From 41a7400e0ab573d5db42bdf458573c023752a744 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zack Katz Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2018 17:12:30 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Remove JSHint stuff --- bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/test.html | 127 - .../testing/jquery-1.8.3.min.js | 2 - .../jquery.tablesorter/testing/jshint-r12.js | 4832 ----------------- .../testing/qunit-1.11.0.css | 244 - .../testing/qunit-1.11.0.js | 2152 -------- .../testing/testing-ipv6.js | 590 -- .../jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.css | 10 - .../jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.js | 636 --- gravity-forms-addons.php | 4 +- readme.txt | 6 +- 10 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8596 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/test.html delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/jquery-1.8.3.min.js delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/jshint-r12.js delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.css delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.js delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing-ipv6.js delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.css delete mode 100644 bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.js diff --git a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/test.html b/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/test.html deleted file mode 100644 index e6b6f3c..0000000 --- a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/test.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ - - - - - Tablesorter Testing (WIP) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -

This is a work-in-progress. It does not yet comprehensively test all sorting methods. The following are on the to do list:

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1 2 3 4
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A2553302N/A #1
A33203N/A #2
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- - - - - - - - -
- - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/jquery-1.8.3.min.js b/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/jquery-1.8.3.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3883779..0000000 --- a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/jquery-1.8.3.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/*! jQuery v1.8.3 | */ -(function(e,t){function _(e){var t=M[e]={};return v.each(e.split(y),function(e,n){t[n]=!0}),t}function H(e,n,r){if(r===t&&e.nodeType===1){var i="data-"+n.replace(P,"-$1").toLowerCase();r=e.getAttribute(i);if(typeof r=="string"){try{r=r==="true"?!0:r==="false"?!1:r==="null"?null:+r+""===r?+r:D.test(r)?v.parseJSON(r):r}catch(s){},n,r)}else r=t}return r}function B(e){var t;for(t in e){if(t==="data"&&v.isEmptyObject(e[t]))continue;if(t!=="toJSON")return!1}return!0}function et(){return!1}function tt(){return!0}function ut(e){return!e||!e.parentNode||e.parentNode.nodeType===11}function at(e,t){do e=e[t];while(e&&e.nodeType!==1);return e}function ft(e,t,n){t=t||0;if(v.isFunction(t))return v.grep(e,function(e,r){var i=!!,r,e);return i===n});if(t.nodeType)return v.grep(e,function(e,r){return e===t===n});if(typeof t=="string"){var r=v.grep(e,function(e){return e.nodeType===1});if(it.test(t))return v.filter(t,r,!n);t=v.filter(t,r)}return v.grep(e,function(e,r){return v.inArray(e,t)>=0===n})}function lt(e){var t=ct.split("|"),n=e.createDocumentFragment();if(n.createElement)while(t.length)n.createElement(t.pop());return n}function Lt(e,t){return e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]||e.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createElement(t))}function At(e,t){if(t.nodeType!==1||!v.hasData(e))return;var n,r,i,s=v._data(e),o=v._data(t,s),;if(u){delete o.handle,{};for(n in u)for(r=0,i=u[n].length;r").appendTo(i.body),n=t.css("display");t.remove();if(n==="none"||n===""){Pt=i.body.appendChild(Pt||v.extend(i.createElement("iframe"),{frameBorder:0,width:0,height:0}));if(!Ht||!Pt.createElement)Ht=(Pt.contentWindow||Pt.contentDocument).document,Ht.write(""),Ht.close();t=Ht.body.appendChild(Ht.createElement(e)),n=Dt(t,"display"),i.body.removeChild(Pt)}return Wt[e]=n,n}function fn(e,t,n,r){var i;if(v.isArray(t))v.each(t,function(t,i){n||sn.test(e)?r(e,i):fn(e+"["+(typeof i=="object"?t:"")+"]",i,n,r)});else if(!n&&v.type(t)==="object")for(i in t)fn(e+"["+i+"]",t[i],n,r);else r(e,t)}function Cn(e){return function(t,n){typeof t!="string"&&(n=t,t="*");var r,i,s,o=t.toLowerCase().split(y),u=0,a=o.length;if(v.isFunction(n))for(;u)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/,E=/^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,S=/^[\],:{}\s]*$/,x=/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,T=/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g,N=/"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][\-+]?\d+|)/g,C=/^-ms-/,k=/-([\da-z])/gi,L=function(e,t){return(t+"").toUpperCase()},A=function(){i.addEventListener?(i.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",A,!1),v.ready()):i.readyState==="complete"&&(i.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",A),v.ready())},O={};v.fn=v.prototype={constructor:v,init:function(e,n,r){var s,o,u,a;if(!e)return this;if(e.nodeType)return this.context=this[0]=e,this.length=1,this;if(typeof e=="string"){e.charAt(0)==="<"&&e.charAt(e.length-1)===">"&&e.length>=3?s=[null,e,null]:s=w.exec(e);if(s&&(s[1]||!n)){if(s[1])return n=n instanceof v?n[0]:n,a=n&&n.nodeType?n.ownerDocument||n:i,e=v.parseHTML(s[1],a,!0),E.test(s[1])&&v.isPlainObject(n)&&,n,!0),v.merge(this,e);o=i.getElementById(s[2]);if(o&&o.parentNode){if(!==s[2])return r.find(e);this.length=1,this[0]=o}return this.context=i,this.selector=e,this}return!n||n.jquery?(n||r).find(e):this.constructor(n).find(e)}return v.isFunction(e)?r.ready(e):(e.selector!==t&&(this.selector=e.selector,this.context=e.context),v.makeArray(e,this))},selector:"",jquery:"1.8.3",length:0,size:function(){return this.length},toArray:function(){return},get:function(e){return e==null?this.toArray():e<0?this[this.length+e]:this[e]},pushStack:function(e,t,n){var r=v.merge(this.constructor(),e);return r.prevObject=this,r.context=this.context,t==="find"?r.selector=this.selector+(this.selector?" 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a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/jshint-r12.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4832 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * JSHint, by JSHint Community. - * - * Licensed under the same slightly modified MIT license that JSLint is. - * It stops evil-doers everywhere. - * - * JSHint is a derivative work of JSLint: - * - * Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford ( - * - * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining - * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), - * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation - * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, - * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom - * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - * - * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - * - * The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER - * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING - * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER - * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - * - * JSHint was forked from the 2010-12-16 edition of JSLint. - * - */ - -/* - JSHINT is a global function. It takes two parameters. - - var myResult = JSHINT(source, option); - - The first parameter is either a string or an array of strings. If it is a - string, it will be split on '\n' or '\r'. If it is an array of strings, it - is assumed that each string represents one line. The source can be a - JavaScript text or a JSON text. - - The second parameter is an optional object of options which control the - operation of JSHINT. Most of the options are booleans: They are all - optional and have a default value of false. One of the options, predef, - can be an array of names, which will be used to declare global variables, - or an object whose keys are used as global names, with a boolean value - that determines if they are assignable. - - If it checks out, JSHINT returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. - - If false, you can inspect JSHINT.errors to find out the problems. - JSHINT.errors is an array of objects containing these members: - - { - line : The line (relative to 1) at which the lint was found - character : The character (relative to 1) at which the lint was found - reason : The problem - evidence : The text line in which the problem occurred - raw : The raw message before the details were inserted - a : The first detail - b : The second detail - c : The third detail - d : The fourth detail - } - - If a fatal error was found, a null will be the last element of the - JSHINT.errors array. - - You can request a data structure which contains JSHint's results. - - var myData =; - - It returns a structure with this form: - - { - errors: [ - { - line: NUMBER, - character: NUMBER, - reason: STRING, - evidence: STRING - } - ], - functions: [ - name: STRING, - line: NUMBER, - character: NUMBER, - last: NUMBER, - lastcharacter: NUMBER, - param: [ - STRING - ], - closure: [ - STRING - ], - var: [ - STRING - ], - exception: [ - STRING - ], - outer: [ - STRING - ], - unused: [ - STRING - ], - global: [ - STRING - ], - label: [ - STRING - ] - ], - globals: [ - STRING - ], - member: { - STRING: NUMBER - }, - unused: [ - { - name: STRING, - line: NUMBER - } - ], - implieds: [ - { - name: STRING, - line: NUMBER - } - ], - urls: [ - STRING - ], - json: BOOLEAN - } - - Empty arrays will not be included. - -*/ - -/*jshint - evil: true, nomen: false, onevar: false, regexp: false, strict: true, boss: true, - undef: true, maxlen: 100, indent: 4, quotmark: double, unused: true -*/ - -/*members "\b", "\t", "\n", "\f", "\r", "!=", "!==", "\"", "%", "(begin)", - "(breakage)", "(character)", "(context)", "(error)", "(explicitNewcap)", "(global)", - "(identifier)", "(last)", "(lastcharacter)", "(line)", "(loopage)", "(metrics)", - "(name)", "(onevar)", "(params)", "(scope)", "(statement)", "(verb)", "(tokens)", "(catch)", - "*", "+", "++", "-", "--", "\/", "<", "<=", "==", - "===", ">", ">=", $, $$, $A, $F, $H, $R, $break, $continue, $w, Abstract, Ajax, - __filename, __dirname, ActiveXObject, Array, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, Audio, - Autocompleter, Asset, Boolean, Builder, Buffer, Browser, Blob, COM, CScript, Canvas, - CustomAnimation, Class, Control, ComplexityCount, Chain, Color, Cookie, Core, DataView, Date, - Debug, Draggable, Draggables, Droppables, Document, DomReady, DOMEvent, DOMReady, DOMParser, - Drag, E, Enumerator, Enumerable, Element, Elements, Error, Effect, EvalError, Event, - Events, FadeAnimation, Field, Flash, Float32Array, Float64Array, Form, - FormField, Frame, FormData, Function, Fx, GetObject, Group, Hash, HotKey, - HTMLElement, HTMLAnchorElement, HTMLBaseElement, HTMLBlockquoteElement, - HTMLBodyElement, HTMLBRElement, HTMLButtonElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLDirectoryElement, - HTMLDivElement, HTMLDListElement, HTMLFieldSetElement, - HTMLFontElement, HTMLFormElement, HTMLFrameElement, HTMLFrameSetElement, - HTMLHeadElement, HTMLHeadingElement, HTMLHRElement, HTMLHtmlElement, - HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLInputElement, HTMLIsIndexElement, - HTMLLabelElement, HTMLLayerElement, HTMLLegendElement, HTMLLIElement, - HTMLLinkElement, HTMLMapElement, HTMLMenuElement, HTMLMetaElement, - HTMLModElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLOListElement, HTMLOptGroupElement, - HTMLOptionElement, HTMLParagraphElement, HTMLParamElement, HTMLPreElement, - HTMLQuoteElement, HTMLScriptElement, HTMLSelectElement, HTMLStyleElement, - HtmlTable, HTMLTableCaptionElement, HTMLTableCellElement, HTMLTableColElement, - HTMLTableElement, HTMLTableRowElement, HTMLTableSectionElement, - HTMLTextAreaElement, HTMLTitleElement, HTMLUListElement, HTMLVideoElement, - Iframe, IframeShim, Image, importScripts, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int8Array, - Insertion, InputValidator, JSON, Keyboard, Locale, LN10, LN2, LOG10E, LOG2E, - MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, Map, Mask, Math, MenuItem, MessageChannel, MessageEvent, MessagePort, - MoveAnimation, MooTools, MutationObserver, NaN, Native, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Node, NodeFilter, - Number, Object, ObjectRange, - Option, Options, OverText, PI, POSITIVE_INFINITY, PeriodicalExecuter, Point, Position, Prototype, - RangeError, Rectangle, ReferenceError, RegExp, ResizeAnimation, Request, RotateAnimation, Set, - SQRT1_2, SQRT2, ScrollBar, ScriptEngine, ScriptEngineBuildVersion, - ScriptEngineMajorVersion, ScriptEngineMinorVersion, Scriptaculous, Scroller, - Slick, Slider, Selector, SharedWorker, String, Style, SyntaxError, Sortable, Sortables, - SortableObserver, Sound, Spinner, System, Swiff, Text, TextArea, Template, - Timer, Tips, Type, TypeError, Toggle, Try, "use strict", unescape, URI, URIError, URL, - VBArray, WeakMap, WSH, WScript, XDomainRequest, Web, Window, XMLDOM, XMLHttpRequest, XMLSerializer, - XPathEvaluator, XPathException, XPathExpression, XPathNamespace, XPathNSResolver, XPathResult, - "\\", a, abs, addEventListener, address, alert, apply, applicationCache, arguments, arity, - asi, atob, b, basic, basicToken, bitwise, blacklist, block, blur, boolOptions, boss, - browser, btoa, c, call, callee, caller, camelcase, cases, charAt, charCodeAt, character, - clearInterval, clearTimeout, close, closed, closure, comment, complexityCount, condition, - confirm, console, constructor, content, couch, create, css, curly, d, data, datalist, dd, debug, - decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, defaultStatus, defineClass, deserialize, devel, document, - dojo, dijit, dojox, define, else, emit, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, elem, - eqeq, eqeqeq, eqnull, errors, es5, escape, esnext, eval, event, evidence, evil, - ex, exception, exec, exps, expr, exports, FileReader, first, floor, focus, forEach, - forin, fragment, frames, from, fromCharCode, fud, funcscope, funct, function, functions, - g, gc, getComputedStyle, getRow, getter, getterToken, GLOBAL, global, globals, globalstrict, - hasOwnProperty, help, history, i, id, identifier, immed, implieds, importPackage, include, - indent, indexOf, init, ins, internals, instanceOf, isAlpha, isApplicationRunning, isArray, - isDigit, isFinite, isNaN, iterator, java, join, jshint, - JSHINT, json, jquery, jQuery, keys, label, labelled, last, lastcharacter, lastsemic, laxbreak, - laxcomma, latedef, lbp, led, left, length, line, load, loadClass, localStorage, location, - log, loopfunc, m, match, max, maxcomplexity, maxdepth, maxerr, maxlen, maxstatements, maxparams, - member, message, meta, module, moveBy, moveTo, mootools, multistr, name, navigator, new, newcap, - nestedBlockDepth, noarg, node, noempty, nomen, nonew, nonstandard, nud, onbeforeunload, onblur, - onerror, onevar, onecase, onfocus, onload, onresize, onunload, open, openDatabase, openURL, - opener, opera, options, outer, param, parent, parseFloat, parseInt, passfail, plusplus, - postMessage, pop, predef, print, process, prompt, proto, prototype, prototypejs, provides, push, - quit, quotmark, range, raw, reach, reason, regexp, readFile, readUrl, regexdash, - removeEventListener, replace, report, require, reserved, resizeBy, resizeTo, resolvePath, - resumeUpdates, respond, rhino, right, runCommand, scroll, scope, screen, scripturl, scrollBy, - scrollTo, scrollbar, search, seal, self, send, serialize, sessionStorage, setInterval, setTimeout, - setter, setterToken, shift, slice, smarttabs, sort, spawn, split, statement, statementCount, stack, - status, start, strict, sub, substr, supernew, shadow, supplant, sum, sync, test, toLowerCase, - toString, toUpperCase, toint32, token, tokens, top, trailing, type, typeOf, Uint16Array, - Uint32Array, Uint8Array, undef, undefs, unused, urls, validthis, value, valueOf, var, vars, - version, verifyMaxParametersPerFunction, verifyMaxStatementsPerFunction, - verifyMaxComplexityPerFunction, verifyMaxNestedBlockDepthPerFunction, WebSocket, withstmt, white, - window, windows, Worker, worker, wsh, yui, YUI, Y, YUI_config*/ - -/*global exports: false */ - -// We build the application inside a function so that we produce only a single -// global variable. That function will be invoked immediately, and its return -// value is the JSHINT function itself. - -var JSHINT = (function () { - "use strict"; - - var anonname, // The guessed name for anonymous functions. - -// These are operators that should not be used with the ! operator. - - bang = { - "<" : true, - "<=" : true, - "==" : true, - "===": true, - "!==": true, - "!=" : true, - ">" : true, - ">=" : true, - "+" : true, - "-" : true, - "*" : true, - "/" : true, - "%" : true - }, - - // These are the JSHint boolean options. - boolOptions = { - asi : true, // if automatic semicolon insertion should be tolerated - bitwise : true, // if bitwise operators should not be allowed - boss : true, // if advanced usage of assignments should be allowed - browser : true, // if the standard browser globals should be predefined - camelcase : true, // if identifiers should be required in camel case - couch : true, // if CouchDB globals should be predefined - curly : true, // if curly braces around all blocks should be required - debug : true, // if debugger statements should be allowed - devel : true, // if logging globals should be predefined (console, - // alert, etc.) - dojo : true, // if Dojo Toolkit globals should be predefined - eqeqeq : true, // if === should be required - eqnull : true, // if == null comparisons should be tolerated - es5 : true, // if ES5 syntax should be allowed - esnext : true, // if specific syntax should be allowed - evil : true, // if eval should be allowed - expr : true, // if ExpressionStatement should be allowed as Programs - forin : true, // if for in statements must filter - funcscope : true, // if only function scope should be used for scope tests - globalstrict: true, // if global "use strict"; should be allowed (also - // enables 'strict') - immed : true, // if immediate invocations must be wrapped in parens - iterator : true, // if the `__iterator__` property should be allowed - jquery : true, // if jQuery globals should be predefined - lastsemic : true, // if semicolons may be ommitted for the trailing - // statements inside of a one-line blocks. - latedef : true, // if the use before definition should not be tolerated - laxbreak : true, // if line breaks should not be checked - laxcomma : true, // if line breaks should not be checked around commas - loopfunc : true, // if functions should be allowed to be defined within - // loops - mootools : true, // if MooTools globals should be predefined - multistr : true, // allow multiline strings - newcap : true, // if constructor names must be capitalized - noarg : true, // if arguments.caller and arguments.callee should be - // disallowed - node : true, // if the Node.js environment globals should be - // predefined - noempty : true, // if empty blocks should be disallowed - nonew : true, // if using `new` for side-effects should be disallowed - nonstandard : true, // if non-standard (but widely adopted) globals should - // be predefined - nomen : true, // if names should be checked - onevar : true, // if only one var statement per function should be - // allowed - onecase : true, // if one case switch statements should be allowed - passfail : true, // if the scan should stop on first error - plusplus : true, // if increment/decrement should not be allowed - proto : true, // if the `__proto__` property should be allowed - prototypejs : true, // if Prototype and Scriptaculous globals should be - // predefined - regexdash : true, // if unescaped first/last dash (-) inside brackets - // should be tolerated - regexp : true, // if the . should not be allowed in regexp literals - rhino : true, // if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined - undef : true, // if variables should be declared before used - unused : true, // if variables should be always used - scripturl : true, // if script-targeted URLs should be tolerated - shadow : true, // if variable shadowing should be tolerated - smarttabs : true, // if smarttabs should be tolerated - // ( - strict : true, // require the "use strict"; pragma - sub : true, // if all forms of subscript notation are tolerated - supernew : true, // if `new function () { ... };` and `new Object;` - // should be tolerated - trailing : true, // if trailing whitespace rules apply - validthis : true, // if 'this' inside a non-constructor function is valid. - // This is a function scoped option only. - withstmt : true, // if with statements should be allowed - white : true, // if strict whitespace rules apply - worker : true, // if Web Worker script symbols should be allowed - wsh : true, // if the Windows Scripting Host environment globals - // should be predefined - yui : true // YUI variables should be predefined - }, - - // These are the JSHint options that can take any value - // (we use this object to detect invalid options) - valOptions = { - maxlen : false, - indent : false, - maxerr : false, - predef : false, - quotmark : false, //'single'|'double'|true - scope : false, - maxstatements: false, // {int} max statements per function - maxdepth : false, // {int} max nested block depth per function - maxparams : false, // {int} max params per function - maxcomplexity: false // {int} max cyclomatic complexity per function - }, - - // These are JSHint boolean options which are shared with JSLint - // where the definition in JSHint is opposite JSLint - invertedOptions = { - bitwise : true, - forin : true, - newcap : true, - nomen : true, - plusplus : true, - regexp : true, - undef : true, - white : true, - - // Inverted and renamed, use JSHint name here - eqeqeq : true, - onevar : true - }, - - // These are JSHint boolean options which are shared with JSLint - // where the name has been changed but the effect is unchanged - renamedOptions = { - eqeq : "eqeqeq", - vars : "onevar", - windows : "wsh" - }, - - - // browser contains a set of global names which are commonly provided by a - // web browser environment. - browser = { - ArrayBuffer : false, - ArrayBufferView : false, - Audio : false, - Blob : false, - addEventListener : false, - applicationCache : false, - atob : false, - blur : false, - btoa : false, - clearInterval : false, - clearTimeout : false, - close : false, - closed : false, - DataView : false, - DOMParser : false, - defaultStatus : false, - document : false, - event : false, - FileReader : false, - Float32Array : false, - Float64Array : false, - FormData : false, - focus : false, - frames : false, - getComputedStyle : false, - HTMLElement : false, - HTMLAnchorElement : false, - HTMLBaseElement : false, - HTMLBlockquoteElement : false, - HTMLBodyElement : false, - HTMLBRElement : false, - HTMLButtonElement : false, - HTMLCanvasElement : false, - HTMLDirectoryElement : false, - HTMLDivElement : false, - HTMLDListElement : false, - HTMLFieldSetElement : false, - HTMLFontElement : false, - HTMLFormElement : false, - HTMLFrameElement : false, - HTMLFrameSetElement : false, - HTMLHeadElement : false, - HTMLHeadingElement : false, - HTMLHRElement : false, - HTMLHtmlElement : false, - HTMLIFrameElement : false, - HTMLImageElement : false, - HTMLInputElement : false, - HTMLIsIndexElement : false, - HTMLLabelElement : false, - HTMLLayerElement : false, - HTMLLegendElement : false, - HTMLLIElement : false, - HTMLLinkElement : false, - HTMLMapElement : false, - HTMLMenuElement : false, - HTMLMetaElement : false, - HTMLModElement : false, - HTMLObjectElement : false, - HTMLOListElement : false, - HTMLOptGroupElement : false, - HTMLOptionElement : false, - HTMLParagraphElement : false, - HTMLParamElement : false, - HTMLPreElement : false, - HTMLQuoteElement : false, - HTMLScriptElement : false, - HTMLSelectElement : false, - HTMLStyleElement : false, - HTMLTableCaptionElement : false, - HTMLTableCellElement : false, - HTMLTableColElement : false, - HTMLTableElement : false, - HTMLTableRowElement : false, - HTMLTableSectionElement : false, - HTMLTextAreaElement : false, - HTMLTitleElement : false, - HTMLUListElement : false, - HTMLVideoElement : false, - history : false, - Int16Array : false, - Int32Array : false, - Int8Array : false, - Image : false, - length : false, - localStorage : false, - location : false, - MessageChannel : false, - MessageEvent : false, - MessagePort : false, - moveBy : false, - moveTo : false, - MutationObserver : false, - name : false, - Node : false, - NodeFilter : false, - navigator : false, - onbeforeunload : true, - onblur : true, - onerror : true, - onfocus : true, - onload : true, - onresize : true, - onunload : true, - open : false, - openDatabase : false, - opener : false, - Option : false, - parent : false, - print : false, - removeEventListener : false, - resizeBy : false, - resizeTo : false, - screen : false, - scroll : false, - scrollBy : false, - scrollTo : false, - sessionStorage : false, - setInterval : false, - setTimeout : false, - SharedWorker : false, - status : false, - top : false, - Uint16Array : false, - Uint32Array : false, - Uint8Array : false, - WebSocket : false, - window : false, - Worker : false, - XMLHttpRequest : false, - XMLSerializer : false, - XPathEvaluator : false, - XPathException : false, - XPathExpression : false, - XPathNamespace : false, - XPathNSResolver : false, - XPathResult : false - }, - - couch = { - "require" : false, - respond : false, - getRow : false, - emit : false, - send : false, - start : false, - sum : false, - log : false, - exports : false, - module : false, - provides : false - }, - - declared, // Globals that were declared using /*global ... */ syntax. - - devel = { - alert : false, - confirm : false, - console : false, - Debug : false, - opera : false, - prompt : false - }, - - dojo = { - dojo : false, - dijit : false, - dojox : false, - define : false, - "require" : false - }, - - funct, // The current function - - functionicity = [ - "closure", "exception", "global", "label", - "outer", "unused", "var" - ], - - functions, // All of the functions - - global, // The global scope - implied, // Implied globals - inblock, - indent, - jsonmode, - - jquery = { - "$" : false, - jQuery : false - }, - - lines, - lookahead, - member, - membersOnly, - - mootools = { - "$" : false, - "$$" : false, - Asset : false, - Browser : false, - Chain : false, - Class : false, - Color : false, - Cookie : false, - Core : false, - Document : false, - DomReady : false, - DOMEvent : false, - DOMReady : false, - Drag : false, - Element : false, - Elements : false, - Event : false, - Events : false, - Fx : false, - Group : false, - Hash : false, - HtmlTable : false, - Iframe : false, - IframeShim : false, - InputValidator : false, - instanceOf : false, - Keyboard : false, - Locale : false, - Mask : false, - MooTools : false, - Native : false, - Options : false, - OverText : false, - Request : false, - Scroller : false, - Slick : false, - Slider : false, - Sortables : false, - Spinner : false, - Swiff : false, - Tips : false, - Type : false, - typeOf : false, - URI : false, - Window : false - }, - - nexttoken, - - node = { - __filename : false, - __dirname : false, - Buffer : false, - console : false, - exports : true, // In Node it is ok to exports = module.exports = foo(); - GLOBAL : false, - global : false, - module : false, - process : false, - require : false, - setTimeout : false, - clearTimeout : false, - setInterval : false, - clearInterval : false - }, - - noreach, - option, - predefined, // Global variables defined by option - prereg, - prevtoken, - - prototypejs = { - "$" : false, - "$$" : false, - "$A" : false, - "$F" : false, - "$H" : false, - "$R" : false, - "$break" : false, - "$continue" : false, - "$w" : false, - Abstract : false, - Ajax : false, - Class : false, - Enumerable : false, - Element : false, - Event : false, - Field : false, - Form : false, - Hash : false, - Insertion : false, - ObjectRange : false, - PeriodicalExecuter: false, - Position : false, - Prototype : false, - Selector : false, - Template : false, - Toggle : false, - Try : false, - Autocompleter : false, - Builder : false, - Control : false, - Draggable : false, - Draggables : false, - Droppables : false, - Effect : false, - Sortable : false, - SortableObserver : false, - Sound : false, - Scriptaculous : false - }, - - quotmark, - - rhino = { - defineClass : false, - deserialize : false, - gc : false, - help : false, - importPackage: false, - "java" : false, - load : false, - loadClass : false, - print : false, - quit : false, - readFile : false, - readUrl : false, - runCommand : false, - seal : false, - serialize : false, - spawn : false, - sync : false, - toint32 : false, - version : false - }, - - scope, // The current scope - stack, - - // standard contains the global names that are provided by the - // ECMAScript standard. - standard = { - Array : false, - Boolean : false, - Date : false, - decodeURI : false, - decodeURIComponent : false, - encodeURI : false, - encodeURIComponent : false, - Error : false, - "eval" : false, - EvalError : false, - Function : false, - hasOwnProperty : false, - isFinite : false, - isNaN : false, - JSON : false, - Map : false, - Math : false, - NaN : false, - Number : false, - Object : false, - parseInt : false, - parseFloat : false, - RangeError : false, - ReferenceError : false, - RegExp : false, - Set : false, - String : false, - SyntaxError : false, - TypeError : false, - URIError : false, - WeakMap : false - }, - - // widely adopted global names that are not part of ECMAScript standard - nonstandard = { - escape : false, - unescape : false - }, - - directive, - syntax = {}, - tab, - token, - unuseds, - urls, - useESNextSyntax, - warnings, - - worker = { - importScripts : true, - postMessage : true, - self : true - }, - - wsh = { - ActiveXObject : true, - Enumerator : true, - GetObject : true, - ScriptEngine : true, - ScriptEngineBuildVersion : true, - ScriptEngineMajorVersion : true, - ScriptEngineMinorVersion : true, - VBArray : true, - WSH : true, - WScript : true, - XDomainRequest : true - }, - - yui = { - YUI : false, - Y : false, - YUI_config : false - }; - // Regular expressions. Some of these are stupidly long. - var ax, cx, tx, nx, nxg, lx, ix, jx, ft; - (function () { - /*jshint maxlen:300 */ - - // unsafe comment or string - ax = /@cc|<\/?|script|\]\s*\]|<\s*!|</i; - - // unsafe characters that are silently deleted by one or more browsers - cx = /[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/; - - // token - tx = /^\s*([(){}\[.,:;'"~\?\]#@]|==?=?|\/=(?!(\S*\/[gim]?))|\/(\*(jshint|jslint|members?|global)?|\/)?|\*[\/=]?|\+(?:=|\++)?|-(?:=|-+)?|%=?|&[&=]?|\|[|=]?|>>?>?=?|<([\/=!]|\!(\[|--)?|<=?)?|\^=?|\!=?=?|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*|[0-9]+([xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\.[0-9]*)?([eE][+\-]?[0-9]+)?)/; - - // characters in strings that need escapement - nx = /[\u0000-\u001f&<"\/\\\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/; - nxg = /[\u0000-\u001f&<"\/\\\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g; - - // star slash - lx = /\*\//; - - // identifier - ix = /^([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)$/; - - // javascript url - jx = /^(?:javascript|jscript|ecmascript|vbscript|mocha|livescript)\s*:/i; - - // catches /* falls through */ comments - ft = /^\s*\/\*\s*falls\sthrough\s*\*\/\s*$/; - }()); - - function F() {} // Used by Object.create - - function is_own(object, name) { - // The object.hasOwnProperty method fails when the property under consideration - // is named 'hasOwnProperty'. So we have to use this more convoluted form. - return, name); - } - - function checkOption(name, t) { - if (valOptions[name] === undefined && boolOptions[name] === undefined) { - warning("Bad option: '" + name + "'.", t); - } - } - - function isString(obj) { - return === "[object String]"; - } - - // Provide critical ES5 functions to ES3. - - if (typeof Array.isArray !== "function") { - Array.isArray = function (o) { - return Object.prototype.toString.apply(o) === "[object Array]"; - }; - } - - if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { - Array.prototype.forEach = function (fn, scope) { - var len = this.length; - - for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { - || this, this[i], i, this); - } - }; - } - - if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { - Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement /*, fromIndex */ ) { - if (this === null || this === undefined) { - throw new TypeError(); - } - - var t = new Object(this); - var len = t.length >>> 0; - - if (len === 0) { - return -1; - } - - var n = 0; - if (arguments.length > 0) { - n = Number(arguments[1]); - if (n != n) { // shortcut for verifying if it's NaN - n = 0; - } else if (n !== 0 && n != Infinity && n != -Infinity) { - n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n)); - } - } - - if (n >= len) { - return -1; - } - - var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0); - for (; k < len; k++) { - if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) { - return k; - } - } - - return -1; - }; - } - - if (typeof Object.create !== "function") { - Object.create = function (o) { - F.prototype = o; - return new F(); - }; - } - - if (typeof Object.keys !== "function") { - Object.keys = function (o) { - var a = [], k; - for (k in o) { - if (is_own(o, k)) { - a.push(k); - } - } - return a; - }; - } - - // Non standard methods - - function isAlpha(str) { - return (str >= "a" && str <= "z\uffff") || - (str >= "A" && str <= "Z\uffff"); - } - - function isDigit(str) { - return (str >= "0" && str <= "9"); - } - - function isIdentifier(token, value) { - if (!token) - return false; - - if (!token.identifier || token.value !== value) - return false; - - return true; - } - - function supplant(str, data) { - return str.replace(/\{([^{}]*)\}/g, function (a, b) { - var r = data[b]; - return typeof r === "string" || typeof r === "number" ? r : a; - }); - } - - function combine(t, o) { - var n; - for (n in o) { - if (is_own(o, n) && !is_own(JSHINT.blacklist, n)) { - t[n] = o[n]; - } - } - } - - function updatePredefined() { - Object.keys(JSHINT.blacklist).forEach(function (key) { - delete predefined[key]; - }); - } - - function assume() { - if (option.couch) { - combine(predefined, couch); - } - - if (option.rhino) { - combine(predefined, rhino); - } - - if (option.prototypejs) { - combine(predefined, prototypejs); - } - - if (option.node) { - combine(predefined, node); - option.globalstrict = true; - } - - if (option.devel) { - combine(predefined, devel); - } - - if (option.dojo) { - combine(predefined, dojo); - } - - if (option.browser) { - combine(predefined, browser); - } - - if (option.nonstandard) { - combine(predefined, nonstandard); - } - - if (option.jquery) { - combine(predefined, jquery); - } - - if (option.mootools) { - combine(predefined, mootools); - } - - if (option.worker) { - combine(predefined, worker); - } - - if (option.wsh) { - combine(predefined, wsh); - } - - if (option.esnext) { - useESNextSyntax(); - } - - if (option.globalstrict && option.strict !== false) { - option.strict = true; - } - - if (option.yui) { - combine(predefined, yui); - } - } - - - // Produce an error warning. - function quit(message, line, chr) { - var percentage = Math.floor((line / lines.length) * 100); - - throw { - name: "JSHintError", - line: line, - character: chr, - message: message + " (" + percentage + "% scanned).", - raw: message - }; - } - - function isundef(scope, m, t, a) { - return JSHINT.undefs.push([scope, m, t, a]); - } - - function warning(m, t, a, b, c, d) { - var ch, l, w; - t = t || nexttoken; - if ( === "(end)") { // `~ - t = token; - } - l = t.line || 0; - ch = t.from || 0; - w = { - id: "(error)", - raw: m, - evidence: lines[l - 1] || "", - line: l, - character: ch, - scope: JSHINT.scope, - a: a, - b: b, - c: c, - d: d - }; - w.reason = supplant(m, w); - JSHINT.errors.push(w); - if (option.passfail) { - quit("Stopping. ", l, ch); - } - warnings += 1; - if (warnings >= option.maxerr) { - quit("Too many errors.", l, ch); - } - return w; - } - - function warningAt(m, l, ch, a, b, c, d) { - return warning(m, { - line: l, - from: ch - }, a, b, c, d); - } - - function error(m, t, a, b, c, d) { - warning(m, t, a, b, c, d); - } - - function errorAt(m, l, ch, a, b, c, d) { - return error(m, { - line: l, - from: ch - }, a, b, c, d); - } - - // Tracking of "internal" scripts, like eval containing a static string - function addInternalSrc(elem, src) { - var i; - i = { - id: "(internal)", - elem: elem, - value: src - }; - JSHINT.internals.push(i); - return i; - } - - -// lexical analysis and token construction - - var lex = (function lex() { - var character, from, line, s; - -// Private lex methods - - function nextLine() { - var at, - match, - tw; // trailing whitespace check - - if (line >= lines.length) - return false; - - character = 1; - s = lines[line]; - line += 1; - - // If smarttabs option is used check for spaces followed by tabs only. - // Otherwise check for any occurence of mixed tabs and spaces. - // Tabs and one space followed by block comment is allowed. - if (option.smarttabs) { - // negative look-behind for "//" - match = s.match(/(\/\/)? \t/); - at = match && !match[1] ? 0 : -1; - } else { - at = \t|\t [^\*]/); - } - - if (at >= 0) - warningAt("Mixed spaces and tabs.", line, at + 1); - - s = s.replace(/\t/g, tab); - at =; - - if (at >= 0) - warningAt("Unsafe character.", line, at); - - if (option.maxlen && option.maxlen < s.length) - warningAt("Line too long.", line, s.length); - - // Check for trailing whitespaces - tw = option.trailing && s.match(/^(.*?)\s+$/); - if (tw && !/^\s+$/.test(s)) { - warningAt("Trailing whitespace.", line, tw[1].length + 1); - } - return true; - } - -// Produce a token object. The token inherits from a syntax symbol. - - function it(type, value) { - var i, t; - - function checkName(name) { - if (!option.proto && name === "__proto__") { - warningAt("The '{a}' property is deprecated.", line, from, name); - return; - } - - if (!option.iterator && name === "__iterator__") { - warningAt("'{a}' is only available in JavaScript 1.7.", line, from, name); - return; - } - - // Check for dangling underscores unless we're in Node - // environment and this identifier represents built-in - // Node globals with underscores. - - var hasDangling = /^(_+.*|.*_+)$/.test(name); - - if (option.nomen && hasDangling && name !== "_") { - if (option.node && !== "." && /^(__dirname|__filename)$/.test(name)) - return; - - warningAt("Unexpected {a} in '{b}'.", line, from, "dangling '_'", name); - return; - } - - // Check for non-camelcase names. Names like MY_VAR and - // _myVar are okay though. - - if (option.camelcase) { - if (name.replace(/^_+/, "").indexOf("_") > -1 && !name.match(/^[A-Z0-9_]*$/)) { - warningAt("Identifier '{a}' is not in camel case.", line, from, value); - } - } - } - - if (type === "(color)" || type === "(range)") { - t = {type: type}; - } else if (type === "(punctuator)" || - (type === "(identifier)" && is_own(syntax, value))) { - t = syntax[value] || syntax["(error)"]; - } else { - t = syntax[type]; - } - - t = Object.create(t); - - if (type === "(string)" || type === "(range)") { - if (!option.scripturl && jx.test(value)) { - warningAt("Script URL.", line, from); - } - } - - if (type === "(identifier)") { - t.identifier = true; - checkName(value); - } - - t.value = value; - t.line = line; - t.character = character; - t.from = from; - i =; - if (i !== "(endline)") { - prereg = i && - (("(,=:[!&|?{};".indexOf(i.charAt(i.length - 1)) >= 0) || - i === "return" || - i === "case"); - } - return t; - } - - // Public lex methods - return { - init: function (source) { - if (typeof source === "string") { - lines = source - .replace(/\r\n/g, "\n") - .replace(/\r/g, "\n") - .split("\n"); - } else { - lines = source; - } - - // If the first line is a shebang (#!), make it a blank and move on. - // Shebangs are used by Node scripts. - if (lines[0] && lines[0].substr(0, 2) === "#!") - lines[0] = ""; - - line = 0; - nextLine(); - from = 1; - }, - - range: function (begin, end) { - var c, value = ""; - from = character; - if (s.charAt(0) !== begin) { - errorAt("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - line, character, begin, s.charAt(0)); - } - for (;;) { - s = s.slice(1); - character += 1; - c = s.charAt(0); - switch (c) { - case "": - errorAt("Missing '{a}'.", line, character, c); - break; - case end: - s = s.slice(1); - character += 1; - return it("(range)", value); - case "\\": - warningAt("Unexpected '{a}'.", line, character, c); - } - value += c; - } - - }, - - - // token -- this is called by advance to get the next token - token: function () { - var b, c, captures, d, depth, high, i, l, low, q, t, isLiteral, isInRange, n; - - function match(x) { - var r = x.exec(s), r1; - - if (r) { - l = r[0].length; - r1 = r[1]; - c = r1.charAt(0); - s = s.substr(l); - from = character + l - r1.length; - character += l; - return r1; - } - } - - function string(x) { - var c, j, r = "", allowNewLine = false; - - if (jsonmode && x !== "\"") { - warningAt("Strings must use doublequote.", - line, character); - } - - if (option.quotmark) { - if (option.quotmark === "single" && x !== "'") { - warningAt("Strings must use singlequote.", - line, character); - } else if (option.quotmark === "double" && x !== "\"") { - warningAt("Strings must use doublequote.", - line, character); - } else if (option.quotmark === true) { - quotmark = quotmark || x; - if (quotmark !== x) { - warningAt("Mixed double and single quotes.", - line, character); - } - } - } - - function esc(n) { - var i = parseInt(s.substr(j + 1, n), 16); - j += n; - if (i >= 32 && i <= 126 && - i !== 34 && i !== 92 && i !== 39) { - warningAt("Unnecessary escapement.", line, character); - } - character += n; - c = String.fromCharCode(i); - } - - j = 0; -unclosedString: for (;;) { - while (j >= s.length) { - j = 0; - - var cl = line, cf = from; - if (!nextLine()) { - errorAt("Unclosed string.", cl, cf); - break unclosedString; - } - - if (allowNewLine) { - allowNewLine = false; - } else { - warningAt("Unclosed string.", cl, cf); - } - } - - c = s.charAt(j); - if (c === x) { - character += 1; - s = s.substr(j + 1); - return it("(string)", r, x); - } - - if (c < " ") { - if (c === "\n" || c === "\r") { - break; - } - warningAt("Control character in string: {a}.", - line, character + j, s.slice(0, j)); - } else if (c === "\\") { - j += 1; - character += 1; - c = s.charAt(j); - n = s.charAt(j + 1); - switch (c) { - case "\\": - case "\"": - case "/": - break; - case "\'": - if (jsonmode) { - warningAt("Avoid \\'.", line, character); - } - break; - case "b": - c = "\b"; - break; - case "f": - c = "\f"; - break; - case "n": - c = "\n"; - break; - case "r": - c = "\r"; - break; - case "t": - c = "\t"; - break; - case "0": - c = "\0"; - // Octal literals fail in strict mode - // check if the number is between 00 and 07 - // where 'n' is the token next to 'c' - if (n >= 0 && n <= 7 && directive["use strict"]) { - warningAt( - "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode.", - line, character); - } - break; - case "u": - esc(4); - break; - case "v": - if (jsonmode) { - warningAt("Avoid \\v.", line, character); - } - c = "\v"; - break; - case "x": - if (jsonmode) { - warningAt("Avoid \\x-.", line, character); - } - esc(2); - break; - case "": - // last character is escape character - // always allow new line if escaped, but show - // warning if option is not set - allowNewLine = true; - if (option.multistr) { - if (jsonmode) { - warningAt("Avoid EOL escapement.", line, character); - } - c = ""; - character -= 1; - break; - } - warningAt("Bad escapement of EOL. Use option multistr if needed.", - line, character); - break; - case "!": - if (s.charAt(j - 2) === "<") - break; - /*falls through*/ - default: - warningAt("Bad escapement.", line, character); - } - } - r += c; - character += 1; - j += 1; - } - } - - for (;;) { - if (!s) { - return it(nextLine() ? "(endline)" : "(end)", ""); - } - - t = match(tx); - - if (!t) { - t = ""; - c = ""; - while (s && s < "!") { - s = s.substr(1); - } - if (s) { - errorAt("Unexpected '{a}'.", line, character, s.substr(0, 1)); - s = ""; - } - } else { - - // identifier - - if (isAlpha(c) || c === "_" || c === "$") { - return it("(identifier)", t); - } - - // number - - if (isDigit(c)) { - if (!isFinite(Number(t))) { - warningAt("Bad number '{a}'.", - line, character, t); - } - if (isAlpha(s.substr(0, 1))) { - warningAt("Missing space after '{a}'.", - line, character, t); - } - if (c === "0") { - d = t.substr(1, 1); - if (isDigit(d)) { - if ( !== ".") { - warningAt("Don't use extra leading zeros '{a}'.", - line, character, t); - } - } else if (jsonmode && (d === "x" || d === "X")) { - warningAt("Avoid 0x-. '{a}'.", - line, character, t); - } - } - if (t.substr(t.length - 1) === ".") { - warningAt( -"A trailing decimal point can be confused with a dot '{a}'.", line, character, t); - } - return it("(number)", t); - } - switch (t) { - - // string - - case "\"": - case "'": - return string(t); - - // // comment - - case "//": - s = ""; - token.comment = true; - break; - - // /* comment - - case "/*": - for (;;) { - i =; - if (i >= 0) { - break; - } - if (!nextLine()) { - errorAt("Unclosed comment.", line, character); - } - } - s = s.substr(i + 2); - token.comment = true; - break; - - // /*members /*jshint /*global - - case "/*members": - case "/*member": - case "/*jshint": - case "/*jslint": - case "/*global": - case "*/": - return { - value: t, - type: "special", - line: line, - character: character, - from: from - }; - - case "": - break; - // / - case "/": - if (s.charAt(0) === "=") { - errorAt("A regular expression literal can be confused with '/='.", - line, from); - } - - if (prereg) { - depth = 0; - captures = 0; - l = 0; - for (;;) { - b = true; - c = s.charAt(l); - l += 1; - switch (c) { - case "": - errorAt("Unclosed regular expression.", line, from); - return quit("Stopping.", line, from); - case "/": - if (depth > 0) { - warningAt("{a} unterminated regular expression " + - "group(s).", line, from + l, depth); - } - c = s.substr(0, l - 1); - q = { - g: true, - i: true, - m: true - }; - while (q[s.charAt(l)] === true) { - q[s.charAt(l)] = false; - l += 1; - } - character += l; - s = s.substr(l); - q = s.charAt(0); - if (q === "/" || q === "*") { - errorAt("Confusing regular expression.", - line, from); - } - return it("(regexp)", c); - case "\\": - c = s.charAt(l); - if (c < " ") { - warningAt( -"Unexpected control character in regular expression.", line, from + l); - } else if (c === "<") { - warningAt( -"Unexpected escaped character '{a}' in regular expression.", line, from + l, c); - } - l += 1; - break; - case "(": - depth += 1; - b = false; - if (s.charAt(l) === "?") { - l += 1; - switch (s.charAt(l)) { - case ":": - case "=": - case "!": - l += 1; - break; - default: - warningAt( -"Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", line, from + l, ":", s.charAt(l)); - } - } else { - captures += 1; - } - break; - case "|": - b = false; - break; - case ")": - if (depth === 0) { - warningAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", - line, from + l, ")"); - } else { - depth -= 1; - } - break; - case " ": - q = 1; - while (s.charAt(l) === " ") { - l += 1; - q += 1; - } - if (q > 1) { - warningAt( -"Spaces are hard to count. Use {{a}}.", line, from + l, q); - } - break; - case "[": - c = s.charAt(l); - if (c === "^") { - l += 1; - if (s.charAt(l) === "]") { - errorAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", - line, from + l, "^"); - } - } - if (c === "]") { - warningAt("Empty class.", line, - from + l - 1); - } - isLiteral = false; - isInRange = false; -klass: do { - c = s.charAt(l); - l += 1; - switch (c) { - case "[": - case "^": - warningAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", - line, from + l, c); - if (isInRange) { - isInRange = false; - } else { - isLiteral = true; - } - break; - case "-": - if (isLiteral && !isInRange) { - isLiteral = false; - isInRange = true; - } else if (isInRange) { - isInRange = false; - } else if (s.charAt(l) === "]") { - isInRange = true; - } else { - if (option.regexdash !== (l === 2 || (l === 3 && - s.charAt(1) === "^"))) { - warningAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", - line, from + l - 1, "-"); - } - isLiteral = true; - } - break; - case "]": - if (isInRange && !option.regexdash) { - warningAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", - line, from + l - 1, "-"); - } - break klass; - case "\\": - c = s.charAt(l); - if (c < " ") { - warningAt( -"Unexpected control character in regular expression.", line, from + l); - } else if (c === "<") { - warningAt( -"Unexpected escaped character '{a}' in regular expression.", line, from + l, c); - } - l += 1; - - // \w, \s and \d are never part of a character range - if (/[wsd]/i.test(c)) { - if (isInRange) { - warningAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", - line, from + l, "-"); - isInRange = false; - } - isLiteral = false; - } else if (isInRange) { - isInRange = false; - } else { - isLiteral = true; - } - break; - case "/": - warningAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", - line, from + l - 1, "/"); - - if (isInRange) { - isInRange = false; - } else { - isLiteral = true; - } - break; - case "<": - if (isInRange) { - isInRange = false; - } else { - isLiteral = true; - } - break; - default: - if (isInRange) { - isInRange = false; - } else { - isLiteral = true; - } - } - } while (c); - break; - case ".": - if (option.regexp) { - warningAt("Insecure '{a}'.", line, - from + l, c); - } - break; - case "]": - case "?": - case "{": - case "}": - case "+": - case "*": - warningAt("Unescaped '{a}'.", line, - from + l, c); - } - if (b) { - switch (s.charAt(l)) { - case "?": - case "+": - case "*": - l += 1; - if (s.charAt(l) === "?") { - l += 1; - } - break; - case "{": - l += 1; - c = s.charAt(l); - if (c < "0" || c > "9") { - warningAt( -"Expected a number and instead saw '{a}'.", line, from + l, c); - break; // No reason to continue checking numbers. - } - l += 1; - low = +c; - for (;;) { - c = s.charAt(l); - if (c < "0" || c > "9") { - break; - } - l += 1; - low = +c + (low * 10); - } - high = low; - if (c === ",") { - l += 1; - high = Infinity; - c = s.charAt(l); - if (c >= "0" && c <= "9") { - l += 1; - high = +c; - for (;;) { - c = s.charAt(l); - if (c < "0" || c > "9") { - break; - } - l += 1; - high = +c + (high * 10); - } - } - } - if (s.charAt(l) !== "}") { - warningAt( -"Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", line, from + l, "}", c); - } else { - l += 1; - } - if (s.charAt(l) === "?") { - l += 1; - } - if (low > high) { - warningAt( -"'{a}' should not be greater than '{b}'.", line, from + l, low, high); - } - } - } - } - c = s.substr(0, l - 1); - character += l; - s = s.substr(l); - return it("(regexp)", c); - } - return it("(punctuator)", t); - - // punctuator - - case "#": - return it("(punctuator)", t); - default: - return it("(punctuator)", t); - } - } - } - } - }; - }()); - - - function addlabel(t, type, token) { - if (t === "hasOwnProperty") { - warning("'hasOwnProperty' is a really bad name."); - } - - // Define t in the current function in the current scope. - if (type === "exception") { - if (is_own(funct["(context)"], t)) { - if (funct[t] !== true && !option.node) { - warning("Value of '{a}' may be overwritten in IE.", nexttoken, t); - } - } - } - - if (is_own(funct, t) && !funct["(global)"]) { - if (funct[t] === true) { - if (option.latedef) - warning("'{a}' was used before it was defined.", nexttoken, t); - } else { - if (!option.shadow && type !== "exception") { - warning("'{a}' is already defined.", nexttoken, t); - } - } - } - - funct[t] = type; - - if (token) { - funct["(tokens)"][t] = token; - } - - if (funct["(global)"]) { - global[t] = funct; - if (is_own(implied, t)) { - if (option.latedef) - warning("'{a}' was used before it was defined.", nexttoken, t); - delete implied[t]; - } - } else { - scope[t] = funct; - } - } - - - function doOption() { - var nt = nexttoken; - var o = nt.value; - var quotmarkValue = option.quotmark; - var predef = {}; - var b, obj, filter, t, tn, v, minus; - - switch (o) { - case "*/": - error("Unbegun comment."); - break; - case "/*members": - case "/*member": - o = "/*members"; - if (!membersOnly) { - membersOnly = {}; - } - obj = membersOnly; - option.quotmark = false; - break; - case "/*jshint": - case "/*jslint": - obj = option; - filter = boolOptions; - break; - case "/*global": - obj = predef; - break; - default: - error("What?"); - } - - t = lex.token(); -loop: for (;;) { - minus = false; - for (;;) { - if (t.type === "special" && t.value === "*/") { - break loop; - } - if ( !== "(endline)" && !== ",") { - break; - } - t = lex.token(); - } - - if (o === "/*global" && t.value === "-") { - minus = true; - t = lex.token(); - } - - if (t.type !== "(string)" && t.type !== "(identifier)" && o !== "/*members") { - error("Bad option.", t); - } - - v = lex.token(); - if ( === ":") { - v = lex.token(); - - if (obj === membersOnly) { - error("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", t, "*/", ":"); - } - - if (o === "/*jshint") { - checkOption(t.value, t); - } - - var numericVals = [ - "maxstatements", - "maxparams", - "maxdepth", - "maxcomplexity", - "maxerr", - "maxlen", - "indent" - ]; - - if (numericVals.indexOf(t.value) > -1 && (o === "/*jshint" || o === "/*jslint")) { - b = +v.value; - - if (typeof b !== "number" || !isFinite(b) || b <= 0 || Math.floor(b) !== b) { - error("Expected a small integer and instead saw '{a}'.", v, v.value); - } - - if (t.value === "indent") - obj.white = true; - - obj[t.value] = b; - } else if (t.value === "validthis") { - if (funct["(global)"]) { - error("Option 'validthis' can't be used in a global scope."); - } else { - if (v.value === "true" || v.value === "false") - obj[t.value] = v.value === "true"; - else - error("Bad option value.", v); - } - } else if (t.value === "quotmark" && (o === "/*jshint")) { - switch (v.value) { - case "true": - obj.quotmark = true; - break; - case "false": - obj.quotmark = false; - break; - case "double": - case "single": - obj.quotmark = v.value; - break; - default: - error("Bad option value.", v); - } - } else if (v.value === "true" || v.value === "false") { - if (o === "/*jslint") { - tn = renamedOptions[t.value] || t.value; - obj[tn] = v.value === "true"; - if (invertedOptions[tn] !== undefined) { - obj[tn] = !obj[tn]; - } - } else { - obj[t.value] = v.value === "true"; - } - - if (t.value === "newcap") - obj["(explicitNewcap)"] = true; - } else { - error("Bad option value.", v); - } - t = lex.token(); - } else { - if (o === "/*jshint" || o === "/*jslint") { - error("Missing option value.", t); - } - - obj[t.value] = false; - - if (o === "/*global" && minus === true) { - JSHINT.blacklist[t.value] = t.value; - updatePredefined(); - } - - t = v; - } - } - - if (o === "/*members") { - option.quotmark = quotmarkValue; - } - - combine(predefined, predef); - - for (var key in predef) { - if (is_own(predef, key)) { - declared[key] = nt; - } - } - - if (filter) { - assume(); - } - } - - -// We need a peek function. If it has an argument, it peeks that much farther -// ahead. It is used to distinguish -// for ( var i in ... -// from -// for ( var i = ... - - function peek(p) { - var i = p || 0, j = 0, t; - - while (j <= i) { - t = lookahead[j]; - if (!t) { - t = lookahead[j] = lex.token(); - } - j += 1; - } - return t; - } - - - -// Produce the next token. It looks for programming errors. - - function advance(id, t) { - switch ( { - case "(number)": - if ( === ".") { - warning("A dot following a number can be confused with a decimal point.", token); - } - break; - case "-": - if ( === "-" || === "--") { - warning("Confusing minusses."); - } - break; - case "+": - if ( === "+" || === "++") { - warning("Confusing plusses."); - } - break; - } - - if (token.type === "(string)" || token.identifier) { - anonname = token.value; - } - - if (id && !== id) { - if (t) { - if ( === "(end)") { - warning("Unmatched '{a}'.", t,; - } else { - warning("Expected '{a}' to match '{b}' from line {c} and instead saw '{d}'.", - nexttoken, id,, t.line, nexttoken.value); - } - } else if (nexttoken.type !== "(identifier)" || - nexttoken.value !== id) { - warning("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - nexttoken, id, nexttoken.value); - } - } - - prevtoken = token; - token = nexttoken; - for (;;) { - nexttoken = lookahead.shift() || lex.token(); - if ( === "(end)" || === "(error)") { - return; - } - if (nexttoken.type === "special") { - doOption(); - } else { - if ( !== "(endline)") { - break; - } - } - } - } - - -// This is the heart of JSHINT, the Pratt parser. In addition to parsing, it -// is looking for ad hoc lint patterns. We add .fud to Pratt's model, which is -// like .nud except that it is only used on the first token of a statement. -// Having .fud makes it much easier to define statement-oriented languages like -// JavaScript. I retained Pratt's nomenclature. - -// .nud Null denotation -// .fud First null denotation -// .led Left denotation -// lbp Left binding power -// rbp Right binding power - -// They are elements of the parsing method called Top Down Operator Precedence. - - function expression(rbp, initial) { - var left, isArray = false, isObject = false; - - if ( === "(end)") - error("Unexpected early end of program.", token); - - advance(); - if (initial) { - anonname = "anonymous"; - funct["(verb)"] = token.value; - } - if (initial === true && token.fud) { - left = token.fud(); - } else { - if (token.nud) { - left = token.nud(); - } else { - if (nexttoken.type === "(number)" && === ".") { - warning("A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot: '.{a}'.", - token, nexttoken.value); - advance(); - return token; - } else { - error("Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}'.", - token,; - } - } - while (rbp < nexttoken.lbp) { - isArray = token.value === "Array"; - isObject = token.value === "Object"; - - // #527, new Foo.Array(), Foo.Array(), new Foo.Object(), Foo.Object() - // Line breaks in IfStatement heads exist to satisfy the checkJSHint - // "Line too long." error. - if (left && (left.value || (left.first && left.first.value))) { - // If the left.value is not "new", or the left.first.value is a "." - // then safely assume that this is not "new Array()" and possibly - // not "new Object()"... - if (left.value !== "new" || - (left.first && left.first.value && left.first.value === ".")) { - isArray = false; - // ...In the case of Object, if the left.value and token.value - // are not equal, then safely assume that this not "new Object()" - if (left.value !== token.value) { - isObject = false; - } - } - } - - advance(); - if (isArray && === "(" && === ")") - warning("Use the array literal notation [].", token); - if (isObject && === "(" && === ")") - warning("Use the object literal notation {}.", token); - if (token.led) { - left = token.led(left); - } else { - error("Expected an operator and instead saw '{a}'.", - token,; - } - } - } - return left; - } - - -// Functions for conformance of style. - - function adjacent(left, right) { - left = left || token; - right = right || nexttoken; - if (option.white) { - if (left.character !== right.from && left.line === right.line) { - left.from += (left.character - left.from); - warning("Unexpected space after '{a}'.", left, left.value); - } - } - } - - function nobreak(left, right) { - left = left || token; - right = right || nexttoken; - if (option.white && (left.character !== right.from || left.line !== right.line)) { - warning("Unexpected space before '{a}'.", right, right.value); - } - } - - function nospace(left, right) { - left = left || token; - right = right || nexttoken; - if (option.white && !left.comment) { - if (left.line === right.line) { - adjacent(left, right); - } - } - } - - function nonadjacent(left, right) { - if (option.white) { - left = left || token; - right = right || nexttoken; - if (left.value === ";" && right.value === ";") { - return; - } - if (left.line === right.line && left.character === right.from) { - left.from += (left.character - left.from); - warning("Missing space after '{a}'.", - left, left.value); - } - } - } - - function nobreaknonadjacent(left, right) { - left = left || token; - right = right || nexttoken; - if (!option.laxbreak && left.line !== right.line) { - warning("Bad line breaking before '{a}'.", right,; - } else if (option.white) { - left = left || token; - right = right || nexttoken; - if (left.character === right.from) { - left.from += (left.character - left.from); - warning("Missing space after '{a}'.", - left, left.value); - } - } - } - - function indentation(bias) { - var i; - if (option.white && !== "(end)") { - i = indent + (bias || 0); - if (nexttoken.from !== i) { - warning( -"Expected '{a}' to have an indentation at {b} instead at {c}.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value, i, nexttoken.from); - } - } - } - - function nolinebreak(t) { - t = t || token; - if (t.line !== nexttoken.line) { - warning("Line breaking error '{a}'.", t, t.value); - } - } - - - function comma() { - if (token.line !== nexttoken.line) { - if (!option.laxcomma) { - if (comma.first) { - warning("Comma warnings can be turned off with 'laxcomma'"); - comma.first = false; - } - warning("Bad line breaking before '{a}'.", token,; - } - } else if (!token.comment && token.character !== nexttoken.from && option.white) { - token.from += (token.character - token.from); - warning("Unexpected space after '{a}'.", token, token.value); - } - advance(","); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - } - - -// Functional constructors for making the symbols that will be inherited by -// tokens. - - function symbol(s, p) { - var x = syntax[s]; - if (!x || typeof x !== "object") { - syntax[s] = x = { - id: s, - lbp: p, - value: s - }; - } - return x; - } - - - function delim(s) { - return symbol(s, 0); - } - - - function stmt(s, f) { - var x = delim(s); - x.identifier = x.reserved = true; - x.fud = f; - return x; - } - - - function blockstmt(s, f) { - var x = stmt(s, f); - x.block = true; - return x; - } - - - function reserveName(x) { - var c =; - if ((c >= "a" && c <= "z") || (c >= "A" && c <= "Z")) { - x.identifier = x.reserved = true; - } - return x; - } - - - function prefix(s, f) { - var x = symbol(s, 150); - reserveName(x); - x.nud = (typeof f === "function") ? f : function () { - this.right = expression(150); - this.arity = "unary"; - if ( === "++" || === "--") { - if (option.plusplus) { - warning("Unexpected use of '{a}'.", this,; - } else if ((!this.right.identifier || this.right.reserved) && - !== "." && !== "[") { - warning("Bad operand.", this); - } - } - return this; - }; - return x; - } - - - function type(s, f) { - var x = delim(s); - x.type = s; - x.nud = f; - return x; - } - - - function reserve(s, f) { - var x = type(s, f); - x.identifier = x.reserved = true; - return x; - } - - - function reservevar(s, v) { - return reserve(s, function () { - if (typeof v === "function") { - v(this); - } - return this; - }); - } - - - function infix(s, f, p, w) { - var x = symbol(s, p); - reserveName(x); - x.led = function (left) { - if (!w) { - nobreaknonadjacent(prevtoken, token); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - } - if (s === "in" && === "!") { - warning("Confusing use of '{a}'.", left, "!"); - } - if (typeof f === "function") { - return f(left, this); - } else { - this.left = left; - this.right = expression(p); - return this; - } - }; - return x; - } - - - function relation(s, f) { - var x = symbol(s, 100); - x.led = function (left) { - nobreaknonadjacent(prevtoken, token); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - var right = expression(100); - - if (isIdentifier(left, "NaN") || isIdentifier(right, "NaN")) { - warning("Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.", this); - } else if (f) { - f.apply(this, [left, right]); - } - if ( === "!") { - warning("Confusing use of '{a}'.", left, "!"); - } - if ( === "!") { - warning("Confusing use of '{a}'.", right, "!"); - } - this.left = left; - this.right = right; - return this; - }; - return x; - } - - - function isPoorRelation(node) { - return node && - ((node.type === "(number)" && +node.value === 0) || - (node.type === "(string)" && node.value === "") || - (node.type === "null" && !option.eqnull) || - node.type === "true" || - node.type === "false" || - node.type === "undefined"); - } - - - function assignop(s) { - symbol(s, 20).exps = true; - - return infix(s, function (left, that) { - that.left = left; - - if (predefined[left.value] === false && - scope[left.value]["(global)"] === true) { - warning("Read only.", left); - } else if (left["function"]) { - warning("'{a}' is a function.", left, left.value); - } - - if (left) { - if (option.esnext && funct[left.value] === "const") { - warning("Attempting to override '{a}' which is a constant", left, left.value); - } - - if ( === "." || === "[") { - if (!left.left || left.left.value === "arguments") { - warning("Bad assignment.", that); - } - that.right = expression(19); - return that; - } else if (left.identifier && !left.reserved) { - if (funct[left.value] === "exception") { - warning("Do not assign to the exception parameter.", left); - } - that.right = expression(19); - return that; - } - - if (left === syntax["function"]) { - warning( -"Expected an identifier in an assignment and instead saw a function invocation.", - token); - } - } - - error("Bad assignment.", that); - }, 20); - } - - - function bitwise(s, f, p) { - var x = symbol(s, p); - reserveName(x); - x.led = (typeof f === "function") ? f : function (left) { - if (option.bitwise) { - warning("Unexpected use of '{a}'.", this,; - } - this.left = left; - this.right = expression(p); - return this; - }; - return x; - } - - - function bitwiseassignop(s) { - symbol(s, 20).exps = true; - return infix(s, function (left, that) { - if (option.bitwise) { - warning("Unexpected use of '{a}'.", that,; - } - nonadjacent(prevtoken, token); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - if (left) { - if ( === "." || === "[" || - (left.identifier && !left.reserved)) { - expression(19); - return that; - } - if (left === syntax["function"]) { - warning( -"Expected an identifier in an assignment, and instead saw a function invocation.", - token); - } - return that; - } - error("Bad assignment.", that); - }, 20); - } - - - function suffix(s) { - var x = symbol(s, 150); - x.led = function (left) { - if (option.plusplus) { - warning("Unexpected use of '{a}'.", this,; - } else if ((!left.identifier || left.reserved) && - !== "." && !== "[") { - warning("Bad operand.", this); - } - this.left = left; - return this; - }; - return x; - } - - - // fnparam means that this identifier is being defined as a function - // argument (see identifier()) - function optionalidentifier(fnparam) { - if (nexttoken.identifier) { - advance(); - if (token.reserved && !option.es5) { - // `undefined` as a function param is a common pattern to protect - // against the case when somebody does `undefined = true` and - // help with minification. More info: - if (!fnparam || token.value !== "undefined") { - warning("Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}' (a reserved word).", - token,; - } - } - return token.value; - } - } - - // fnparam means that this identifier is being defined as a function - // argument - function identifier(fnparam) { - var i = optionalidentifier(fnparam); - if (i) { - return i; - } - if ( === "function" && === "(") { - warning("Missing name in function declaration."); - } else { - error("Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}'.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } - } - - - function reachable(s) { - var i = 0, t; - if ( !== ";" || noreach) { - return; - } - for (;;) { - t = peek(i); - if (t.reach) { - return; - } - if ( !== "(endline)") { - if ( === "function") { - if (!option.latedef) { - break; - } - warning( -"Inner functions should be listed at the top of the outer function.", t); - break; - } - warning("Unreachable '{a}' after '{b}'.", t, t.value, s); - break; - } - i += 1; - } - } - - - function statement(noindent) { - var i = indent, r, s = scope, t = nexttoken; - - if ( === ";") { - advance(";"); - return; - } - - // Is this a labelled statement? - - if (t.identifier && !t.reserved && peek().id === ":") { - advance(); - advance(":"); - scope = Object.create(s); - addlabel(t.value, "label"); - - if (!nexttoken.labelled && nexttoken.value !== "{") { - warning("Label '{a}' on {b} statement.", nexttoken, t.value, nexttoken.value); - } - - if (jx.test(t.value + ":")) { - warning("Label '{a}' looks like a javascript url.", t, t.value); - } - - nexttoken.label = t.value; - t = nexttoken; - } - - // Is it a lonely block? - - if ( === "{") { - block(true, true); - return; - } - - // Parse the statement. - - if (!noindent) { - indentation(); - } - r = expression(0, true); - - // Look for the final semicolon. - - if (!t.block) { - if (!option.expr && (!r || !r.exps)) { - warning("Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.", - token); - } else if (option.nonew && === "(" && === "new") { - warning("Do not use 'new' for side effects.", t); - } - - if ( === ",") { - return comma(); - } - - if ( !== ";") { - if (!option.asi) { - // If this is the last statement in a block that ends on - // the same line *and* option lastsemic is on, ignore the warning. - // Otherwise, complain about missing semicolon. - if (!option.lastsemic || !== "}" || - nexttoken.line !== token.line) { - warningAt("Missing semicolon.", token.line, token.character); - } - } - } else { - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - advance(";"); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - } - } - -// Restore the indentation. - - indent = i; - scope = s; - return r; - } - - - function statements(startLine) { - var a = [], p; - - while (!nexttoken.reach && !== "(end)") { - if ( === ";") { - p = peek(); - if (!p || !== "(") { - warning("Unnecessary semicolon."); - } - advance(";"); - } else { - a.push(statement(startLine === nexttoken.line)); - } - } - return a; - } - - - /* - * read all directives - * recognizes a simple form of asi, but always - * warns, if it is used - */ - function directives() { - var i, p, pn; - - for (;;) { - if ( === "(string)") { - p = peek(0); - if ( === "(endline)") { - i = 1; - do { - pn = peek(i); - i = i + 1; - } while ( === "(endline)"); - - if ( !== ";") { - if ( !== "(string)" && !== "(number)" && - !== "(regexp)" && pn.identifier !== true && - !== "}") { - break; - } - warning("Missing semicolon.", nexttoken); - } else { - p = pn; - } - } else if ( === "}") { - // directive with no other statements, warn about missing semicolon - warning("Missing semicolon.", p); - } else if ( !== ";") { - break; - } - - indentation(); - advance(); - if (directive[token.value]) { - warning("Unnecessary directive \"{a}\".", token, token.value); - } - - if (token.value === "use strict") { - if (!option["(explicitNewcap)"]) - option.newcap = true; - option.undef = true; - } - - // there's no directive negation, so always set to true - directive[token.value] = true; - - if ( === ";") { - advance(";"); - } - continue; - } - break; - } - } - - - /* - * Parses a single block. A block is a sequence of statements wrapped in - * braces. - * - * ordinary - true for everything but function bodies and try blocks. - * stmt - true if block can be a single statement (e.g. in if/for/while). - * isfunc - true if block is a function body - */ - function block(ordinary, stmt, isfunc) { - var a, - b = inblock, - old_indent = indent, - m, - s = scope, - t, - line, - d; - - inblock = ordinary; - - if (!ordinary || !option.funcscope) - scope = Object.create(scope); - - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - t = nexttoken; - - var metrics = funct["(metrics)"]; - metrics.nestedBlockDepth += 1; - metrics.verifyMaxNestedBlockDepthPerFunction(); - - if ( === "{") { - advance("{"); - line = token.line; - if ( !== "}") { - indent += option.indent; - while (!ordinary && nexttoken.from > indent) { - indent += option.indent; - } - - if (isfunc) { - m = {}; - for (d in directive) { - if (is_own(directive, d)) { - m[d] = directive[d]; - } - } - directives(); - - if (option.strict && funct["(context)"]["(global)"]) { - if (!m["use strict"] && !directive["use strict"]) { - warning("Missing \"use strict\" statement."); - } - } - } - - a = statements(line); - - metrics.statementCount += a.length; - - if (isfunc) { - directive = m; - } - - indent -= option.indent; - if (line !== nexttoken.line) { - indentation(); - } - } else if (line !== nexttoken.line) { - indentation(); - } - advance("}", t); - indent = old_indent; - } else if (!ordinary) { - error("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - nexttoken, "{", nexttoken.value); - } else { - if (!stmt || option.curly) - warning("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - nexttoken, "{", nexttoken.value); - - noreach = true; - indent += option.indent; - // test indentation only if statement is in new line - a = [statement(nexttoken.line === token.line)]; - indent -= option.indent; - noreach = false; - } - funct["(verb)"] = null; - if (!ordinary || !option.funcscope) scope = s; - inblock = b; - if (ordinary && option.noempty && (!a || a.length === 0)) { - warning("Empty block."); - } - metrics.nestedBlockDepth -= 1; - return a; - } - - - function countMember(m) { - if (membersOnly && typeof membersOnly[m] !== "boolean") { - warning("Unexpected /*member '{a}'.", token, m); - } - if (typeof member[m] === "number") { - member[m] += 1; - } else { - member[m] = 1; - } - } - - - function note_implied(token) { - var name = token.value, line = token.line, a = implied[name]; - if (typeof a === "function") { - a = false; - } - - if (!a) { - a = [line]; - implied[name] = a; - } else if (a[a.length - 1] !== line) { - a.push(line); - } - } - - - // Build the syntax table by declaring the syntactic elements of the language. - - type("(number)", function () { - return this; - }); - - type("(string)", function () { - return this; - }); - - syntax["(identifier)"] = { - type: "(identifier)", - lbp: 0, - identifier: true, - nud: function () { - var v = this.value, - s = scope[v], - f; - - if (typeof s === "function") { - // Protection against accidental inheritance. - s = undefined; - } else if (typeof s === "boolean") { - f = funct; - funct = functions[0]; - addlabel(v, "var"); - s = funct; - funct = f; - } - - // The name is in scope and defined in the current function. - if (funct === s) { - // Change 'unused' to 'var', and reject labels. - switch (funct[v]) { - case "unused": - funct[v] = "var"; - break; - case "unction": - funct[v] = "function"; - this["function"] = true; - break; - case "function": - this["function"] = true; - break; - case "label": - warning("'{a}' is a statement label.", token, v); - break; - } - } else if (funct["(global)"]) { - // The name is not defined in the function. If we are in the global - // scope, then we have an undefined variable. - // - // Operators typeof and delete do not raise runtime errors even if - // the base object of a reference is null so no need to display warning - // if we're inside of typeof or delete. - - if (option.undef && typeof predefined[v] !== "boolean") { - // Attempting to subscript a null reference will throw an - // error, even within the typeof and delete operators - if (!(anonname === "typeof" || anonname === "delete") || - (nexttoken && (nexttoken.value === "." || nexttoken.value === "["))) { - - isundef(funct, "'{a}' is not defined.", token, v); - } - } - - note_implied(token); - } else { - // If the name is already defined in the current - // function, but not as outer, then there is a scope error. - - switch (funct[v]) { - case "closure": - case "function": - case "var": - case "unused": - warning("'{a}' used out of scope.", token, v); - break; - case "label": - warning("'{a}' is a statement label.", token, v); - break; - case "outer": - case "global": - break; - default: - // If the name is defined in an outer function, make an outer entry, - // and if it was unused, make it var. - if (s === true) { - funct[v] = true; - } else if (s === null) { - warning("'{a}' is not allowed.", token, v); - note_implied(token); - } else if (typeof s !== "object") { - // Operators typeof and delete do not raise runtime errors even - // if the base object of a reference is null so no need to - // display warning if we're inside of typeof or delete. - if (option.undef) { - // Attempting to subscript a null reference will throw an - // error, even within the typeof and delete operators - if (!(anonname === "typeof" || anonname === "delete") || - (nexttoken && - (nexttoken.value === "." || nexttoken.value === "["))) { - - isundef(funct, "'{a}' is not defined.", token, v); - } - } - funct[v] = true; - note_implied(token); - } else { - switch (s[v]) { - case "function": - case "unction": - this["function"] = true; - s[v] = "closure"; - funct[v] = s["(global)"] ? "global" : "outer"; - break; - case "var": - case "unused": - s[v] = "closure"; - funct[v] = s["(global)"] ? "global" : "outer"; - break; - case "closure": - funct[v] = s["(global)"] ? "global" : "outer"; - break; - case "label": - warning("'{a}' is a statement label.", token, v); - } - } - } - } - return this; - }, - led: function () { - error("Expected an operator and instead saw '{a}'.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } - }; - - type("(regexp)", function () { - return this; - }); - - -// ECMAScript parser - - delim("(endline)"); - delim("(begin)"); - delim("(end)").reach = true; - delim(""); - delim("(error)").reach = true; - delim("}").reach = true; - delim(")"); - delim("]"); - delim("\"").reach = true; - delim("'").reach = true; - delim(";"); - delim(":").reach = true; - delim(","); - delim("#"); - delim("@"); - reserve("else"); - reserve("case").reach = true; - reserve("catch"); - reserve("default").reach = true; - reserve("finally"); - reservevar("arguments", function (x) { - if (directive["use strict"] && funct["(global)"]) { - warning("Strict violation.", x); - } - }); - reservevar("eval"); - reservevar("false"); - reservevar("Infinity"); - reservevar("null"); - reservevar("this", function (x) { - if (directive["use strict"] && !option.validthis && ((funct["(statement)"] && - funct["(name)"].charAt(0) > "Z") || funct["(global)"])) { - warning("Possible strict violation.", x); - } - }); - reservevar("true"); - reservevar("undefined"); - assignop("=", "assign", 20); - assignop("+=", "assignadd", 20); - assignop("-=", "assignsub", 20); - assignop("*=", "assignmult", 20); - assignop("/=", "assigndiv", 20).nud = function () { - error("A regular expression literal can be confused with '/='."); - }; - assignop("%=", "assignmod", 20); - bitwiseassignop("&=", "assignbitand", 20); - bitwiseassignop("|=", "assignbitor", 20); - bitwiseassignop("^=", "assignbitxor", 20); - bitwiseassignop("<<=", "assignshiftleft", 20); - bitwiseassignop(">>=", "assignshiftright", 20); - bitwiseassignop(">>>=", "assignshiftrightunsigned", 20); - infix("?", function (left, that) { - that.left = left; - that.right = expression(10); - advance(":"); - that["else"] = expression(10); - return that; - }, 30); - - infix("||", "or", 40); - infix("&&", "and", 50); - bitwise("|", "bitor", 70); - bitwise("^", "bitxor", 80); - bitwise("&", "bitand", 90); - relation("==", function (left, right) { - var eqnull = option.eqnull && (left.value === "null" || right.value === "null"); - - if (!eqnull && option.eqeqeq) - warning("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", this, "===", "=="); - else if (isPoorRelation(left)) - warning("Use '{a}' to compare with '{b}'.", this, "===", left.value); - else if (isPoorRelation(right)) - warning("Use '{a}' to compare with '{b}'.", this, "===", right.value); - - return this; - }); - relation("==="); - relation("!=", function (left, right) { - var eqnull = option.eqnull && - (left.value === "null" || right.value === "null"); - - if (!eqnull && option.eqeqeq) { - warning("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - this, "!==", "!="); - } else if (isPoorRelation(left)) { - warning("Use '{a}' to compare with '{b}'.", - this, "!==", left.value); - } else if (isPoorRelation(right)) { - warning("Use '{a}' to compare with '{b}'.", - this, "!==", right.value); - } - return this; - }); - relation("!=="); - relation("<"); - relation(">"); - relation("<="); - relation(">="); - bitwise("<<", "shiftleft", 120); - bitwise(">>", "shiftright", 120); - bitwise(">>>", "shiftrightunsigned", 120); - infix("in", "in", 120); - infix("instanceof", "instanceof", 120); - infix("+", function (left, that) { - var right = expression(130); - if (left && right && === "(string)" && === "(string)") { - left.value += right.value; - left.character = right.character; - if (!option.scripturl && jx.test(left.value)) { - warning("JavaScript URL.", left); - } - return left; - } - that.left = left; - that.right = right; - return that; - }, 130); - prefix("+", "num"); - prefix("+++", function () { - warning("Confusing pluses."); - this.right = expression(150); - this.arity = "unary"; - return this; - }); - infix("+++", function (left) { - warning("Confusing pluses."); - this.left = left; - this.right = expression(130); - return this; - }, 130); - infix("-", "sub", 130); - prefix("-", "neg"); - prefix("---", function () { - warning("Confusing minuses."); - this.right = expression(150); - this.arity = "unary"; - return this; - }); - infix("---", function (left) { - warning("Confusing minuses."); - this.left = left; - this.right = expression(130); - return this; - }, 130); - infix("*", "mult", 140); - infix("/", "div", 140); - infix("%", "mod", 140); - - suffix("++", "postinc"); - prefix("++", "preinc"); - syntax["++"].exps = true; - - suffix("--", "postdec"); - prefix("--", "predec"); - syntax["--"].exps = true; - prefix("delete", function () { - var p = expression(0); - if (!p || ( !== "." && !== "[")) { - warning("Variables should not be deleted."); - } - this.first = p; - return this; - }).exps = true; - - prefix("~", function () { - if (option.bitwise) { - warning("Unexpected '{a}'.", this, "~"); - } - expression(150); - return this; - }); - - prefix("!", function () { - this.right = expression(150); - this.arity = "unary"; - if (bang[] === true) { - warning("Confusing use of '{a}'.", this, "!"); - } - return this; - }); - prefix("typeof", "typeof"); - prefix("new", function () { - var c = expression(155), i; - if (c && !== "function") { - if (c.identifier) { - c["new"] = true; - switch (c.value) { - case "Number": - case "String": - case "Boolean": - case "Math": - case "JSON": - warning("Do not use {a} as a constructor.", prevtoken, c.value); - break; - case "Function": - if (!option.evil) { - warning("The Function constructor is eval."); - } - break; - case "Date": - case "RegExp": - break; - default: - if ( !== "function") { - i = c.value.substr(0, 1); - if (option.newcap && (i < "A" || i > "Z") && !is_own(global, c.value)) { - warning("A constructor name should start with an uppercase letter.", - token); - } - } - } - } else { - if ( !== "." && !== "[" && !== "(") { - warning("Bad constructor.", token); - } - } - } else { - if (!option.supernew) - warning("Weird construction. Delete 'new'.", this); - } - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - if ( !== "(" && !option.supernew) { - warning("Missing '()' invoking a constructor.", - token, token.value); - } - this.first = c; - return this; - }); - syntax["new"].exps = true; - - prefix("void").exps = true; - - infix(".", function (left, that) { - adjacent(prevtoken, token); - nobreak(); - var m = identifier(); - if (typeof m === "string") { - countMember(m); - } - that.left = left; - that.right = m; - if (left && left.value === "arguments" && (m === "callee" || m === "caller")) { - if (option.noarg) - warning("Avoid arguments.{a}.", left, m); - else if (directive["use strict"]) - error("Strict violation."); - } else if (!option.evil && left && left.value === "document" && - (m === "write" || m === "writeln")) { - warning("document.write can be a form of eval.", left); - } - if (!option.evil && (m === "eval" || m === "execScript")) { - warning("eval is evil."); - } - return that; - }, 160, true); - - infix("(", function (left, that) { - if ( !== "}" && !== ")") { - nobreak(prevtoken, token); - } - nospace(); - if (option.immed && !left.immed && === "function") { - warning("Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses " + - "to assist the reader in understanding that the expression " + - "is the result of a function, and not the function itself."); - } - var n = 0, - p = []; - if (left) { - if (left.type === "(identifier)") { - if (left.value.match(/^[A-Z]([A-Z0-9_$]*[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)?$/)) { - if ("Number String Boolean Date Object".indexOf(left.value) === -1) { - if (left.value === "Math") { - warning("Math is not a function.", left); - } else if (option.newcap) { - warning("Missing 'new' prefix when invoking a constructor.", left); - } - } - } - } - } - if ( !== ")") { - for (;;) { - p[p.length] = expression(10); - n += 1; - if ( !== ",") { - break; - } - comma(); - } - } - advance(")"); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - if (typeof left === "object") { - if (left.value === "parseInt" && n === 1) { - warning("Missing radix parameter.", token); - } - if (!option.evil) { - if (left.value === "eval" || left.value === "Function" || - left.value === "execScript") { - warning("eval is evil.", left); - - if (p[0] && [0].id === "(string)") { - addInternalSrc(left, p[0].value); - } - } else if (p[0] && p[0].id === "(string)" && - (left.value === "setTimeout" || - left.value === "setInterval")) { - warning( - "Implied eval is evil. Pass a function instead of a string.", left); - addInternalSrc(left, p[0].value); - - // window.setTimeout/setInterval - } else if (p[0] && p[0].id === "(string)" && - left.value === "." && - left.left.value === "window" && - (left.right === "setTimeout" || - left.right === "setInterval")) { - warning( - "Implied eval is evil. Pass a function instead of a string.", left); - addInternalSrc(left, p[0].value); - } - } - if (!left.identifier && !== "." && !== "[" && - !== "(" && !== "&&" && !== "||" && - !== "?") { - warning("Bad invocation.", left); - } - } - that.left = left; - return that; - }, 155, true).exps = true; - - prefix("(", function () { - nospace(); - if ( === "function") { - nexttoken.immed = true; - } - var v = expression(0); - advance(")", this); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - if (option.immed && === "function") { - if ( !== "(" && - ( !== "." || (peek().value !== "call" && peek().value !== "apply"))) { - warning( -"Do not wrap function literals in parens unless they are to be immediately invoked.", - this); - } - } - - return v; - }); - - infix("[", function (left, that) { - nobreak(prevtoken, token); - nospace(); - var e = expression(0), s; - if (e && e.type === "(string)") { - if (!option.evil && (e.value === "eval" || e.value === "execScript")) { - warning("eval is evil.", that); - } - countMember(e.value); - if (!option.sub && ix.test(e.value)) { - s = syntax[e.value]; - if (!s || !s.reserved) { - warning("['{a}'] is better written in dot notation.", - prevtoken, e.value); - } - } - } - advance("]", that); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - that.left = left; - that.right = e; - return that; - }, 160, true); - - prefix("[", function () { - var b = token.line !== nexttoken.line; - this.first = []; - if (b) { - indent += option.indent; - if (nexttoken.from === indent + option.indent) { - indent += option.indent; - } - } - while ( !== "(end)") { - while ( === ",") { - if (!option.es5) - warning("Extra comma."); - advance(","); - } - if ( === "]") { - break; - } - if (b && token.line !== nexttoken.line) { - indentation(); - } - this.first.push(expression(10)); - if ( === ",") { - comma(); - if ( === "]" && !option.es5) { - warning("Extra comma.", token); - break; - } - } else { - break; - } - } - if (b) { - indent -= option.indent; - indentation(); - } - advance("]", this); - return this; - }, 160); - - - function property_name() { - var id = optionalidentifier(true); - if (!id) { - if ( === "(string)") { - id = nexttoken.value; - advance(); - } else if ( === "(number)") { - id = nexttoken.value.toString(); - advance(); - } - } - return id; - } - - - function functionparams() { - var next = nexttoken; - var params = []; - var ident; - - advance("("); - nospace(); - - if ( === ")") { - advance(")"); - return; - } - - for (;;) { - ident = identifier(true); - params.push(ident); - addlabel(ident, "unused", token); - if ( === ",") { - comma(); - } else { - advance(")", next); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - return params; - } - } - } - - - function doFunction(name, statement) { - var f; - var oldOption = option; - var oldScope = scope; - - option = Object.create(option); - scope = Object.create(scope); - - funct = { - "(name)" : name || "\"" + anonname + "\"", - "(line)" : nexttoken.line, - "(character)": nexttoken.character, - "(context)" : funct, - "(breakage)" : 0, - "(loopage)" : 0, - "(metrics)" : createMetrics(nexttoken), - "(scope)" : scope, - "(statement)": statement, - "(tokens)" : {} - }; - - f = funct; - token.funct = funct; - - functions.push(funct); - - if (name) { - addlabel(name, "function"); - } - - funct["(params)"] = functionparams(); - funct["(metrics)"].verifyMaxParametersPerFunction(funct["(params)"]); - - block(false, false, true); - - funct["(metrics)"].verifyMaxStatementsPerFunction(); - funct["(metrics)"].verifyMaxComplexityPerFunction(); - - scope = oldScope; - option = oldOption; - funct["(last)"] = token.line; - funct["(lastcharacter)"] = token.character; - funct = funct["(context)"]; - - return f; - } - - function createMetrics(functionStartToken) { - return { - statementCount: 0, - nestedBlockDepth: -1, - ComplexityCount: 1, - verifyMaxStatementsPerFunction: function () { - if (option.maxstatements && - this.statementCount > option.maxstatements) { - var message = "Too many statements per function (" + this.statementCount + ")."; - warning(message, functionStartToken); - } - }, - - verifyMaxParametersPerFunction: function (params) { - params = params || []; - - if (option.maxparams && params.length > option.maxparams) { - var message = "Too many parameters per function (" + params.length + ")."; - warning(message, functionStartToken); - } - }, - - verifyMaxNestedBlockDepthPerFunction: function () { - if (option.maxdepth && - this.nestedBlockDepth > 0 && - this.nestedBlockDepth === option.maxdepth + 1) { - var message = "Blocks are nested too deeply (" + this.nestedBlockDepth + ")."; - warning(message); - } - }, - - verifyMaxComplexityPerFunction: function () { - var max = option.maxcomplexity; - var cc = this.ComplexityCount; - if (max && cc > max) { - var message = "Cyclomatic complexity is too high per function (" + cc + ")."; - warning(message, functionStartToken); - } - } - }; - } - - function increaseComplexityCount() { - funct["(metrics)"].ComplexityCount += 1; - } - - - (function (x) { - x.nud = function () { - var b, f, i, p, t; - var props = {}; // All properties, including accessors - - function saveProperty(name, token) { - if (props[name] && is_own(props, name)) - warning("Duplicate member '{a}'.", nexttoken, i); - else - props[name] = {}; - - props[name].basic = true; - props[name].basicToken = token; - } - - function saveSetter(name, token) { - if (props[name] && is_own(props, name)) { - if (props[name].basic || props[name].setter) - warning("Duplicate member '{a}'.", nexttoken, i); - } else { - props[name] = {}; - } - - props[name].setter = true; - props[name].setterToken = token; - } - - function saveGetter(name) { - if (props[name] && is_own(props, name)) { - if (props[name].basic || props[name].getter) - warning("Duplicate member '{a}'.", nexttoken, i); - } else { - props[name] = {}; - } - - props[name].getter = true; - props[name].getterToken = token; - } - - b = token.line !== nexttoken.line; - if (b) { - indent += option.indent; - if (nexttoken.from === indent + option.indent) { - indent += option.indent; - } - } - for (;;) { - if ( === "}") { - break; - } - if (b) { - indentation(); - } - if (nexttoken.value === "get" && peek().id !== ":") { - advance("get"); - if (!option.es5) { - error("get/set are ES5 features."); - } - i = property_name(); - if (!i) { - error("Missing property name."); - } - saveGetter(i); - t = nexttoken; - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - f = doFunction(); - p = f["(params)"]; - if (p) { - warning("Unexpected parameter '{a}' in get {b} function.", t, p[0], i); - } - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - } else if (nexttoken.value === "set" && peek().id !== ":") { - advance("set"); - if (!option.es5) { - error("get/set are ES5 features."); - } - i = property_name(); - if (!i) { - error("Missing property name."); - } - saveSetter(i, nexttoken); - t = nexttoken; - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - f = doFunction(); - p = f["(params)"]; - if (!p || p.length !== 1) { - warning("Expected a single parameter in set {a} function.", t, i); - } - } else { - i = property_name(); - saveProperty(i, nexttoken); - if (typeof i !== "string") { - break; - } - advance(":"); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - expression(10); - } - - countMember(i); - if ( === ",") { - comma(); - if ( === ",") { - warning("Extra comma.", token); - } else if ( === "}" && !option.es5) { - warning("Extra comma.", token); - } - } else { - break; - } - } - if (b) { - indent -= option.indent; - indentation(); - } - advance("}", this); - - // Check for lonely setters if in the ES5 mode. - if (option.es5) { - for (var name in props) { - if (is_own(props, name) && props[name].setter && !props[name].getter) { - warning("Setter is defined without getter.", props[name].setterToken); - } - } - } - return this; - }; - x.fud = function () { - error("Expected to see a statement and instead saw a block.", token); - }; - }(delim("{"))); - -// This Function is called when esnext option is set to true -// it adds the `const` statement to JSHINT - - useESNextSyntax = function () { - var conststatement = stmt("const", function (prefix) { - var id, name, value; - - this.first = []; - for (;;) { - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - id = identifier(); - if (funct[id] === "const") { - warning("const '" + id + "' has already been declared"); - } - if (funct["(global)"] && predefined[id] === false) { - warning("Redefinition of '{a}'.", token, id); - } - addlabel(id, "const"); - if (prefix) { - break; - } - name = token; - this.first.push(token); - - if ( !== "=") { - warning("const " + - "'{a}' is initialized to 'undefined'.", token, id); - } - - if ( === "=") { - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - advance("="); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - if ( === "undefined") { - warning("It is not necessary to initialize " + - "'{a}' to 'undefined'.", token, id); - } - if (peek(0).id === "=" && nexttoken.identifier) { - error("Constant {a} was not declared correctly.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } - value = expression(0); - name.first = value; - } - - if ( !== ",") { - break; - } - comma(); - } - return this; - }); - conststatement.exps = true; - }; - - var varstatement = stmt("var", function (prefix) { - // JavaScript does not have block scope. It only has function scope. So, - // declaring a variable in a block can have unexpected consequences. - var id, name, value; - - if (funct["(onevar)"] && option.onevar) { - warning("Too many var statements."); - } else if (!funct["(global)"]) { - funct["(onevar)"] = true; - } - - this.first = []; - - for (;;) { - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - id = identifier(); - - if (option.esnext && funct[id] === "const") { - warning("const '" + id + "' has already been declared"); - } - - if (funct["(global)"] && predefined[id] === false) { - warning("Redefinition of '{a}'.", token, id); - } - - addlabel(id, "unused", token); - - if (prefix) { - break; - } - - name = token; - this.first.push(token); - - if ( === "=") { - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - advance("="); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - if ( === "undefined") { - warning("It is not necessary to initialize '{a}' to 'undefined'.", token, id); - } - if (peek(0).id === "=" && nexttoken.identifier) { - error("Variable {a} was not declared correctly.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } - value = expression(0); - name.first = value; - } - if ( !== ",") { - break; - } - comma(); - } - return this; - }); - varstatement.exps = true; - - blockstmt("function", function () { - if (inblock) { - warning("Function declarations should not be placed in blocks. " + - "Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of " + - "the outer function.", token); - - } - var i = identifier(); - if (option.esnext && funct[i] === "const") { - warning("const '" + i + "' has already been declared"); - } - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - addlabel(i, "unction", token); - - doFunction(i, { statement: true }); - if ( === "(" && nexttoken.line === token.line) { - error( -"Function declarations are not invocable. Wrap the whole function invocation in parens."); - } - return this; - }); - - prefix("function", function () { - var i = optionalidentifier(); - if (i) { - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - } else { - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - } - doFunction(i); - if (!option.loopfunc && funct["(loopage)"]) { - warning("Don't make functions within a loop."); - } - return this; - }); - - blockstmt("if", function () { - var t = nexttoken; - increaseComplexityCount(); - advance("("); - nonadjacent(this, t); - nospace(); - expression(20); - if ( === "=") { - if (!option.boss) - warning("Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment."); - advance("="); - expression(20); - } - advance(")", t); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - block(true, true); - if ( === "else") { - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - advance("else"); - if ( === "if" || === "switch") { - statement(true); - } else { - block(true, true); - } - } - return this; - }); - - blockstmt("try", function () { - var b; - - function doCatch() { - var oldScope = scope; - var e; - - advance("catch"); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - advance("("); - - scope = Object.create(oldScope); - - e = nexttoken.value; - if (nexttoken.type !== "(identifier)") { - e = null; - warning("Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}'.", nexttoken, e); - } - - advance(); - advance(")"); - - funct = { - "(name)" : "(catch)", - "(line)" : nexttoken.line, - "(character)": nexttoken.character, - "(context)" : funct, - "(breakage)" : funct["(breakage)"], - "(loopage)" : funct["(loopage)"], - "(scope)" : scope, - "(statement)": false, - "(metrics)" : createMetrics(nexttoken), - "(catch)" : true, - "(tokens)" : {} - }; - - if (e) { - addlabel(e, "exception"); - } - - token.funct = funct; - functions.push(funct); - - block(false); - - scope = oldScope; - - funct["(last)"] = token.line; - funct["(lastcharacter)"] = token.character; - funct = funct["(context)"]; - } - - block(false); - - if ( === "catch") { - increaseComplexityCount(); - doCatch(); - b = true; - } - - if ( === "finally") { - advance("finally"); - block(false); - return; - } else if (!b) { - error("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - nexttoken, "catch", nexttoken.value); - } - - return this; - }); - - blockstmt("while", function () { - var t = nexttoken; - funct["(breakage)"] += 1; - funct["(loopage)"] += 1; - increaseComplexityCount(); - advance("("); - nonadjacent(this, t); - nospace(); - expression(20); - if ( === "=") { - if (!option.boss) - warning("Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment."); - advance("="); - expression(20); - } - advance(")", t); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - block(true, true); - funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; - funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; - return this; - }).labelled = true; - - blockstmt("with", function () { - var t = nexttoken; - if (directive["use strict"]) { - error("'with' is not allowed in strict mode.", token); - } else if (!option.withstmt) { - warning("Don't use 'with'.", token); - } - - advance("("); - nonadjacent(this, t); - nospace(); - expression(0); - advance(")", t); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - block(true, true); - - return this; - }); - - blockstmt("switch", function () { - var t = nexttoken, - g = false; - funct["(breakage)"] += 1; - advance("("); - nonadjacent(this, t); - nospace(); - this.condition = expression(20); - advance(")", t); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - t = nexttoken; - advance("{"); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - indent += option.indent; - this.cases = []; - for (;;) { - switch ( { - case "case": - switch (funct["(verb)"]) { - case "break": - case "case": - case "continue": - case "return": - case "switch": - case "throw": - break; - default: - // You can tell JSHint that you don't use break intentionally by - // adding a comment /* falls through */ on a line just before - // the next `case`. - if (!ft.test(lines[nexttoken.line - 2])) { - warning( - "Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.", - token); - } - } - indentation(-option.indent); - advance("case"); - this.cases.push(expression(20)); - increaseComplexityCount(); - g = true; - advance(":"); - funct["(verb)"] = "case"; - break; - case "default": - switch (funct["(verb)"]) { - case "break": - case "continue": - case "return": - case "throw": - break; - default: - if (!ft.test(lines[nexttoken.line - 2])) { - warning( - "Expected a 'break' statement before 'default'.", - token); - } - } - indentation(-option.indent); - advance("default"); - g = true; - advance(":"); - break; - case "}": - indent -= option.indent; - indentation(); - advance("}", t); - if (this.cases.length === 1 || === "true" || - === "false") { - if (!option.onecase) - warning("This 'switch' should be an 'if'.", this); - } - funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; - funct["(verb)"] = undefined; - return; - case "(end)": - error("Missing '{a}'.", nexttoken, "}"); - return; - default: - if (g) { - switch ( { - case ",": - error("Each value should have its own case label."); - return; - case ":": - g = false; - statements(); - break; - default: - error("Missing ':' on a case clause.", token); - return; - } - } else { - if ( === ":") { - advance(":"); - error("Unexpected '{a}'.", token, ":"); - statements(); - } else { - error("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - nexttoken, "case", nexttoken.value); - return; - } - } - } - } - }).labelled = true; - - stmt("debugger", function () { - if (!option.debug) { - warning("All 'debugger' statements should be removed."); - } - return this; - }).exps = true; - - (function () { - var x = stmt("do", function () { - funct["(breakage)"] += 1; - funct["(loopage)"] += 1; - increaseComplexityCount(); - - this.first = block(true); - advance("while"); - var t = nexttoken; - nonadjacent(token, t); - advance("("); - nospace(); - expression(20); - if ( === "=") { - if (!option.boss) - warning("Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment."); - advance("="); - expression(20); - } - advance(")", t); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; - funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; - return this; - }); - x.labelled = true; - x.exps = true; - }()); - - blockstmt("for", function () { - var s, t = nexttoken; - funct["(breakage)"] += 1; - funct["(loopage)"] += 1; - increaseComplexityCount(); - advance("("); - nonadjacent(this, t); - nospace(); - if (peek( === "var" ? 1 : 0).id === "in") { - if ( === "var") { - advance("var"); -, true); - } else { - switch (funct[nexttoken.value]) { - case "unused": - funct[nexttoken.value] = "var"; - break; - case "var": - break; - default: - warning("Bad for in variable '{a}'.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } - advance(); - } - advance("in"); - expression(20); - advance(")", t); - s = block(true, true); - if (option.forin && s && (s.length > 1 || typeof s[0] !== "object" || - s[0].value !== "if")) { - warning("The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter " + - "unwanted properties from the prototype.", this); - } - funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; - funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; - return this; - } else { - if ( !== ";") { - if ( === "var") { - advance("var"); -; - } else { - for (;;) { - expression(0, "for"); - if ( !== ",") { - break; - } - comma(); - } - } - } - nolinebreak(token); - advance(";"); - if ( !== ";") { - expression(20); - if ( === "=") { - if (!option.boss) - warning("Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment."); - advance("="); - expression(20); - } - } - nolinebreak(token); - advance(";"); - if ( === ";") { - error("Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", - nexttoken, ")", ";"); - } - if ( !== ")") { - for (;;) { - expression(0, "for"); - if ( !== ",") { - break; - } - comma(); - } - } - advance(")", t); - nospace(prevtoken, token); - block(true, true); - funct["(breakage)"] -= 1; - funct["(loopage)"] -= 1; - return this; - } - }).labelled = true; - - - stmt("break", function () { - var v = nexttoken.value; - - if (funct["(breakage)"] === 0) - warning("Unexpected '{a}'.", nexttoken, this.value); - - if (!option.asi) - nolinebreak(this); - - if ( !== ";") { - if (token.line === nexttoken.line) { - if (funct[v] !== "label") { - warning("'{a}' is not a statement label.", nexttoken, v); - } else if (scope[v] !== funct) { - warning("'{a}' is out of scope.", nexttoken, v); - } - this.first = nexttoken; - advance(); - } - } - reachable("break"); - return this; - }).exps = true; - - - stmt("continue", function () { - var v = nexttoken.value; - - if (funct["(breakage)"] === 0) - warning("Unexpected '{a}'.", nexttoken, this.value); - - if (!option.asi) - nolinebreak(this); - - if ( !== ";") { - if (token.line === nexttoken.line) { - if (funct[v] !== "label") { - warning("'{a}' is not a statement label.", nexttoken, v); - } else if (scope[v] !== funct) { - warning("'{a}' is out of scope.", nexttoken, v); - } - this.first = nexttoken; - advance(); - } - } else if (!funct["(loopage)"]) { - warning("Unexpected '{a}'.", nexttoken, this.value); - } - reachable("continue"); - return this; - }).exps = true; - - - stmt("return", function () { - if (this.line === nexttoken.line) { - if ( === "(regexp)") - warning("Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to disambiguate the slash operator."); - - if ( !== ";" && !nexttoken.reach) { - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - if (peek().value === "=" && !option.boss) { - warningAt("Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?", - token.line, token.character + 1); - } - this.first = expression(0); - } - } else if (!option.asi) { - nolinebreak(this); // always warn (Line breaking error) - } - reachable("return"); - return this; - }).exps = true; - - - stmt("throw", function () { - nolinebreak(this); - nonadjacent(token, nexttoken); - this.first = expression(20); - reachable("throw"); - return this; - }).exps = true; - -// Superfluous reserved words - - reserve("class"); - reserve("const"); - reserve("enum"); - reserve("export"); - reserve("extends"); - reserve("import"); - reserve("super"); - - reserve("let"); - reserve("yield"); - reserve("implements"); - reserve("interface"); - reserve("package"); - reserve("private"); - reserve("protected"); - reserve("public"); - reserve("static"); - - -// Parse JSON - - function jsonValue() { - - function jsonObject() { - var o = {}, t = nexttoken; - advance("{"); - if ( !== "}") { - for (;;) { - if ( === "(end)") { - error("Missing '}' to match '{' from line {a}.", - nexttoken, t.line); - } else if ( === "}") { - warning("Unexpected comma.", token); - break; - } else if ( === ",") { - error("Unexpected comma.", nexttoken); - } else if ( !== "(string)") { - warning("Expected a string and instead saw {a}.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } - if (o[nexttoken.value] === true) { - warning("Duplicate key '{a}'.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } else if ((nexttoken.value === "__proto__" && - !option.proto) || (nexttoken.value === "__iterator__" && - !option.iterator)) { - warning("The '{a}' key may produce unexpected results.", - nexttoken, nexttoken.value); - } else { - o[nexttoken.value] = true; - } - advance(); - advance(":"); - jsonValue(); - if ( !== ",") { - break; - } - advance(","); - } - } - advance("}"); - } - - function jsonArray() { - var t = nexttoken; - advance("["); - if ( !== "]") { - for (;;) { - if ( === "(end)") { - error("Missing ']' to match '[' from line {a}.", - nexttoken, t.line); - } else if ( === "]") { - warning("Unexpected comma.", token); - break; - } else if ( === ",") { - error("Unexpected comma.", nexttoken); - } - jsonValue(); - if ( !== ",") { - break; - } - advance(","); - } - } - advance("]"); - } - - switch ( { - case "{": - jsonObject(); - break; - case "[": - jsonArray(); - break; - case "true": - case "false": - case "null": - case "(number)": - case "(string)": - advance(); - break; - case "-": - advance("-"); - if (token.character !== nexttoken.from) { - warning("Unexpected space after '-'.", token); - } - adjacent(token, nexttoken); - advance("(number)"); - break; - default: - error("Expected a JSON value.", nexttoken); - } - } - - - // The actual JSHINT function itself. - var itself = function (s, o, g) { - var a, i, k, x; - var optionKeys; - var newOptionObj = {}; - - if (o && o.scope) { - JSHINT.scope = o.scope; - } else { - JSHINT.errors = []; - JSHINT.undefs = []; - JSHINT.internals = []; - JSHINT.blacklist = {}; - JSHINT.scope = "(main)"; - } - - predefined = Object.create(standard); - declared = Object.create(null); - combine(predefined, g || {}); - - if (o) { - a = o.predef; - if (a) { - if (!Array.isArray(a) && typeof a === "object") { - a = Object.keys(a); - } - a.forEach(function (item) { - var slice; - if (item[0] === "-") { - slice = item.slice(1); - JSHINT.blacklist[slice] = slice; - } else { - predefined[item] = true; - } - }); - } - - optionKeys = Object.keys(o); - for (x = 0; x < optionKeys.length; x++) { - newOptionObj[optionKeys[x]] = o[optionKeys[x]]; - - if (optionKeys[x] === "newcap" && o[optionKeys[x]] === false) - newOptionObj["(explicitNewcap)"] = true; - - if (optionKeys[x] === "indent") - newOptionObj.white = true; - } - } - - option = newOptionObj; - - option.indent = option.indent || 4; - option.maxerr = option.maxerr || 50; - - tab = ""; - for (i = 0; i < option.indent; i += 1) { - tab += " "; - } - indent = 1; - global = Object.create(predefined); - scope = global; - funct = { - "(global)": true, - "(name)": "(global)", - "(scope)": scope, - "(breakage)": 0, - "(loopage)": 0, - "(tokens)": {}, - "(metrics)": createMetrics(nexttoken) - }; - functions = [funct]; - urls = []; - stack = null; - member = {}; - membersOnly = null; - implied = {}; - inblock = false; - lookahead = []; - jsonmode = false; - warnings = 0; - lines = []; - unuseds = []; - - if (!isString(s) && !Array.isArray(s)) { - errorAt("Input is neither a string nor an array of strings.", 0); - return false; - } - - if (isString(s) && /^\s*$/g.test(s)) { - errorAt("Input is an empty string.", 0); - return false; - } - - if (s.length === 0) { - errorAt("Input is an empty array.", 0); - return false; - } - - lex.init(s); - - prereg = true; - directive = {}; - - prevtoken = token = nexttoken = syntax["(begin)"]; - - // Check options - for (var name in o) { - if (is_own(o, name)) { - checkOption(name, token); - } - } - - assume(); - - // combine the passed globals after we've assumed all our options - combine(predefined, g || {}); - - //reset values - comma.first = true; - quotmark = undefined; - - try { - advance(); - switch ( { - case "{": - case "[": - option.laxbreak = true; - jsonmode = true; - jsonValue(); - break; - default: - directives(); - if (directive["use strict"] && !option.globalstrict) { - warning("Use the function form of \"use strict\".", prevtoken); - } - - statements(); - } - advance((nexttoken && nexttoken.value !== ".") ? "(end)" : undefined); - - var markDefined = function (name, context) { - do { - if (typeof context[name] === "string") { - // JSHINT marks unused variables as 'unused' and - // unused function declaration as 'unction'. This - // code changes such instances back 'var' and - // 'closure' so that the code in - // doesn't think they're unused. - - if (context[name] === "unused") - context[name] = "var"; - else if (context[name] === "unction") - context[name] = "closure"; - - return true; - } - - context = context["(context)"]; - } while (context); - - return false; - }; - - var clearImplied = function (name, line) { - if (!implied[name]) - return; - - var newImplied = []; - for (var i = 0; i < implied[name].length; i += 1) { - if (implied[name][i] !== line) - newImplied.push(implied[name][i]); - } - - if (newImplied.length === 0) - delete implied[name]; - else - implied[name] = newImplied; - }; - - var warnUnused = function (name, token) { - var line = token.line; - var chr = token.character; - - if (option.unused) - warningAt("'{a}' is defined but never used.", line, chr, name); - - unuseds.push({ - name: name, - line: line, - character: chr - }); - }; - - var checkUnused = function (func, key) { - var type = func[key]; - var token = func["(tokens)"][key]; - - if (key.charAt(0) === "(") - return; - - if (type !== "unused" && type !== "unction") - return; - - // Params are checked separately from other variables. - if (func["(params)"] && func["(params)"].indexOf(key) !== -1) - return; - - warnUnused(key, token); - }; - - // Check queued 'x is not defined' instances to see if they're still undefined. - for (i = 0; i < JSHINT.undefs.length; i += 1) { - k = JSHINT.undefs[i].slice(0); - - if (markDefined(k[2].value, k[0])) { - clearImplied(k[2].value, k[2].line); - } else { - warning.apply(warning, k.slice(1)); - } - } - - functions.forEach(function (func) { - for (var key in func) { - if (is_own(func, key)) { - checkUnused(func, key); - } - } - - if (!func["(params)"]) - return; - - var params = func["(params)"].slice(); - var param = params.pop(); - var type; - - while (param) { - type = func[param]; - - // 'undefined' is a special case for (function (window, undefined) { ... })(); - // patterns. - - if (param === "undefined") - return; - - if (type !== "unused" && type !== "unction") - return; - - warnUnused(param, func["(tokens)"][param]); - param = params.pop(); - } - }); - - for (var key in declared) { - if (is_own(declared, key) && !is_own(global, key)) { - warnUnused(key, declared[key]); - } - } - } catch (e) { - if (e) { - var nt = nexttoken || {}; - JSHINT.errors.push({ - raw : e.raw, - reason : e.message, - line : e.line || nt.line, - character : e.character || nt.from - }, null); - } - } - - // Loop over the listed "internals", and check them as well. - - if (JSHINT.scope === "(main)") { - o = o || {}; - - for (i = 0; i < JSHINT.internals.length; i += 1) { - k = JSHINT.internals[i]; - o.scope = k.elem; - itself(k.value, o, g); - } - } - - return JSHINT.errors.length === 0; - }; - - // Data summary. - = function () { - var data = { - functions: [], - options: option - }; - var implieds = []; - var members = []; - var fu, f, i, j, n, globals; - - if (itself.errors.length) { - data.errors = itself.errors; - } - - if (jsonmode) { - data.json = true; - } - - for (n in implied) { - if (is_own(implied, n)) { - implieds.push({ - name: n, - line: implied[n] - }); - } - } - - if (implieds.length > 0) { - data.implieds = implieds; - } - - if (urls.length > 0) { - data.urls = urls; - } - - globals = Object.keys(scope); - if (globals.length > 0) { - data.globals = globals; - } - - for (i = 1; i < functions.length; i += 1) { - f = functions[i]; - fu = {}; - - for (j = 0; j < functionicity.length; j += 1) { - fu[functionicity[j]] = []; - } - - for (j = 0; j < functionicity.length; j += 1) { - if (fu[functionicity[j]].length === 0) { - delete fu[functionicity[j]]; - } - } - - = f["(name)"]; - fu.param = f["(params)"]; - fu.line = f["(line)"]; - fu.character = f["(character)"]; - fu.last = f["(last)"]; - fu.lastcharacter = f["(lastcharacter)"]; - data.functions.push(fu); - } - - if (unuseds.length > 0) { - data.unused = unuseds; - } - - members = []; - for (n in member) { - if (typeof member[n] === "number") { - data.member = member; - break; - } - } - - return data; - }; - - itself.jshint = itself; - - return itself; -}()); - -// Make JSHINT a Node module, if possible. -if (typeof exports === "object" && exports) { - exports.JSHINT = JSHINT; -} diff --git a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.css b/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.css deleted file mode 100644 index d7fc0c8..0000000 --- a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -/** - * QUnit v1.11.0 - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework - * - * - * - * Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -/** Font Family and Sizes */ - -#qunit-tests, #qunit-header, #qunit-banner, #qunit-testrunner-toolbar, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult { - font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "HelveticaNeue-Light", "Helvetica Neue", Calibri, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -} - -#qunit-testrunner-toolbar, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult, #qunit-tests li { font-size: small; } -#qunit-tests { font-size: smaller; } - - -/** Resets */ - -#qunit-tests, #qunit-header, #qunit-banner, #qunit-userAgent, #qunit-testresult, #qunit-modulefilter { - margin: 0; - padding: 0; -} - - -/** Header */ - -#qunit-header { - padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 1em; - - color: #8699a4; - background-color: #0d3349; - - font-size: 1.5em; - line-height: 1em; - font-weight: normal; - - border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; - -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; - -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px; - -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; -} - -#qunit-header a { - text-decoration: none; - color: #c2ccd1; -} - -#qunit-header a:hover, -#qunit-header a:focus { - color: #fff; -} - -#qunit-testrunner-toolbar label { - display: inline-block; - padding: 0 .5em 0 .1em; -} - -#qunit-banner { - height: 5px; -} - -#qunit-testrunner-toolbar { - padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 2em; - color: #5E740B; - background-color: #eee; - overflow: hidden; -} - -#qunit-userAgent { - padding: 0.5em 0 0.5em 2.5em; - background-color: #2b81af; - color: #fff; - text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 2px 2px 1px; -} - -#qunit-modulefilter-container { - float: right; -} - -/** Tests: Pass/Fail */ - -#qunit-tests { - list-style-position: inside; -} - -#qunit-tests li { - padding: 0.4em 0.5em 0.4em 2.5em; - border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; - list-style-position: inside; -} - -#qunit-tests.hidepass li.pass, #qunit-tests.hidepass li.running { - display: none; -} - -#qunit-tests li strong { - cursor: pointer; -} - -#qunit-tests li a { - padding: 0.5em; - color: #c2ccd1; - text-decoration: none; -} -#qunit-tests li a:hover, -#qunit-tests li a:focus { - color: #000; -} - -#qunit-tests li .runtime { - float: right; - font-size: smaller; -} - -.qunit-assert-list { - margin-top: 0.5em; - padding: 0.5em; - - background-color: #fff; - - border-radius: 5px; - -moz-border-radius: 5px; - -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -} - -.qunit-collapsed { - display: none; -} - -#qunit-tests table { - border-collapse: collapse; - margin-top: .2em; -} - -#qunit-tests th { - text-align: right; - vertical-align: top; - padding: 0 .5em 0 0; -} - -#qunit-tests td { - vertical-align: top; -} - -#qunit-tests pre { - margin: 0; - white-space: pre-wrap; - word-wrap: break-word; -} - -#qunit-tests del { - background-color: #e0f2be; - color: #374e0c; - text-decoration: none; -} - -#qunit-tests ins { - background-color: #ffcaca; - color: #500; - text-decoration: none; -} - -/*** Test Counts */ - -#qunit-tests b.counts { color: black; } -#qunit-tests b.passed { color: #5E740B; } -#qunit-tests b.failed { color: #710909; } - -#qunit-tests li li { - padding: 5px; - background-color: #fff; - border-bottom: none; - list-style-position: inside; -} - -/*** Passing Styles */ - -#qunit-tests li li.pass { - color: #3c510c; - background-color: #fff; - border-left: 10px solid #C6E746; -} - -#qunit-tests .pass { color: #528CE0; background-color: #D2E0E6; } -#qunit-tests .pass .test-name { color: #366097; } - -#qunit-tests .pass .test-actual, -#qunit-tests .pass .test-expected { color: #999999; } - -#qunit-banner.qunit-pass { background-color: #C6E746; } - -/*** Failing Styles */ - -#qunit-tests li { - color: #710909; - background-color: #fff; - border-left: 10px solid #EE5757; - white-space: pre; -} - -#qunit-tests > li:last-child { - border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; - -moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; - -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; - -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; -} - -#qunit-tests .fail { color: #000000; background-color: #EE5757; } -#qunit-tests .fail .test-name, -#qunit-tests .fail .module-name { color: #000000; } - -#qunit-tests .fail .test-actual { color: #EE5757; } -#qunit-tests .fail .test-expected { color: green; } - -#qunit-banner.qunit-fail { background-color: #EE5757; } - - -/** Result */ - -#qunit-testresult { - padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 2.5em; - - color: #2b81af; - background-color: #D2E0E6; - - border-bottom: 1px solid white; -} -#qunit-testresult .module-name { - font-weight: bold; -} - -/** Fixture */ - -#qunit-fixture { - position: absolute; - top: -10000px; - left: -10000px; - width: 1000px; - height: 1000px; -} diff --git a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.js b/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.js deleted file mode 100644 index 302545f..0000000 --- a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/qunit-1.11.0.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2152 +0,0 @@ -/** - * QUnit v1.11.0 - A JavaScript Unit Testing Framework - * - * - * - * Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors - * Released under the MIT license. - * - */ - -(function( window ) { - -var QUnit, - assert, - config, - onErrorFnPrev, - testId = 0, - fileName = (sourceFromStacktrace( 0 ) || "" ).replace(/(:\d+)+\)?/, "").replace(/.+\//, ""), - toString = Object.prototype.toString, - hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, - // Keep a local reference to Date (GH-283) - Date = window.Date, - defined = { - setTimeout: typeof window.setTimeout !== "undefined", - sessionStorage: (function() { - var x = "qunit-test-string"; - try { - sessionStorage.setItem( x, x ); - sessionStorage.removeItem( x ); - return true; - } catch( e ) { - return false; - } - }()) - }, - /** - * Provides a normalized error string, correcting an issue - * with IE 7 (and prior) where Error.prototype.toString is - * not properly implemented - * - * Based on - * - * @param {String|Error} error - * @return {String} error message - */ - errorString = function( error ) { - var name, message, - errorString = error.toString(); - if ( errorString.substring( 0, 7 ) === "[object" ) { - name = ? : "Error"; - message = error.message ? error.message.toString() : ""; - if ( name && message ) { - return name + ": " + message; - } else if ( name ) { - return name; - } else if ( message ) { - return message; - } else { - return "Error"; - } - } else { - return errorString; - } - }, - /** - * Makes a clone of an object using only Array or Object as base, - * and copies over the own enumerable properties. - * - * @param {Object} obj - * @return {Object} New object with only the own properties (recursively). - */ - objectValues = function( obj ) { - // Grunt 0.3.x uses an older version of jshint that still has jshint/jshint#392. - /*jshint newcap: false */ - var key, val, - vals = "array", obj ) ? [] : {}; - for ( key in obj ) { - if ( obj, key ) ) { - val = obj[key]; - vals[key] = val === Object(val) ? objectValues(val) : val; - } - } - return vals; - }; - -function Test( settings ) { - extend( this, settings ); - this.assertions = []; - this.testNumber = ++Test.count; -} - -Test.count = 0; - -Test.prototype = { - init: function() { - var a, b, li, - tests = id( "qunit-tests" ); - - if ( tests ) { - b = document.createElement( "strong" ); - b.innerHTML = this.nameHtml; - - // `a` initialized at top of scope - a = document.createElement( "a" ); - a.innerHTML = "Rerun"; - a.href = QUnit.url({ testNumber: this.testNumber }); - - li = document.createElement( "li" ); - li.appendChild( b ); - li.appendChild( a ); - li.className = "running"; - = = "qunit-test-output" + testId++; - - tests.appendChild( li ); - } - }, - setup: function() { - if ( this.module !== config.previousModule ) { - if ( config.previousModule ) { - runLoggingCallbacks( "moduleDone", QUnit, { - name: config.previousModule, - failed: config.moduleStats.bad, - passed: config.moduleStats.all - config.moduleStats.bad, - total: config.moduleStats.all - }); - } - config.previousModule = this.module; - config.moduleStats = { all: 0, bad: 0 }; - runLoggingCallbacks( "moduleStart", QUnit, { - name: this.module - }); - } else if ( config.autorun ) { - runLoggingCallbacks( "moduleStart", QUnit, { - name: this.module - }); - } - - config.current = this; - - this.testEnvironment = extend({ - setup: function() {}, - teardown: function() {} - }, this.moduleTestEnvironment ); - - this.started = +new Date(); - runLoggingCallbacks( "testStart", QUnit, { - name: this.testName, - module: this.module - }); - - // allow utility functions to access the current test environment - // TODO why?? - QUnit.current_testEnvironment = this.testEnvironment; - - if ( !config.pollution ) { - saveGlobal(); - } - if ( config.notrycatch ) { - this.testEnvironment ); - return; - } - try { - this.testEnvironment ); - } catch( e ) { - QUnit.pushFailure( "Setup failed on " + this.testName + ": " + ( e.message || e ), extractStacktrace( e, 1 ) ); - } - }, - run: function() { - config.current = this; - - var running = id( "qunit-testresult" ); - - if ( running ) { - running.innerHTML = "Running:
" + this.nameHtml; - } - - if ( this.async ) { - QUnit.stop(); - } - - this.callbackStarted = +new Date(); - - if ( config.notrycatch ) { - this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); - this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; - return; - } - - try { - this.testEnvironment, QUnit.assert ); - this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; - } catch( e ) { - this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; - - QUnit.pushFailure( "Died on test #" + (this.assertions.length + 1) + " " + this.stack + ": " + ( e.message || e ), extractStacktrace( e, 0 ) ); - // else next test will carry the responsibility - saveGlobal(); - - // Restart the tests if they're blocking - if ( config.blocking ) { - QUnit.start(); - } - } - }, - teardown: function() { - config.current = this; - if ( config.notrycatch ) { - if ( typeof this.callbackRuntime === "undefined" ) { - this.callbackRuntime = +new Date() - this.callbackStarted; - } - this.testEnvironment ); - return; - } else { - try { - this.testEnvironment ); - } catch( e ) { - QUnit.pushFailure( "Teardown failed on " + this.testName + ": " + ( e.message || e ), extractStacktrace( e, 1 ) ); - } - } - checkPollution(); - }, - finish: function() { - config.current = this; - if ( config.requireExpects && this.expected === null ) { - QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected number of assertions to be defined, but expect() was not called.", this.stack ); - } else if ( this.expected !== null && this.expected !== this.assertions.length ) { - QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected " + this.expected + " assertions, but " + this.assertions.length + " were run", this.stack ); - } else if ( this.expected === null && !this.assertions.length ) { - QUnit.pushFailure( "Expected at least one assertion, but none were run - call expect(0) to accept zero assertions.", this.stack ); - } - - var i, assertion, a, b, time, li, ol, - test = this, - good = 0, - bad = 0, - tests = id( "qunit-tests" ); - - this.runtime = +new Date() - this.started; - config.stats.all += this.assertions.length; - config.moduleStats.all += this.assertions.length; - - if ( tests ) { - ol = document.createElement( "ol" ); - ol.className = "qunit-assert-list"; - - for ( i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) { - assertion = this.assertions[i]; - - li = document.createElement( "li" ); - li.className = assertion.result ? "pass" : "fail"; - li.innerHTML = assertion.message || ( assertion.result ? "okay" : "failed" ); - ol.appendChild( li ); - - if ( assertion.result ) { - good++; - } else { - bad++; - config.stats.bad++; - config.moduleStats.bad++; - } - } - - // store result when possible - if ( QUnit.config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage ) { - if ( bad ) { - sessionStorage.setItem( "qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName, bad ); - } else { - sessionStorage.removeItem( "qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName ); - } - } - - if ( bad === 0 ) { - addClass( ol, "qunit-collapsed" ); - } - - // `b` initialized at top of scope - b = document.createElement( "strong" ); - b.innerHTML = this.nameHtml + " (" + bad + ", " + good + ", " + this.assertions.length + ")"; - - addEvent(b, "click", function() { - var next = b.parentNode.lastChild, - collapsed = hasClass( next, "qunit-collapsed" ); - ( collapsed ? removeClass : addClass )( next, "qunit-collapsed" ); - }); - - addEvent(b, "dblclick", function( e ) { - var target = e && ? : window.event.srcElement; - if ( target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "span" || target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "b" ) { - target = target.parentNode; - } - if ( window.location && target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "strong" ) { - window.location = QUnit.url({ testNumber: test.testNumber }); - } - }); - - // `time` initialized at top of scope - time = document.createElement( "span" ); - time.className = "runtime"; - time.innerHTML = this.runtime + " ms"; - - // `li` initialized at top of scope - li = id( ); - li.className = bad ? "fail" : "pass"; - li.removeChild( li.firstChild ); - a = li.firstChild; - li.appendChild( b ); - li.appendChild( a ); - li.appendChild( time ); - li.appendChild( ol ); - - } else { - for ( i = 0; i < this.assertions.length; i++ ) { - if ( !this.assertions[i].result ) { - bad++; - config.stats.bad++; - config.moduleStats.bad++; - } - } - } - - runLoggingCallbacks( "testDone", QUnit, { - name: this.testName, - module: this.module, - failed: bad, - passed: this.assertions.length - bad, - total: this.assertions.length, - duration: this.runtime - }); - - QUnit.reset(); - - config.current = undefined; - }, - - queue: function() { - var bad, - test = this; - - synchronize(function() { - test.init(); - }); - function run() { - // each of these can by async - synchronize(function() { - test.setup(); - }); - synchronize(function() { -; - }); - synchronize(function() { - test.teardown(); - }); - synchronize(function() { - test.finish(); - }); - } - - // `bad` initialized at top of scope - // defer when previous test run passed, if storage is available - bad = QUnit.config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage && - +sessionStorage.getItem( "qunit-test-" + this.module + "-" + this.testName ); - - if ( bad ) { - run(); - } else { - synchronize( run, true ); - } - } -}; - -// Root QUnit object. -// `QUnit` initialized at top of scope -QUnit = { - - // call on start of module test to prepend name to all tests - module: function( name, testEnvironment ) { - config.currentModule = name; - config.currentModuleTestEnvironment = testEnvironment; - config.modules[name] = true; - }, - - asyncTest: function( testName, expected, callback ) { - if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { - callback = expected; - expected = null; - } - - QUnit.test( testName, expected, callback, true ); - }, - - test: function( testName, expected, callback, async ) { - var test, - nameHtml = "" + escapeText( testName ) + ""; - - if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { - callback = expected; - expected = null; - } - - if ( config.currentModule ) { - nameHtml = "" + escapeText( config.currentModule ) + ": " + nameHtml; - } - - test = new Test({ - nameHtml: nameHtml, - testName: testName, - expected: expected, - async: async, - callback: callback, - module: config.currentModule, - moduleTestEnvironment: config.currentModuleTestEnvironment, - stack: sourceFromStacktrace( 2 ) - }); - - if ( !validTest( test ) ) { - return; - } - - test.queue(); - }, - - // Specify the number of expected assertions to gurantee that failed test (no assertions are run at all) don't slip through. - expect: function( asserts ) { - if (arguments.length === 1) { - config.current.expected = asserts; - } else { - return config.current.expected; - } - }, - - start: function( count ) { - // QUnit hasn't been initialized yet. - // Note: RequireJS (et al) may delay onLoad - if ( config.semaphore === undefined ) { - QUnit.begin(function() { - // This is triggered at the top of QUnit.load, push start() to the event loop, to allow QUnit.load to finish first - setTimeout(function() { - QUnit.start( count ); - }); - }); - return; - } - - config.semaphore -= count || 1; - // don't start until equal number of stop-calls - if ( config.semaphore > 0 ) { - return; - } - // ignore if start is called more often then stop - if ( config.semaphore < 0 ) { - config.semaphore = 0; - QUnit.pushFailure( "Called start() while already started (QUnit.config.semaphore was 0 already)", null, sourceFromStacktrace(2) ); - return; - } - // A slight delay, to avoid any current callbacks - if ( defined.setTimeout ) { - window.setTimeout(function() { - if ( config.semaphore > 0 ) { - return; - } - if ( config.timeout ) { - clearTimeout( config.timeout ); - } - - config.blocking = false; - process( true ); - }, 13); - } else { - config.blocking = false; - process( true ); - } - }, - - stop: function( count ) { - config.semaphore += count || 1; - config.blocking = true; - - if ( config.testTimeout && defined.setTimeout ) { - clearTimeout( config.timeout ); - config.timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { - QUnit.ok( false, "Test timed out" ); - config.semaphore = 1; - QUnit.start(); - }, config.testTimeout ); - } - } -}; - -// `assert` initialized at top of scope -// Asssert helpers -// All of these must either call QUnit.push() or manually do: -// - runLoggingCallbacks( "log", .. ); -// - config.current.assertions.push({ .. }); -// We attach it to the QUnit object *after* we expose the public API, -// otherwise `assert` will become a global variable in browsers (#341). -assert = { - /** - * Asserts rough true-ish result. - * @name ok - * @function - * @example ok( "asdfasdf".length > 5, "There must be at least 5 chars" ); - */ - ok: function( result, msg ) { - if ( !config.current ) { - throw new Error( "ok() assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace(2) ); - } - result = !!result; - - var source, - details = { - module: config.current.module, - name: config.current.testName, - result: result, - message: msg - }; - - msg = escapeText( msg || (result ? "okay" : "failed" ) ); - msg = "" + msg + ""; - - if ( !result ) { - source = sourceFromStacktrace( 2 ); - if ( source ) { - details.source = source; - msg += "
" + escapeText( source ) + "
"; - } - } - runLoggingCallbacks( "log", QUnit, details ); - config.current.assertions.push({ - result: result, - message: msg - }); - }, - - /** - * Assert that the first two arguments are equal, with an optional message. - * Prints out both actual and expected values. - * @name equal - * @function - * @example equal( format( "Received {0} bytes.", 2), "Received 2 bytes.", "format() replaces {0} with next argument" ); - */ - equal: function( actual, expected, message ) { - /*jshint eqeqeq:false */ - QUnit.push( expected == actual, actual, expected, message ); - }, - - /** - * @name notEqual - * @function - */ - notEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { - /*jshint eqeqeq:false */ - QUnit.push( expected != actual, actual, expected, message ); - }, - - /** - * @name propEqual - * @function - */ - propEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { - actual = objectValues(actual); - expected = objectValues(expected); - QUnit.push( QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); - }, - - /** - * @name notPropEqual - * @function - */ - notPropEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { - actual = objectValues(actual); - expected = objectValues(expected); - QUnit.push( !QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); - }, - - /** - * @name deepEqual - * @function - */ - deepEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { - QUnit.push( QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); - }, - - /** - * @name notDeepEqual - * @function - */ - notDeepEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { - QUnit.push( !QUnit.equiv(actual, expected), actual, expected, message ); - }, - - /** - * @name strictEqual - * @function - */ - strictEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { - QUnit.push( expected === actual, actual, expected, message ); - }, - - /** - * @name notStrictEqual - * @function - */ - notStrictEqual: function( actual, expected, message ) { - QUnit.push( expected !== actual, actual, expected, message ); - }, - - "throws": function( block, expected, message ) { - var actual, - expectedOutput = expected, - ok = false; - - // 'expected' is optional - if ( typeof expected === "string" ) { - message = expected; - expected = null; - } - - config.current.ignoreGlobalErrors = true; - try { - config.current.testEnvironment ); - } catch (e) { - actual = e; - } - config.current.ignoreGlobalErrors = false; - - if ( actual ) { - // we don't want to validate thrown error - if ( !expected ) { - ok = true; - expectedOutput = null; - // expected is a regexp - } else if ( QUnit.objectType( expected ) === "regexp" ) { - ok = expected.test( errorString( actual ) ); - // expected is a constructor - } else if ( actual instanceof expected ) { - ok = true; - // expected is a validation function which returns true is validation passed - } else if ( {}, actual ) === true ) { - expectedOutput = null; - ok = true; - } - - QUnit.push( ok, actual, expectedOutput, message ); - } else { - QUnit.pushFailure( message, null, 'No exception was thrown.' ); - } - } -}; - -/** - * @deprecate since 1.8.0 - * Kept assertion helpers in root for backwards compatibility. - */ -extend( QUnit, assert ); - -/** - * @deprecated since 1.9.0 - * Kept root "raises()" for backwards compatibility. - * (Note that we don't introduce assert.raises). - */ -QUnit.raises = assert[ "throws" ]; - -/** - * @deprecated since 1.0.0, replaced with error pushes since 1.3.0 - * Kept to avoid TypeErrors for undefined methods. - */ -QUnit.equals = function() { - QUnit.push( false, false, false, "QUnit.equals has been deprecated since 2009 (e88049a0), use QUnit.equal instead" ); -}; -QUnit.same = function() { - QUnit.push( false, false, false, "QUnit.same has been deprecated since 2009 (e88049a0), use QUnit.deepEqual instead" ); -}; - -// We want access to the constructor's prototype -(function() { - function F() {} - F.prototype = QUnit; - QUnit = new F(); - // Make F QUnit's constructor so that we can add to the prototype later - QUnit.constructor = F; -}()); - -/** - * Config object: Maintain internal state - * Later exposed as QUnit.config - * `config` initialized at top of scope - */ -config = { - // The queue of tests to run - queue: [], - - // block until document ready - blocking: true, - - // when enabled, show only failing tests - // gets persisted through sessionStorage and can be changed in UI via checkbox - hidepassed: false, - - // by default, run previously failed tests first - // very useful in combination with "Hide passed tests" checked - reorder: true, - - // by default, modify document.title when suite is done - altertitle: true, - - // when enabled, all tests must call expect() - requireExpects: false, - - // add checkboxes that are persisted in the query-string - // when enabled, the id is set to `true` as a `QUnit.config` property - urlConfig: [ - { - id: "noglobals", - label: "Check for Globals", - tooltip: "Enabling this will test if any test introduces new properties on the `window` object. Stored as query-strings." - }, - { - id: "notrycatch", - label: "No try-catch", - tooltip: "Enabling this will run tests outside of a try-catch block. Makes debugging exceptions in IE reasonable. Stored as query-strings." - } - ], - - // Set of all modules. - modules: {}, - - // logging callback queues - begin: [], - done: [], - log: [], - testStart: [], - testDone: [], - moduleStart: [], - moduleDone: [] -}; - -// Export global variables, unless an 'exports' object exists, -// in that case we assume we're in CommonJS (dealt with on the bottom of the script) -if ( typeof exports === "undefined" ) { - extend( window, QUnit ); - - // Expose QUnit object - window.QUnit = QUnit; -} - -// Initialize more QUnit.config and QUnit.urlParams -(function() { - var i, - location = window.location || { search: "", protocol: "file:" }, - params = 1 ).split( "&" ), - length = params.length, - urlParams = {}, - current; - - if ( params[ 0 ] ) { - for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { - current = params[ i ].split( "=" ); - current[ 0 ] = decodeURIComponent( current[ 0 ] ); - // allow just a key to turn on a flag, e.g., test.html?noglobals - current[ 1 ] = current[ 1 ] ? decodeURIComponent( current[ 1 ] ) : true; - urlParams[ current[ 0 ] ] = current[ 1 ]; - } - } - - QUnit.urlParams = urlParams; - - // String search anywhere in moduleName+testName - config.filter = urlParams.filter; - - // Exact match of the module name - config.module = urlParams.module; - - config.testNumber = parseInt( urlParams.testNumber, 10 ) || null; - - // Figure out if we're running the tests from a server or not - QUnit.isLocal = location.protocol === "file:"; -}()); - -// Extend QUnit object, -// these after set here because they should not be exposed as global functions -extend( QUnit, { - assert: assert, - - config: config, - - // Initialize the configuration options - init: function() { - extend( config, { - stats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, - moduleStats: { all: 0, bad: 0 }, - started: +new Date(), - updateRate: 1000, - blocking: false, - autostart: true, - autorun: false, - filter: "", - queue: [], - semaphore: 1 - }); - - var tests, banner, result, - qunit = id( "qunit" ); - - if ( qunit ) { - qunit.innerHTML = - "

" + escapeText( document.title ) + "

" + - "

" + - "
" + - "

" + - "
    "; - } - - tests = id( "qunit-tests" ); - banner = id( "qunit-banner" ); - result = id( "qunit-testresult" ); - - if ( tests ) { - tests.innerHTML = ""; - } - - if ( banner ) { - banner.className = ""; - } - - if ( result ) { - result.parentNode.removeChild( result ); - } - - if ( tests ) { - result = document.createElement( "p" ); - = "qunit-testresult"; - result.className = "result"; - tests.parentNode.insertBefore( result, tests ); - result.innerHTML = "Running...
     "; - } - }, - - // Resets the test setup. Useful for tests that modify the DOM. - reset: function() { - var fixture = id( "qunit-fixture" ); - if ( fixture ) { - fixture.innerHTML = config.fixture; - } - }, - - // Trigger an event on an element. - // @example triggerEvent( document.body, "click" ); - triggerEvent: function( elem, type, event ) { - if ( document.createEvent ) { - event = document.createEvent( "MouseEvents" ); - event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, elem.ownerDocument.defaultView, - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); - - elem.dispatchEvent( event ); - } else if ( elem.fireEvent ) { - elem.fireEvent( "on" + type ); - } - }, - - // Safe object type checking - is: function( type, obj ) { - return QUnit.objectType( obj ) === type; - }, - - objectType: function( obj ) { - if ( typeof obj === "undefined" ) { - return "undefined"; - // consider: typeof null === object - } - if ( obj === null ) { - return "null"; - } - - var match = obj ).match(/^\[object\s(.*)\]$/), - type = match && match[1] || ""; - - switch ( type ) { - case "Number": - if ( isNaN(obj) ) { - return "nan"; - } - return "number"; - case "String": - case "Boolean": - case "Array": - case "Date": - case "RegExp": - case "Function": - return type.toLowerCase(); - } - if ( typeof obj === "object" ) { - return "object"; - } - return undefined; - }, - - push: function( result, actual, expected, message ) { - if ( !config.current ) { - throw new Error( "assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace() ); - } - - var output, source, - details = { - module: config.current.module, - name: config.current.testName, - result: result, - message: message, - actual: actual, - expected: expected - }; - - message = escapeText( message ) || ( result ? "okay" : "failed" ); - message = "" + message + ""; - output = message; - - if ( !result ) { - expected = escapeText( QUnit.jsDump.parse(expected) ); - actual = escapeText( QUnit.jsDump.parse(actual) ); - output += ""; - - if ( actual !== expected ) { - output += ""; - output += ""; - } - - source = sourceFromStacktrace(); - - if ( source ) { - details.source = source; - output += ""; - } - - output += "
    " + expected + "
    " + actual + "
    " + QUnit.diff( expected, actual ) + "
    " + escapeText( source ) + "
    "; - } - - runLoggingCallbacks( "log", QUnit, details ); - - config.current.assertions.push({ - result: !!result, - message: output - }); - }, - - pushFailure: function( message, source, actual ) { - if ( !config.current ) { - throw new Error( "pushFailure() assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromStacktrace(2) ); - } - - var output, - details = { - module: config.current.module, - name: config.current.testName, - result: false, - message: message - }; - - message = escapeText( message ) || "error"; - message = "" + message + ""; - output = message; - - output += ""; - - if ( actual ) { - output += ""; - } - - if ( source ) { - details.source = source; - output += ""; - } - - output += "
    " + escapeText( actual ) + "
    " + escapeText( source ) + "
    "; - - runLoggingCallbacks( "log", QUnit, details ); - - config.current.assertions.push({ - result: false, - message: output - }); - }, - - url: function( params ) { - params = extend( extend( {}, QUnit.urlParams ), params ); - var key, - querystring = "?"; - - for ( key in params ) { - if ( ! params, key ) ) { - continue; - } - querystring += encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + - encodeURIComponent( params[ key ] ) + "&"; - } - return window.location.protocol + "//" + + - window.location.pathname + querystring.slice( 0, -1 ); - }, - - extend: extend, - id: id, - addEvent: addEvent - // load, equiv, jsDump, diff: Attached later -}); - -/** - * @deprecated: Created for backwards compatibility with test runner that set the hook function - * into QUnit.{hook}, instead of invoking it and passing the hook function. - * QUnit.constructor is set to the empty F() above so that we can add to it's prototype here. - * Doing this allows us to tell if the following methods have been overwritten on the actual - * QUnit object. - */ -extend( QUnit.constructor.prototype, { - - // Logging callbacks; all receive a single argument with the listed properties - // run test/logs.html for any related changes - begin: registerLoggingCallback( "begin" ), - - // done: { failed, passed, total, runtime } - done: registerLoggingCallback( "done" ), - - // log: { result, actual, expected, message } - log: registerLoggingCallback( "log" ), - - // testStart: { name } - testStart: registerLoggingCallback( "testStart" ), - - // testDone: { name, failed, passed, total, duration } - testDone: registerLoggingCallback( "testDone" ), - - // moduleStart: { name } - moduleStart: registerLoggingCallback( "moduleStart" ), - - // moduleDone: { name, failed, passed, total } - moduleDone: registerLoggingCallback( "moduleDone" ) -}); - -if ( typeof document === "undefined" || document.readyState === "complete" ) { - config.autorun = true; -} - -QUnit.load = function() { - runLoggingCallbacks( "begin", QUnit, {} ); - - // Initialize the config, saving the execution queue - var banner, filter, i, label, len, main, ol, toolbar, userAgent, val, - urlConfigCheckboxesContainer, urlConfigCheckboxes, moduleFilter, - numModules = 0, - moduleFilterHtml = "", - urlConfigHtml = "", - oldconfig = extend( {}, config ); - - QUnit.init(); - extend(config, oldconfig); - - config.blocking = false; - - len = config.urlConfig.length; - - for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { - val = config.urlConfig[i]; - if ( typeof val === "string" ) { - val = { - id: val, - label: val, - tooltip: "[no tooltip available]" - }; - } - config[ ] = QUnit.urlParams[ ]; - urlConfigHtml += ""; - } - - moduleFilterHtml += ""; - - // `userAgent` initialized at top of scope - userAgent = id( "qunit-userAgent" ); - if ( userAgent ) { - userAgent.innerHTML = navigator.userAgent; - } - - // `banner` initialized at top of scope - banner = id( "qunit-header" ); - if ( banner ) { - banner.innerHTML = "" + banner.innerHTML + " "; - } - - // `toolbar` initialized at top of scope - toolbar = id( "qunit-testrunner-toolbar" ); - if ( toolbar ) { - // `filter` initialized at top of scope - filter = document.createElement( "input" ); - filter.type = "checkbox"; - = "qunit-filter-pass"; - - addEvent( filter, "click", function() { - var tmp, - ol = document.getElementById( "qunit-tests" ); - - if ( filter.checked ) { - ol.className = ol.className + " hidepass"; - } else { - tmp = " " + ol.className.replace( /[\n\t\r]/g, " " ) + " "; - ol.className = tmp.replace( / hidepass /, " " ); - } - if ( defined.sessionStorage ) { - if (filter.checked) { - sessionStorage.setItem( "qunit-filter-passed-tests", "true" ); - } else { - sessionStorage.removeItem( "qunit-filter-passed-tests" ); - } - } - }); - - if ( config.hidepassed || defined.sessionStorage && sessionStorage.getItem( "qunit-filter-passed-tests" ) ) { - filter.checked = true; - // `ol` initialized at top of scope - ol = document.getElementById( "qunit-tests" ); - ol.className = ol.className + " hidepass"; - } - toolbar.appendChild( filter ); - - // `label` initialized at top of scope - label = document.createElement( "label" ); - label.setAttribute( "for", "qunit-filter-pass" ); - label.setAttribute( "title", "Only show tests and assertons that fail. Stored in sessionStorage." ); - label.innerHTML = "Hide passed tests"; - toolbar.appendChild( label ); - - urlConfigCheckboxesContainer = document.createElement("span"); - urlConfigCheckboxesContainer.innerHTML = urlConfigHtml; - urlConfigCheckboxes = urlConfigCheckboxesContainer.getElementsByTagName("input"); - // For oldIE support: - // * Add handlers to the individual elements instead of the container - // * Use "click" instead of "change" - // * Fallback from to event.srcElement - addEvents( urlConfigCheckboxes, "click", function( event ) { - var params = {}, - target = || event.srcElement; - params[ ] = target.checked ? true : undefined; - window.location = QUnit.url( params ); - }); - toolbar.appendChild( urlConfigCheckboxesContainer ); - - if (numModules > 1) { - moduleFilter = document.createElement( 'span' ); - moduleFilter.setAttribute( 'id', 'qunit-modulefilter-container' ); - moduleFilter.innerHTML = moduleFilterHtml; - addEvent( moduleFilter.lastChild, "change", function() { - var selectBox = moduleFilter.getElementsByTagName("select")[0], - selectedModule = decodeURIComponent(selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex].value); - - window.location = QUnit.url( { module: ( selectedModule === "" ) ? undefined : selectedModule } ); - }); - toolbar.appendChild(moduleFilter); - } - } - - // `main` initialized at top of scope - main = id( "qunit-fixture" ); - if ( main ) { - config.fixture = main.innerHTML; - } - - if ( config.autostart ) { - QUnit.start(); - } -}; - -addEvent( window, "load", QUnit.load ); - -// `onErrorFnPrev` initialized at top of scope -// Preserve other handlers -onErrorFnPrev = window.onerror; - -// Cover uncaught exceptions -// Returning true will surpress the default browser handler, -// returning false will let it run. -window.onerror = function ( error, filePath, linerNr ) { - var ret = false; - if ( onErrorFnPrev ) { - ret = onErrorFnPrev( error, filePath, linerNr ); - } - - // Treat return value as window.onerror itself does, - // Only do our handling if not surpressed. - if ( ret !== true ) { - if ( QUnit.config.current ) { - if ( QUnit.config.current.ignoreGlobalErrors ) { - return true; - } - QUnit.pushFailure( error, filePath + ":" + linerNr ); - } else { - QUnit.test( "global failure", extend( function() { - QUnit.pushFailure( error, filePath + ":" + linerNr ); - }, { validTest: validTest } ) ); - } - return false; - } - - return ret; -}; - -function done() { - config.autorun = true; - - // Log the last module results - if ( config.currentModule ) { - runLoggingCallbacks( "moduleDone", QUnit, { - name: config.currentModule, - failed: config.moduleStats.bad, - passed: config.moduleStats.all - config.moduleStats.bad, - total: config.moduleStats.all - }); - } - - var i, key, - banner = id( "qunit-banner" ), - tests = id( "qunit-tests" ), - runtime = +new Date() - config.started, - passed = config.stats.all - config.stats.bad, - html = [ - "Tests completed in ", - runtime, - " milliseconds.
    ", - "", - passed, - " assertions of ", - config.stats.all, - " passed, ", - config.stats.bad, - " failed." - ].join( "" ); - - if ( banner ) { - banner.className = ( config.stats.bad ? "qunit-fail" : "qunit-pass" ); - } - - if ( tests ) { - id( "qunit-testresult" ).innerHTML = html; - } - - if ( config.altertitle && typeof document !== "undefined" && document.title ) { - // show ✖ for good, ✔ for bad suite result in title - // use escape sequences in case file gets loaded with non-utf-8-charset - document.title = [ - ( config.stats.bad ? "\u2716" : "\u2714" ), - document.title.replace( /^[\u2714\u2716] /i, "" ) - ].join( " " ); - } - - // clear own sessionStorage items if all tests passed - if ( config.reorder && defined.sessionStorage && config.stats.bad === 0 ) { - // `key` & `i` initialized at top of scope - for ( i = 0; i < sessionStorage.length; i++ ) { - key = sessionStorage.key( i++ ); - if ( key.indexOf( "qunit-test-" ) === 0 ) { - sessionStorage.removeItem( key ); - } - } - } - - // scroll back to top to show results - if ( window.scrollTo ) { - window.scrollTo(0, 0); - } - - runLoggingCallbacks( "done", QUnit, { - failed: config.stats.bad, - passed: passed, - total: config.stats.all, - runtime: runtime - }); -} - -/** @return Boolean: true if this test should be ran */ -function validTest( test ) { - var include, - filter = config.filter && config.filter.toLowerCase(), - module = config.module && config.module.toLowerCase(), - fullName = (test.module + ": " + test.testName).toLowerCase(); - - // Internally-generated tests are always valid - if ( test.callback && test.callback.validTest === validTest ) { - delete test.callback.validTest; - return true; - } - - if ( config.testNumber ) { - return test.testNumber === config.testNumber; - } - - if ( module && ( !test.module || test.module.toLowerCase() !== module ) ) { - return false; - } - - if ( !filter ) { - return true; - } - - include = filter.charAt( 0 ) !== "!"; - if ( !include ) { - filter = filter.slice( 1 ); - } - - // If the filter matches, we need to honour include - if ( fullName.indexOf( filter ) !== -1 ) { - return include; - } - - // Otherwise, do the opposite - return !include; -} - -// so far supports only Firefox, Chrome and Opera (buggy), Safari (for real exceptions) -// Later Safari and IE10 are supposed to support error.stack as well -// See also -function extractStacktrace( e, offset ) { - offset = offset === undefined ? 3 : offset; - - var stack, include, i; - - if ( e.stacktrace ) { - // Opera - return e.stacktrace.split( "\n" )[ offset + 3 ]; - } else if ( e.stack ) { - // Firefox, Chrome - stack = e.stack.split( "\n" ); - if (/^error$/i.test( stack[0] ) ) { - stack.shift(); - } - if ( fileName ) { - include = []; - for ( i = offset; i < stack.length; i++ ) { - if ( stack[ i ].indexOf( fileName ) !== -1 ) { - break; - } - include.push( stack[ i ] ); - } - if ( include.length ) { - return include.join( "\n" ); - } - } - return stack[ offset ]; - } else if ( e.sourceURL ) { - // Safari, PhantomJS - // hopefully one day Safari provides actual stacktraces - // exclude useless self-reference for generated Error objects - if ( /qunit.js$/.test( e.sourceURL ) ) { - return; - } - // for actual exceptions, this is useful - return e.sourceURL + ":" + e.line; - } -} -function sourceFromStacktrace( offset ) { - try { - throw new Error(); - } catch ( e ) { - return extractStacktrace( e, offset ); - } -} - -/** - * Escape text for attribute or text content. - */ -function escapeText( s ) { - if ( !s ) { - return ""; - } - s = s + ""; - // Both single quotes and double quotes (for attributes) - return s.replace( /['"<>&]/g, function( s ) { - switch( s ) { - case '\'': - return '''; - case '"': - return '"'; - case '<': - return '<'; - case '>': - return '>'; - case '&': - return '&'; - } - }); -} - -function synchronize( callback, last ) { - config.queue.push( callback ); - - if ( config.autorun && !config.blocking ) { - process( last ); - } -} - -function process( last ) { - function next() { - process( last ); - } - var start = new Date().getTime(); - config.depth = config.depth ? config.depth + 1 : 1; - - while ( config.queue.length && !config.blocking ) { - if ( !defined.setTimeout || config.updateRate <= 0 || ( ( new Date().getTime() - start ) < config.updateRate ) ) { - config.queue.shift()(); - } else { - window.setTimeout( next, 13 ); - break; - } - } - config.depth--; - if ( last && !config.blocking && !config.queue.length && config.depth === 0 ) { - done(); - } -} - -function saveGlobal() { - config.pollution = []; - - if ( config.noglobals ) { - for ( var key in window ) { - // in Opera sometimes DOM element ids show up here, ignore them - if ( ! window, key ) || /^qunit-test-output/.test( key ) ) { - continue; - } - config.pollution.push( key ); - } - } -} - -function checkPollution() { - var newGlobals, - deletedGlobals, - old = config.pollution; - - saveGlobal(); - - newGlobals = diff( config.pollution, old ); - if ( newGlobals.length > 0 ) { - QUnit.pushFailure( "Introduced global variable(s): " + newGlobals.join(", ") ); - } - - deletedGlobals = diff( old, config.pollution ); - if ( deletedGlobals.length > 0 ) { - QUnit.pushFailure( "Deleted global variable(s): " + deletedGlobals.join(", ") ); - } -} - -// returns a new Array with the elements that are in a but not in b -function diff( a, b ) { - var i, j, - result = a.slice(); - - for ( i = 0; i < result.length; i++ ) { - for ( j = 0; j < b.length; j++ ) { - if ( result[i] === b[j] ) { - result.splice( i, 1 ); - i--; - break; - } - } - } - return result; -} - -function extend( a, b ) { - for ( var prop in b ) { - if ( b[ prop ] === undefined ) { - delete a[ prop ]; - - // Avoid "Member not found" error in IE8 caused by setting window.constructor - } else if ( prop !== "constructor" || a !== window ) { - a[ prop ] = b[ prop ]; - } - } - - return a; -} - -/** - * @param {HTMLElement} elem - * @param {string} type - * @param {Function} fn - */ -function addEvent( elem, type, fn ) { - // Standards-based browsers - if ( elem.addEventListener ) { - elem.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); - // IE - } else { - elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, fn ); - } -} - -/** - * @param {Array|NodeList} elems - * @param {string} type - * @param {Function} fn - */ -function addEvents( elems, type, fn ) { - var i = elems.length; - while ( i-- ) { - addEvent( elems[i], type, fn ); - } -} - -function hasClass( elem, name ) { - return (" " + elem.className + " ").indexOf(" " + name + " ") > -1; -} - -function addClass( elem, name ) { - if ( !hasClass( elem, name ) ) { - elem.className += (elem.className ? " " : "") + name; - } -} - -function removeClass( elem, name ) { - var set = " " + elem.className + " "; - // Class name may appear multiple times - while ( set.indexOf(" " + name + " ") > -1 ) { - set = set.replace(" " + name + " " , " "); - } - // If possible, trim it for prettiness, but not neccecarily - elem.className = window.jQuery ? jQuery.trim( set ) : ( set.trim ? set.trim() : set ); -} - -function id( name ) { - return !!( typeof document !== "undefined" && document && document.getElementById ) && - document.getElementById( name ); -} - -function registerLoggingCallback( key ) { - return function( callback ) { - config[key].push( callback ); - }; -} - -// Supports deprecated method of completely overwriting logging callbacks -function runLoggingCallbacks( key, scope, args ) { - var i, callbacks; - if ( QUnit.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { - QUnit[ key ].call(scope, args ); - } else { - callbacks = config[ key ]; - for ( i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++ ) { - callbacks[ i ].call( scope, args ); - } - } -} - -// Test for equality any JavaScript type. -// Author: Philippe Rathé -QUnit.equiv = (function() { - - // Call the o related callback with the given arguments. - function bindCallbacks( o, callbacks, args ) { - var prop = QUnit.objectType( o ); - if ( prop ) { - if ( QUnit.objectType( callbacks[ prop ] ) === "function" ) { - return callbacks[ prop ].apply( callbacks, args ); - } else { - return callbacks[ prop ]; // or undefined - } - } - } - - // the real equiv function - var innerEquiv, - // stack to decide between skip/abort functions - callers = [], - // stack to avoiding loops from circular referencing - parents = [], - - getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf || function ( obj ) { - return obj.__proto__; - }, - callbacks = (function () { - - // for string, boolean, number and null - function useStrictEquality( b, a ) { - /*jshint eqeqeq:false */ - if ( b instanceof a.constructor || a instanceof b.constructor ) { - // to catch short annotaion VS 'new' annotation of a - // declaration - // e.g. var i = 1; - // var j = new Number(1); - return a == b; - } else { - return a === b; - } - } - - return { - "string": useStrictEquality, - "boolean": useStrictEquality, - "number": useStrictEquality, - "null": useStrictEquality, - "undefined": useStrictEquality, - - "nan": function( b ) { - return isNaN( b ); - }, - - "date": function( b, a ) { - return QUnit.objectType( b ) === "date" && a.valueOf() === b.valueOf(); - }, - - "regexp": function( b, a ) { - return QUnit.objectType( b ) === "regexp" && - // the regex itself - a.source === b.source && - // and its modifers - === && - // (gmi) ... - a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase && - a.multiline === b.multiline && - a.sticky === b.sticky; - }, - - // - skip when the property is a method of an instance (OOP) - // - abort otherwise, - // initial === would have catch identical references anyway - "function": function() { - var caller = callers[callers.length - 1]; - return caller !== Object && typeof caller !== "undefined"; - }, - - "array": function( b, a ) { - var i, j, len, loop; - - // b could be an object literal here - if ( QUnit.objectType( b ) !== "array" ) { - return false; - } - - len = a.length; - if ( len !== b.length ) { - // safe and faster - return false; - } - - // track reference to avoid circular references - parents.push( a ); - for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { - loop = false; - for ( j = 0; j < parents.length; j++ ) { - if ( parents[j] === a[i] ) { - loop = true;// dont rewalk array - } - } - if ( !loop && !innerEquiv(a[i], b[i]) ) { - parents.pop(); - return false; - } - } - parents.pop(); - return true; - }, - - "object": function( b, a ) { - var i, j, loop, - // Default to true - eq = true, - aProperties = [], - bProperties = []; - - // comparing constructors is more strict than using - // instanceof - if ( a.constructor !== b.constructor ) { - // Allow objects with no prototype to be equivalent to - // objects with Object as their constructor. - if ( !(( getProto(a) === null && getProto(b) === Object.prototype ) || - ( getProto(b) === null && getProto(a) === Object.prototype ) ) ) { - return false; - } - } - - // stack constructor before traversing properties - callers.push( a.constructor ); - // track reference to avoid circular references - parents.push( a ); - - for ( i in a ) { // be strict: don't ensures hasOwnProperty - // and go deep - loop = false; - for ( j = 0; j < parents.length; j++ ) { - if ( parents[j] === a[i] ) { - // don't go down the same path twice - loop = true; - } - } - aProperties.push(i); // collect a's properties - - if (!loop && !innerEquiv( a[i], b[i] ) ) { - eq = false; - break; - } - } - - callers.pop(); // unstack, we are done - parents.pop(); - - for ( i in b ) { - bProperties.push( i ); // collect b's properties - } - - // Ensures identical properties name - return eq && innerEquiv( aProperties.sort(), bProperties.sort() ); - } - }; - }()); - - innerEquiv = function() { // can take multiple arguments - var args = [].slice.apply( arguments ); - if ( args.length < 2 ) { - return true; // end transition - } - - return (function( a, b ) { - if ( a === b ) { - return true; // catch the most you can - } else if ( a === null || b === null || typeof a === "undefined" || - typeof b === "undefined" || - QUnit.objectType(a) !== QUnit.objectType(b) ) { - return false; // don't lose time with error prone cases - } else { - return bindCallbacks(a, callbacks, [ b, a ]); - } - - // apply transition with (1..n) arguments - }( args[0], args[1] ) && arguments.callee.apply( this, args.splice(1, args.length - 1 )) ); - }; - - return innerEquiv; -}()); - -/** - * jsDump Copyright (c) 2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | - * Licensed under BSD - * ( Date: 5/15/2008 - * - * @projectDescription Advanced and extensible data dumping for Javascript. - * @version 1.0.0 - * @author Ariel Flesler - * @link {} - */ -QUnit.jsDump = (function() { - function quote( str ) { - return '"' + str.toString().replace( /"/g, '\\"' ) + '"'; - } - function literal( o ) { - return o + ""; - } - function join( pre, arr, post ) { - var s = jsDump.separator(), - base = jsDump.indent(), - inner = jsDump.indent(1); - if ( arr.join ) { - arr = arr.join( "," + s + inner ); - } - if ( !arr ) { - return pre + post; - } - return [ pre, inner + arr, base + post ].join(s); - } - function array( arr, stack ) { - var i = arr.length, ret = new Array(i); - this.up(); - while ( i-- ) { - ret[i] = this.parse( arr[i] , undefined , stack); - } - this.down(); - return join( "[", ret, "]" ); - } - - var reName = /^function (\w+)/, - jsDump = { - // type is used mostly internally, you can fix a (custom)type in advance - parse: function( obj, type, stack ) { - stack = stack || [ ]; - var inStack, res, - parser = this.parsers[ type || this.typeOf(obj) ]; - - type = typeof parser; - inStack = inArray( obj, stack ); - - if ( inStack !== -1 ) { - return "recursion(" + (inStack - stack.length) + ")"; - } - if ( type === "function" ) { - stack.push( obj ); - res = this, obj, stack ); - stack.pop(); - return res; - } - return ( type === "string" ) ? parser : this.parsers.error; - }, - typeOf: function( obj ) { - var type; - if ( obj === null ) { - type = "null"; - } else if ( typeof obj === "undefined" ) { - type = "undefined"; - } else if ( "regexp", obj) ) { - type = "regexp"; - } else if ( "date", obj) ) { - type = "date"; - } else if ( "function", obj) ) { - type = "function"; - } else if ( typeof obj.setInterval !== undefined && typeof obj.document !== "undefined" && typeof obj.nodeType === "undefined" ) { - type = "window"; - } else if ( obj.nodeType === 9 ) { - type = "document"; - } else if ( obj.nodeType ) { - type = "node"; - } else if ( - // native arrays - obj ) === "[object Array]" || - // NodeList objects - ( typeof obj.length === "number" && typeof obj.item !== "undefined" && ( obj.length ? obj.item(0) === obj[0] : ( obj.item( 0 ) === null && typeof obj[0] === "undefined" ) ) ) - ) { - type = "array"; - } else if ( obj.constructor === Error.prototype.constructor ) { - type = "error"; - } else { - type = typeof obj; - } - return type; - }, - separator: function() { - return this.multiline ? this.HTML ? "
    " : "\n" : this.HTML ? " " : " "; - }, - // extra can be a number, shortcut for increasing-calling-decreasing - indent: function( extra ) { - if ( !this.multiline ) { - return ""; - } - var chr = this.indentChar; - if ( this.HTML ) { - chr = chr.replace( /\t/g, " " ).replace( / /g, " " ); - } - return new Array( this._depth_ + (extra||0) ).join(chr); - }, - up: function( a ) { - this._depth_ += a || 1; - }, - down: function( a ) { - this._depth_ -= a || 1; - }, - setParser: function( name, parser ) { - this.parsers[name] = parser; - }, - // The next 3 are exposed so you can use them - quote: quote, - literal: literal, - join: join, - // - _depth_: 1, - // This is the list of parsers, to modify them, use jsDump.setParser - parsers: { - window: "[Window]", - document: "[Document]", - error: function(error) { - return "Error(\"" + error.message + "\")"; - }, - unknown: "[Unknown]", - "null": "null", - "undefined": "undefined", - "function": function( fn ) { - var ret = "function", - // functions never have name in IE - name = "name" in fn ? : (reName.exec(fn) || [])[1]; - - if ( name ) { - ret += " " + name; - } - ret += "( "; - - ret = [ ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse( fn, "functionArgs" ), "){" ].join( "" ); - return join( ret, QUnit.jsDump.parse(fn,"functionCode" ), "}" ); - }, - array: array, - nodelist: array, - "arguments": array, - object: function( map, stack ) { - var ret = [ ], keys, key, val, i; - QUnit.jsDump.up(); - keys = []; - for ( key in map ) { - keys.push( key ); - } - keys.sort(); - for ( i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { - key = keys[ i ]; - val = map[ key ]; - ret.push( QUnit.jsDump.parse( key, "key" ) + ": " + QUnit.jsDump.parse( val, undefined, stack ) ); - } - QUnit.jsDump.down(); - return join( "{", ret, "}" ); - }, - node: function( node ) { - var len, i, val, - open = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? "<" : "<", - close = QUnit.jsDump.HTML ? ">" : ">", - tag = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), - ret = open + tag, - attrs = node.attributes; - - if ( attrs ) { - for ( i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++ ) { - val = attrs[i].nodeValue; - // IE6 includes all attributes in .attributes, even ones not explicitly set. - // Those have values like undefined, null, 0, false, "" or "inherit". - if ( val && val !== "inherit" ) { - ret += " " + attrs[i].nodeName + "=" + QUnit.jsDump.parse( val, "attribute" ); - } - } - } - ret += close; - - // Show content of TextNode or CDATASection - if ( node.nodeType === 3 || node.nodeType === 4 ) { - ret += node.nodeValue; - } - - return ret + open + "/" + tag + close; - }, - // function calls it internally, it's the arguments part of the function - functionArgs: function( fn ) { - var args, - l = fn.length; - - if ( !l ) { - return ""; - } - - args = new Array(l); - while ( l-- ) { - // 97 is 'a' - args[l] = String.fromCharCode(97+l); - } - return " " + args.join( ", " ) + " "; - }, - // object calls it internally, the key part of an item in a map - key: quote, - // function calls it internally, it's the content of the function - functionCode: "[code]", - // node calls it internally, it's an html attribute value - attribute: quote, - string: quote, - date: quote, - regexp: literal, - number: literal, - "boolean": literal - }, - // if true, entities are escaped ( <, >, \t, space and \n ) - HTML: false, - // indentation unit - indentChar: " ", - // if true, items in a collection, are separated by a \n, else just a space. - multiline: true - }; - - return jsDump; -}()); - -// from jquery.js -function inArray( elem, array ) { - if ( array.indexOf ) { - return array.indexOf( elem ); - } - - for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) { - if ( array[ i ] === elem ) { - return i; - } - } - - return -1; -} - -/* - * Javascript Diff Algorithm - * By John Resig ( - * Modified by Chu Alan "sprite" - * - * Released under the MIT license. - * - * More Info: - * - * - * Usage: QUnit.diff(expected, actual) - * - * QUnit.diff( "the quick brown fox jumped over", "the quick fox jumps over" ) == "the quick brown fox jumped jumps over" - */ -QUnit.diff = (function() { - /*jshint eqeqeq:false, eqnull:true */ - function diff( o, n ) { - var i, - ns = {}, - os = {}; - - for ( i = 0; i < n.length; i++ ) { - if ( ! ns, n[i] ) ) { - ns[ n[i] ] = { - rows: [], - o: null - }; - } - ns[ n[i] ].rows.push( i ); - } - - for ( i = 0; i < o.length; i++ ) { - if ( ! os, o[i] ) ) { - os[ o[i] ] = { - rows: [], - n: null - }; - } - os[ o[i] ].rows.push( i ); - } - - for ( i in ns ) { - if ( ! ns, i ) ) { - continue; - } - if ( ns[i].rows.length === 1 && os, i ) && os[i].rows.length === 1 ) { - n[ ns[i].rows[0] ] = { - text: n[ ns[i].rows[0] ], - row: os[i].rows[0] - }; - o[ os[i].rows[0] ] = { - text: o[ os[i].rows[0] ], - row: ns[i].rows[0] - }; - } - } - - for ( i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++ ) { - if ( n[i].text != null && n[ i + 1 ].text == null && n[i].row + 1 < o.length && o[ n[i].row + 1 ].text == null && - n[ i + 1 ] == o[ n[i].row + 1 ] ) { - - n[ i + 1 ] = { - text: n[ i + 1 ], - row: n[i].row + 1 - }; - o[ n[i].row + 1 ] = { - text: o[ n[i].row + 1 ], - row: i + 1 - }; - } - } - - for ( i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { - if ( n[i].text != null && n[ i - 1 ].text == null && n[i].row > 0 && o[ n[i].row - 1 ].text == null && - n[ i - 1 ] == o[ n[i].row - 1 ]) { - - n[ i - 1 ] = { - text: n[ i - 1 ], - row: n[i].row - 1 - }; - o[ n[i].row - 1 ] = { - text: o[ n[i].row - 1 ], - row: i - 1 - }; - } - } - - return { - o: o, - n: n - }; - } - - return function( o, n ) { - o = o.replace( /\s+$/, "" ); - n = n.replace( /\s+$/, "" ); - - var i, pre, - str = "", - out = diff( o === "" ? [] : o.split(/\s+/), n === "" ? [] : n.split(/\s+/) ), - oSpace = o.match(/\s+/g), - nSpace = n.match(/\s+/g); - - if ( oSpace == null ) { - oSpace = [ " " ]; - } - else { - oSpace.push( " " ); - } - - if ( nSpace == null ) { - nSpace = [ " " ]; - } - else { - nSpace.push( " " ); - } - - if ( out.n.length === 0 ) { - for ( i = 0; i < out.o.length; i++ ) { - str += "" + out.o[i] + oSpace[i] + ""; - } - } - else { - if ( out.n[0].text == null ) { - for ( n = 0; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++ ) { - str += "" + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + ""; - } - } - - for ( i = 0; i < out.n.length; i++ ) { - if (out.n[i].text == null) { - str += "" + out.n[i] + nSpace[i] + ""; - } - else { - // `pre` initialized at top of scope - pre = ""; - - for ( n = out.n[i].row + 1; n < out.o.length && out.o[n].text == null; n++ ) { - pre += "" + out.o[n] + oSpace[n] + ""; - } - str += " " + out.n[i].text + nSpace[i] + pre; - } - } - } - - return str; - }; -}()); - -// for CommonJS enviroments, export everything -if ( typeof exports !== "undefined" ) { - extend( exports, QUnit ); -} - -// get at whatever the global object is, like window in browsers -}( (function() {return this;}.call()) )); diff --git a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing-ipv6.js b/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing-ipv6.js deleted file mode 100644 index d55a0e2..0000000 --- a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing-ipv6.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,590 +0,0 @@ -var ipv6parser = $.tablesorter.getParserById('ipv6Address').format, -ipv6regex = $.tablesorter.regex.ipv6Validate, -ipv6test = function(result, str, expect){ - if (result) { - // ok( $.tablesorter.regex.ipv6Validate.test(str), "valid: " + str ); - // second parameter = true, so we get the hex format (false or undefined returns decimal) - var t = ipv6parser(str, true); - equal( t, expect, 'valid: ' + t + ' \u2190 "' + str + '"' ); - } else { - ok( !ipv6regex.test(str), 'invalid: "' + str + '"' ); - } -}, -ipv6tests = function(){ - - test( "ipv6 parser", function() { - expect(483); - - // IPV6 tests by Rich Brown copied from http:// - // modified to compare to canonical ipv6 output using to produce the result - ipv6test(!1,""); // empty string - ipv6test(1,"::1", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); // loopback, compressed, non-routable - ipv6test(1,"::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); // unspecified, compressed, non-routable - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); // loopback, full - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); // unspecified, full - ipv6test(1,"2001:db8:0:0:8:800:200c:417a", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0008:0800:200c:417a"); // unicast, full - ipv6test(1,"ff01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101", "ff01:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0101"); // multicast, full - ipv6test(1,"2001:db8::8:800:200c:417a", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0008:0800:200c:417a"); // unicast, compressed - ipv6test(1,"ff01::101", "ff01:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0101"); // multicast, compressed - ipv6test(!1,"2001:db8:0:0:8:800:200c:417a:221"); // unicast, full - ipv6test(!1,"ff01::101::2"); // multicast, compressed - ipv6test(1,"fe80::217:f2ff:fe07:ed62", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0217:f2ff:fe07:ed62"); - - ipv6test(1,"2001:0000:1234:0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876", "2001:0000:1234:0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876"); - ipv6test(1,"3ffe:0b00:0000:0000:0001:0000:0000:000a", "3ffe:0b00:0000:0000:0001:0000:0000:000a"); - ipv6test(1,"ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001", "ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); - ipv6test(1,"0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); - ipv6test(1,"0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(!1,"02001:0000:1234:0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876"); // extra 0 not allowed! - ipv6test(!1,"2001:0000:1234:0000:00001:c1c0:abcd:0876"); // extra 0 not allowed! - // ipv6test(1," 2001:0000:1234:0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876"); // leading space - // ipv6test(1,"2001:0000:1234:0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876"); // trailing space - // ipv6test(1," 2001:0000:1234:0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876 "); // leading and trailing space - ipv6test(!1,"2001:0000:1234:0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876 0"); // junk after valid address - ipv6test(!1,"2001:0000:1234: 0000:0000:c1c0:abcd:0876"); // internal space - - ipv6test(!1,"3ffe:0b00:0000:0001:0000:0000:000a"); // seven segments - ipv6test(!1,"ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); // nine segments - ipv6test(!1,"3ffe:b00::1::a"); // double "::" - ipv6test(!1,"::1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::"); // double "::" - ipv6test(1,"2::10", "0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0010"); - ipv6test(1,"ff02::1", "ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80::", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"2002::", "2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:db8::", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:1234::", "2001:0db8:1234:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5:6::8", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5::8", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0000:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4::8", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0000:0000:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3::8", "0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2::8", "0001:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1::8", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1::2:3:4:5:6:7", "0001:0000:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007"); - ipv6test(1,"1::2:3:4:5:6", "0001:0000:0000:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006"); - ipv6test(1,"1::2:3:4:5", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0002:0003:0004:0005"); - ipv6test(1,"1::2:3:4", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002:0003:0004"); - ipv6test(1,"1::2:3", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002:0003"); - ipv6test(1,"1::8", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"::2:3:4:5:6:7:8", "0000:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"::2:3:4:5:6:7", "0000:0000:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007"); - ipv6test(1,"::2:3:4:5:6", "0000:0000:0000:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006"); - ipv6test(1,"::2:3:4:5", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0002:0003:0004:0005"); - ipv6test(1,"::2:3:4", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002:0003:0004"); - ipv6test(1,"::2:3", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0002:0003"); - ipv6test(1,"::8", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5:6::", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5::", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4::", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3::", "0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2::", "0001:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1::", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5::7:8", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0000:0007:0008"); - ipv6test(!1,"1:2:3::4:5::7:8"); // double "::" - ipv6test(!1,"12345::6:7:8"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4::7:8", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0000:0000:0007:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3::7:8", "0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0007:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2::7:8", "0001:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0007:0008"); - ipv6test(1,"1::7:8", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0007:0008"); - - // ipv4 addresses as dotted-quads - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5:6:", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4:5::", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0000:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4::", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0000:0000:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3::", "0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0000:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2::", "0001:0002:0000:0000:0000:0000:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1::", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3:4::5:", "0001:0002:0003:0004:0000:0005:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2:3::5:", "0001:0002:0003:0000:0000:0005:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1:2::5:", "0001:0002:0000:0000:0000:0005:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1::5:", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0005:0102:0304"); - ipv6test(1,"1::5:", "0001:0000:0000:0000:0000:0005:0b16:212c"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:400.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:300.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:1.300.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:1.2.300.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:900.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:1.900.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:1.2.900.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:300.300.300.300"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::5:3000.30.30.30"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::400.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::300.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::1.300.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::1.2.300.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::900.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::1.900.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::1.2.900.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::300.300.300.300"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::3000.30.30.30"); - ipv6test(!1,"::400.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::300.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::1.300.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::1.2.300.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::900.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::1.900.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::1.2.900.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::300.300.300.300"); - ipv6test(!1,"::3000.30.30.30"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80::217:f2ff:", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0217:f2ff:fe07:ed62"); - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c0a8:011a"); - ipv6test(!1,"2001:1:1:1:1:1:255z255x255y255"); // garbage instead of "." in ipv4 - ipv6test(!1,"::ffff:192x168.1.26"); // ditto - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c0a8:0101"); - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0:0:0:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0d01:4403"); // ipv4-compatible ipv6 address, full, deprecated - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0:0:ffff:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:8190:3426"); // ipv4-mapped ipv6 address, full - ipv6test(1,"::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0d01:4403"); // ipv4-compatible ipv6 address, compressed, deprecated - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:8190:3426"); // ipv4-mapped ipv6 address, compressed - ipv6test(1,"fe80:0:0:0:204:61ff:", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80::204:61ff:", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156"); - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:0c22:384e"); - ipv6test(!1,"::ffff:2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::ffff:"); - ipv6test(!1,""); - - ipv6test(!1,""); // aeron - ipv6test(!1,""); - ipv6test(!1,""); - ipv6test(!1,""); - ipv6test(!1,""); - ipv6test(!1,""); - - // testing ipv4 addresses represented as dotted-quads - // leading zero's in ipv4 addresses not allowed: some systems treat the leading "0" in ".086" as the start of an octal number - // update: the bnf in rfc-3986 explicitly defines the dec-octet (for ipv4 addresses) not to have a leading zero - ipv6test(!1,"fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:"); - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c000:0280"); // but this is ok, since there's a single digit - ipv6test(!1,"xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - - // not testing address with subnet mask - // ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:0000:cd30:0000:0000:0000:0000/60"); // full, with prefix - // ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8::cd30:0:0:0:0/60"); // compressed, with prefix - // ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:0:cd30::/60"); // compressed, with prefix // 2 - // ipv6test(1,"::/128"); // compressed, unspecified address type, non-routable - // ipv6test(1,"::1/128"); // compressed, loopback address type, non-routable - // ipv6test(1,"ff00::/8"); // compressed, multicast address type - // ipv6test(1,"fe80::/10"); // compressed, link-local unicast, non-routable - // ipv6test(1,"fec0::/10"); // compressed, site-local unicast, deprecated - // ipv6test(!1,""); // standard ipv4, prefix not allowed - - ipv6test(1,"fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80:0:0:0:204:61ff:fe9d:f156", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80::204:61ff:fe9d:f156", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80::", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80::1", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); - ipv6test(!1,":"); - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:c000:280", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c000:0280"); - - // aeron supplied these test cases - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::5555:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::5555:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::5555:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::5555:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::5555:"); - ipv6test(!1,":::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:"); - ipv6test(!1,":"); - - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444::5555"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::5555"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::5555"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::5555"); - ipv6test(!1,":::5555"); - ipv6test(!1,":::"); - - - // additional test cases - // from http:// - - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:db8:85a3:0:0:8a2e:370:7334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000::1428:57ab", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:0:0::1428:57ab", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8::1428:57ab", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:db8::1428:57ab", "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab"); - ipv6test(1,"0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001"); - ipv6test(1,"::ffff:0c22:384e", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:0c22:384e"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:1234:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000", "2001:0db8:1234:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:0db8:1234:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", "2001:0db8:1234:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff"); - ipv6test(1,"2001:db8:a::123", "2001:0db8:000a:0000:0000:0000:0000:0123"); - ipv6test(1,"fe80::", "fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - - ipv6test(!1,"123"); - ipv6test(!1,"ldkfj"); - ipv6test(!1,"2001::ffd3::57ab"); - ipv6test(!1,"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:37023:7334"); - ipv6test(!1,"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370k:7334"); - ipv6test(!1,"1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9"); - ipv6test(!1,"1::2::3"); - ipv6test(!1,"1:::3:4:5"); - ipv6test(!1,"1:2:3::4:5:6:7:8:9"); - - // new from aeron - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777::", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::", "1111:2222:3333:4444:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::", "1111:2222:3333:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::", "1111:2222:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::", "1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - // ipv6test(1,"::", ""); // duplicate - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::8888", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:0000:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::8888", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:0000:0000:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::8888", "1111:2222:3333:4444:0000:0000:0000:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::8888", "1111:2222:3333:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::8888", "1111:2222:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::8888", "1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"::8888", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::7777:8888", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:0000:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::7777:8888", "1111:2222:3333:4444:0000:0000:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::7777:8888", "1111:2222:3333:0000:0000:0000:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::7777:8888", "1111:2222:0000:0000:0000:0000:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::7777:8888", "1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"::7777:8888", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::6666:7777:8888", "1111:2222:3333:4444:0000:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::6666:7777:8888", "1111:2222:3333:0000:0000:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::6666:7777:8888", "1111:2222:0000:0000:0000:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::6666:7777:8888", "1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"::6666:7777:8888", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::5555:6666:7777:8888", "1111:2222:3333:0000:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::5555:6666:7777:8888", "1111:2222:0000:0000:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::5555:6666:7777:8888", "1111:0000:0000:0000:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"::5555:6666:7777:8888", "0000:0000:0000:0000:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888", "1111:2222:0000:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888", "1111:0000:0000:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888", "0000:0000:0000:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888", "1111:0000:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888", "0000:0000:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888", "0000:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::", "1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:0000:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::", "1111:2222:3333:4444:0000:0000:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::", "1111:2222:3333:0000:0000:0000:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::", "1111:2222:0000:0000:0000:0000:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::", "1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::6666:", "1111:2222:3333:4444:0000:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::6666:", "1111:2222:3333:0000:0000:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::6666:", "1111:2222:0000:0000:0000:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::6666:", "1111:0000:0000:0000:0000:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"::6666:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222:3333::5555:6666:", "1111:2222:3333:0000:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::5555:6666:", "1111:2222:0000:0000:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::5555:6666:", "1111:0000:0000:0000:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"::5555:6666:", "0000:0000:0000:0000:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111:2222::4444:5555:6666:", "1111:2222:0000:4444:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::4444:5555:6666:", "1111:0000:0000:4444:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"::4444:5555:6666:", "0000:0000:0000:4444:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"1111::3333:4444:5555:6666:", "1111:0000:3333:4444:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - ipv6test(1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:", "0000:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7b7b:7b7b"); - - // playing with combinations of "0" and "::" - // nb: these are all sytactically correct, but are bad form - // because "0" adjacent to "::" should be combined into "::" - ipv6test(1,"::0:0:0:0:0:0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::0:0:0:0:0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::0:0:0:0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::0:0:0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::0:0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::0:0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::0", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0:0:0:0::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0:0:0::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0:0::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0:0::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"0:0:0::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"0:0::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"0::", "0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000"); - - // new invalid from aeron - // invalid data - ipv6test(!1,"xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx"); - - // too many components - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:9999"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:9999"); - - // too few components - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111"); - - // missing : - ipv6test(!1,"11112222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:22223333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:33334444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:44445555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:55556666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:66667777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:77778888"); - - // missing : intended for :: - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:"); - ipv6test(!1,":"); - ipv6test(!1,":8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - - // ::: - ipv6test(!1,":::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:::5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:::"); - - // double ::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333::5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555:7777::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555:7777:8888::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333::5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333:4444::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333:4444:5555::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333:4444:5555:6666::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::4444::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::4444:5555::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::4444:5555:6666::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::4444:5555:6666:7777::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::5555::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::5555:6666::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::5555:6666:7777::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::6666::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::6666:7777::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::7777::"); - - - // too many components" - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - - // too few components - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:"); - ipv6test(!1,""); - - // missing : - ipv6test(!1,"11112222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:22223333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:33334444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:44445555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:55556666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:66661.2.3.4"); - - // missing . - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:255255.255.255"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:255.255255.255"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:255.255.255255"); - - // missing : intended for :: - ipv6test(!1,":"); - ipv6test(!1,":6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - - // ::: - ipv6test(!1,":::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:::3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:::4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:::5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:::"); - - // double :: - ipv6test(!1,"::2222::4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333::5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333::5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333:4444::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333:4444:5555::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::4444::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::4444:5555::"); - - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::5555::"); - - // missing parts - ipv6test(!1,"::."); - ipv6test(!1,"::.."); - ipv6test(!1,"::..."); - ipv6test(!1,"::1..."); - ipv6test(!1,"::1.2.."); - ipv6test(!1,"::1.2.3."); - ipv6test(!1,"::.2.."); - ipv6test(!1,"::.2.3."); - ipv6test(!1,"::.2.3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::..3."); - ipv6test(!1,"::..3.4"); - ipv6test(!1,"::...4"); - - // extra : in front - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::"); - ipv6test(!1,":::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":::8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":::7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":::6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":::5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::"); - ipv6test(!1,":::"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333:4444::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":::6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222:3333::5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":::5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111:2222::4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":::4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":1111::3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - ipv6test(!1,":::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:"); - - // extra : at end - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:::"); - ipv6test(!1,":::"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666::8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444:5555::7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333:4444::6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222:3333::5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111:2222::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"1111::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - ipv6test(!1,"::2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888:"); - - // additional cases: http:// - ipv6test(1,"0:a:b:c:d:e:f::", "0000:000a:000b:000c:000d:000e:000f:0000"); - ipv6test(1,"::0:a:b:c:d:e:f", "0000:0000:000a:000b:000c:000d:000e:000f"); // syntactically correct, but bad form (::0:... could be combined) - ipv6test(1,"a:b:c:d:e:f:0::", "000a:000b:000c:000d:000e:000f:0000:0000"); - ipv6test(!1,"':"); - }); -}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.css b/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.css deleted file mode 100644 index 6e5bb1c..0000000 --- a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -/* tables */ -.tester { /* */ - position: absolute; - top: -999em; -} - -/* skipped tests */ -#qunit-tests li.pass.skipped { - background-color: #fffacd; -} diff --git a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.js b/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.js deleted file mode 100644 index e27a914..0000000 --- a/bower_components/jquery.tablesorter/testing/testing.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,636 +0,0 @@ -/*! -* TableSorter QUnit Testing -*/ -/*jshint unused: false */ -/*global QUnit: false, JSHINT: false, ok: false, start: false, deepEqual: false, asyncTest: false */ - -/************************************************ - QUnit skip testing - -************************************************/ -QUnit.testSkip = function( testName, callback ) { - QUnit.test(testName + ' (SKIPPED)', function() { - if (typeof callback === "function") { - callback(); - } - var $li = $('#' +; - QUnit.done(function() { - $li.addClass('skipped'); - }); - }); -}; - -var tester = { - - /************************************************ - JSHint testing - ************************************************/ - jsHintTest : function(name, sourceFile, options) { - // Chrome & Opera don't allow ajax loading of script files - if (QUnit.isLocal && /Chrome|Opera/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { - return QUnit.testSkip(name, function(){ - ok( true, 'test cannot be done locally' ); - }); - } - function validateFile(source) { - var i, len, err, - result = JSHINT(source, options), - errors = JSHINT.errors; - ok(result); - if (result) { - return; - } - for (i = 0, len = errors.length; i < len; i++) { - err = errors[i]; - if (!err) { - continue; - } - ok(false, err.reason + " on line " + err.line + - ", character " + err.character); - } - } - return asyncTest(name, function() { - $.ajax({ - url: sourceFile, - dataType: 'script', - success: function(source) { - start(); - validateFile(source); - } - }); - }); - }, - - /************************************************ - test table data cache - ************************************************/ - cacheCompare : function(table, col, expected, txt){ - var i, j = 0, k, l, - result = [], - b = table.tBodies, - l2 = table.config.$headers.length; - for (k = 0; k < b.length; k++){ - l = b[k].rows.length; - for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { - if (col === 'all') { - // return all columns - for (i = 0; i < l2; i++) { - result.push( table.config.cache[k].normalized[j] ? table.config.cache[k].normalized[j][i] : '' ); - } - } else { - // return specific column - result.push( table.config.cache[k].normalized[j] ? table.config.cache[k].normalized[j][col] : '' ); - } - } - } - deepEqual( result, expected, 'testing parser cache: ' + txt); - } - -}; - -/* -Core plugin tested -======================== -OPTIONS: - cssAsc, cssChildRow, cssDesc, cssHeader, cssHeaderRow, cssInfoBlock, dateFormat, emptyTo, headerList, - headers, ignoreCase, initialized, parsers, sortList, sortLocaleCompare, sortReset, stringTo, tableClass, - usNumberFormat, widgets (just zebra), sortAppend, sortForce, sortMultiSortKey, sortResetKey, numberSorter - -METHODS: - addRows, applyWidgets, destroy, sorton, sortReset, update/updateRow, updateAll, updateCell - -EVENTS: - initialized, sortBegin, sortEnd, sortStart, updateComplete - -Not yet tested -========================= -OPTIONS: - cancelSelection, cssIcon, cssProcessing, debug, delayInit, headerTemplate, initWidgets, onRenderHeader, - onRenderTemplate, selectorHeaders, selectorRemove, selectorSort, serverSideSorting, showProcessing, - sortInitialOrder, sortRestart, strings, - textExtraction, textSorter, theme, widthFixed, widgets (also need priority testing) - -METHODS: - appendCache, applyWidgetId, sort, refreshWidgets - -EVENTS: - - -*/ - -$(function(){ - // keep stuff in order; yeah I know every test needs to be atomic - bleh - QUnit.config.reorder = false; - - var ts = $.tablesorter, - $table1 = $('#table1'), - $table2 = $('#table2'), - $table3 = $('#table3'), - $table4 = $('#table4'), - $table5 = $('#table5'), // empty table - table1 = $table1[0], - table2 = $table2[0], - table3 = $table3[0], - table4 = $table4[0], - th0 = $table1.find('th')[0], // first table header cell - init = false, - sortIndx = 0, - updateIndx = 0, - updateCallback = 0, - events = ['sortStart', 'sortBegin', 'sortEnd' ], - returnTime = function(string){ - return new Date(string).getTime(); - }, - undef, c1, c2, c3, c4, e, i, l, t; - - $table1 - .bind('tablesorter-initialized', function(){ - init = true; - }) - .bind( events.join(' '), function(e){ - if (e.type === events[sortIndx%3]) { - sortIndx++; - } - }) - .bind('updateComplete', function(){ - updateIndx++; - }) - .tablesorter(); - - $table2.tablesorter({ - headers: { - 0: { sorter: 'text' }, - 1: { sorter: 'text' }, - 2: { sorter: false } - } - }); - - $table3.tablesorter({ - emptyTo: "bottom", - stringTo: "max", // non-numeric content is treated as a MAX value - headers: { - 0: { empty : "top" }, // sort empty cells to the top - 2: { string: "min" }, // non-numeric content is treated as a MIN value - 3: { sorter: "digit", empty : "zero", string : "top" } - } - }); - - $table4.tablesorter({ - sortAppend : [[2,0],[3,0]], - sortForce : [[0,0],[1,0]], - initialized: function(table){ - var e, c = table.config; - // trigger sort on 5th column - // this method is used because triggering a "sorton" would ignore sortForce/sortAppend - c.$headers.eq(4).trigger('sort'); - e = $.Event('sort'); - e.which = 1; - e.shiftKey = true; - c.$headers.eq(5).trigger(e); - }, - numberSorter: function(a, b, dir){ - return dir ? a-b : b-a; - } - }); - - $table5 - .bind( events.join(' '), function(e){ - if (e.type === events[sortIndx%3]) { - sortIndx++; - } - }) - .bind('updateComplete', function(){ - updateIndx++; - }) - .tablesorter(); - - // ensure all sort events fire on an empty table - $table5.trigger('sorton', [ [[0,0]] ]); - - /************************************************ - JSHint testing - ************************************************/ - // Run JSHint on main js files - tester.jsHintTest('JSHint core', 'js/jquery.tablesorter.js'); - tester.jsHintTest('JSHint pager', 'addons/pager/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js'); - tester.jsHintTest('JSHint widgets', 'js/jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js'); - tester.jsHintTest('JSHint group widget', 'js/widgets/widget-grouping.js'); - tester.jsHintTest('JSHint scroller widget', 'js/widgets/widget-scroller.js'); - - /************************************************ - Initialization - ************************************************/ - test( "tablesorter loaded & initialized", function() { - expect(3); - equal( typeof ts, 'object', "tablesorter loaded"); - equal( table1.hasInitialized, true, "tablesorter initialized flag"); - equal( init, true, "tablesorter initialized event"); - }); - - c1 = table1.config; - c2 = table2.config; - c3 = table3.config; - c4 = table4.config; - - /************************************************ - Test column numbering - ************************************************/ - // later: include a table header with colspan & rowspan - test( "column numbering", function() { - expect(2); - var internalColumn = true, - dataColumn = true; - $table4.find('thead th').each(function(i){ - var $this = $(this); - internalColumn = internalColumn && this.column === i; - dataColumn = dataColumn && $(this).attr('data-column') == i; - }); - equal( internalColumn, true, "Correct internal column numbering" ); - equal( dataColumn, true, "Correct data-column attribute numbering" ); - }); - - /************************************************ - check isDigit function - ************************************************/ - var d = ts.isDigit; - test( "isDigit", function() { - expect(17); - ok( d('-1'), "allow negative (-1)"); - ok( d('+1'), "allow plus (+1)"); - ok( d('(1)'), "allow parenthesis (1)"); - ok( d('123'), "string has numbers ('123')"); - ok( d(123), "has numbers (123)"); - ok( d('1.2'), "remove decimal (1.2)"); - ok( d('1,234'),"remove commas (1,234)"); - ok( d("11'"), "remove apostrophe's (11')"); // 11 feet - ok( d('3\'4"'),"remove quotes (3'4\")"); // 3 foot 4 inches - ok( d(' 12 '), "remove spaces ( 12 )"); - ok( !d('x'), "non-digit alphabet"); - ok( !d('1x'), "digit + alphabet"); - ok( !d('x1'), "alphabet + digit"); - ok( !d('@'), "non-digit symbols"); - ok( !d('1-'), "negative after (1-) not allowed?"); - ok( !d('1+'), "plus after (1+) not allowed?"); - ok( !d('$2'), "no money; the currency parser will catch these"); - }); - - /************************************************ - check formatFloat function - ************************************************/ - var ff = function(str) { - return ts.formatFloat(str, table1); - }; - test( "formatFloat", function() { - expect(18); - strictEqual( ff(''), '', 'returns empty string' ); - strictEqual( ff(5), 5, 'returns numerical values'); - - c1.usNumberFormat = false; - strictEqual( ts.formatFloat('1,234,567.89'), 1234567.89, 'use format float without including table - defaults to US number format'); - - strictEqual( ff('1 234,56'), 1234.56, 'parse non-U.S. (French) number format'); - strictEqual( ff('1.234,56'), 1234.56, 'parse non-U.S. (German) number format'); - strictEqual( ff('-32,32'), -32.32, 'negative non-U.S. signed numbers'); - strictEqual( ff('-1.234,56'), -1234.56, 'negative non-U.S. signed numbers'); - strictEqual( ff('(32,32)'), -32.32, 'parenthesis wrapped non-U.S. negative number'); - strictEqual( ff(' (32,32) '), -32.32, 'space + parenthesis wrapped non-U.S. negative number'); - - c1.usNumberFormat = true; - strictEqual( ff('1,234.56'), 1234.56, 'parse U.S. number format'); - strictEqual( ff('-32.32'), -32.32, 'negative U.S. signed numbers'); - strictEqual( ff('(32.32)'), -32.32, 'parenthesis wrapped U.S. negative number'); - strictEqual( ff(' (32.32)'), -32.32, 'space + parenthesis wrapped U.S. negative number'); - - strictEqual( ff('fred'), 'fred', 'return string if not a number'); - strictEqual( ff(' fred '), 'fred', 'return trimmed string if not a number'); - strictEqual( ff('fred 12'), 'fred 12', 'return string if number not at beginning'); - strictEqual( ff('12fred'), 12, 'parse number + string into number only'); - strictEqual( ff('(fred)'), '(fred)', 'leave parenthesis intact on strings'); - - }); - - /************************************************ - get data function - jQuery data > meta > headers option > header class name - ************************************************/ - var gd = function(n){ - return ts.getData( c2.$headers[n], c2.headers[n], 'sorter' ); - }; - - test( "getData", function() { - expect(4); - var txt = [ 'jQuery data', 'meta data', 'headers option', 'header class name' ]; - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - equal( gd(i), 'false', txt[i]); // all columns have sorter false set - } - }); - - /************************************************ - character equivalent replacement - ************************************************/ - test( "replace accents", function() { - expect(6); - strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e1\u00e0\u00e2\u00e3\u00e4\u0105\u00e5\u00c1\u00c0\u00c2\u00c3\u00c4\u0104\u00c5'), 'aaaaaaaAAAAAAA', "replaced a's"); - strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e9\u00e8\u00ea\u00eb\u011b\u0119\u00c9\u00c8\u00ca\u00cb\u011a\u0118'), 'eeeeeeEEEEEE', "replaced e's"); - strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00ed\u00ec\u0130\u00ee\u00ef\u0131\u00cd\u00cc\u0130\u00ce\u00cf'), 'iiiiiiIIiII', "replaced i's"); - strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00f3\u00f2\u00f4\u00f5\u00f6\u00d3\u00d2\u00d4\u00d5\u00d6'), 'oooooOOOOO', "replaced o's"); - strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00fa\u00f9\u00fb\u00fc\u016f\u00da\u00d9\u00db\u00dc\u016e'), 'uuuuuUUUUU', "replaced u's"); - strictEqual( ts.replaceAccents('\u00e7\u0107\u010d\u00c7\u0106\u010c\u00df\u1e9e'), 'cccCCCssSS', "replaced c & s sharp"); - }); - - /************************************************ - check all default parsers - ************************************************/ - var p = ts.parsers, - // test by parser - parserTests = 85, - // skipping metadata parser - sample1 = { - 'text' : { 'test': 'test', 'TesT': 'test', '\u00e1 test': '\u00e1 test' }, - 'currency' : { '\u00a31': 1, '($2.23)': -2.23, '5\u20ac': 5, '(11\u00a4)': -11, '500\u00a5': 500, '25\u00a2': 25, '$1,000.50': 1000.5 }, - 'ipAddress' : { '': 255255255255, '': 32032032032, '': 1001001001 }, - 'url' : { '': '', '': '', '': '' }, - 'isoDate' : { '2012/12/12': returnTime('2012/12/12'), '2012-12/12': returnTime('2012/12/12'), '2013-1-1': returnTime('2013/1/1'), '2013/1/1 12:34:56 AM': returnTime('2013/1/1 12:34:56 AM') }, - 'percent' : { '100%': 100, '22%': 22, '%2': 2, '2 %': 2, '(4%)': -4, '1,234.56 %': 1234.56 }, - 'usLongDate': { 'Feb 23, 1999': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999'), 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999 12:34'), 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34 AM': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999 12:34 AM'), 'Feb 23, 1999 12:34:56 PM': returnTime('Feb 23, 1999 12:34:56 PM'), '01 Jan 2013': returnTime('01 Jan 2013') }, - 'shortDate' : { '1/2/2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1 2 2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1.2.2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1-2-2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '1/2/2001 12:34 PM' : returnTime('1/2/2001 12:34 PM'), '1.2.2001 13:34' : returnTime('1/2/2001 13:34') }, - 'time' : { '12:34 AM': returnTime('2000/01/01 12:34 AM'), '1:00 pm': returnTime('2000/01/01 1:00 pm') }, - 'digit' : { '12': 12, '$23': 23, '&44^': 44, '#(33)': -33, '1,000': 1000, '12.34': 12.34 } - }, - // switch ignoreCase, sortLocalCompare & shortDate "ddmmyyyy" - sample2 = { - 'text' : { 'TesT': 'TesT', '\u00e1 test': 'a test' }, - 'currency' : { '\u20ac 123 456,78': 123456.78, '\u20ac 123.456,78': 123456.78 }, - 'shortDate' : { '2/1/2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2-1-2001': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2 1,2001': returnTime('1/2/2001') } - }, - // shortdate to "yyyymmdd" - sample3 = { - 'shortDate' : { '2001/1/2': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2001-1/2': returnTime('1/2/2001'), '2001,1.2': returnTime('1/2/2001') } - }, - report = function(s) { - for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { - t = p[i].id; - if (s.hasOwnProperty(t)) { - $.each(s[t], function(k,v){ - // check "is" and "format" functions - if (p[i].is(k)) { - equal( p[i].format(k, table1, th0, 0), v, t + ' parser: "' + k + '" parsed to ' + v ); - } else { - equal( p[i].format(k, table1, th0, 0), v, t + ' parser **NOT DETECTED**: "' + k + '", but returns ' + v ); - } - }); - // test for undefined & null - probably overkill - strictEqual( p[i].format(undef, table1, th0, 0), undef, t + ' parser: will return undefined values properly' ); - strictEqual( p[i].format(null, table1, th0, 0), null, t + ' parser: will return null values properly' ); - } - } - }; - - test( "testing parsers", function() { - expect(parserTests); - report(sample1); - - c1.sortLocaleCompare = true; - c1.ignoreCase = false; - c1.usNumberFormat = false; - th0.dateFormat = c1.dateFormat = "ddmmyyyy"; - report(sample2); - - c1.usNumberFormat = true; - th0.dateFormat = c1.dateFormat = "yyyymmdd"; - report(sample3); - - // undocumented sortValue - equal( ts.getParserById('metadata').format(null, table1, th0, 0), 'zzz', 'metadata parser found sortValue'); - c1.parserMetadataName = 'poe'; - equal( ts.getParserById('metadata').format(null, table1, th0, 0), 'nevermore', 'metadata parser found poe'); - - }); - - /************************************************ - test parser cache - ************************************************/ - test( "parser cache; sorton methods; empty & string", function() { - expect(17); - $table1.trigger('sortReset'); - // lower case because table was parsed before c1.ignoreCase was changed - tester.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test2', 'x2', 'test1', 'x3', 'test3', 'x1', '', '', 'testb', 'x5', 'testc', 'x4', 'testa', 'x6' ], 'unsorted' ); - - $table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test1', 'x3', 'test2', 'x2', 'test3', 'x1', '', '', 'testa', 'x6', 'testb', 'x5', 'testc', 'x4' ], 'ascending sort' ); - - $table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 'x1', 'test2', 'x2', 'test1', 'x3', '', '', 'testc', 'x4', 'testb', 'x5', 'testa', 'x6' ], 'descending sort' ); - - // empty cell position - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 0, [ '', 'a1', 'a02', 'a10', 'a33', 'a43', 'a55', 'a87', 'a102', 'a255' ], 'asc sort; empty to top' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 0, [ '', 'a255', 'a102', 'a87', 'a55', 'a43', 'a33', 'a10', 'a02', 'a1' ], 'desc sort; empty to top' ); - - // string position within number column - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 1,0 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 1, [ -35, -5, -1, 1, 2, 4, 33, 44, 'nr', '' ], 'asc sort; empty to bottom; string to max' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 1,1 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 1, [ 'nr', 44, 33, 4, 2, 1, -1, -5, -35, '' ], 'desc sort; empty to bottom; string to max' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 2,0 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 2, [ 'nr', 'nr', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, '' ], 'asc sort; empty to bottom; string to min' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 2,1 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 2, [ 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 'nr', 'nr', '' ], 'desc sort; empty to bottom; string to min' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,0 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 'n/a #2', 'n/a #1', -8.4, -2.2, -0.1, '', 5.2, 11.4, 23.6, 97.4 ], 'asc sort; empty to zero; string to top' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,1 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 'n/a #2', 'n/a #1', 97.4, 23.6, 11.4, 5.2, '', -0.1, -2.2, -8.4 ], 'desc sort; empty to zero; string to top' ); - - $table3.find('th:eq(3)').data('string', 'bottom'); - $table3.trigger('update'); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 97.4, 23.6, 11.4, 5.2, '', -0.1, -2.2, -8.4, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2' ], 'desc sort; empty to zero; string to bottom' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,0 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ -8.4, -2.2, -0.1, '', 5.2, 11.4, 23.6, 97.4, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2' ], 'asc sort; empty to zero; string to bottom' ); - - $table3.find('th:eq(3)').data('string', 'none'); - c3.headers[3].empty = "bottom"; - c3.sortList = [[ 3, 1 ]]; // added to test sortList - $table3.trigger('update'); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ 97.4, 23.6, 11.4, 5.2, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2', -0.1, -2.2, -8.4, '' ], 'desc sort; empty to zero; string to none/zero' ); - - $table3.trigger('sorton', [[[ 3,0 ]]]); - tester.cacheCompare( table3, 3, [ -8.4, -2.2, -0.1, 'n/a #1', 'n/a #2', 5.2, 11.4, 23.6, 97.4, '' ], 'asc sort; empty to zero; string to none/zero' ); - - t = [ 'x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z', 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C' ]; - deepEqual( t.sort($.tablesorter.sortText), [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y', 'z' ], 'test sortText function directly' ); - - t = [ 'a02', 'a10', 'a43', 'a255', 'a102', 'a33', '', 'a1', 'a55', 'a87' ]; - deepEqual( t.sort($.tablesorter.sortNatural), [ '', 'a1', 'a02', 'a10', 'a33', 'a43', 'a55', 'a87', 'a102', 'a255' ], 'test sortNatural function directly' ); - - }); - - test( "sort Events", function(){ - expect(1); - // table1 sorted twice in the above test; sortIndx = 9 then empty table5 x1 (total = 3 events x 3) - equal( sortIndx, 9, 'sortStart, sortBegin & sortEnd fired in order x3; including empty table' ); - }); - - /************************************************ - test update methods - ************************************************/ - test( "parser cache; update methods & callbacks", function() { - expect(5); - c1.ignoreCase = true; - - // updateAll - $table1 - .find('th:eq(1)').removeAttr('class').html('num').end() - .find('td:nth-child(2)').html(function(i,h){ - return h.substring(1); - }); - $table1.trigger('updateAll', [false, function(){ - updateCallback++; - var nw = $table1.find('th:eq(1)')[0], - hc = c1.headerContent[1] === 'num', - hd = c1.$headers[1] === nw, - hl = c1.headerList[1] === nw, - p1 = c1.parsers[1].id === 'digit'; - equal(hc && hd && hl && p1, true, 'testing header cache: updateAll - thead'); - tester.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'updateAll - tbody' ); - }]); - - // addRows - t = $('testd7'); - $table1.find('tbody:last').append(t); - $table1.trigger('addRows', [t, true, function(){ - updateCallback++; - tester.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'testd', 7, 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'addRows method' ); - }]); - - // updateCell - t = $table1.find('td:contains("testd")'); - t.html('texte'); - $table1.trigger('updateCell', [t[0], true, function(){ - updateCallback++; - tester.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'texte', 7, 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'updateCell method' ); - }]); - - // update - $table1.find('tr.temp').remove(); - $table1.trigger('update', [true, function(){ - updateCallback++; - tester.cacheCompare( table1, 'all', [ 'test3', 1, 'test2', 2, 'test1', 3, '', '', 'testc', 4, 'testb', 5, 'testa', 6 ], 'update method' ); - }]); - - // update empty table - $table5.trigger('update', [false, function(){ - updateCallback++; - }]); - - }); - - test( "UpdateComplete Event", function(){ - expect(1); - // table1 updated 4x in the above test - // table5 updated 1x - equal( updateIndx, updateCallback, 'updatedComplete and update callback functions working properly' ); - }); - - /************************************************ - test sortForce, sortAppend, sortMultiSortKey and sortResetKey options - ************************************************/ - asyncTest( "sortForce, sortAppend, sortMultiSortKey & sortResetKey; and numberSorter option", function(){ - expect(3); - var count = 0; - tester.cacheCompare( table4, 3, [ 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 ], 'force x2 + sorted x2 + append x2, ascending' ); - $table4.on('sortEnd', function(){ - count++; - if (count === 1) { - tester.cacheCompare( table4, 3, [ 2, 1, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 8, 10, 9 ], 'force x2 + sorted x2 + append x2, descending' ); - c4.sortResetKey = 'shiftKey'; - var e = $.Event('sort'); - e.which = 1; - e.shiftKey = true; // testing sortResetKey - c4.$headers.eq(0).trigger(e); - } else { - tester.cacheCompare( table4, 3, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], 'sortResetKey' ); - $'sortEnd'); - start(); - } - }); - var e = $.Event('sort'); - c4.sortMultiSortKey = 'altKey'; - e.which = 1; - e.altKey = true; // testing sortMultiSortKey - c4.$headers.eq(5).trigger(e); - }); - - /************************************************ - check header css - ************************************************/ - test( "testing header css & sortReset method", function(){ - expect(7); - t = $(th0); - equal( $table1.hasClass(ts.css.table), true, 'table class applied'); - equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.header), true, 'Header class present' ); - equal( t.parent().hasClass(ts.css.headerRow), true, 'Header row class present' ); - equal( $table1.find('tbody:eq(1)').hasClass(c1.cssInfoBlock), true, 'Tbody info block class present' ); - $table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]] ); - equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.sortDesc), true, 'Descending class present' ); - $table1.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,0 ]]] ); - equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.sortAsc), true, 'Ascending class present' ); - $table1.trigger('sortReset'); - equal( t.hasClass(ts.css.sortAsc) || t.hasClass(ts.css.sortDesc), false, 'Testing sortReset' ); - }); - - /************************************************ - test apply widgets function using zebra widget - ************************************************/ - var zebra = function(){ - t = true; - var classes = ['odd','even']; - $table2.find('tbody tr').each(function(i){ - t = t ? $(this).hasClass( classes[i%2] ) : false; - }); - return t; - }; - - test( "apply zebra widget", function(){ - expect(3); - equal( zebra(), false, 'zebra not applied' ); - c2.widgets = [ 'zebra' ]; - $table2.trigger('applyWidgets'); - equal( zebra(), true, 'zebra is applied' ); - $table2 - .append('stuv') - .trigger('update'); - equal( zebra(), true, 'zebra is applied after update' ); - }); - - /************************************************ - check destroy method - ************************************************/ - test("testing destroy method", function(){ - $table2.trigger('sorton', [[[ 0,1 ]]] ); - $table2.trigger('destroy'); - expect(7); - t = $table2.find('th:first'); - e = jQuery._data(table2, 'events'); // get a list of all bound events - equal( $.isEmptyObject(e), true, 'no events applied' ); - equal( $'tablesorter'), false, 'Data removed' ); - equal( $table2.attr('class'), 'tester', 'All table classes removed' ); - equal( $table2.find('tr:first').attr('class'), '', 'Header row class removed' ); - equal( t.attr('class').match('tablesorter'), null, 'Header classes removed' ); - equal( t.children().length, 0, 'Inner wrapper removed' ); - equal( typeof ( , 'undefined', 'data-column removed'); - - $table2.tablesorter(); - }); - - /************************************************ - ipv6 parser testing - ************************************************/ - ipv6tests(); - -}); diff --git a/gravity-forms-addons.php b/gravity-forms-addons.php index afa6703..a94218d 100644 --- a/gravity-forms-addons.php +++ b/gravity-forms-addons.php @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Plugin URI: Description: Turn Gravity Forms into a great WordPress directory...and more! Author: Katz Web Services, Inc. -Version: 4.1 +Version: Author URI: Text Domain: gravity-forms-addons License: GPLv2 or later @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class GFDirectory { private static $path = "gravity-forms-addons/gravity-forms-addons.php"; private static $slug = "gravity-forms-addons"; - private static $version = "4.1"; + private static $version = ""; private static $min_gravityforms_version = ""; public static function directory_defaults( $args = array() ) { diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt index 72fb65d..df3636c 100644 --- a/readme.txt +++ b/readme.txt @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Tags: gravity forms, gravity form, forms, gravity, form, directory, business, business directory, directorypress, classifieds, cforms, formidable, gravityview Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.9.4 -Stable tag: 4.1 +Stable tag: Contributors: katzwebdesign, katzwebservices License: GPLv2 or later Donate link: @@ -236,6 +236,10 @@ Since 4.1, Smart Approval may return inaccurate entry counts. This will be fixed == Changelog == += on March 8, 2018 = + +* Removed test folders containing JSHint files, as suggested by + = 4.1 on March 8, 2018 = * Fixed: No entries are visible when using Smart Approval From c4f7dc14c21a08452be3e90da2a364c2543d69fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Zack Katz Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2018 12:52:29 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Fix list fields not showing in field picker Fixes #29 --- select_directory_columns.php | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/select_directory_columns.php b/select_directory_columns.php index 5f894e7..8de9910 100644 --- a/select_directory_columns.php +++ b/select_directory_columns.php @@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ function SelectColumns() { displayOnly && ! in_array( $field->id, $field_ids ) && RGFormsModel::get_input_type( $field ) != 'list' ) { + } else if ( ! $field->displayOnly && ! in_array( $field->id, $field_ids ) ) { ?>
  1. Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2018 15:03:09 -0600 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Fix global search not working --- gravity-forms-addons.php | 8 ++++---- readme.txt | 9 +++++++-- 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/gravity-forms-addons.php b/gravity-forms-addons.php index a94218d..c1c2bb7 100644 --- a/gravity-forms-addons.php +++ b/gravity-forms-addons.php @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Plugin URI: Description: Turn Gravity Forms into a great WordPress directory...and more! Author: Katz Web Services, Inc. -Version: +Version: 4.1.1 Author URI: Text Domain: gravity-forms-addons License: GPLv2 or later @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class GFDirectory { private static $path = "gravity-forms-addons/gravity-forms-addons.php"; private static $slug = "gravity-forms-addons"; - private static $version = ""; + private static $version = "4.1.1"; private static $min_gravityforms_version = ""; public static function directory_defaults( $args = array() ) { @@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ public static function make_directory( $atts ) { $sort_field = empty( $_GET["sort"] ) ? $sort : $_GET["sort"]; $sort_direction = empty( $_GET["dir"] ) ? $dir : $_GET["dir"]; - $search_query = ! empty( $_GET["gf_search"] ) ? $_GET["gf_search"] : NULL; + $search_query = isset( $_GET["gf_search"] ) ? $_GET["gf_search"] : NULL; $start_date = ! empty( $_GET["start_date"] ) ? $_GET["start_date"] : $start_date; @@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@ public static function get_leads( $form_id, $sort_field_number = 0, $sort_direct if ( '' !== $search && ! is_null( $search ) ) { $search_criteria['field_filters'][] = array( - 'key' => 0, + 'key' => null, 'value' => $search, ); } diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt index df3636c..5dc4c9b 100644 --- a/readme.txt +++ b/readme.txt @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ Tags: gravity forms, gravity form, forms, gravity, form, directory, business, business directory, directorypress, classifieds, cforms, formidable, gravityview Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.9.4 -Stable tag: +Stable tag: 4.1.1 Contributors: katzwebdesign, katzwebservices License: GPLv2 or later -Donate link: +Donate link: Add directory capabilities and other functionality to the great Gravity Forms plugin. @@ -236,6 +236,11 @@ Since 4.1, Smart Approval may return inaccurate entry counts. This will be fixed == Changelog == += 4.1.1 on March 30, 2018 = + +* Fixed: Searching entries using the global search would not filter entries +* Fixed: Searches with a value of `0` would not filter entries + = on March 8, 2018 = * Removed test folders containing JSHint files, as suggested by