The dnssec module in Kamailio was added during the development of v4.1.0 (expected to be released later in 2013). Therefore this tutorial presents how to add DNSSEC module in the default configuration file of Kamailio, following GIT installation guidelines.
In short, this tutorial focuses on:
- install Kamailio development version from GIT repository on Ubuntu 12.04 32b
- enable user authentication and persistent location service using MySQL server
- add DNSSEC support to configuration file
Note: the DNSSEC module is several days old at the time of writing initial version of this tutorial. For any assistance, email to sr-users (at) -- it is a public mailing list that requires subscription, see more details at:
Note: Ubuntu 12.04 was chosen because dnssec tools devel library are provided for this distribution, making the installation of the required dependencies much easier. There are packages for other Linux distribution (e.g., Fedora), most of the steps provided in this tutorial being valid (the rest have to updated for the specifics of the distribution, e.g., how to install packages, create system users or init.d scripts).
For reading more about DNSSEC, head to:
Many related resources, including the required libraries for Kamailio's DNSSEC module, are available at:
The dnssec-tools package should be available on recent Debian/Ubuntu, to install it us:
apt-get install dnssec-tools
You need DNSSEC tools devel libraries to compile Kamailio's DNSSEC module. You can download the libraries from:
The files are:
Once you download the deb files, install them with dpkg -i ...
Here is a quick guide to install Kamailio development version from GIT repository. If you look for a more detailed tutorial, check:
Install the packages needed to build Kamailio:
apt-get install make autoconf gcc flex bison git-core
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev libssl-dev
First of all, you have to create a directory on the file system where the sources will be stored.
mkdir -p /usr/local/src/kamailio-devel
cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-devel
Download the sources from GIT using the following commands.
git clone --depth 1 git:// kamailio
cd kamailio
Run next set of commands:
cd /usr/local/src/kamailio-devel/kamailio
make cfg include_modules="db_mysql dnssec"
make all
make install
The binaries and executable scripts were installed in:
These are:
- kamailio - Kamailio SIP server
- kamdbctl - script to create and manage the databases
- kamctl - script to manage and control Kamailio SIP server
- kamcmd - CLI - command line tool to interface with Kamailio SIP server
To be able to use the binaries from command line, make sure that
is set in PATH environment variable. You can check
that with echo $PATH
. If not and you are using bash
, open
and at the end add:
export PATH
Kamailio modules are installed in:
Note: On 64 bit systems, /usr/local/lib64 may be used.
The documentation and readme files are installed in:
The man pages are installed in:
The configuration file was installed in:
kamctl is command line tool useful to control Kamailio. It can add or remove SIP user profiles.
Edit /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamctlrc, locate DBENGINE
variable and
set it to MYSQL
Also, you can set SIP_DOMAIN to you server hostname or IP address.
You can change other values in kamctlrc file, at least it is recommended to change the default passwords for the users to be created to connect to database.
Once you are done updating kamctlrc file, run the script to create the database used by Kamailio:
/usr/local/sbin/kamdbctl create
You can call this script without any parameter to get some help for the
usage. You will be asked for the domain name Kamailio is going to serve
) and the password of the 'root' MySQL user. The
script will create a database named 'kamailio' containing the tables
required by Kamailio. You can change the default settings in the
kamctlrc file mentioned above.
The script will add two users in MySQL:
kamailio - (with default password
) - user which has full access rights tokamailio
database -
kamailioro - (with default password
) - user which has read-only access rights tokamailio
Do change the passwords for these two users to something different that the default values that come with sources.
Kamctl can be used for adding users, for example adding user test with password testpasswd:
kamctl add test testpasswd
The init.d script can be used to start/stop the Kamailio server in a nicer way. A sample of init.d script for Kamailio is provided at:
The default file for init.d script is provided at:
Run next command to deploy the init.d scripts:
make install-initd-debian
It will create also user and group kamailio, plus runtime directory /var/run/kamailio.
Now Kamailio can be started or stopped with:
/etc/init.d/kamailio start
/etc/init.d/kamailio stop
Next step is to enable user authentication, persistent location service and add dnssec module. You have to edit the configuration file.
Follow the instruction in the comments to enable usage of MySQL. Basically you have to add several lines at the top of config file (but after the first line), like:
#!define WITH_MYSQL
#!define WITH_AUTH
If you changed the password for the 'kamailio' user of MySQL, you have to update the value for DBURL define.
The README of DNSSEC module is available at:
You have to load dnssec module in kamailio.cfg:
loadmodule ""
Add the above line somewhere before the first line starting with modparam.
The module does not require any parameter, you are ready to use the configuration file now.
Start Kamailio with:
/etc/init.d/kamailio start
This tutorial does not include yet (left for future updates) how to setup a DNSSEC-enabled DNS server, there are many useful resources on the web. Among them:
One way to test is to setup two instances of Kamailio, one serving
and the second
Then [email protected] can call [email protected]
. Kamailio instance
will do DNS lookup do discover the IP address of
One easy way to test is to use an Open DNS resolver that provides
Recursive DNSSEC capabilities. One of those is
( Google Open
DNS). As per the FAQ, DNSSEC support is enabled
Edit /etc/resolv.conf
and modify your nameserver
definition to have:
Launch Kamailio with DNSSEC module enabled and try to send a SIP package
to the domain
. DNS resolving for this domain
should fail, as it is a test domain which provides an incorrect
signature. Kamailio should report: "0(70805) INFO: dnssec
[dnssec_func.c:145]: invalid domain <> reason
- setup of a DNS server with DNSSEC support is left for future updates of this tutorial
- the DNSSEC module overwrites the API in the core for doing DNS queries, therefore is nothing else required to do apart of loading the module
- Kamailio will do a DNS query each time it has to forward a SIP request based on hostname