząć. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Więcej informacji i zaawansowane ustawienia instalacji +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Więcej informacji i zaawansowane ustawienia instalacji +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Więcej informacji i zaawansowane ustawienia instalacji +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Więcej informacji i zaawansowane ustawienia instalacji +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Więcej informacji i zaawansowane ustawienia instalacji + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox zainstaluje Microsoft .NET framework oraz KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatively, you could attempt a manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Pobierz i zainstaluj .NET framework ze strony www firmy Microsoft. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Pobierz i zainstaluj lub rozpakuj KeePass Password Safe 2 ze strony http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Uruchom ponownie przeglądarkę Firefox aby wrócić do tej strony abyś mógł ukończyć ostatni krok instalacji. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Lub ręcznie skopiuj plik KeePassRPC.plgx z folderu rozszerzeń Firefoxa (poszukaj w podfolderze nazwanym "deps") do folderu "plugins" znajdującego się w folderze programu KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Aby wybrać lokalizację instalacji, język lub zaawansowane opcje instalatora programu KeePass Password Safe 2, kliknij przycisk poniżej. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Ustaw lokalizację instalacji programu KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= Pliki wymagane do uruchomienia KeeFoxa są aktualnie pobierane... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Pobieranie ukończone. Proszę wykonywać instrukcje instalatora programu .NET, który uruchomi się za chwilę. +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 jest właśnie pobierany... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Prawie ukończone... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= Pliki wymagane do uruchomienia KeeFoxa są aktualnie pobierane... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Pobieranie ukończone. Proszę czekać... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Prawie ukończone... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Proszę zamknąć KeePass przed kontynuowaniem! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Zrestartuj Firefoxa +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= To upgrade KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Zrestartuj Firefoxa + + +KeeFox-Options.title= Opcje KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Wypelnij formularz +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Wypelnij i wyslij formularz +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= nic nie rób +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Wypelnij ekran logowania +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Wypelnij i wyslij ekran logowania +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Kiedy wybiore pasujace haslo , KeeFox powinien +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= Kiedy KeeFox wybierze pasujacy login +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Standardowy formularz +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Wyszukiwanie wpisów +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Powiadomienia +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logowanie +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Zaawansowane +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= Zachowanie KeeFoxa gdy zostaną znalezione wpisy w KeePassie +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Opcje powiadomień +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Opcje zaawansowane +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= Opcje KeePass +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Wypełniaj automatycznie formularze gdy zostanie znalezione pasujące hasło +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Wysyłaj automatycznie formularze gdy zostanie znalezione pasujące hasło +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Wypełniaj automatycznie okienka uwierzytelniające gdy zostanie znalezione pasujące hasło +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Wysyłaj automatycznie okienka uwierzytelniające gdy zostanie znalezione pasujące hasło +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Poziom logowania +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Proponuj zapisywanie hasel +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Usun +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Konsola Javascript +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= Lokalizacja instalacji KeePassa +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Przeglądaj +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Przeczytaj więcej o anonimowych danych zbieranych przez KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Wyślij anonimowe statystyki używania. + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Nazwa formularza +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=Biała lista. +KeeFox-black-list=Czarna lista. +KeeFox-site-options-title=Opcje strony w KeeFox +KeeFox-add-site=Dodaj stronę. +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Zapisz ustawienia strony. +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Zaznacz kwadraciki po lewej aby aktywować ustawienie. + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-BR/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-BR/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0124fc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-BR/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adiciona ao Firefox recursos de gerenciamento de senhas que são gratuitos, seguros, fáceis de usar, economizam seu tempo e mantêm seus dados privados mais seguros. +tips-name= Dicas +tips-description=Dicas e truques especialmente úteis para quem ainda não conhece KeeFox, KeePass ou programas de gerenciamento de senhas +tips-default-title=Dica do KeeFox +tips201201040000a-body=Você pode "personalizar" suas barras de ferramentas do Firefox (incluindo KeeFox) para organizar botões e economizar espaço na tela. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Clique com o botão do meio do mouse, ou com o botão esquerdo mantendo a tecla Ctrl pressionada, sobre uma entrada na lista de logins para abrir uma nova aba, carregar uma página e enviar automaticamente um login com apenas um click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Tenha cuidado com formulários que enviam login automaticamente - é conveniente mas ligeiramente mais arriscado do que clicar manualmente no botão de login. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=Os termos "deslogado" e "logado" no botão do KeeFox na barra de ferramentas se referem ao estado do seu banco de dados do KeePass (se você já se logou com seu sua senha mestre). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=Você pode fazer com que certas entradas tenham mais prioridade que outras. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Obtenha acesso rápido a notas e outros dados clicando com o botão direito do mouse sobre uma entrada de login e selecionando "Editar entrada". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=Você pode ter mais de um banco de dados do KeePass aberto ao mesmo tempo. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Alguns sites criam o formulário de login após a página ter sido carregada. Tente usar o recurso "detectar formulários" no botão principal para procurar logins apropriados. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Crie senhas seguras com o botão principal do KeeFox da barra de ferramentas - ele usará as mesmas configurações que você usou mais recentemente no diálogo de geração de senhas do KeePass. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Suas entradas no KeePass podem ser usadas em outros navegadores e aplicações. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Mesmo sites bem conhecidos ocasionalmente têm seus dados roubados. Proteja-se usando senhas diferentes em cada site que você visitar. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Clique com o botão esquerdo sobre uma entrada na lista de logins para carregar uma página na aba corrente e enviar automaticamente um login com apenas um click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Alguns sites são construidos de modo que não funcionem com preenchedores automáticos de formulários como o KeeFox. Leia mais sobre como trabalhar da melhor maneira com esses sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Senhas longas são normalmente mais seguras que senhas curtas e complicadas ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" é uma exceção a esta regra!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Softwares de segurança de código aberto como KeePass e KeeFox são mais seguros que alternativas de código fechado. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=Se você tem entradas antigas no KeePass sem ícones específicos para cada site (favicons) tente usar o plugin KeePass Favicon downloader. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=Você pode configurar sites individualmente para funcionarem melhor com o KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Atalhos de teclado podem agilizar o acesso a diversos recursos do KeeFox. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=Recursos do KeeFox agora podem ser encontrados no menu de contexto (botão direito do mouse). +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Notĩcias sobre segurança +security-description=Notícias importantes sobre segurança que os usuários não devem ignorar se desejarem permanecer protegidos +security-default-title=Alerta de segurança do KeeFox +security201201040000a-body=Esta versão do KeeFox é muito antiga. Recomendamos instalar uma versão mais nova, se possível. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Mensagens importantes +messages-description=Notícias importantes mas raras que podem ser úteis aos usuários do KeeFox +messages-help-keefox=Ajude o KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=Você já está usando o KeeFox há algum tempo, então ajude outras pessoas adicionando uma opinião positiva no site de complementos da Mozilla. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-BR/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-BR/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da03362 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-BR/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logado +loggedOut.label= Deslogado +launchKeePass.label= Lançar KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= Você está logado no seu banco de dados de senhas '%S' +loggedInMultiple.tip=Você está logado em %S bancos de dados de senhas. '%S' está ativo. +loggedOut.tip= Você está deslogado do seu banco de dados de senhas (ele pode estar bloqueado) +launchKeePass.tip= Você precisa abrir e se logar no KeePass para usar o KeeFox. Clique aqui para fazer login. +installKeeFox.label= Instalar KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= O KeeFox precisa instalar mais algumas coisas antes de poder funcionar no seu computador. Clique aqui para fazer isso. +noUsername.partial-tip= sem nome de usuário +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Visualiza os logins contidos nesta pasta. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Faz login em %S com este nome de usuário: %S. Clique com botão direito para mais opções. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Vazio +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Esta pasta não tem nenhum login +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S no grupo %S (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Carregar meu banco de dados de senhas (lança o KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= C +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Lançar KeePass para habilitar o KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Carregar meu banco de dados de senhas (fazer login no KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= C +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Faça login no seu banco de dados do KeePass para habilitar o KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Você não está logado no seu banco de dados de senhas. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Você não está logado no seu banco de dados de senhas. +rememberPassword= Usar o KeeFox para salvar esta senha. +savePasswordText= Quer que o KeeFox salve esta senha? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Quer que o KeeFox salve esta senha multi-página? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Salvar +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Salvar para um grupo +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Nunca para este site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Agora não +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Salvar em um grupo no banco de dados '%S' +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Salvar no banco de dados '%S' + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Salva no banco de dados '%S'. Clique no triângulo pequeno para salvar em um banco de dados diferente. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Salva em um grupo no banco de dados '%S'. Clique no pequeno triângulo para salvar em outro banco de dados. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Salva esta senha em um banco de dados especificado +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Salva esta senha em um grupo no banco de dados especificado + +passwordChangeText= Gostaria de alterar a senha armazenada para %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Gostaria de alterar a senha armazenada para este login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Alterar +notifyBarChangeButton.key= A +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Não alterar +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= N +changeDBButton.label= Alterar banco de dados +changeDBButton.tip= Mudar para outro banco de dados do KeePass +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Alterar banco de dados +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Lançar o KeePass para habilitar este recurso +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Nenhum banco de dados +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= Não há nenhum banco de dados na sua lista de bancos de dados recentes do KeePass. Use o KeePass para abrir seu banco de dados preferido. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Mudar para o banco de dados %S +autoFillWith.label= Preencher automaticamente com +httpAuth.default= Você está deslogado do seu banco de dados de senhas (ele pode estar bloqueado) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Carregando senhas +httpAuth.noMatches= Não foi encontrada nenhuma entrada correspondente +install.somethingsWrong= Ocorreu algum erro +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Favor lançar o KeePass primeiro. +generatePassword.copied= Uma nova senha foi copiada para a área de transferência. +loading= Carregando +selectKeePassLocation= Diga ao KeeFox onde encontrar o KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Diga ao KeeFox onde encontrar o Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Escolha um banco de dados de senhas padrão +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Opções de download e exibição de mensagens para o KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Restaurar configuração +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= Isto irá restaurar a mesma configuração de quando %S foi instalado. Afeta apenas as configurações de download e exibição de mensagens do %S; outras configurações não serão alteradas. Clique em OK para restaurar a configuração +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Frequência de download de mensagens (horas) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S conectará regularmente com a internet para baixar mensagens sobre segurança e exibir em seu navegador. É recomendado que você leia com bastante frequência de modo a garantir estar ciente de qualquer problema de segurança imediatamente. Alterações nesta configuração surtirão efeito somente após reiniciar o Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Mostrar %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Frequência máxima de exibição de mensagens (dias) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S verificará regularmente se alguma mensagem deste grupo deve ser exibida.. Esta configuração limita a frequência com que as mensagens que o KeeFox quer mostrar serão realmente exibidas na tela +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Saber mais +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= b +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Ir para o site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= I +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Doar agora +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Avaliar o KeeFox agora +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= A +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Alterar configurações de mensagens +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= m +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Não mostrar esta mensagem novamente +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= ALERTA: KeeFox está logando suas senhas! Se você não habilitou esta opção intencionalmente, deve desabilitá-la imediatamente + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= Carregando o KeeFox… +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= O KeeFox está carregando e fazendo alguns testes de inicialização. Isto não deve demorar… +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Clique para ver o menu do KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Trocar banco de dados +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Escolher outro banco de dados de senhas do KeePass. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= E +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detectar formulários +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Faz o KeeFox detectar novamente formulários nesta página. Isto é necessário em uma pequena minoria de sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Gerar nova senha +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Obtém uma nova senha do KeePass usando o perfil gerador de senhas mais recentemente usado e copia a senha para sua área de transferência. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= s +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Opções +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Consultar e alterar suas opções preferidas do KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Visualize todos os seus logins e se logue rapidamente nos seus sites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Editar login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Apagar login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Apagar grupo +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Editar grupo +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Salvar para um grupo… +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Isto é parte de um formulário de login multi-páginas +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= Ajuda do KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Ajuda +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= u +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visite o tutorial de introdução online. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Introdução +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= I +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visite o centro de ajuda online. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Centro de ajuda +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= Opções do KeeFox +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Selecionar um grupo +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Cancelar +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Configurar o KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Atualizar o KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= A instalação do KeeFox já está sendo executada em outra aba. Se você encontrar tal aba, feche esta aba e siga as instruções na outra aba. Se não encontrar a aba existente, pode tentar reiniciar o processo de instalação clicando no botão abaixo. Se isso não funcionar, será necessário reiniciar o Firefox novamente para prosseguir. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= Parece que o KeeFox já está instalado. Se estiver tendo dificuldade em fazer o KeeFox detectar que você está logado a um banco de dados do KeePass, então cuidadosamente (e temporariamente!) desabilite todos os programas de segurança do seu computador (por exemplo, firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) uma vez que eles podem ocasionalmente entrar em conflito com o KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Favor visitar o site do KeeFox para mais ajuda +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a instalação do KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Falhou o download de um componente necessário. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= O download de um componente necessário foi cancelado. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= Um componente baixado está corrompido. Tente novamente. Se continuar a receber esta mensagem, peça ajuda no fórum de suporte em http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Tentar novamente +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Cancelar + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= O KeeFox precisa instalar dois outros componentes - clique no botão acima para começar. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= O KeeFox precisa instalar o KeePass Password Safe 2 para guardar suas senhas com segurança. Clique no botão acima para uma instalação rápida e fácil usando configurações padrão. Clique no botão abaixo se você já tiver uma cópia do KeePass Password Safe 2, ou desejar usar a versão portável do KeePass, ou quiser assumir o controle do processo de instalação. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= O KeeFox precisa instalar dois outros componentes - clique no botão acima para começar. Se você não tiver uma senha de administração deste computador, precisará pedir a um administrador do sistema para ajudá-lo. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= O KeeFox vai instalar o Microsoft .NET framework e o KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 é o gerenciador de senhas que o KeeFox usa para guardar suas senhas com segurança. Se quiser escolher local de instalação, idioma ou opções avançadas do KeePass Password Safe 2, baixe e instale o .NET do site da Microsoft e depois reinicie o Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternativamente, você pode tentar uma instalação manual seguindo esses passos: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Baixar e instalar o .NET da Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Baixar e instalar o instalador ou ZIP do KeePass Password Safe 2 de http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Reiniciar o Firefox para voltar a esta página de instalação para que possa ser completado o último passo +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Ou copiar manualmente o arquivo KeePassRPC.plgx da pasta de complementos do Firefox (olhe em uma pasta chamada "deps") para a pasta de plugins do KeePass Password Safe 2 +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Se quiser escolher o local de instalação, o idioma ou opções avançadas do KeePass Password Safe 2, clique no botão abaixo. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Configurar o KeePass para todos os usuários com total controle do processo +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= Se quiser instalar a versão portável do KeePass em um local específico (como um pendrive), pode escolher abaixo o local. Se já tiver o KeePass Password Safe 2 instalado, use o campo abaixo para dizer ao KeeFox onde encontrá-lo. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Definir o local de instalação do KeePass Password Safe 2 +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Clique no botão acima para conectar o KeeFox ao KeePass Password Safe 2. (Em termos técnicos, instala o plugin KeePassRPC para o KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Configurar o KeeFox para todos os usuários +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Instalar KeePass/KeePassRPC em outro local + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= Os arquivos necessários para configurar o KeeFox estão sendo baixados… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download completo. Siga as instruções do instalador do .NET, que iniciará logo… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 está sendo baixado… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download completo. Siga as instruções do instalador que está começando agora… +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Quase terminando… +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= Os arquivos necessários para configurar o KeeFox estão sendo baixados… +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download completo. Aguarde… +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Quase terminando… +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= Os arquivos necessários para instalar o KeeFox estão sendo baixados… +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download completo. Aguarde… +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Quase terminando… +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Tente esses passos para começar a usar o KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Clique aqui para experimentar o tutorial de introdução. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Clique aqui para saber como importar suas senhas do Firefox ou de outros gerenciadores de senhas. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Favor fechar o KeePass antes de continuar! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= O KeeFox pode funcionar nos sistemas Mac e Linux, mas requer instalação manual seguindo os passos abaixo: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Baixe e instale o Mono a partir do site abaixo. Usuários do Linux normalmente podem instalar a última versão do Mono usando o repositório de pacotes da distribuição, mas certifique-se de instalar o pacote completo do Mono (algumas distribuições separam o Mono em múltiplos sub-pacotes). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Baixe o KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (ou mais novo) Portable (pacote ZIP) do site abaixo, ou tente usar o gerenciador de pacotes da distribuição (certifique-se de pegar uma versão nova o suficiente!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Descompacte o KeePass para ~/KeePass (esta pasta padrão pode ser personalizada), onde ~ representa o diretório inicial de sua conta +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copie o arquivo KeePassRPC.plgx para uma pasta chamada plugins, no diretório que contém sua instalação do KeePass (por exemplo ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Reiniciar o Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= O arquivo KeePassRPC.plgx que você precisa copiar manualmente está em: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Instruções de personalização: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) Presume-se que o KeePass está instalado em: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) Presume-se que o Mono está instalado em: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= Para alterar estes padrões, em KeeFox->Opções->KeePass, mude 'Local de instalação do KeePass' e 'Local do executável do Mono' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= Para atualizar o KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Reiniciar o Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= Opções do KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Preencher o formulário +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Preencher e enviar o formulário +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Não fazer nada +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Preencher o campo de login +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Preencher e enviar o campo de login +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox deve +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Quando eu escolher uma senha correspondente, o KeeFox deve +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Um formulário padrão +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Procurando entradas +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notificações +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logando +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Avançado +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= Estas são as opções mais importantes que governam o comportamento do KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Mude estas opções para alterar o modo do KeeFox atrair sua atenção +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= Estas opções afetam o comportamento do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= Como o KeeFox se comporta quando entradas do KeePass são encontradas +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Opções de notificação +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Opções avançadas +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= Opções do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Nível de registro de log +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Oferecer salvar senhas +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= Estes sites nunca pedirão a você para salvar nova senha +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remover +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Exibir uma barra de notificação quando o KeePass precisar ser aberto +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Exibir uma barra de notificação quando você precisar se logar em um banco de dados do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Escolha onde deseja que o KeeFox grave o log de suas atividades. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Janelas de alerta (não recomendado) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Console Javascript +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Saída padrão do sistema +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= Arquivo (localizado em uma pasta 'keefox' dentro do seu perfil do Firefox) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Escolha o quão detalhado deseja ser o log. Cada nível maior de log produz mais saídas. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitorar cada página web por novos formulários +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Comunicar com o KeePass usando esta porta TCP/IP +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Salvar logotipo/ícone do site (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= Quando abrir ou se logar no KeePass, usar este arquivo de banco de dados +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Lembrar o banco de dados do KeePass usado mais recentemente +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= Local de instalação do plugin KeePassRPC +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= Local de instalação do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Local do executável do Mono (por exemplo /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Lembrar as configurações acima (por exemplo, quando usar o KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Usar este local +KeeFox-browse.label= Procurar +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Opções de notificação com mensagens e dicas +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Procurar todos os bancos de dados do KeePass abertos +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= Listar logins de todos os bancos de dados do KeePass abertos +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=configurações específicas por site +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Inibir notificação "salvar senha" em +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Configurações para todos os sites. Adicione endereços de sites individuais para ssbrescrever. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Configurações para todos os sites cujo endereço começa com +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Nome do formulário +KeeFox-form-id=ID do formulário +KeeFox-text-field-name=Nome do campo de texto +KeeFox-text-field-id=ID do campo de texto +KeeFox-white-list=Lista branca +KeeFox-black-list=Lista negra +KeeFox-site-options-title=Opções de site do KeeFox +KeeFox-add-site=Adicionar site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Salvar configurações de site +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Marcar as caixas de seleção à esquerda para habilitar uma configuração + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=O KeeFox enviou um comando inválido para seu banco de dados de senhas. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=O KeeFox deve reiniciar o processo de autorização. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=Nível de segurança do KeeFox +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Mínimo nível de segurança aceitável do KeePass +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Baixo +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Médio +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=Alto +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Digite uma nova senha quando solicitado. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Conexões autorizadas +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Comandos + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Exibir menu principal +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Digite um novo atalho de teclado + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-PT/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-PT/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-PT/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-PT/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-PT/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99155bd --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/pt-PT/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logado +loggedOut.label= Deslogado +launchKeePass.label= Lançar KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= Você está logado no seu banco de dados de senhas '%S' +loggedInMultiple.tip=Você está logado em %S bancos de dados de senhas. '%S' está ativo. +loggedOut.tip= Você está deslogado do seu banco de dados de senhas (ele pode estar bloqueado) +launchKeePass.tip= Você precisa abrir e se logar no KeePass para usar o KeeFox. Clique aqui para fazer login. +installKeeFox.label= Instalar KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= O KeeFox precisa instalar mais algumas coisas antes de poder funcionar no seu computador. Clique aqui para fazer isso. +noUsername.partial-tip= sem nome de usuário +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Visualiza os logins contidos nesta pasta. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Faz login em %S com este nome de usuário: %S. Clique com botão direito para mais opções. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Vazio +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Esta pasta não tem nenhum login +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S no grupo %S (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Carregar meu banco de dados de senhas (lança o KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= C +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Lançar KeePass para habilitar o KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Carregar meu banco de dados de senhas (fazer login no KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= C +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Faça login no seu banco de dados do KeePass para habilitar o KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Você não está logado no seu banco de dados de senhas. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Você não está logado no seu banco de dados de senhas. +rememberPassword= Usar o KeeFox para salvar esta senha. +savePasswordText= Quer que o KeeFox salve esta senha? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Quer que o KeeFox salve esta senha multi-página? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Salvar +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Salvar para um grupo +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Nunca para este site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Agora não +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Salvar em um grupo no banco de dados '%S' +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Salvar no banco de dados '%S' + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Salva no banco de dados '%S'. Clique no triângulo pequeno para salvar em um banco de dados diferente. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Salva em um grupo no banco de dados '%S'. Clique no pequeno triângulo para salvar em outro banco de dados. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Salva esta senha em um banco de dados especificado +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Salva esta senha em um grupo no banco de dados especificado + +passwordChangeText= Gostaria de alterar a senha armazenada para %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Gostaria de alterar a senha armazenada para este login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Alterar +notifyBarChangeButton.key= A +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Não alterar +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= N +changeDBButton.label= Alterar banco de dados +changeDBButton.tip= Mudar para outro banco de dados do KeePass +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Alterar banco de dados +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Lançar o KeePass para habilitar este recurso +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Nenhum banco de dados +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= Não há nenhum banco de dados na sua lista de bancos de dados recentes do KeePass. Use o KeePass para abrir seu banco de dados preferido. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Mudar para o banco de dados %S +autoFillWith.label= Preencher automaticamente com +httpAuth.default= Você está deslogado do seu banco de dados de senhas (ele pode estar bloqueado) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Carregando senhas +httpAuth.noMatches= Não foi encontrada nenhuma entrada correspondente +install.somethingsWrong= Ocorreu algum erro +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Favor lançar o KeePass primeiro. +generatePassword.copied= Uma nova senha foi copiada para a área de transferência. +loading= Carregando +selectKeePassLocation= Diga ao KeeFox onde encontrar o KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Diga ao KeeFox onde encontrar o Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Escolha um banco de dados de senhas padrão +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Opções de download e exibição de mensagens para o KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Restaurar configuração +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= Isto irá restaurar a mesma configuração de quando %S foi instalado. Afeta apenas as configurações de download e exibição de mensagens do %S; outras configurações não serão alteradas. Clique em OK para restaurar a configuração +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Frequência de download de mensagens (horas) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S conectará regularmente com a internet para baixar mensagens sobre segurança e exibir em seu navegador. É recomendado que você leia com bastante frequência de modo a garantir estar ciente de qualquer problema de segurança imediatamente. Alterações nesta configuração surtirão efeito somente após reiniciar o Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Mostrar %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Frequência máxima de exibição de mensagens (dias) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S verificará regularmente se alguma mensagem deste grupo deve ser exibida.. Esta configuração limita a frequência com que as mensagens que o KeeFox quer mostrar serão realmente exibidas na tela +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Saber mais +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= b +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Ir para o site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= I +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Doar agora +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Avaliar o KeeFox agora +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= A +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Alterar configurações de mensagens +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= m +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Não mostrar esta mensagem novamente +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= ALERTA: KeeFox está logando suas senhas! Se você não habilitou esta opção intencionalmente, deve desabilitá-la imediatamente + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= Carregando o KeeFox… +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= O KeeFox está carregando e fazendo alguns testes de inicialização. Isto não deve demorar… +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Clique para ver o menu do KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Trocar banco de dados +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Escolher outro banco de dados de senhas do KeePass. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= E +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detectar formulários +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Faz o KeeFox detectar novamente formulários nesta página. Isto é necessário em uma pequena minoria de sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Gerar nova senha +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Obtém uma nova senha do KeePass usando o perfil gerador de senhas mais recentemente usado e copia a senha para sua área de transferência. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= s +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Opções +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Consultar e alterar suas opções preferidas do KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Visualize todos os seus logins e se logue rapidamente nos seus sites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Editar login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Apagar login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Apagar grupo +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Editar grupo +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Salvar para um grupo… +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Isto é parte de um formulário de login multi-páginas +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= Ajuda do KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Ajuda +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= u +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visite o tutorial de introdução online. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Introdução +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= I +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visite o centro de ajuda online. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Centro de ajuda +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= Opções do KeeFox +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Selecionar um grupo +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Cancelar +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Configurar o KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Atualizar o KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= A instalação do KeeFox já está sendo executada em outra aba. Se você encontrar tal aba, feche esta aba e siga as instruções na outra aba. Se não encontrar a aba existente, pode tentar reiniciar o processo de instalação clicando no botão abaixo. Se isso não funcionar, será necessário reiniciar o Firefox novamente para prosseguir. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= Parece que o KeeFox já está instalado. Se estiver tendo dificuldade em fazer o KeeFox detectar que você está logado a um banco de dados do KeePass, então cuidadosamente (e temporariamente!) desabilite todos os programas de segurança do seu computador (por exemplo, firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) uma vez que eles podem ocasionalmente entrar em conflito com o KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Favor visitar o site do KeeFox para mais ajuda +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= Ocorreu um erro inesperado durante a instalação do KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Falhou o download de um componente necessário. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= O download de um componente necessário foi cancelado. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= Um componente baixado está corrompido. Tente novamente. Se continuar a receber esta mensagem, peça ajuda no fórum de suporte em http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Tentar novamente +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Cancelar + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= O KeeFox precisa instalar dois outros componentes - clique no botão acima para começar. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= O KeeFox precisa instalar o KeePass Password Safe 2 para guardar suas senhas com segurança. Clique no botão acima para uma instalação rápida e fácil usando configurações padrão. Clique no botão abaixo se você já tiver uma cópia do KeePass Password Safe 2, ou desejar usar a versão portável do KeePass, ou quiser assumir o controle do processo de instalação. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= O KeeFox precisa instalar dois outros componentes - clique no botão acima para começar. Se você não tiver uma senha de administração deste computador, precisará pedir a um administrador do sistema para ajudá-lo. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mais informações e opções de configuração avançadas + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= O KeeFox vai instalar o Microsoft .NET framework e o KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 é o gerenciador de senhas que o KeeFox usa para guardar suas senhas com segurança. Se quiser escolher local de instalação, idioma ou opções avançadas do KeePass Password Safe 2, baixe e instale o .NET do site da Microsoft e depois reinicie o Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternativamente, você pode tentar uma instalação manual seguindo esses passos: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Baixar e instalar o .NET da Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Baixar e instalar o instalador ou ZIP do KeePass Password Safe 2 de http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Reiniciar o Firefox para voltar a esta página de instalação para que possa ser completado o último passo +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Ou copiar manualmente o arquivo KeePassRPC.plgx da pasta de complementos do Firefox (olhe em uma pasta chamada "deps") para a pasta de plugins do KeePass Password Safe 2 +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Se quiser escolher o local de instalação, o idioma ou opções avançadas do KeePass Password Safe 2, clique no botão abaixo. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Configurar o KeePass para todos os usuários com total controle do processo +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= Se quiser instalar a versão portável do KeePass em um local específico (como um pendrive), pode escolher abaixo o local. Se já tiver o KeePass Password Safe 2 instalado, use o campo abaixo para dizer ao KeeFox onde encontrá-lo. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Definir o local de instalação do KeePass Password Safe 2 +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Clique no botão acima para conectar o KeeFox ao KeePass Password Safe 2. (Em termos técnicos, instala o plugin KeePassRPC para o KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Configurar o KeeFox para todos os usuários +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Instalar KeePass/KeePassRPC em outro local + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= Os arquivos necessários para configurar o KeeFox estão sendo baixados… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download completo. Siga as instruções do instalador do .NET, que iniciará logo… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 está sendo baixado… +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download completo. Siga as instruções do instalador que está começando agora… +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Quase terminando… +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= Os arquivos necessários para configurar o KeeFox estão sendo baixados… +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download completo. Aguarde… +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Quase terminando… +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= Os arquivos necessários para instalar o KeeFox estão sendo baixados… +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download completo. Aguarde… +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Quase terminando… +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Tente esses passos para começar a usar o KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Clique aqui para experimentar o tutorial de introdução. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Clique aqui para saber como importar suas senhas do Firefox ou de outros gerenciadores de senhas. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Favor fechar o KeePass antes de continuar! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= O KeeFox pode funcionar nos sistemas Mac e Linux, mas requer instalação manual seguindo os passos abaixo: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Baixe e instale o Mono a partir do site abaixo. Usuários do Linux normalmente podem instalar a última versão do Mono usando o repositório de pacotes da distribuição, mas certifique-se de instalar o pacote completo do Mono (algumas distribuições separam o Mono em múltiplos sub-pacotes). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Baixe o KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (ou mais novo) Portable (pacote ZIP) do site abaixo, ou tente usar o gerenciador de pacotes da distribuição (certifique-se de pegar uma versão nova o suficiente!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Descompacte o KeePass para ~/KeePass (esta pasta padrão pode ser personalizada), onde ~ representa o diretório inicial de sua conta +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copie o arquivo KeePassRPC.plgx para uma pasta chamada plugins, no diretório que contém sua instalação do KeePass (por exemplo ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Reiniciar o Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= O arquivo KeePassRPC.plgx que você precisa copiar manualmente está em: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Instruções de personalização: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) Presume-se que o KeePass está instalado em: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) Presume-se que o Mono está instalado em: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= Para alterar estes padrões, em KeeFox->Opções->KeePass, mude 'Local de instalação do KeePass' e 'Local do executável do Mono' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= Para atualizar o KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Reiniciar o Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= Opções do KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Preencher o formulário +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Preencher e enviar o formulário +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Não fazer nada +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Preencher o campo de login +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Preencher e enviar o campo de login +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox deve +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Quando eu escolher uma senha correspondente, o KeeFox deve +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Um formulário padrão +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Procurando entradas +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notificações +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logando +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Avançado +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= Estas são as opções mais importantes que governam o comportamento do KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Mude estas opções para alterar o modo do KeeFox atrair sua atenção +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= Estas opções afetam o comportamento do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= Como o KeeFox se comporta quando entradas do KeePass são encontradas +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Opções de notificação +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Opções avançadas +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= Opções do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Nível de registro de log +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Oferecer salvar senhas +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= Estes sites nunca pedirão a você para salvar nova senha +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remover +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Exibir uma barra de notificação quando o KeePass precisar ser aberto +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Exibir uma barra de notificação quando você precisar se logar em um banco de dados do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Escolha onde deseja que o KeeFox grave o log de suas atividades. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Janelas de alerta (não recomendado) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Console Javascript +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Saída padrão do sistema +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= Arquivo (localizado em uma pasta 'keefox' dentro do seu perfil do Firefox) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Escolha o quão detalhado deseja ser o log. Cada nível maior de log produz mais saídas. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitorar cada página web por novos formulários +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Comunicar com o KeePass usando esta porta TCP/IP +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Salvar logotipo/ícone do site (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= Quando abrir ou se logar no KeePass, usar este arquivo de banco de dados +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Lembrar o banco de dados do KeePass usado mais recentemente +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= Local de instalação do plugin KeePassRPC +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= Local de instalação do KeePass +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Local do executável do Mono (por exemplo /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Lembrar as configurações acima (por exemplo, quando usar o KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Usar este local +KeeFox-browse.label= Procurar +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Opções de notificação com mensagens e dicas +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Procurar todos os bancos de dados do KeePass abertos +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= Listar logins de todos os bancos de dados do KeePass abertos +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=configurações específicas por site +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Inibir notificação "salvar senha" em +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Configurações para todos os sites. Adicione endereços de sites individuais para ssbrescrever. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Configurações para todos os sites cujo endereço começa com +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Nome do formulário +KeeFox-form-id=ID do formulário +KeeFox-text-field-name=Nome do campo de texto +KeeFox-text-field-id=ID do campo de texto +KeeFox-white-list=Lista branca +KeeFox-black-list=Lista negra +KeeFox-site-options-title=Opções de site do KeeFox +KeeFox-add-site=Adicionar site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Salvar configurações de site +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Marcar as caixas de seleção à esquerda para habilitar uma configuração + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ro/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ro/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..669104c --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ro/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Sfaturi +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=Sfat KeeFox +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=Poți forța anumite intrări să aibă prioritate în fața altora. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=Poți avea mai multe baze date deschise în același timp. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Mesaje importante +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Ajutor KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ro/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ro/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5ac1fa --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ro/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logged in +loggedOut.label= Logged out +launchKeePass.label= Lansează KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= You are logged in to your '%S' password database +loggedInMultiple.tip=You are logged in to %S password databases. '%S' is active. +loggedOut.tip= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +launchKeePass.tip= You need to open and log into KeePass to use KeeFox. Click here to do that. +installKeeFox.label= Instalează KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox trebuie să instaleze câteva lucruri înainte de a funcționa pe acest calculator. Apăsați aici pentru a face acest lucru. +noUsername.partial-tip= no username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Explore the logins inside this folder. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login to %S with this username: %S. Right click for more options. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Gol +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= This folder has no logins inside it +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S în grupul %S (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Launch KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Launch KeePass to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Login to KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login to your KeePass database to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +rememberPassword= Folosiți KeeFox pentru a salva această parolă. +savePasswordText= Doriți ca KeeFox să salveze această parolă? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Salvează +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Salvează într-un grup +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Niciodată pentru această pagină +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= I +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Nu acum +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Save to a group in the '%S' database +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Save in the '%S' database + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Save this password in the specified database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Save this password to a group in the specified database + +passwordChangeText= Doriți să modificați parola existentă pentru %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Schimbă +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Nu schimba +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= U +changeDBButton.label= Schimbă baza de date +changeDBButton.tip= Schimbă cu o bază de date KeeFox diferită +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Schimbă baza de date +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Porniți KeePass pentru a activa această funcție +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Fără bază de date +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= There are no databases in your KeePass Recent databases list. Use KeePass to open your preferred database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Schimbați cu baza de date %S +autoFillWith.label= Completare automată cu +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Se încarcă parolele +httpAuth.noMatches= No matching entries found +install.somethingsWrong= Ceva nu a funcționat corect +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Porniți KeePass mai întâi. +generatePassword.copied= O nouă parolă a fost copiată în clipboard. +loading= Se încarcă +selectKeePassLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Choose a default password database +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Message download and display options for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Reinițializați configurația +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Message download frequency (hours) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Arată %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum message display frequency (days) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Aflați mai multe +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Mergeți la pagină +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donați acum +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Evaluați KeeFox acum +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= E +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Change message settings +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Nu arăta mesajul din nou +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox se încarcă... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox is loading and doing a few startup tests. It shouldn't take long... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Apăsați pentru a vedea meniul KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Schimbă baza de date +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Choose a different KeePass password database. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detect forms +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generează o parolă nouă +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using the most recently used password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Opțiuni +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= Vedeți și schimbați opțiunile KeeFox preferate. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Explore all your logins and quickly log in to your websites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Edit login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Delete login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Șterge grup +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Editează grup +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Salvează într-un grup... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= This is part of a multi-page login form +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= Ajutor KeeFox. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Ajutor +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= A +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visit the online getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Getting Started +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Vizitați centrul de ajutor online. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Centrul de ajutor +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= Opțiuni KeeFox +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Selectați un grup +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Anulează +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Configurare KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Actualizați KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Vizitați pagina internet KeeFox pentru mai mult ajutor +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= O eroare neașteptată a apărut în timpul instalării KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Descărcarea unei componente necesare a eșuat. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= Descărcarea unei componente necesare a fost anulată. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= O componentă descărcată este coruptă. Încercați din nou și dacă primiți din nou acest mesaj cereți ajutor în forumul de suport la http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Încercați din nou +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Anulați + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox trebuie să instaleze încă 2 componente - apăsați butonul de mai sus pentru a începe. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mai multe informații și opțiuni avansate de configurare +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mai multe informații și opțiuni avansate de configurare +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mai multe informații și opțiuni avansate de configurare +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mai multe informații și opțiuni avansate de configurare +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Mai multe informații și opțiuni avansate de configurare + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox will install the Microsoft .NET framework and KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternativ, puteți încerca o instalare manuală urmând pașii următori: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Descarcă și instalează .NET de la Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download and install KeePass Password Safe 2 setup or ZIP from http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Or manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file from the Firefox extensions folder (look in a subfolder called deps) to the KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins folder. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, click the button below. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Set KeePass Password Safe 2's installation location +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Configurați KeeFox pentru toți utilizatorii +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= Fișierele necesare pentru configurarea KeeFox sunt descărcate... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the .NET installer which will start soon... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Aproape gata ... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= Fișierele necesare pentru configurarea KeeFox sunt descărcate... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Descărcare completă. Așteptați... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Aproape gata ... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= Fișierele necesare pentru configurarea KeeFox sunt descărcate... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Descărcare completă. Așteptați... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Aproape gata ... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Închideți KeeFox înainte de a continua! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Reporniți Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= Pentru a actualiza KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Reporniți Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= Opțiuni KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Completați formularul +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Completați și trimiteți formularul +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Nu face nimic +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notificări +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Avansat +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Opțiuni notificare +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Opțiuni avansate +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= Opțiuni KeePass +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Offer to save passwords +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remove +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Consolă Javascript +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installation location +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Caută +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form name +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=Lista albă +KeeFox-black-list=Lista neagră +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Site options +KeeFox-add-site=Add site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Save site settings +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ru/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ru/keefox.properties index 4850aff..60c360e 100644 --- a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ru/keefox.properties +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/ru/keefox.properties @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Ничего не делать KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Заполнить запрос KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Заполнить и отправить запрос KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox должен -KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: Вы можете переопределить это поведение для отдельных записей в диалоговом окне KeePass «Изменение записи». +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= Обрати внимание: Вы можете переопределить это поведение для отдельных записей в диалоговом окне KeePass «Изменение записи». KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Когда я выбираю подходящий пароль, KeeFox должен KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= Когда KeeFox выбирает подходящий логин для KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Стандартная форма @@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Стандартный системный выво KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= Файл (расположенный в папке «KeeFox» внутри вашего профиля Firefox) KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Выберите, насколько подробный журнал вам необходим. Каждый более высокий уровень ведения журнала выдаёт больше информации. KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Следить за появлением на страницах дополнительных форм -KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: С этой опцией KeeFox может распознавать больше форм, но производительность может снизиться +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= Обрати внимание: Эта опция может позволить KeeFox распознавать больше форм за счет производительности KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Соединяться с KeePass с помощью этого TCP/IP-порта -KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: Измените настройки в KeePass.config, иначе KeeFox может терять соединение с KeePass +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= Обрати внимание: изменения настроек в KeePass.config или же KeeFox могут нарушить соединение с KeePass KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Сохранять иконку сайта (favicon) KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= При запуске KeePass использовать этот файл базы паролей KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Запоминать последнюю использованную базу паролей @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Настройки для всех сай KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Настройки для всех сайтов, адрес которых начинается с KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox будет пытаться заполнить все формы, имеющими поле ввода пароля, подходящими записями из KeePass. Вы можете изменить это поведение ниже. KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=Если форма соответствует записи из белого списка, KeeFox будет её заполнять. Если форма соответствует записи из черного списка, KeeFox не будет её заполнить. Если форма соответствует записям из обоих списков, KeeFox не будет её заполнять. -KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: Имена и ID полей могут не совпадать с тем, что вы видите на странице (они установлены в её исходном коде) +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=Обрати внимание: Имена и идентификаторы могут не совпадать с тем, что вы видите на странице (они установлены в исходном коде страницы) KeeFox-form-name=Название формы KeeFox-form-id=ID формы KeeFox-text-field-name=Имя текстового поля diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/tr/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/tr/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71743ad --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/tr/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= İpuçları +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox ipucu +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=KeeFox özelliklerini kullanmayı hızladırabilecek klavye kısayolları. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=İçerik (sağ fare tuşu) menüsünde bulunan KeeFox özellikleri. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Güvenlik notları +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox güvenlik uyarısı +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Önemli mesajlar +messages-description=Az ama önemli olan, KeeFox kullanıcına yararlı olabilecek bilgiler +messages-help-keefox=KeeFox için yardım +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox, istatistik ve sorun düzeltme amacıyla bilgiler toplar. Hangi bilgilerin toplanıldığını veya değişiklik yapma yollarını okuyabilirsiniz. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/tr/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/tr/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6689f2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/tr/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Oturum açık +loggedOut.label= Oturum kapalı +launchKeePass.label= KeePass Çalıştır +loginToKeePass.label= KeePass ile oturum aç +loggedIn.tip= Parola veritabanı '%S' ile oturum açıldı. +loggedInMultiple.tip=%S parola veritabanı ile oturum açıldı. Parola veritabanı '%S' etkin. +loggedOut.tip= Parola veritabanı ile oturum kapandı (kilitli olabilir) +launchKeePass.tip= KeeFox kullanabilmek için KeePass açık ve oturum açılmış olmalıdır. Bunu yapmak için tıklayın. +installKeeFox.label= KeeFox yükle +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox, çalışabilmek için bazı ilave şeyler yüklemeli. Bunu yapmak için tıklayın. +noUsername.partial-tip= kullanıcı adı +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Bu klasor içindeki oturumları araştır. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= %S üzerinde %S kullanıcı adı ile oturum aç. Daha fazla seçenek için sağ tıklayın. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Boş +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= Bu klasör içinde herhangi bir oturum yok. +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S , %S grubundan (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Parola veritabanımı yükle (KeePass çalıştır) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= KeeFox kullanabilmek için KeePass çalıştırın +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Parola veritabanımı yükle (KeePass çalıştır) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= KeeFox kullanabilmek için KeePass veritabanı ile oturum açın +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= Parola veritabanı ile oturum açmadınız. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= Parola veritabanı ile oturum açmadınız. +rememberPassword= Parolayı KeeFox kullanarak kaydet. +savePasswordText= KeeFox bu parolayı kaydetsin mi? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= KeeFox bu çok sayfalı parolayı kaydetsin mi? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Kaydet +notifyBarRememberButton.key= K +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Gruba kaydet +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Bu site için asla önerme +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= a +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Şimdi Değil +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= D + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label='%S' veritabanı içindeki bir gruba kaydet +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label='%S' veritabanı içine kaydet + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip='%S' veritabanı içine kaydet. Farklı veritabanına kaydetmek için küçük üçgene tıklayın. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip='%S' veritabanı içindeki bir gruba kaydet. Farklı veritabanına kaydetmek için küçük üçgene tıklayın. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Bu parolayı belirtilen veritabanına kaydet +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Bu parolayı belirtilen veritabanındaki bir gruba kaydet + +passwordChangeText= %S için kayıtlı olan parolayı değiştirmek ister misiniz? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Bu oturum için kayıtlı olan parolayı değiştirmek ister misiniz? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Değiştir +notifyBarChangeButton.key= D +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Değiştirme +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= e +changeDBButton.label= Veritabanını Değiştir +changeDBButton.tip= Farklı bir KeePass veritabanına geç +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Veritabanını Değiştir +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Bu özelliği kullabilmek için KeePass açık olmalı +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= Veritabanı yok +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= Son kullanılan KeePass veritabanı listesi boş. KeePass ile tercih ettiğiniz veritabanını açın. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= %S veritabanına geç +autoFillWith.label= Otomatik doldur: +httpAuth.default= Parola veritabanı ile oturum kapandı (kilitli olabilir) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Parolalar yükleniyor +httpAuth.noMatches= Herhangi bir eşleşme bulunamadı +install.somethingsWrong= Bir şeyler ters gitti +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Maalesef ki KeeFox çalışması için gerekli "KeePass Password Safe 2 için KeePassRPC" eklentisini otomatik olarak yükleyemiyor. Bu durum genelde dosya eklemeye izninizin olmadığı bir yere yüklemeye yapmaya çalışıldığında olur. Firefox'u yeniden başlatıp yüklemeyi tekrar deneyebilir veya sistem yöneticinizden yardım isteyebilirsiniz. +generatePassword.launch= Lütfen önce KeePass çalıştırın. +generatePassword.copied= Panoya yeni bir şifre kopyalandı. +loading= Yükleniyor +selectKeePassLocation= KeeFox'a KeePass'i nerede bulacağını söyleyin +selectMonoLocation= KeeFox'a Mono'yu nerede bulacağını söyleyin +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Varsayılan parola veritabanını seçin +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= KeeFox için mesaj indirme ve görüntüleme özellikleri +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Ayarları sıfırla +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= Ayarlar, %S ile yüklendiğindeki duruma sıfırlanacak. Bu sadece %S için mesaj indirme ve görüntüleme özelliklerini etkiler; diğer ayarlar değiştirilmez. Ayarları sıfırlamak için Tamam'a tıklayın. +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Mesal indirme sıklığı (saat) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S, düzenli olarak internete bağlanıp güvenlik uyarılarını kontrol edecektir. Herhangi bir güvenlik sorunundan bir an önce haberdar olmanız için kontrol sıklığını düşük tutmanız önerilir. Değişiklikler, Firefox yeniden başlatılana kadar etkisini göstermez. +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= %S %S göster +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Mesaj gösterme sıklığı (gün) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S, düzenli olarak bu mesaj grubundan herhangi bir mesaj olup olmadığını denetleyecek. Bu ayar, KeeFox'un göstermek istediği mesajları ne sıklıkla gösterebileceğini belirler. +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Daha fazlasını öğren +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Siteye git +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= S +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Bağışta bulunun +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= B +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= KeeFox'u değerlendirin +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= K +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Mesaj ayarlarını değiştir +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= M +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Mesajı bir daha gösterme +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= G +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= UYARI: KeeFox parolalarınızı günlüğe kaydediyor! Eğer bunu ayarlardan kasten seçmediyseniz bir an önce etkisizleştirmelisiniz. + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox yükleniyor... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox yüklenirken bazı açılış kontrolleri yapıyor. Fazla sürmeyecektir... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= KeeFox menüsünü görmek için Tıklayın +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Veritabanını değiştir +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Farklı bir KeePass parola veritabanı seç +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= F +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Formları bul +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= KeeFox'u formları tekrardan bulmaya zorlar. Çok nadir durumlarda gereklidir. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= F +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Yeni bir parola oluştur +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Kullanılan son parola üretici profilini temel alan bir parolayı KeePass üzerinden alır ve panoya kopyalar. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Ayarlar +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= KeeFox'un ayarlarını inceleyip tercihinize göre değiştirebilirsiniz. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= A +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Oturumlarınızı gözden geçirip web sitelerinde hızlıca oturum açın. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Oturumlar +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Oturumu düzenle +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Oturumu sil +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Grubu sil +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Grubu düzenle +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Bir gruba kaydet... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= Çok sayfalı bir giriş formunun parçasıdır +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox yardımı. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Yardım +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= Y +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Başlarken eğitimini çevrimiçi ziyaret edin. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Başlarken +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= B +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Çevrimiçi yardım merkezini ziyaret edin. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Yardım Merkezi +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= M +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox ayarları +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Bir Grup Seçin +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= Tamam +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= İptal +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= KeeFox' Kur +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= KeeFox'u Güncelle +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox kurulumu, başka bir tarayıcı sekmesinde zaten çalışıyor. Eğer ilgili sekmeyi bulabilirseniz bu sekmeyi kapatıp diğer sekmenin yönergelerini uygulayın. Eğer mevcut sekmeyi bulamıyorsanız yükleme işlemini alttaki düğmeye tıklayarak yeniden başlatabilirsiniz. Bu da işe yaramazsa Firefox'u baştan başlatmanız gerekebilir. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= KeeFox zaten yüklenilmiş gibi görülüyor. Eğer KeePass veritabanın KeeFox tarafından bulunmasında sorun yaşıyorsanız, güvenlik yazılımları (güvenlik duvarı, casus yazılım tarayıcı gibi) kimi zaman KeeFox ile uyuşmazlığa neden oluğundan, lütfen mevcut güvenlik yazılımlarınızı dikkatlice (ve geçici olarak!) devre dışı bırakın. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Daha fazla yardım için lütfen KeeFox web sitesini ziyaret edin +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= KeeFox yüklemesi sırasında beklenmedik bir hata oluştu. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= Gerekli bir parçanın indirilmesi başarısız oldu. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= Gerekli bir parçanın indirilmesi iptal edildi. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= İndirilen parça bozuk. Tekrar indirmeyi deneyin ve bu mesajı almaya devam ederseniz http://keefox.org/help/forum adresindeki destek forumundan yardım isteyebilirsiniz. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Tekrar deneyin +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= İptal + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox, iki bileşen daha yüklemeli - başlamak için üstteki büğmeye tıklayın. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Detaylı bilgi ve gelişmiş yükleme ayarları +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox, parolalarınızı güvenli şekilde saklamak için "KeePass Password Safe 2" yüklemeli. Standart ayarlar ile hızlıca yüklemek için yukarıdaki düğmeye tıklayın. Eğer "KeePass Password Safe 2" zaten yüklüyse, taşınabilir sürümünü kullanmak istiyorsanız veya yükleme işlemini kontrol etmek istiyorsanız aşağıdaki düğmeye tıklayın. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Detaylı bilgi ve gelişmiş yükleme ayarları +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox, iki bileşen daha yüklemeli - başlamak için üstteki büğmeye tıklayın. Eğer bu bilgisayar için yöneti parolanız bulunmuyorsa sistem yöneticinizden yardım isteyiniz. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Detaylı bilgi ve gelişmiş yükleme ayarları +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox, parolalarınızı güvenli şekilde saklamak için "KeePass Password Safe 2" yüklemeli. Yapılacak yüklemenin yerini belirtebilir yada varsa mevcut bir yüklemenin (otomatik olarak bulunamadıysa) yerini gösterebilirsiniz. DİKKAT: KeeFox, yöneti haklarınızın olmadığı durumlarda yüklemeyi yapamayabilir. Bu durumda elle yükleme yapmak için çevrimiçi yardım kaynaklarına başvurabilir yada sistem yöneticinizden yardım isteyebilirsiniz. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Detaylı bilgi ve gelişmiş yükleme ayarları +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox, parolalarınızı güvenli şekilde saklamak için "KeePass Password Safe 2" ile beraber çalışır. "KeePass Password Safe 2" ve Firefox bilgisayarınızda zaten yüklü olsa da KeeFox ile doğru şekilde bağlanabilmesi için bu bilgisayarın yönetici parolalasına gerek duyulabilir. Eğer bu yetkiye sahip değilseniz, başka bir seçenek için aşağıya tıklayın. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= Detaylı bilgi ve gelişmiş yükleme ayarları + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= Keefox, "Microsoft .NET framework" ve "KeePass Password Safe 2" yükleyecek. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeeFox, parolalarınızı güvenli şekilde saklamak için "KeePass Password Safe 2" programını kullanır. Bu programın yükleneceği yeri, lisanını seçmek veya diğer gelişmiş seçenekleri seçmek istiyorsanız lütfen öncelikle Microsoft'un sitesinde .NET yükleyicisini indirip çalıştırın ve Firefox'u yeniden başlatın. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Bunun yerine yüklemeleri şu adımları takip ederek kendi başınıza da yapabilirsiniz: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) .NET framework, Microsoft'tan indirilir ve yüklenir +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) KeePass Password Safe 2, http://keepass.info sitesinden ZIP ve kurulum şeklinde indirilir ve yüklenir. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Son adımı tamamlamak için isterseniz Firefox'u yeniden başlatıp tekrardan bu yükleme sayfasına dönebilir, +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) veya Firefox eklentileri klasöründen (deps altklasöründeki) KeePassRPC.plgx dosyasını KeePass Password Safe 2 eklentileri (plugins) klasörüne kendiniz kopyalayabilirsiniz. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 yüklemesinin yerini, lisanını ve diğer gelişmiş ayalarını seçmek için alttaki düğmeye tıklayın. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= KeePass, tüm kullanıcıların, tamamen kontrol edebileceği şekilde yüklensin +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= Eğer taşınabilir bir KeePass yüklemesi yapmak istiyorsanız yükleneceği yeri (USB hafıza gibi) aşağıdan seçebilirsiniz. "KeePass Password Safe 2" zaten yüklü ise KeeFox'un bulabilmesi için lütfen aşağıya yüklü olduğu yeri belirtiniz. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= KeePass Password Safe 2 için yükleme yerini seçin +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox ile "KeePass Password Safe 2" arasında bağlantıyı oluşturmak için yukarıdaki düğmeye basın. (Bu sayede "KeePass Password Safe 2" için KeePassRPC eklentisi yüklenir.) +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= Eğer bu bilgisayarın yönetici parolasını biliyorsanız, KeePass yüklemesini tüm kullanıcılar için yapabilirsiniz. Yükleneceği yeri, lisanını seçmek veya diğer gelişmiş seçenekler için aşağıdaki düğmeye basın. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= KeeFox'u tüm kullanılar için yükle +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= KeePass/KeePassRPC, farklı bir yere yüklensin + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= KeeFox kurulumu için gerekli dosyalar indiriliyor... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= İndirme tamamlandı. Birazdan .NET framework yükleyicisi çalışacak, lütfen yönergelerini takıp edin... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 indiriliyor... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= İndirme tamamlandı. Şimdi yükleyici çalışacak, lütfen yönergelerini takıp edin... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Neredeyse bitti... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= KeeFox kurulumu için gerekli dosyalar indiriliyor... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Yükleme tamamlandı. Lütfen bekleyin... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Neredeyse bitti... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Neredeyse bitti... Yüklemenin son adımını otomatik tamamlamak için KeePassRPCCopier.exe adında bir dosyanın çalışması sizden talep edilebilir. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= KeeFox kurulumu için gerekli dosyalar indiriliyor... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= İndirme tamamladı. Lütfen bekleyin... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Neredeyse bitti... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= KeeFox kullanımına başlamak için şu adımları izleyin: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Yeni bir parola veritabanı oluşturmak veya zaten kullandığını veritabanını açmak için "KeePass başlangıç yardımcısı" ile verilen yönergeleri takip edin. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= "Başlarken" eğitimi için buraya tıklayın. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Firefox veya diğer parola yöneticilerindeki mevcut parolaların nasıl aktarılacağını görmek için buraya tıklayın. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Son olarak, KeeFox kullanırken karşılaştığınız her türlü sorunu düzeltmek için yardım kaynaklarımıza şuradan erişebilirsiniz: +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Devam etmeden önce lütfen KeePass'ı kapatın! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= Bilgisayarınızda KeePass tespit edildi. KeeFox yüklemesi sorunsuz olması için devam etmeden önce lütfen programın çalışmadığına emin olun. + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox, Mac ve Linux sistemlerinde de çalışabilir, fakat bunun için şu adımların izlenilmesi gereklidir: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Mono, aşağıdaki adreslerden indirilir ve yüklenir. Linux kullanıcıları dağıtımın depo kaynaklarında da yükleyebilir fakat bazı dağıtımların Mono'yu küçük alt paketlere böldüğünden, yüklemenin tüm Mono paketlerini içerdiğine emin olun. +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= Taşınabilir (ZIP Paketi) KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (veya üstü) aşağıdaki adreslerden indirilir veya dağıtımın paket yöneticisi ile (versiyonun yeterli olmasına dikkat edin) yüklenir. +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) KeePass paketi, ~/KeePass klasörüne (veya istediğiniz bir yere) açılır. (~ burada ev klasörünü temsil etmektedir.) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) KeePassRPC.plgx dosyası, KeePass yüklemesinin klasöründeki plugins alt klasörüne kopyalanır (~/KeePass/plugins gibi) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Firefox yeniden başlatılır. +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= Kopyalamanız gereken KeePassRPC.plgx dosyasını şurada bulabilirsiniz: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Özelleştirme yönergeleri: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) KeePass yüklemesinin yeri şurası kabul edilmiştir: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) Mono yüklemesinin yeri şurası kabul edilmiştir: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= Bu varsayılanları değiştirmek için, KeeFox -> Seçenekler -> KeePass üzerindeki "KeePass yüklemesinin yeri" ve "Mono yürütmesinin yeri" + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= KeeFox güncellemek için: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) KeePassRPC.plgx dosyası, KeePass yüklemesinin klasöründeki plugins alt klasörüne kopyalanır (~/KeePass/plugins gibi) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Firefox yeniden başlatılır. + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Ayarları +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Formu doldur +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Formu doldur ve gönder +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Hiçbir şey yapma +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Oturum bilgilerini doldur +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Oturum bilgilerini doldur ve gönder +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox, +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= Not: Bu davranışı KeePass üzerinden "girdi düzenle" aracılığı ile farklı girdiler için değiştirebilirsiniz. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= Uyan bir parolayı seçtiğime KeeFox, +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= Uyan bir parolayı KeeFox seçtiğinde, +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= Standart bir form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= Bir HTTPAuth, NTLM veya proxy girdisi +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Birden fazla eşleşmenin olduğu formlar otomatik doldurulup gönderilsin. +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Girdiler aranıyor +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Uyarılar +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Oturum açılıyor +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Gelişmiş +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= Bu seçenekler, KeeFox'un davranışını belirleyenlerin en önemlileridir. +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= KeeFox'un ilginizi çekmek için kullanacağı yöntemleri değiştirir +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= Bu seçenekler ile bir sorunun kaynağını takip edebilir veya gelişmiş ayarlamalar yapabilirsiniz fakat çoğu kullanıcı bunları görmezden gelebilir. +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= Bu seçenekler KeePass davranışlarını belirler +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= KeeFox, uyan bir KeePass girdisi bulduğunda nasıl davransın +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Uyarı seçenekleri +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Gelişmiş seçenekler +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass ayarları +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Uyan bir parola bulunursa formları otomatik doldur +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Uyan bir parola bulunursa formları otomatik doldurup gönder +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Uyan bir parola bulunursa doğrulama iletilerini otomatik doldur +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Uyan bir parola bulunursa doğrulama iletilerini otomatik doldurup gönder +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Doğrulama iletilerinin ve boş olmayan formların içeriğinin üzerine yaz +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Uyan bir parolayı seçersem formları doldurup gönder +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Günlük seviyesi +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Parolaları kaydetmeyi öner +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= Bu siteler için, yeni parolaları kaydetmek istediğiniz sorulmaz +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Kaldır +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= KeePass açık değilse uyarı çubuğunda göster +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Açık bir KeePass veritabanı yoksa uyarı çubuğunda göster +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= KeeFox'un işlem kayıtlarını nereye kaydetmesini istediğinizi seçin. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Açılır pencere uyarıları (önerilmez) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript konsolu +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= Standart sistem çıktısı +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= Dosya (Firefox profil klasörünün içindeki "keefox" klasöründe) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= İşlem kayıtlarının ne kadar detaylı olacağını seçin. Seviye yükseldikçe daha fazla detay kaydedilir. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Yeni formlar için için her web sayfasını gözetle +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= Not: Bu seçenek ile daha fazla işlem gücü karşılığında KeeFox'un daha fazla formu tanımasını sağlayabilirsiniz. +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= KeePass ile iletişim kurmak için bu TCP/IP portunu kullan +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= Not: Bu ayarları KeePass.config üzerinden değiştirin yoksa KeeFox düzenli bir şekilde KeePass ile iletişim kuramayabilir. +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Sitenin logosunu/ikonunu (favicon) kaydet +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= KeePass açırken şu veritabanını kullan +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Son kullanılan KeePass veritabanlarını hatırla +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC eklentisinin yükleme yeri +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass yüklemesinin yeri +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono yürütmesinin yeri (/usr/bin/mono gibi) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Yukarıdaki seçenekleri hatırla (mesela taşınabilir KeePass kullanıyorsanız) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Burayı kullan +KeeFox-browse.label= Araştır +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Mesaj/ipucu uyarıları seçenekleri +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Tüm açık KeePass veritabanlarında ara +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= Açık tüm KeePass veritabanlarındaki oturumları listele +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox, istatistik ve sorun düzeltme amacıyla bilgiler toplar. Kişisel herhangi bir veri toplanılmaz. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Hangi bilgilerin toplanıldığını veya değişiklik yapma yollarını okuyabilirsiniz. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Anonim kullanıcı istatistikleri gönder + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox, parola alanı içeren tüm formlar için otorum detaylarını bulmaya çalışır. Daha fazla ayar için: +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=siteye özel ayarlar +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc="parolayı kaydet" uyarılarını devre dışı bırak: +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Tüm siteler için ayarlar. Farklı siteler için özel ayarlar belirleyebilirsiniz. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Başlancıgı şu olan siteler için özel ayarlar: +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form adı +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Metin kutusu adı +KeeFox-text-field-id=Metin kutusu ID +KeeFox-white-list=Beyaz liste +KeeFox-black-list=Kara Liste +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox site ayarları +KeeFox-add-site=Site ekle +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Site seçeneklerini kaydet +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Buraya otomatik gir +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Eşleşen oturum girdileri +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Yeni parolayı profilden oluştur +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox, geçersiz bir protokol ile karşılaştı. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox, parola veritabanına geçersiz bir komut gönderdi. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox, KeePass ile bağlantı kuramıyor. Güvenlik duvarınız TCP 12546 portunu engelliyor olabilir. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox için ayarlanan güvenlik seviyesi, parola sunucunun kabul edebileceğinden daha düşük ayarlanmış. %S güvenlik seviyesini kullanmak için doğrulama işlemini tekrarlayın. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox için ayarlanan güvenlik seviyesi, parola sunucusunun talep ettiğinden yüksek ayarlanmış. %S güvenlik seviyesini kullanmak için doğrulama işlemini tekrarlayın. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox bağlantısına izin verilmedi. Bağlantı parolasını yanlış girmiş olabilirsiniz. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox, yetkilendirme işlemini tekrarlamalı. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=Fazlaca uzun bir süredir aynı güvenlik anahtarını kullanıyorsunuz. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Yetkilendirmesi +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox güvenlik seviyesi +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Kabul edilebilir en az KeePass güvenlik seviyesi +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Düşük +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Orta +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=Yüksek +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Sorulduğunda lütfen yeni bir parola girin. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Daha fazla bilgi için: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Bağlantı Güvenliği +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Yetkilendirilmiş Bağlantılar +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Komutlar + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Ana menüyü göster +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Oturum listesini göster +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Yeni bir kısayol tuşu girin + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Uyan oturumlar +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Geri +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Ara... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/vi-VN/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/vi-VN/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fdef89 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/vi-VN/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Gợi ý +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=Gợi ý của KeeFox +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Lưu ý bảo mật +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=Cảnh báo bảo mật của KeeFox +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Thông báo quan trọng +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Giúp KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/vi-VN/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/vi-VN/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dff31b --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/vi-VN/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logged in +loggedOut.label= Logged out +launchKeePass.label= Launch KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= You are logged in to your '%S' password database +loggedInMultiple.tip=You are logged in to %S password databases. '%S' is active. +loggedOut.tip= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +launchKeePass.tip= You need to open and log into KeePass to use KeeFox. Click here to do that. +installKeeFox.label= Install KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox needs to install some extra things before it can work on your computer. Click here to do that. +noUsername.partial-tip= no username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Explore the logins inside this folder. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login to %S with this username: %S. Right click for more options. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Empty +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= This folder has no logins inside it +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S in the %S group (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Launch KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Launch KeePass to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Login to KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login to your KeePass database to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +rememberPassword= Use KeeFox to save this password. +savePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this password? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Save +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Save to a group +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Never for This Site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Not Now +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Save to a group in the '%S' database +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Save in the '%S' database + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Save this password in the specified database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Save this password to a group in the specified database + +passwordChangeText= Would you like to change the stored password for %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Change +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Don't Change +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Change database +changeDBButton.tip= Switch to a different KeePass database +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Change database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Launch KeePass to enable this feature +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= No database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= There are no databases in your KeePass Recent databases list. Use KeePass to open your preferred database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Switch to the %S database +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Loading passwords +httpAuth.noMatches= No matching entries found +install.somethingsWrong= Something went wrong +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Please launch KeePass first. +generatePassword.copied= A new password has been copied to your clipboard. +loading= Loading +selectKeePassLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Choose a default password database +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Message download and display options for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Reset configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Message download frequency (hours) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Show %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum message display frequency (days) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Learn more +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Go to site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donate now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Rate KeeFox now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Change message settings +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Don't show message again +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox loading... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox is loading and doing a few startup tests. It shouldn't take long... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Click to see the KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Change database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Choose a different KeePass password database. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detect forms +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generate new password +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using the most recently used password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Options +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= View and change your preferred KeeFox options. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Explore all your logins and quickly log in to your websites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Edit login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Delete login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Delete group +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Edit group +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Save to a group... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= This is part of a multi-page login form +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox help. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Help +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visit the online getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Getting Started +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visit the online help centre. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Help Centre +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox options +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Select A Group +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Setup KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Upgrade KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Please visit the KeeFox website for more help +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= An unexpected error occured during KeeFox installation. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= The download of a required component failed. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= The download of a required component was cancelled. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= A downloaded component is corrupt. Try again and if you continue to receive this message, ask for help in the support forum at http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Try again +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox will install the Microsoft .NET framework and KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatively, you could attempt a manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install .NET from Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download and install KeePass Password Safe 2 setup or ZIP from http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Or manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file from the Firefox extensions folder (look in a subfolder called deps) to the KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins folder. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, click the button below. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Set KeePass Password Safe 2's installation location +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the .NET installer which will start soon... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Please close KeePass before continuing! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Restart Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= To upgrade KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Restart Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Options +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Fill in the form +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Fill in and submit the form +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Do nothing +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifications +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Advanced +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Notification options +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Advanced options +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass options +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Offer to save passwords +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remove +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript console +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installation location +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Browse +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form name +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=White List +KeeFox-black-list=Black List +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Site options +KeeFox-add-site=Add site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Save site settings +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/zh-TW/FAMS.keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/zh-TW/FAMS.keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49ec065 --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/zh-TW/FAMS.keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +name= KeeFox +description= KeeFox adds free, secure and easy to use password management features to Firefox which save you time and keep your private data more secure. +tips-name= Tips +tips-description=Hints and tips that will be especially useful for people new to KeeFox, KeePass or password management software +tips-default-title=KeeFox tip +tips201201040000a-body=You can "Customise" your Firefox toolbars (including KeeFox) to re-arrange buttons and save screen space. +tips201201040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Customise-Toolbars +tips201201040000b-body=Middle-click or Ctrl-click on an entry in the logins list to open a new tab, load a web page and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Middle-Click +tips201201040000c-body=Be cautious of automatically submitting login forms - it is convenient but slightly more risky than manually clicking on the login button. +tips201201040000c-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Auto-Submit-Warning +tips201201040000d-body=The "logged out" and "logged in" statements on the KeeFox toolbar button refer to the state of your KeePass database (whether you have logged in with your composite master password yet). +tips201201040000d-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Meaning-Of-LoggedOut +tips201201040000e-body=You can force certain entries to have a higher priority than others. +tips201201040000e-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Priority +tips201201040000f-body=Get quick access to notes and other entry data by right clicking on a login entry and selecting "Edit entry". +tips201201040000f-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Edit-Entry +tips201201040000g-body=You can have more than one KeePass database open at the same time. +tips201201040000g-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Multiple-Databases +tips201201040000h-body=Some websites create their login form after the page has loaded, try the "detect forms" feature on the main button to search for matching logins. +tips201201040000h-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Detect-Forms +tips201201040000i-body=Generate secure passwords from the main KeeFox toolbar button - it will use the same settings that you most recently used on the KeePass password generator dialog. +tips201201040000i-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Password-Generator +tips201201040000j-body=Your KeePass entries can be used in other web browsers and applications. +tips201201040000j-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-KeePass +tips201201040000k-body=Even well known websites have their data stolen occasionally; protect yourself by using different passwords for every website you visit. +tips201201040000k-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Use-Unique-Passwords +tips201201040000l-body=Left-click on an entry in the logins list to load a web page in the current tab and auto submit a login with just one click. +tips201201040000l-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Login-Menu-Left-Click +tips201201040000m-body=Some websites are designed so that they will not work with automated form fillers like KeeFox. Read more about how best to work with these sites. +tips201201040000m-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Troubleshoot-Awkward-Sites +tips201201040000n-body=Long passwords are usually more secure than short but complicated ones ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" is an exception to this rule!) +tips201201040000n-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Long-Passwords-Are-Good +tips201201040000o-body=Open source security software like KeePass and KeeFox is more secure than closed source alternatives. +tips201201040000o-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Open-Source-Safer +tips201201040000p-body=If you have old KeePass entries without website-specific icons (favicons) try the KeePass Favicon downloader plugin. +tips201201040000p-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Favicon-Downloader +tips201211040000a-body=You can configure individual websites to work better with KeeFox. +tips201211040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Site-Specific +tips201312040000a-body=Keyboard shortcuts can speed up access to many KeeFox features. +tips201312040000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Keyboard-shortcuts +tips201312040000b-body=KeeFox features can now be found on your context (right mouse click) menu. +tips201312040000b-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Tips-|-Context-menu +security-name=Security notices +security-description=Important security notices that users should not ignore if they wish to remain protected +security-default-title=KeeFox security warning +security201201040000a-body=This version of KeeFox is very old. You should install a newer version if at all possible. +security201201040000a-link=http://keefox.org/download +messages-name=Important messages +messages-description=Important but rare notices that may be useful to KeeFox users +messages-help-keefox=Help KeeFox +messages201201040000a-body=You've been using KeeFox for a while now so please help others by adding a positive review to the Mozilla addons website. +messages201201040000a-link=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/keefox/reviews/add +messages201312080000a-body=KeeFox collects anonymous statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. Read more to find out what data is sent and what you can change. +messages201312080000a-link=https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Metrics-collection diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/zh-TW/keefox.properties b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/zh-TW/keefox.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dff31b --- /dev/null +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/chrome/locale/zh-TW/keefox.properties @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +loggedIn.label= Logged in +loggedOut.label= Logged out +launchKeePass.label= Launch KeePass +loginToKeePass.label= Login to KeePass +loggedIn.tip= You are logged in to your '%S' password database +loggedInMultiple.tip=You are logged in to %S password databases. '%S' is active. +loggedOut.tip= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +launchKeePass.tip= You need to open and log into KeePass to use KeeFox. Click here to do that. +installKeeFox.label= Install KeeFox +installKeeFox.tip= KeeFox needs to install some extra things before it can work on your computer. Click here to do that. +noUsername.partial-tip= no username +loginsButtonGroup.tip= Explore the logins inside this folder. +loginsButtonLogin.tip= Login to %S with this username: %S. Right click for more options. +loginsButtonEmpty.label= Empty +loginsButtonEmpty.tip= This folder has no logins inside it +matchedLogin.label= %S - %S +matchedLogin.tip= %S in the %S group (%S) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Launch KeePass) +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLaunchKeePassButton.tip= Launch KeePass to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.label= Load my password database (Login to KeePass) +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.key= L +notifyBarLoginToKeePassButton.tip= Login to your KeePass database to enable KeeFox +notifyBarLaunchKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +notifyBarLoginToKeePass.label= You are not logged in to your password database. +rememberPassword= Use KeeFox to save this password. +savePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this password? +saveMultiPagePasswordText= Do you want KeeFox to save this multi-page password? +notifyBarRememberButton.label= Save +notifyBarRememberButton.key= S +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.label= Save to a group +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.key= G +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.label= Never for This Site +notifyBarNeverForSiteButton.key= e +notifyBarNotNowButton.label= Not Now +notifyBarNotNowButton.key= N + +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.label=Save to a group in the '%S' database +notifyBarRememberDBButton.label=Save in the '%S' database + +notifyBarRememberButton.tooltip=Save in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberAdvancedButton.tooltip=Save to a group in the '%S' database. Click the little triangle to save to a different database. +notifyBarRememberDBButton.tooltip=Save this password in the specified database +notifyBarRememberAdvancedDBButton.tooltip=Save this password to a group in the specified database + +passwordChangeText= Would you like to change the stored password for %S? +passwordChangeTextNoUser= Would you like to change the stored password for this login? +notifyBarChangeButton.label= Change +notifyBarChangeButton.key= C +notifyBarDontChangeButton.label= Don't Change +notifyBarDontChangeButton.key= D +changeDBButton.label= Change database +changeDBButton.tip= Switch to a different KeePass database +changeDBButtonDisabled.label= Change database +changeDBButtonDisabled.tip= Launch KeePass to enable this feature +changeDBButtonEmpty.label= No database +changeDBButtonEmpty.tip= There are no databases in your KeePass Recent databases list. Use KeePass to open your preferred database. +changeDBButtonListItem.tip= Switch to the %S database +autoFillWith.label= Auto fill with +httpAuth.default= You are logged out of your password database (it may be locked) +httpAuth.loadingPasswords= Loading passwords +httpAuth.noMatches= No matching entries found +install.somethingsWrong= Something went wrong +install.KPRPCNotInstalled= Sorry, KeeFox could not automatically install the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2, which is required for KeeFox to function. This is usually because you are trying to install to a location into which you are not permitted to add new files. You may be able to restart Firefox and try the installation again choosing different options or you could ask your computer administrator for assistance. +generatePassword.launch= Please launch KeePass first. +generatePassword.copied= A new password has been copied to your clipboard. +loading= Loading +selectKeePassLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find KeePass +selectMonoLocation= Tell KeeFox where to find Mono +selectDefaultKDBXLocation= Choose a default password database +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.title= Message download and display options for KeeFox +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.label= Reset configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Reset-Configuration.confirm= This will reset the configuration to how it was when you first installed %S. This only affects the message download and display settings of %S; other settings will not be changed. Click OK to reset the configuration +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.label= Message download frequency (hours) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Download-Freq.desc= %S will regularly connect to the internet to download secure messages for display in your browser. It is recommended that you check very frequently in order to ensure you are made aware of any security problems immediately. Changes to this setting will not take effect until you restart Firefox +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Show-Message-Group= Show %S %S +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq= Maximum message display frequency (days) +KeeFox-FAMS-Options-Max-Message-Group-Freq-Explanation= %S will regularly check to see if any messages from this group should be displayed. This setting limits how often the messages KeeFox wants to display will actually be displayed on the screen +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.label= Learn more +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-LearnMore-Button.key= L +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.label= Go to site +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-VisitSite-Button.key= G +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.label= Donate now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Donate-Button.key= D +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.label= Rate KeeFox now +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-A-Rate-Button.key= R +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.label= Change message settings +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-Options-Button.key= C +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.label= Don't show message again +KeeFox-FAMS-NotifyBar-DoNotShowAgain-Button.key= N +notifyBarLogSensitiveData.label= WARNING: KeeFox is logging your passwords! If you have not intentionally enabled this setting you should disable it immediately + + +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.label= KeeFox loading... +KeeFox_Main-Button.loading.tip= KeeFox is loading and doing a few startup tests. It shouldn't take long... +KeeFox_Menu-Button.tip= Click to see the KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Menu-Button.label= KeeFox +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.label= Change database +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.tip= Choose a different KeePass password database. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.changeDB.key= C +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.label= Detect forms +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.tip= Force KeeFox to re-detect forms on this page. This is necessary on a small minority of web sites. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.fillCurrentDocument.key= D +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.label= Generate new password +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using the most recently used password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.copyNewPasswordToClipboard.key= P +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.label= Options +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.tip= View and change your preferred KeeFox options. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.options.key= O +KeeFox_Logins-Button.tip= Explore all your logins and quickly log in to your websites. +KeeFox_Logins-Button.label= Logins +KeeFox_Logins-Button.key= L +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Login.label= Edit login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Login.label= Delete login +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Delete-Group.label= Delete group +KeeFox_Logins-Context-Edit-Group.label= Edit group +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Group.label= Save to a group... +KeeFox_Remember-Advanced-Popup-Multi-Page.label= This is part of a multi-page login form +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.tip= KeeFox help. +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.label= Help +KeeFox_Menu-Button.Help.key= H +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.tip= Visit the online getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.label= Getting Started +KeeFox_Help-GettingStarted-Button.key= G +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.tip= Visit the online help centre. +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.label= Help Centre +KeeFox_Help-Centre-Button.key= C +KeeFox_Tools-Menu.options.label= KeeFox options +KeeFox_Dialog-SelectAGroup.title= Select A Group +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.label= OK +KeeFox_Dialog_OK_Button.key= O +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel +KeeFox_Dialog_Cancel_Button.key= C + +KeeFox_Install_Setup_KeeFox.label= Setup KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Upgrade_KeeFox.label= Upgrade KeeFox +KeeFox_Install_Downgrade_Warning.label= Warning: This version of KeeFox (%S) is older than the installed KeePassRPC plugin (%S). Clicking "Upgrade KeeFox" may break other applications that use KeePassRPC. +KeeFox_Install_Process_Running_In_Other_Tab.label= KeeFox setup is already running in another browser tab. If you can find the tab please close this tab and follow the instructions in the other tab. If you cannot find the existing tab, you can try restarting the installation process by clicking the button below. If this does not work, you may need to restart Firefox again to proceed. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required.label= It looks like KeeFox is already installed. If you are having trouble getting KeeFox to detect that you are logged in to a KeePass database then please carefully (and temporarily!) disable any security software running on your computer (e.g. firewalls, anti-spyware, etc.) since these can occasionally conflict with KeeFox. +KeeFox_Install_Not_Required_Link.label= Please visit the KeeFox website for more help +KeeFox_Install_Unexpected_Error.label= An unexpected error occured during KeeFox installation. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Failed.label= The download of a required component failed. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Canceled.label= The download of a required component was cancelled. +KeeFox_Install_Download_Checksum_Failed.label= A downloaded component is corrupt. Try again and if you continue to receive this message, ask for help in the support forum at http://keefox.org/help/forum. +KeeFox_Install_Try_Again_Button.label= Try again +KeeFox_Install_Cancel_Button.label= Cancel + +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. +KeeFox_Install_adminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. Click the button above for a quick and easy install using standard settings. Click the button below if you already have a copy of KeePass Password Safe 2, want to use the portable version of KeePass or want to take control of the installation process. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install two other components - just click the button above to get started. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, you will need to ask your system administrator to help you. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminNETInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander.description= KeeFox must install KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. You will be asked where to install KeePass Password Safe 2 or you can select the location of an existing KeePass Password Safe 2 installation (KeeFox was unable to find one automatically). NOTE: KeeFox may not always be able to automatically setup itself correctly on computers where you have no administrative priveledges. You may need to refer to online help resources to find manual setup instructions or ask your system administrator for help. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= KeeFox uses KeePass Password Safe 2 to securely store your passwords. It is already installed on your computer but you may need to provide an administrative password to enable KeeFox to correctly link KeePass Password Safe 2 and Firefox. If you can't provide an administrative password for this computer, click below for another option. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander_More_Info_Button.label= More information and advanced setup options + +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeOverview.description= KeeFox will install the Microsoft .NET framework and KeePass Password Safe 2. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeKeePass.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is the password manager application which KeeFox uses to securely store your passwords. If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, please download and install .NET from Microsoft's website and then restart Firefox. +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManual.description= Alternatively, you could attempt a manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install .NET from Microsoft +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep2.description= 2) Download and install KeePass Password Safe 2 setup or ZIP from http://keepass.info +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep3.description= 3a) Either restart Firefox to get back to this setup page so it can complete the last step +KeeFox_Install_setupNET35ExeInstallExpandeeManualStep4.description= 3b) Or manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file from the Firefox extensions folder (look in a subfolder called deps) to the KeePass Password Safe 2 plugins folder. +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you want to choose the KeePass Password Safe 2 installation location, language or advanced options, click the button below. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeInstallButton.label= Setup KeePass for all users with full control of the process +KeeFox_Install_adminSetupKPInstallExpandeePortable.description= If you want to install the portable version of KeePass into a specific location (such as a USB memory stick) you can choose a location below. If you already have KeePass Password Safe 2 installed, please use the box below to tell KeeFox where to find it. +KeeFox_Install_copyKPToSpecificLocationInstallButton.label= Set KeePass Password Safe 2's installation location +KeeFox_Install_admincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpander.description= Click the above button to link KeeFox to KeePass Password Safe 2. (Technically, this installs the KeePassRPC plugin for KeePass Password Safe 2). +KeeFox_Install_nonAdminSetupKPInstallExpandee.description= If you know the administrative password for this computer you can install KeePass for all users by using one of the options below. Click on the bottom button if you want to set a particular installation location, a non-English language or other advanced options. +KeeFox_Install_KPsetupExeSilentInstallButton.label= Setup KeeFox for all users +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallExpandee.description= You can install KeePass Password Safe 2 on a portable / USB drive (or in a second location on your computer). Just click the button below but do consider the potential confusion you might experience in future because your computer will have two seperate installations of KeePass Password Safe 2. If at all possible, you should setup KeeFox using the button above, providing the computer administrative password if prompted. +KeeFox_Install_nonAdmincopyKRPCToKnownKPLocationInstallButton.label= Install KeePass/KeePassRPC in a second location + +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupNETdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the .NET installer which will start soon... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloading.description= KeePass Password Safe 2 is being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC1setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please follow the instructions in the installer which is starting now... +KeeFox_Install_IC1KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC2setupKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC2KRPCdownloaded.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_IC3installing.description= Nearly finished... You may be prompted to run an executable called KeePassRPCCopier.exe which will perform the final installation step automatically. +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloading.description= The files required to setup KeeFox are being downloaded... +KeeFox_Install_IC5zipKPdownloaded.description= Download complete. Please wait... +KeeFox_Install_IC5installing.description= Nearly finished... +KeeFox_Install_InstallFinished-2014.description= KeeFox will now connect to KeePass. Within 30 seconds you should be asked to secure the connection by typing a temporary password. When you've done that, the KeeFox button on the toolbar will change from grey to colour. +KeeFox_Install_NextSteps.description= Try these steps to start using KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_NextStep1.description= Follow the instructions in the 'KeePass startup helper' to either create a new database to store your passwords or open a KeePass database that you already use. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep2.description= Click here to try the getting started tutorial. +KeeFox_Install_NextStep3.description= Click here to find out how to import your existing passwords from Firefox or other password managers. +KeeFox_Install_Finally.description= Finally, if you have any trouble getting KeeFox to work correctly, please take a look at the help resources found at +KeeFox_Install_PleaseCloseKeePass.description= Please close KeePass before continuing! +KeeFox_Install_Already_Installed_Warning.description= KeePass has been detected on your computer. To ensure KeeFox can be setup smoothly, please make sure that it is closed before continuing! + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual.description= KeeFox can run on Mac and Linux systems, but requires manual installation by following these steps: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep1.description= 1) Download and install Mono from the website below. Linux users can usually install the latest version of Mono from your distribution's package repository but please ensure you install the complete Mono package (some distributions seperate Mono into multiple sub-packages). +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep2.description= 2) Download KeePass Password Safe 2.19 (or higher) Portable (ZIP Package) from the website below or try your distribution's package manager (make sure you get a new enough version though!) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep3.description= 3) Unzip KeePass to ~/KeePass (this default can be customised) where ~ represents your home directory +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep4.description= 4) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to a subdirectory called plugins in the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep5.description= 5) Restart Firefox +KeeFox_Install_monoManualStep6.description= The KeePassRPC.plgx file you need to manually copy is at: + +KeeFox_Install_monoManual2.description= Customisation instructions: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest1.description= 1) It is assumed KeePass is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest2.description= 2) It is assumed Mono is installed to: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualTest3.description= To override these defaults, under KeeFox->Options->KeePass, change 'KeePass installation location' and 'Mono executable location' + +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgrade.description= To upgrade KeeFox: +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep1.description= 1) Copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file to the plugins subdirectory inside the directory that contains your KeePass installation (e.g. ~/KeePass/plugins where ~ represents your home directory) +KeeFox_Install_monoManualUpgradeStep2.description= 2) Restart Firefox + + +KeeFox-Options.title= KeeFox Options +KeeFox-pref-FillForm.desc= Fill in the form +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitForm.desc= Fill in and submit the form +KeeFox-pref-DoNothing.desc= Do nothing +KeeFox-pref-FillPrompt.desc= Fill in the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-FillAndSubmitPrompt.desc= Fill in and submit the login prompt +KeeFox-pref-KeeFoxShould.desc= KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-FillNote.desc= NB: You can override this behaviour for individual entries in the KeePass "edit entry" dialog. +KeeFox-pref-when-user-chooses.desc= When I choose a matched password, KeeFox should +KeeFox-pref-when-keefox-chooses.desc= When KeeFox chooses a matching login for +KeeFox-pref-a-standard-form.desc= A standard form +KeeFox-pref-a-prompt.desc= An HTTPAuth, NTLM or proxy prompt +KeeFox-pref-autoFillFormsWithMultipleMatches.label= Forms with multiple matches should be automatically filled and submitted +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.heading= Finding entries +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.heading= Notifications +KeeFox-pref-Logging.heading= Logging +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.heading= Advanced +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.heading= KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.description= These are the most important options that govern the behaviour of KeeFox +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.description= Change these options to alter how KeeFox attracts your attention +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.description= These options may help you to debug a problem or configure advanced settings but most users can ignore these +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.description= These options affect the behaviour of KeePass +KeeFox-pref-FindingEntries.tooltip= How KeeFox behaves when KeePass entries are found +KeeFox-pref-Notifications.tooltip= Notification options +KeeFox-pref-Advanced.tooltip= Advanced options +KeeFox-pref-KeePass.tooltip= KeePass options +KeeFox-pref-autoFillForms.label= Fill in forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitForms.label= Submit forms automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoFillDialogs.label= Fill in authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitDialogs.label= Submit authentication dialogs automatically when a matching password is found +KeeFox-pref-overWriteFieldsAutomatically.label= Overwrite the contents of any matching non-empty forms and authentication dialogs +KeeFox-pref-autoSubmitMatchedForms.label= Submit forms when you choose a matching password +KeeFox-pref-loggingLevel.label= Logging level +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarRequestPasswordSave.label= Offer to save passwords +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.desc= These sites will never prompt you to save a new password +KeeFox-pref-excludedSaveSites.remove= Remove +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenKeePassRPCInactive.label= Display a notification bar when KeePass needs to be opened +KeeFox-pref-notifyBarWhenLoggedOut.label= Display a notification bar when you need to log in to a KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-alwaysDisplayUsernameWhenTitleIsShown.label=Display username in Logins list and search results +KeeFox-pref-logMethod.desc= Select where you would like KeeFox to record a log of its activity. +KeeFox-pref-logMethodAlert= Alert popups (not recommended) +KeeFox-pref-logMethodConsole= Javascript console +KeeFox-pref-logMethodStdOut= System standard output +KeeFox-pref-logMethodFile= File (located in a 'keefox' folder inside your Firefox profile) +KeeFox-pref-logLevel.desc= Choose how verbose you want the log to be. Each higher log level produces more output. +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanning.label= Monitor each web page for new forms +KeeFox-pref-dynamicFormScanningExplanation.label= NB: This option may enable KeeFox to recognise more forms at the expense of performance +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPort.label= Communicate with KeePass using this TCP/IP port +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCPortWarning.label= NB: change the setting in KeePass.config or else KeeFox will not always be able to communicate with KeePass +KeeFox-pref-saveFavicons.label= Save website logo/icon (favicon) +KeeFox-pref-keePassDBToOpen.label= When opening or logging in to KeePass, use this database file +KeeFox-pref-rememberMRUDB.label= Remember the most recently used KeePass database +KeeFox-pref-keePassRPCInstalledLocation.label= KeePassRPC plugin installation location +KeeFox-pref-keePassInstalledLocation.label= KeePass installation location +KeeFox-pref-monoLocation.label= Mono executable location (e.g. /usr/bin/mono) +KeeFox-pref-keePassRememberInstalledLocation.label= Remember above settings (e.g. when using KeePass Portable) +KeeFox-pref-keePassLocation.label= Use this location +KeeFox-browse.label= Browse +KeeFox-FAMS-Options.label= Message/tip notification options +KeeFox-pref-searchAllOpenDBs.label= Search all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-listAllOpenDBs.label= List logins from all open KeePass databases +KeeFox-pref-metrics-desc=KeeFox collects anonymous system and usage statistics to fix problems and improve your experience. No private data is collected. +KeeFox-pref-metrics-link=Read more about the anonymous data KeeFox collects +KeeFox-pref-metrics-label=Send anonymous usage statistics + + +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.desc=KeeFox tries to find log-in details for all forms that contain a password field. Adjust this and more in +KeeFox-pref-site-options-find.link=site-specific settings +KeeFox-pref-site-options-savepass.desc=Disable "save password" notifications in +KeeFox-site-options-default-intro.desc=Settings for all sites. Add individual site addresses to override. +KeeFox-site-options-intro.desc=Settings for all sites whose address starts with +KeeFox-site-options-valid-form-intro.desc=KeeFox will try to fill matching KeePass entries for all forms that have a password field (box). You can adjust this behaviour below. +KeeFox-site-options-list-explain.desc=If a form matches against one of the white lists below KeeFox will always try to fill it. If a form matches one of the black lists below KeeFox will never try to fill it. If it matches both lists KeeFox will not try to fill it. +KeeFox-site-options-invisible-tip.desc=NB: The names and IDs may not be the same as visible labels on the page (they are set in the source code of the page) +KeeFox-form-name=Form name +KeeFox-form-id=Form ID +KeeFox-text-field-name=Text field name +KeeFox-text-field-id=Text field ID +KeeFox-white-list=White List +KeeFox-black-list=Black List +KeeFox-site-options-title=KeeFox Site options +KeeFox-add-site=Add site +KeeFox-save-site-settings=Save site settings +KeeFox-site-options-siteEnabledExplanation.desc=Select the checkboxes on the left to enable a setting + +KeeFox-auto-type-here.label=Auto-type here +KeeFox-auto-type-here.tip=Execute KeePass auto-type for the best matching login entry +KeeFox-matched-logins.label=Matched login entries +KeeFox-placeholder-for-best-match=Placeholder for best matching login entry +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.label= Generate new password from profile +KeeFox_Menu-Button.generatePasswordFromProfile.tip= Gets a new password from KeePass using your choice of password generator profile and puts it into your clipboard. + +KeeFox-conn-client-v-high=You must downgrade to version %S or upgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the upgrade wizard now. +KeeFox-conn-client-v-low=You must upgrade to version %S or downgrade KeePassRPC to match your version of KeeFox. Going to initiate the downgrade wizard now. + + +KeeFox-conn-unknown-protocol=KeeFox supplied an invalid protocol. +KeeFox-conn-invalid-message=KeeFox sent an invalid command to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-unknown-error=An unexpected error occured when trying to connect to your password database. +KeeFox-conn-firewall-problem=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. A firewall is probably blocking communication on TCP port 12546. +KeeFox-conn-websockets-disabled=KeeFox can not connect to KeePass. You must enable WebSockets. Change about:config / network.websocket.enabled to true (or ask Firefox support for further help). +KeeFox-conn-setup-client-sl-low=KeeFox asked for a security level that was too low to be accepted by the password server. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-server-sl-low=KeeFox has rejected the connection to the password server because their security level is too low. You must restart the authentication process using security level %S. +KeeFox-conn-setup-failed=KeeFox was not allowed to connect, probably because you entered the connection password incorrectly. +KeeFox-conn-setup-restart=KeeFox must restart the authorisation process. +KeeFox-conn-setup-expired=You have been using the same secret key for too long. +KeeFox-conn-setup-invalid-param=KeeFox supplied an invalid parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-missing-param=KeeFox failed to supply a required parameter. Further info may follow: %S +KeeFox-conn-setup-aborted=Authorisation cancelled or denied. The next attempt to connect will be delayed for %S minutes. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password-title=KeeFox Authorisation +KeeFox-conn-setup-enter-password=Please enter the password displayed by the KeePass "Authorise a new connection" window. You do not need to remember this password. If you get it wrong you will be able to try again shortly. +KeeFox-conn-sl.desc=Change the settings below to control how secure the communication link between Firefox and KeePass is. You probably don't need to ever adjust these settings but if you do, please make sure you have read the relevant manual pages first. +KeeFox-conn-sl.link=Learn more about these settings and the communication between Firefox and KeePass in the manual +KeeFox-conn-sl-client=KeeFox security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min=Minimum acceptable KeePass security level +KeeFox-conn-sl-client.desc=This allows you to control how securely KeeFox will store the secret communication key inside Firefox. It is possible to configure different security settings for KeeFox and KeePass but this is rarely useful. +KeeFox-conn-sl-server-min.desc=This allows you to prevent KeeFox from connecting to KeePass if its security level is set too low. See the options within KeePass to set the actual security level used by KeePass. +KeeFox-conn-sl-low=Low +KeeFox-conn-sl-medium=Medium +KeeFox-conn-sl-high=High +KeeFox-conn-sl-low-warning.desc=A low security setting could increase the chance of your passwords being stolen. Please make sure you read the information in the manual (see link above) +KeeFox-conn-sl-high-warning.desc=A high security setting will require you to enter a randomly generated password every time you start Firefox or KeePass. + +KeeFox-conn-setup-retype-password=Please type in a new password when prompted. +KeeFox-further-info-may-follow=Further info may follow: %S + +KeeFox-pref-ConnectionSecurity.heading=Connection Security +KeeFox-pref-AuthorisedConnections.heading=Authorised Connections +KeeFox-pref-Commands.heading=Commands + +KeeFox-pref-Commands.intro=Choose the keyboard shortcuts for the main KeeFox commands. +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-1.desc=Show main menu +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-2.desc=Login to KeePass / Select matched login / Show matched logins list +KeeFox-KB-shortcut-simple-3.desc=Show logins list +KeeFox-type-new-shortcut-key.placeholder=Type a new shortcut key + +KeeFox-conn-display-description=A Firefox addon that securely enables automatic login to most websites. + +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.label=Matched Logins +KeeFox_Matched-Logins-Button.tip=See the logins that matched the current page +KeeFox_Back.label=Back +KeeFox_Back.tip=Go back to the previous KeeFox menu +KeeFox_Search.label=Search... +KeeFox_Search.tip=Start typing to display your matching login entries diff --git a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/install.rdf b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/install.rdf index 0a6e015..64ed46e 100644 --- a/Firefox addon/KeeFox/install.rdf +++ b/Firefox addon/KeeFox/install.rdf @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ keefox@chris.tomlinson - 1.4.1 + 1.4.1b1 2 true @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ WINNT Linux + Darwin + FreeBSD KeeFox diff --git a/XPI-package/latest.xpi b/XPI-package/latest.xpi index e567a54..81de224 100644 Binary files a/XPI-package/latest.xpi and b/XPI-package/latest.xpi differ