A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W All Classes All Packages
@@ -79,528 +104,615 @@
Class to split a multi-output dataset into partitions for cross-validation or
GeneratePartitions() - Constructor for class miml.tutorial.GeneratePartitions
GeneratePartitions() - Constructor for class miml.tutorial.GeneratePartitions
GeometricTransformation - Class in miml.transformation.mimlTOml
Class that performs a geometric transformation to convert a MIMLInstances
class to MultiLabelInstances.
GeometricTransformation(MIMLInstances) - Constructor for class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.GeometricTransformation
GeometricTransformation() - Constructor for class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.GeometricTransformation
GeometricTransformation(MIMLInstances) - Constructor for class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.GeometricTransformation
GeometricTransformation() - Constructor for class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.GeometricTransformation
getAddFeatures() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLIBLR
getAddFeatures() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLIBLR
Gets the value of addFeatures.
getAlgorithmName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
getAlgorithmName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
Gets the algorithm name.
getAttributeIndices() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getAssignment() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Gets the assignment of instances to clusters.
getAttributeIndices() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getAvgTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getAvgTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the average time of all folds in test.
getAvgTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getAvgTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the average time of all folds in train.
getBag(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getBag(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets a
(i.e. pattern) with a certain bagIndex.
getBagAsArray(MIMLBag) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getBagAsArray(int) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
-Returns a MIMLBag in the format of a nInstxnAttributes MWNumericArray of
- double.
+Returns a bag in the format of a nInstxnAttributes array of double.
getBagAsArray(int) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getBagAsArray(MIMLBag) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
-Returns a bag in the format of a nInstxnAttributes array of double.
+Returns a MIMLBag in the format of a nInstxnAttributes MWNumericArray of
+ double.
getBagAsCell(MIMLBag) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getBagAsCell(int) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
Returns a MIMLBag in the format of a 1x1 MWCellArray in which the bag is
stored in CellArray{1,1} as an nInstxnAttributes array of double.
getBagAsCell(int) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getBagAsCell(MIMLBag) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
Returns a MIMLBag in the format of a 1x1 MWCellArray in which the bag is
stored in CellArray{1,1} as an nInstxnAttributes array of double.
getBagAsInstances() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
getBagAsInstances() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
Gets a bag in the form of a set of instances considering just the relational
getBagAsInstances(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getBagAsInstances(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets a
with a certain bagIndex in the form of a set of
considering just the relational information.
getBagLabels(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
getBagLabels(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
Gets the labels of specified bag.
getBags() - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getBags() - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
Returns all the bags in the MIMLInstances dataset in the format of a nBagsx1
MWCellArray in which the ith bag is stored in aCellArray{i,1}.
getC() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
getBaseClassifier() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.mimlTOml.MIMLClassifierToML
getC() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
Gets the value of the C property.
getChi2() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
getCapabilities() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
getChi2() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
Gets the Chi2 correlation matrix.
getChi2() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MLStatistics
getChi2() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MLStatistics
Gets the Chi2 correlation matrix.
getCiters(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
getCiters(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
Calculate and return the citers of a bag specified by its index.
getClasses() - Method in class miml.core.Params
getClasses() - Method in class miml.core.Params
getClassifier() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MultiInstanceMultiLabelKNN
getClassifier() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MultiInstanceMultiLabelKNN
getClassifierName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
getClassifierName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
Gets the classifier name.
getConfigFileName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
getClusDatasetName() - Method in class miml.classifiers.ml.RFPCT
+Gets the clus datasetName
getConfigFileName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
Gets the configuration file name.
getConfiguration() - Method in class miml.core.ConfigLoader
getConfiguration() - Method in class miml.core.ConfigLoader
Gets the experiment's configuration.
getCost() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
getConfigurationCost() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Gets final the cost of the configuration after applying clustering.
getCost() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
Gets the value of the cost property.
getD() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getD() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the D property.
getData() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getData() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the data used in the experiment.
getData() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
getData() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
Gets the data used in the experiment.
getDataFileName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
getDataFileName() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
Gets the name of data file.
getDataSet() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
getDataSet() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
Returns the dataset used to calculate the statistics.
getDebug() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.MIMLClassifier
getDebug() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.MIMLClassifier
Get whether debugging is turned on.
getEpsilon() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
getDistanceFunction() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Gets the distance function used by clusterer.
getDistanceFunction() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.MedoidTransformation
+Returns the distance function used for clustering.
getDistances() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Returns a matrix the distances between all instances being distances[i][j]
+ the distance between the instances with indices i and j.
getEpsilon() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
Gets the value of the epsilon property.
getEvaluation() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getEvaluation() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getEvaluation() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
getEvaluation() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
getEvaluation() - Method in interface miml.evaluation.IEvaluator
getEvaluation() - Method in interface miml.evaluation.IEvaluator
Gets the evaluation generated by the experiment.
getExtension() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLBRkNN
getExtension() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLBRkNN
Gets the type of extension to be used (see BRkNN.ExtensionType
getFilename() - Method in class miml.report.MIMLReport
getFilename() - Method in class miml.report.MIMLReport
Gets the filename.
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.CrossValidationBase
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.CrossValidationBase
Splits a dataset into nfolds partitions.
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.iterative.IterativeCrossValidation
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.iterative.IterativeCrossValidation
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.powerset.LabelPowersetCrossValidation
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.powerset.LabelPowersetCrossValidation
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.random.RandomCrossValidation
getFolds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.random.RandomCrossValidation
getH() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
getH() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
Gets the value of the h property.
getInstance(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
getInstance(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
Returns an instance of the Bag with index bagIndex.
getInstance(int, int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getInstance(int, int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets an instance of a bag.
getInstances() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getInstances() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getInvertSelection() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getInvertSelection() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getIsTransformation() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
getIsTransformation() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
Gets if the method used is transformation.
getIteration() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
getIteration() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
Gets the value of the iteration property.
getK() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
getK() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
Gets the value of the K property.
getLabels() - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getLabels() - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
Returns label associations of all bags in the MIMLInstances dataset in the
format of a nLabelsxnBags MWNumericArray of double.
getLabels(MIMLBag) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getLabels(int) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
Returns label associations of a MIMLbag in the format of a nLabelsx1
MWNumericArray of double.
getLabels(int) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
getLabels(MIMLBag) - Method in class miml.data.MWTranslator
Returns label associations of a MIMLbag in the format of a nLabelsx1
MWNumericArray of double.
getLambda() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLNN
getLambda() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLNN
Returns the regularization parameter used to compute matrix inverse.
getLambda() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getLambda() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the lambda property.
getLPT() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOmi.LPTransformation
getLPT() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOmi.LPTransformation
Returns the format of the transformed instances.
getMax() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
getMax() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
Retuns an array with the maximum values for all bag attributes in the
getMaxiter() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getMaxiter() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the maxiter property.
getMeasures() - Method in class miml.report.MIMLReport
getMaxIterations() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Gets the maximum number of iterations used by clusterer.
getMaxIterations() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.MedoidTransformation
+Gets the maximum number of iterations used by the clusterer.
getMeasures() - Method in class miml.report.MIMLReport
Gets the measures shown in the report.
getMetric() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getMedoidInstances() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Gets the medoids obtained after performing clustering.
getMetric() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getMetric() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MultiInstanceMultiLabelKNN
getMetric() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MultiInstanceMultiLabelKNN
Gets the distance metric considered by the classifier.
getMin() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
getMin() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
Retuns an array with the minimum values for all bag attributes in the
getMLDataSet() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getMLDataSet() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Returns the dataset as MultiLabelInstances.
getMu() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.EnMIMLNNmetric
getMu() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.EnMIMLNNmetric
Returns the scaling factor parameter considered to build the classifier.
getMu() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLRBF
getMu() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLRBF
Returns the scaling factor parameter considered to build the classifier.
getMu() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
getMu() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
Gets the value of the mu property.
getnFeatures() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
getnFeatures() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
Retuns the number of bag attributes in the dataset.
getNorm_up() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getNorm_up() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the norm_up property.
getNum_sub() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getNormalize() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.MedoidTransformation
+Returns the value of the property normalize.
getNum_sub() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the num_sub property.
getNumAttributes() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getNumAttributes() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets the number of attributes of the dataset considering label attributes and
the relational attribute with bags as a single attribute.
getNumAttributesInABag() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
getNumAttributesInABag() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
Gets the number of attributes of in the relational attribute of a Bag.
getNumAttributesInABag() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getNumAttributesInABag() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets the number of attributes per bag.
getNumAttributesWithRelational() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
getNumAttributesWithRelational() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
Gets the total number of attributes of the Bag.
getNumAttributesWithRelational() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getNumAttributesWithRelational() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets the total number of attributes of the dataset.
getNumBags() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getNumBags() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets the number of bags of the dataset.
getNumCiters() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
getNumCiters() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
Returns the number of citers considered to estimate the class prediction of
tests bags.
getNumClassifiers() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.meta.MIMLBagging
getNumClassifiers() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.meta.MIMLBagging
Returns the number of classifiers of the ensemble.
getNumFolds() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getNumClusters() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.KMeansTransformation
+Returns the number of clusters.
getNumClusters() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.MedoidTransformation
+Returns the number of clusters.
getNumFolds() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the number of folds used in the experiment.
getNumInstances() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
getNumInstances() - Method in class miml.data.MIMLBag
Gets the number of instances of the Bag.
getNumInstances(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
getNumInstances(int) - Method in class miml.data.MIMLInstances
Gets the number of instances of a bag.
getNumOfNeighbours() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MultiInstanceMultiLabelKNN
getNumIterations() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Gets the number of iterations performed in the clustering process.
getNumOfNeighbours() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MultiInstanceMultiLabelKNN
Gets the number of neigbors considered by the classifier.
getNumReferences() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
getNumReferences() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
Returns the number of references considered to estimate the class prediction
of tests bags.
getObjects() - Method in class miml.core.Params
getNumTrees() - Method in class miml.classifiers.ml.RFPCT
+Returns the number of trees in the forest.
getObjects() - Method in class miml.core.Params
getOptions() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getOptions() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getOpts_average_begin() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getOpts_average_begin() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the opts_average_begin property.
getOpts_average_size() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getOpts_average_size() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the opts_average_size property.
getOpts_beta() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
getOpts_beta() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
Gets the value of the opts_beta property.
getOpts_C() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
getOpts_C() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
Gets the value of the opts_C property.
getOpts_epsilon() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
getOpts_epsilon() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
Gets the value of the opts_epsilon property.
getOpts_iteration() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
getOpts_iteration() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
Gets the value of the opts_iteration property.
getOpts_m() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
getOpts_m() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
Gets the value of the opts_m property.
getOpts_norm() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getOpts_norm() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the opts_norm property.
getPara() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
getPara() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
Gets the value of the para property.
getPhi() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
getPercentage() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.KMeansTransformation
getPercentage() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.MedoidTransformation
+Gets the value of the percentage property.
getPhi() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
Gets the Phi correlation matrix.
getPhi() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MLStatistics
getPhi() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MLStatistics
Gets the Phi correlation matrix.
getPhiHistogram() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
getPhiHistogram() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MIMLStatistics
Calculates a histogram of Phi correlations.
getPhiHistogram() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MLStatistics
getPhiHistogram() - Method in class miml.data.statistics.MLStatistics
Calculates a histogram of Phi correlations.
getRange() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
getRandomInitialization() - Method in class miml.clusterers.KMedoids
+Gets whether a random initialization of medoids or a initialization based on
+ the BUILD step of PAM is considered for clustering.
getRange() - Method in class miml.data.normalization.MinMaxNormalization
Retuns an array with the range values (i.e. max-min) for all bag attributes
in the dataset.
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.EnMIMLNNmetric
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.EnMIMLNNmetric
Returns the fraction parameter considered to build the classifier.
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLNN
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLNN
Returns the fraction parameter considered to determine the number of clusters
to build the classifier.
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLRBF
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLRBF
Returns the fraction parameter considered to build the classifier.
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
Gets the value of the ratio property.
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
getRatio() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLWel
Gets the value of the ratio property.
getReferences(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
getReferences(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
Gets the references of a specified bag.
getRelationMethod() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
getRelationMethod() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.KiSar
Gets the value of the relationMethod property.
getRevision() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getRemoveFilter() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.mimlTOml.MIMLClassifierToML
getRevision() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
getRounds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.CrossValidationBase
getRounds(int) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.CrossValidationBase
Returns the train and test sets for each fold.
getSamplePercentage() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.meta.MIMLBagging
getSamplePercentage() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.meta.MIMLBagging
Returns the percentage of instances used for sampling with replacement.
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.EnMIMLNNmetric
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.EnMIMLNNmetric
Returns the seed for kmedoids clustering considered to build the classifier.
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLNN
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLNN
Returns the seed for kmedoids clustering considered to build the classifier.
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLRBF
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.neural.MIMLRBF
Returns the seed for kmedoids clustering considered to build the classifier.
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
Gets the value of the seed property.
getSeed() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getSeed() - Method in class miml.classifiers.ml.RFPCT
+Gets the seed used by the random generator.
getSeed() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the seed used in the experiment.
getSmooth() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.DMIMLkNN
getSeed() - Method in class miml.transformation.mimlTOml.KMeansTransformation
+Returns the value of the seed of the clusterer.
getSmooth() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.DMIMLkNN
Gets the smooth factor considered by the classifier.
getSmooth() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLMAPkNN
getSmooth() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLMAPkNN
Gets the smooth factor considered by the classifier.
getStdTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getStdTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the standard deviation time of all folds in test.
getStdTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getStdTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the standard deviation time of all folds in train.
getStep_size() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
getStep_size() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLFast
Gets the value of the step_size property.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class miml.classifiers.ml.MLDGC
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class miml.classifiers.ml.MLDGC
getTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the time spent in testing in each fold.
getTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
getTestTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
Gets the time spent in testing.
getThreshold() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.meta.MIMLBagging
getThreshold() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.meta.MIMLBagging
Returns the value of the threshold.
getTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
getTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorCV
Gets the time spent in training in each fold.
getTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
getTrainTime() - Method in class miml.evaluation.EvaluatorHoldout
Gets the time spent in training.
getTransformationMethod() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
getTransformationMethod() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.mimlTOml.MIMLClassifierToML
getTransformationMethod() - Static method in class miml.core.ConfigParameters
Gets the transformation method used in the experiment.
getTrueLabels(Instance, int, int[]) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.iterative.IterativeTrainTest
getTrueLabels(Instance, int, int[]) - Method in class miml.data.partitioning.iterative.IterativeTrainTest
Returns the relevant labels of one instance.
getType() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
getType() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.optimization.MIMLSVM
Gets the value of the type property.
getUnionNeighbours(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
getUnionNeighbours(int) - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
Gets the union of references and citers (without repetitions) of the bag
getWeightsMatrix() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
getWeightsMatrix() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLkNN
Calculate the weights matrix used for prediction.
globalInfo() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction
globalInfo() - Method in class miml.classifiers.miml.lazy.MIMLDistanceFunction