A Widget to allow users to search from a list of string and make a selection (Similar to a DropDownButtom).
flutter_search_panel: ^1.0.1
import 'package:flutter_search_panel/flutter_search_panel.dart';
List<SearchItem<int>> data = [
SearchItem(0, 'This'),
SearchItem(1, 'is'),
SearchItem(2, 'a'),
SearchItem(3, 'test'),
SearchItem(4, '.'),
padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
selected: 3,
title: 'Demo Search Page',
data: data,
icon: new Icon(Icons.check_circle, color: Colors.white),
color: Colors.blue,
textStyle: new TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 20.0, decorationStyle: TextDecorationStyle.dotted),
onChanged: (int value) {
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