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Handling side effects with Sagas

Follow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /Chris

So far when we have built our app using Redux we have worked in synchronous data. Everything we do happens straight away wether we are incrementing a variable, adding an item to a list and so on. A real app will most likely do asynchronous work, performing AJAX requests when fetching and changing data. How would that look if we weren't using Sagas?

// some container component

const createAction = () => ({ type: 'CREATED' });

const loadAction = (data) => ({ type: 'LOAD_DATA', payload: data });

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
  return {
    add: (data) => {
      const response = await fetch('url', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: JSON.stringify(data)
      const responseData = response.json();
    get: () => {
      const response = await fetch('url');
      const responseData = response.json();

Ok, so above we see that we are defining a mapDispatchToProps and create two properties on the object we return back, add and get. Now what happens inside them is that we use some way to perform an AJAX call and when done we talk to Redux and our store by calling dispatch.

We can definitely clean up the above a little so it doesn't look so bad but the fact remains we are mixing AJAX communication with Redux. There is a way to handle this a bit more elegantly namely by using Sagas.

So Sagas promises to create a bit more order. The idea with Sagas is that the only thing you should see in a container component are dispatching of actions. Sagas acts as listeners to specific actions. When a specific action happens the Saga will have the ability to intervene, you can do its AJAX interaction and then end it all with dispatching an action.

Sounds simple enough right? Let's get started.

Installation & Setup

To use Sagas we need to install it by typing:

yarn add redux-saga

Next step is about telling Redux we want to use Sagas. Sagas are a so called middleware, something that intercepts the normal Redux flow which means we need to do the following to make Sagas work:

  • import and register Sagas as a middleware
  • create a saga
  • run a saga
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga';
import { watchIncrementAsync } from './sagas';

Above we have imported applyMiddleware that we will need to register Sagas as a middleware. Next thing we imported was createSagaMiddleware that we will use to create the middleware. Lastly we import watchIncrementAsync which is simply our own written Saga that intercepts a specific dispatch action of our choosing and carries out asynchronous work.

Next step is creating the middleware and registering it with Redux, like so:

const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();

const store = createStore(

As you can see we now give createStore a second parameter instead of just the root reducer. That second parameter instructs Redux to run Sagas as a middleware.

Writing a Saga

We have one bit of set up left which is:

  • creating our saga
  • instruct our Saga to run, so it actively listens

For now we will create our handwritten Sagas in a file called sagas.js but as our project grows we will need to break it down in many small files to make it maintable:

// sagas.js - excerpt

import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
import { put, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'

Above we add the needed imports in the form delay and put and takeEvery:

  • delay, this is really just a utility function that resolves a promise after x numver of milliseconds
  • put, this is pretty much the dispatch of Sagas, you add an action as input parameter to it.
  • takeEvery, this listens to a specific action type and runs a generator function in response to a specific action occurring


Let's take a step back and think about what we are about to do. What we wan't to do and what Sagas promise to help us with is to clean up the flow a bit when dealing with asynchronous actions. To accomplish that a Saga has the following data flow to it:

  • listen to a specific action type
  • run a generator function in response to said action type
  • carry out asynchronous work in generator function
  • end generator function by calling put that dispatches an action and thereby leaves back control to Redux.

Let's build a Saga with that flow in mind. Let's take something dead simple like incrementing a number. I need you to imagine that this performs an AJAX request and when its done resolves a Promise. Let's start with step one though, listening to a specific action:

// sagas.js - excerpt
export function* watchIncrementAsync() {
  console.log("I'm hit first");
  yield takeEvery('INCREMENT_ASYNC', incrementAsync)

Above we define the function watchIncrementAsync and we see that it calls takeEvery on the action type INCREMENT_ASYNC. The second parameter of the function says what function it should run in the response to this action occurring, namely incrementAsync. The above is also called a watcher function.

Next step is about us creating and defining the function incrementAsync, so let's do that next:

// sagas.js - excerpt

export function* incrementAsync() {
  console.log("Then me - do async work here...");
  yield delay(1000)
  console.log('Done with async work, dispatch data');
  yield put({ type: 'INCREMENT' })

We can see above that the first thing we do is to call yield delay(1000), think of this as writing:

await fetch(url);

What we mean by that is that this is the point where we should perform an AJAX call, instead of writing await we use yield which is the corresponding keyword for generators. Last thing to happen in this function is us calling put which dispatches an action and thereby leaves control back to Redux. The full file looks like this:

import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
import { put, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'

// Our worker Saga: will perform the async increment task
export function* incrementAsync() {
  console.log("Then me - do async work here...");
  yield delay(1000)
  console.log('Done with async work, dispatch data');
  yield put({ type: 'INCREMENT' })

// Our watcher Saga: spawn a new incrementAsync task on each INCREMENT_ASYNC
export function* watchIncrementAsync() {
  console.log("I'm hit first");
  yield takeEvery('INCREMENT_ASYNC', incrementAsync) 

As you can see above there isn't much to it. Let's repeat again the steps we need to take for every Saga we write:

  • define a watcher function / listener that listens to a specific action
  • define a generator function, also called a worker saga that performs AJAX operations or some other asynchronous work and end it all with a call to put to relinquish control.

Run the Saga

We have forgotten a little thing which is triggering the Saga to start watching. We need to head back to our index.js file and do that:

// index.js - excerpt

Without this call, nothing will work, so don't forget it :)

Using it in the app

Using this in the app is about the following:

  • create a container component
  • dispatch an action that targets INCREMENT_ASYNC

Let's create that container component:

// IncrementContainer.js

import React from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';

import Increment from '../components/Increment';

const increment = () => ({ type: 'INCREMENT_ASYNC' });

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    value: state.value

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
  return {
    increment: () => {

const IncrementContainer = connect(

export default IncrementContainer;

We can see above how we create the container component IncrementContainer by using the presentation component Increment and augmenting it with the method increment and the state value. We also see that upon invoking increment() we dispatch the action of type INCREMENT_ASYNC.

For the presentation component we just need to wire up the increment method to a button so we can invoke the method and thereby dispatch the action so our Saga will be targeted. Let's define the presentation component:

// Increment.js

import React from 'react';

const Increment = ({ value, increment }) => (
  Value: {value} &nbsp;
  <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

export default Increment;

Further reading

There is a lot more to Sagas, have a read at the official docs Official docs