diff --git a/core/client/utils/utils.shapes.js b/core/client/utils/utils.shapes.js
index 05e09c520..5ab8633e5 100644
--- a/core/client/utils/utils.shapes.js
+++ b/core/client/utils/utils.shapes.js
@@ -100,7 +100,11 @@ function getSize (size) {
Utility to create a shape with the following options:
- - shape: String | Object - name of the predefined shape or object specifyinfg the viewBox and the content
+ - shape: String | Object - name of the predefined shape or object specifying the following
+ - viewBox: svg viewport definition
+ - content: svg shape
+ - translation: Array - the translation to apply from the center of the shape ['-50%', '-50%']
+ - rotation: Number - the rotation to apply in degree
- size : Array - [width, height] of the maker
- radius: Number - the radius to compute a "visual" size. If the size is defined, the radius is omitted.
- color: String - the fill color
@@ -163,7 +167,8 @@ export function createShape (options) {
// Set div container vars
- const beginDivTag = `