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Kapitan Secrets Controller for Kubernetes

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Tesoro allows you to seamlessly apply Kubernetes manifests with Kapitan secret refs. As it runs in the cluster, it will reveal embedded Kapitan secret refs when they are applied. It supports all types of Kapitan secrets backends: AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Vault with more coming up.


Say you have just setup Tesoro and have this compiled kapitan project:

├── my-deployment.yml
└── my-secret.yml

And you have the Tesoro label and kapitan secret ref in my-secret.yml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-secret
  labels: enabled
type: Opaque
  secret_sauce: ?{gkms:my/secret1:deadbeef}

All you have to do is compile refs in embedded format:

$ kapitan compile --embed-refs

...and you will notice that your kapitan secret ref in my-secret.yml now looks like:

type: Opaque
  secret_sauce: ?{gkms:eyJkYXRhIjogImNtVm1JREVnWkdGMFlRPT0iLCAiZW5jb2RpbmciOiAib3JpZ2luYWwiLCAidHlwZSI6ICJiYXNlNjQifQ==:embedded}}

This means that your kubernetes manifests and secrets are ready to be applied:

$ kubectl apply -f compiled/my-target/manifests/my-secret.yml
secret/my-secret configured

Why is this a big deal? Because without Tesoro, you'd have to reveal secrets locally when applying:

$ kapitan refs --reveal -f compiled/my-target/manifests/my-secret.yml | kubectl apply -f -

How do I know my secret refs revealed succesfully? You would see the following:

$ kubectl apply -f compiled/my-target/manifests/my-secret.yml
Error from server: error when creating "compiled/my-target/manifests/my-secret.yml": admission webhook "tesoro-admission-controller.tesoro.svc" denied the request: Kapitan reveal failed

You can also setup Prometheus monitoring for this. See Monitoring


Tesoro is a Kubernetes Admission Controller Mutating Webhook, which means that you'll need at minimum a Kubernetes v1.9 cluster.

Example Kubernetes Config

You'll find the predefined example config in the k8s/ directory. Please make sure you read about setting up Mutating Webhooks here!

1 - ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/clusterrole.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/clusterrolebinding.yaml

2 - Tesoro Namespace

We will be running the webhook in the tesoro namespace

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/tesoro_namespace.yaml

3 - Tesoro Webhook Config & Certs

For convenience, you'll find valid certificates in tesoro_mutatingwebhook.yaml and tesoro_secret.yaml for testing purposes only.


$ kubectl -n tesoro apply -f k8s/tesoro_secret.yaml
$ kubectl -n tesoro apply -f k8s/tesoro_service.yaml
$ kubectl -n tesoro apply -f k8s/tesoro_deployment.yaml

Verify the tesoro pod is up and running:

$ kubectl -n tesoro get pods
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
tesoro-admission-controller-584b9d87c6-p69bx   1/1     Running   0          1m

And finally apply the MutatingWebhookConfiguration:

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/tesoro_mutatingwebhook.yaml

4 - Try a Kubernetes Manifest with Secret Refs

This manifest with a valid ref, should work:

$ kubectl apply -f tests/k8s/nginx_deployment.yml
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment created

The following manifest with a bogus ref, should fail:

kubectl apply -f tests/k8s/nginx_deployment_bad.yml
Error from server: error when creating "nginx_deployment_bad.yml": admission webhook "tesoro-admission-controller.tesoro.svc" denied the request: Kapitan reveal failed

Helm chart

This repository includes a helm chart which offers an alternative way to install Tesoro

kubectl create ns tesoro
helm install tesoro chart -n tesoro

Vault support

In order to support Vault references Tesoro will need a VAULT token, this can be created by logging into vault using your defined auth backend. This example uses github:

vault login -no-print -method=github token=XXXXXXXXXXX

The helm chart is installed specifying the addition of a VAULT_TOKEN

helm install tesoro chart -n tesoro --set env.VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.vault-token)
Upgrading the token

Should the token expire, it can be refreshed as follows:

vault login -no-print -method=github token=XXXXXXXXXXX
helm upgrade tesoro chart -n tesoro --set env.VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.vault-token)
Using a secret to store Vault token

A more secure option is to save the token as a secret

kubectl create secret generic vault-creds --from-literal=VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.vault-token) -n tesoro
helm install tesoro chart --set secrets[0]=vault-creds -n tesoro


Tesoro exposes a Prometheus endpoint (by default on port 9095) and the following metrics:

Metric Description Type
tesoro_requests_total Tesoro total requests counter
tesoro_requests_failed_total Tesoro failed requests counter
kapitan_reveal_requests_total Kapitan reveal total requests counter
kapitan_reveal_requests_failed_total Kapitan reveal failed requests counter
kapitan_reveal_retry_requests Kapitan reveal retry requests counter

Handling Failure

Since revealing relies on external services (such as Google KMS, AWS KMS, etc...), Tesoro will retry up to 3 times should a reveal request fail.

Local testing

Run tesoro with python -m tesoro --verbose locally (uses 8080 port by default) and test it's endpoints by sending the same requests that k8s would send to it. E.g.

cd tests/

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @request.json http://localhost:8080/mutate