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Examples: RankedBag
Kasey O edited this page Oct 12, 2017
1 revision
This page contains several examples showing usage of the RankedBag
Each example is a complete C# program with output included as comments.
For complete documentation on the Kaos.Collections
namespace including this class, see:
The first example of the RankedBag
class shows some basic operations.
using System;
using Kaos.Collections;
namespace ExampleApps
class RbExample01
static void Main()
var crayons = new RankedBag<string> (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
{ "red", "yellow", "black", "BLACK" };
crayons.Add ("blue");
Console.WriteLine ("There are " + crayons.Count + " total crayons:");
foreach (var crayon in crayons)
Console.WriteLine (" " + crayon);
Console.WriteLine ("\nThere are " + crayons.GetDistinctCount() + " distinct colors:");
foreach (var crayon in crayons.Distinct())
Console.WriteLine (" " + crayon);
Console.WriteLine ("\nGot 'gold' crayon? " + crayons.Contains ("gold"));
// RetainAll respects cardinality so the oldest 'black' is removed:
crayons.RetainAll (new string[] { "white", "grey", "Black", "red" });
Console.WriteLine ("\nAfter RetainAll: ");
foreach (var crayon in crayons)
Console.WriteLine (" " + crayon);
/* Output:
There are 5 total crayons:
There are 4 distinct colors:
Got 'gold' crayon? False
After RetainAll:
The next example shows using a RankedBag
as a multimap.
using System;
using Kaos.Collections;
namespace ExampleApp
public class CharMap : IComparable<CharMap>
public char Ch { get; private set; }
public int Pos { get; private set; }
public CharMap (char ch, int pos) { Ch = ch; Pos = pos; }
public int CompareTo (CharMap other) => Ch.CompareTo (other.Ch);
public override string ToString() => Ch + " :: " + Pos;
class RbExample02
static void Main()
var map = new RankedBag<CharMap>();
string s1 = "this is it";
for (int pos = 0; pos < s1.Length; ++pos)
if (! Char.IsWhiteSpace (s1[pos]))
map.Add (new CharMap (s1[pos], pos));
foreach (var mapItem in map)
Console.WriteLine (mapItem);
/* Output:
h :: 1
i :: 2
i :: 5
i :: 8
s :: 3
s :: 6
t :: 0
t :: 9
The next example shows using this class for statistical calculations.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Kaos.Collections;
namespace ExampleApp
class RbExample03
static double Median (RankedBag<int> vals)
if (vals.Count == 0) return 0D;
if (vals.Count % 2 == 1) return (double) vals.ElementAt (vals.Count/2);
return (vals.ElementAt (vals.Count/2-1) + vals.ElementAt (vals.Count/2)) / 2D;
static double Mean (RankedBag<int> vals) => vals.Sum() / (double) vals.Count;
static double Variance (RankedBag<int> vals) => vals.Sum (x => Math.Pow (Mean (vals) - x, 2)) / vals.Count;
static double StandardDeviation (RankedBag<int> vals) => Math.Sqrt (Variance (vals));
static void Main()
var scores = new RankedBag<int> (new int[] { 2, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 7, 9 });
var mean = Mean (scores);
var stddev = StandardDeviation (scores);
Console.WriteLine ("Count = " + scores.Count + ", median = " + Median (scores) + ", mean = " + Mean (scores));
Console.WriteLine ("Variance = " + Variance (scores));
Console.WriteLine ("Standard deviation = " + StandardDeviation (scores));
Console.WriteLine ("\nLow score: " + scores.Min);
Console.WriteLine ("High score: " + scores.Max);
Console.Write ("Scores within 1 standard deviation:");
foreach (var score in scores.ElementsBetween ((int) (mean-stddev+0.5), (int) (mean+stddev+0.5)))
Console.Write (" " + score);
/* Output:
Count = 8, median = 4.5, mean = 5
Variance = 4
Standard deviation = 2
Low score: 2
High score: 9
Scores within 1 standard deviation: 4 4 4 5 5 7
The final example demonstrates round tripping binary serialization.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using Kaos.Collections;
namespace ExampleApp
public class ExamComparer : Comparer<Exam>
public override int Compare (Exam x1, Exam x2) => x1.Score - x2.Score;
public class Exam : ISerializable
public int Score { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Exam (int score, string name)
{ this.Score = score; this.Name = name; }
protected Exam (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
this.Score = (int) info.GetValue ("Score", typeof (int));
this.Name = (String) info.GetValue ("Name", typeof (String));
public virtual void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue ("Score", Score, typeof (int));
info.AddValue ("Name", Name, typeof (String));
public override string ToString() => Score + ", " + Name;
class RbExample05
static void Main()
var bag1 = new RankedBag<Exam> (new ExamComparer());
bag1.Add (new Exam (5, "Jack"));
bag1.Add (new Exam (2, "Ned"));
bag1.Add (new Exam (2, "Betty"));
bag1.Add (new Exam (3, "Paul"));
bag1.Add (new Exam (5, "John"));
Console.WriteLine ("Items are inserted after other items that compare equally:");
foreach (var item in bag1)
Console.WriteLine (" " + item);
string fileName = "Exams.bin";
IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
SerializeExams (fileName, bag1, formatter);
Console.WriteLine ("\nWrote " + bag1.Count + " items to file '" + fileName + "'.");
Console.WriteLine ();
RankedBag<Exam> bag2 = DeserializeExams (fileName, formatter);
Console.WriteLine ("Read back " + bag2.Count + " items:");
foreach (var p2 in bag2)
Console.WriteLine (" " + p2);
static void SerializeExams (string fn, RankedBag<Exam> bag, IFormatter formatter)
using (var fs = new FileStream (fn, FileMode.Create))
{ formatter.Serialize (fs, bag); }
static RankedBag<Exam> DeserializeExams (string fn, IFormatter formatter)
using (var fs = new FileStream (fn, FileMode.Open))
{ return (RankedBag<Exam>) formatter.Deserialize (fs); }
/* Output:
Items are inserted after other items that compare equally:
2, Ned
2, Betty
3, Paul
5, Jack
5, John
Wrote 5 items to file 'Exams.bin'.
Read back 5 items:
2, Ned
2, Betty
3, Paul
5, Jack
5, John