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Releases: kartchnb/AutoTowersGenerator

Version 2.4 - Now 42.7% Error Free!

27 Oct 04:17
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Fixed a LOT of errors, but now, hopefully, this plugin is useful.

Version 2.3.4 - More fixes for speed towers

27 Oct 03:28
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It turns out that there was another minor error with travel speed towers that should be fixed in this release. Thanks to @Monteco for submitting issue #25 that made me take another look at this code.

Could this be the release that's finally bug free? Only time will tell!

Version 2.3.3 - Post-processing bug fixes

24 Oct 02:25
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Hopefully, this release fixes errors when post-processing certain g-code output in response to Issue #22.

Thanks to @vulgerrity for reporting this!

Version 2.3.2 - Bug fix for OpenSCAD settings and LCD displays

20 Oct 04:19
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Fixed (hopefully) an issue with setting the OpenSCAD path.

Also, added the option to disable outputting messages to the LCD display using the M117 command. This may cause issues with certain printers (such as the Dremel 3D45).

Version 2.3.1 - Bug fix for setting change detection

16 Oct 14:46
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I have attempted to improve how Cura settings are handled. The plugins temporarily change settings that are incompatible with the tower being generated and restore the original values once the tower has been removed. Additionally, only changes to relevant settings will cause a tower to be automatically removed.

Let's see what fun new problems THIS introduces!

Version 2.3 - Now with bed level patterns!

13 Oct 02:36
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This release adds the ability to print bed level patterns to check how well your bed is leveled and how well your first layer is adhering. The selection of patterns was inspired by this All3DP article, which is also a good reference for using these: . More great guidance can be found on this Filament Friday video: . These patterns currently require OpenSCAD to be installed, because they are customized to your bed and nozzle size.

A major error with my retraction speed towers has been fixed as well. Thanks to @DanMan32 for pointing this out! Thanks also to @clunkclunk for finding and fixing a couple of embarrassing typos in my retraction distance towers code.

I can't resist fiddling with perfectly working code, so there have been a lot of other tweaks - some visible, most not.

As always, there's likely a lot of new and exciting bugs that I've introduced. Please let me know when you find them.

Version 2.2 - General enhancements

02 Oct 03:26
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The major improvement in this release is that "travel speed" versions of speed towers now work they way I assumed they did... but didn't.

When you generate a "travel speed" speed tower, you can specify the starting print speed for each tower section and how much to change the print speed between sections. This will act as if Cura's "print speed" setting were manually changed for each section and respects different print speeds for walls, infill, etc. This is not how it worked previously and "travel speed" towers generated by previous versions of this plugin were probably not very helpful.

Other minor tweaks have been made, the most visible of which are that custom tower dialogs now have tool tips to explain each setting. If you hover the mouse over each setting's description, a potentially helpful tool tip will be displayed that may even be partially correct.

Version 2.1 - Flow and Speed Towers

22 Sep 14:13
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This version adds support for flow towers to calibrate flow rate.

It also adds support for several varieties of speed towers - travel, acceleration, jerk, and others.

A lot of cleanup and tweaks have been completed behind the scenes as well.

Version 2.0 - Cura 5.1 Rewrite

07 Sep 04:13
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This release has been updated to support Cura 5.1.

It's also been largely rewritten to be less reliant on OpenSCAD. Although OpenSCAD is still required to generate custom towers, various preset towers are provided that can quickly be loaded and printed without OpenSCAD.

Fan Tower Fix

21 Aug 18:21
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Fixed an embarrassing error in Fan Tower post-processing.