To run this demo install ZoKrates.
To run the on-chain verification, truffle is required. Here is the truffle version information used to test this demo:
$ truffle version Truffle v5.4.17 (core: 5.4.17) Solidity v0.5.16 (solc-js) Node v12.22.1 Web3.js v1.5.3
This demo is based on the SHA256 preimage example available here.
However, the code was slightly modified to make it a bit easier to explain. Check the original code under original.zok.
The code we will be working with is under sha256.zok.
To quickly test the demo, run:
git clone https://github.com/kaxxa123/zkhash.git
cd zkhash
If everything goes well, you will finally see the verification result from truffle:
Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.
Contract: Testing Verifier contract
Verify Result: true
✓ Should confirm on Verify (1364ms)
1 passing (1s)
To run this demo, we make use of the following online tools:
This ZKP is about proving SHA256 preimage knowledge. In this case our preimage is a 256-bit integer having value 5. More specifically the hash preimage in hex is:
The SHA256 for this hex input is:
Next, we need to break this 256-bit output into 2 x 128-bit values and covert them to decimal:
c6481e22c5ff4164af680b8cfaa5e8ed -> 263561599766550617289250058199814760685 3120eeff89c4f307c4a6faaae059ce10 -> 65303172752238645975888084098459749904
In this manner we generate the ZKP proof inputs as shown in 2_prover.sh in the command:
zokrates compute-witness -a 0 0 0 5 263561599766550617289250058199814760685 65303172752238645975888084098459749904