@@ -158,6 +179,20 @@ const { schema, compile } = useSchema()
const options = Object.assign({ filterQuery }, _.omit(toRefs(props), ['filterQuery']))
const { items, nbTotalItems, nbPages, currentPage, refreshCollection, resetCollection } = useCollection(options)
+// Watch
+watch(items, onCollectionRefreshed)
+watch(schema, () => {
+ processSchema()
+ resetCollection()
+watch(() => props.schema, async (value) => {
+ await compile(props.schema || `${props.service}.get`)
+watch(nbTotalItems, () => {
+ // Update pagination for table
+ pagination.value.rowsNumber = nbTotalItems.value
// Functions
function processSchema () {
_.forOwn(schema.value.properties, (value, key) => {
@@ -227,29 +262,14 @@ function onCollectionRefreshed () {
emit('collection-refreshed', items.value)
-// Lifecycle hooks
-// Emit events so that embbeding components can be aware of it
-watch(items, onCollectionRefreshed)
-watch(schema, () => {
- processSchema()
- resetCollection()
-watch(() => props.schema, async (value) => {
- await compile(props.schema || `${props.service}.get`)
-watch(nbTotalItems, () => {
- // Update pagination for table
- pagination.value.rowsNumber = nbTotalItems.value
+// Hooks
onBeforeMount(async () => {
// This will launch collection refresh
await compile(props.schema || `${props.service}.get`)
+ refreshCollection()
// Whenever the user abilities are updated, update collection as well
Events.on('user-abilities-changed', refreshCollection)
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
Events.off('user-abilities-changed', refreshCollection)
diff --git a/core/client/components/collection/KTimeLine.vue b/core/client/components/collection/KTimeLine.vue
index a93f0901b..66a9c27db 100644
--- a/core/client/components/collection/KTimeLine.vue
+++ b/core/client/components/collection/KTimeLine.vue
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
diff --git a/core/client/composables/collection.js b/core/client/composables/collection.js
index bd2b11213..cde108111 100644
--- a/core/client/composables/collection.js
+++ b/core/client/composables/collection.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export function useCollection (options) {
// Data
- const items = ref([])
+ const items = ref(null)
const nbTotalItems = ref(0)
const currentPage = ref(1)
let itemListener = null
@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ export function useCollection (options) {
}, options.refreshThrottle.value, { leading: false })
function resetCollection () {
+ // Do not reset the collection since it is initializing
+ if (_.isNil(items.value)) return
// Reset pagination and start again refreshing the collection
if (options.appendItems.value) setCollectionItems([])
currentPage.value = 1
diff --git a/core/client/mixins/index.js b/core/client/mixins/index.js
index 7b528793e..e01ee6a28 100644
--- a/core/client/mixins/index.js
+++ b/core/client/mixins/index.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
export * from './mixin.base-context.js'
export * from './mixin.base-activity.js'
-export * from './mixin.base-collection.js'
export * from './mixin.base-editor.js'
export * from './mixin.base-item.js'
export * from './mixin.base-field.js'
diff --git a/core/client/mixins/mixin.base-collection.js b/core/client/mixins/mixin.base-collection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f9f05e8d..000000000
--- a/core/client/mixins/mixin.base-collection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-import _ from 'lodash'
-import logger from 'loglevel'
-import { getLocale } from '../utils/utils.locale.js'
-export const baseCollection = {
- emits: [
- 'collection-refreshed',
- 'selection-changed',
- 'item-toggled'
- ],
- props: {
- // This value can be overriden in activities if they want to manage pagination by themselves
- // nbItemsPerPage = 0 means that the client does not handle pagination and server defaults will be used
- nbItemsPerPage: {
- type: Number,
- default: 12
- },
- // This value indicate if items of each page replace or are appended to previous ones
- appendItems: {
- type: Boolean,
- default: false
- },
- // Only invoke refresh at most once per every refreshThrottle milliseconds
- refreshThrottle: {
- type: Number,
- default: 500
- }
- },
- computed: {
- nbPages () {
- return (this.nbItemsPerPage > 0 ? Math.ceil(this.nbTotalItems / this.nbItemsPerPage) : 1)
- }
- },
- data () {
- return {
- items: [],
- nbTotalItems: 0,
- currentPage: 1
- }
- },
- methods: {
- subscribe (query) {
- // Remove previous listener if any
- this.unsubscribe()
- this.itemListener = this.getService().watch({ listStrategy: this.listStrategy || 'smart' })
- .find({ query })
- .subscribe(response => {
- // Manage GeoJson features collection as well
- if (response.type === 'FeatureCollection') {
- this.items = response.features
- } else if (this.appendItems) {
- // Append the response ensuring there is no duplicates
- this.items = _.unionBy(response.data, this.items, '_id')
- // We keep order from the updated list as depending on the sorting criteria a new item might have to be pushed on top of current items
- const sortQuery = _.get(this.getCollectionBaseQuery(), '$sort')
- if (sortQuery) {
- // By default orderBy is case sensitive while using collation we want to perform case insensitive sort
- this.items = _.orderBy(this.items,
- // Sort function for each sort property
- _.map(_.keys(sortQuery), property => {
- return item => {
- const value = _.get(item, property)
- return (typeof value === 'string' ? value.toLowerCase() : value)
- }
- }),
- // Sort order for each sort property
- _.map(_.values(sortQuery), value => { return value > 0 ? 'asc' : 'desc' }))
- }
- } else {
- this.items = response.data
- }
- this.nbTotalItems = response.total
- this.onCollectionRefreshed()
- }, error => {
- logger.error(error)
- })
- },
- unsubscribe () {
- if (this.itemListener) {
- this.itemListener.unsubscribe()
- this.itemListener = null
- }
- },
- getCollectionBaseQuery () {
- // This method should be overriden in collections
- return {}
- },
- getCollectionFilterQuery () {
- // This method should be overriden in collections
- return {}
- },
- getCollectionPaginationQuery () {
- // This method can be overriden in collections
- if (this.nbItemsPerPage > 0) {
- return {
- $limit: this.nbItemsPerPage,
- $skip: (this.currentPage - 1) * this.nbItemsPerPage
- }
- } else return {}
- },
- resetCollection () {
- // Reset pagination and start again refreshing the collection
- this.items = []
- this.currentPage = 1
- this.refreshCollection()
- },
- onPageChanged () {
- this.refreshCollection()
- },
- onItemToggled (item, toggled) {
- this.$emit('item-toggled', item, toggled)
- },
- onItemSelected (item, section) {
- this.$emit('selection-changed', item, section)
- },
- onItemsSelected (items) {
- this.$emit('selection-changed', items)
- },
- onCollectionRefreshed () {
- this.$emit('collection-refreshed', this.items)
- },
- onItemsUpdated (items) {
- // When we append items some items of the previous pages might have been updated.
- // In this case we need to reset the full collection as Rx only tracks changes on the current page
- let updatedItems = (Array.isArray(items) ? items : [items])
- // We keep order from the updated list as depending on the sorting criteria a new item might have to be pushed on top of current items
- updatedItems = _.intersectionWith(this.items, updatedItems, (item1, item2) => (item1._id.toString() === item2._id.toString()))
- if (updatedItems.length > 0) this.resetCollection()
- }
- },
- created () {
- // Avoid initiating too much request as the same time, this might be the case
- // when async UI components update simultaneously the base/filter query
- // see https://github.com/kalisio/kdk/issues/432
- const refreshCollection = () => {
- // Add locale to perform sorting (i.e. collation) correctly w.r.t. user's language
- const fullQuery = Object.assign({ $locale: getLocale() },
- this.getCollectionBaseQuery(),
- this.getCollectionFilterQuery(),
- this.getCollectionPaginationQuery())
- // Find the desired items
- this.subscribe(fullQuery)
- }
- this.refreshCollection = _.throttle(refreshCollection, this.refreshThrottle, { leading: false })
- if (this.appendItems) {
- const service = this.getService()
- service.on('patched', this.onItemsUpdated)
- service.on('updated', this.onItemsUpdated)
- service.on('removed', this.onItemsUpdated)
- }
- },
- beforeUnmount () {
- this.unsubscribe()
- if (this.appendItems) {
- const service = this.getService()
- service.off('patched', this.onItemsUpdated)
- service.off('updated', this.onItemsUpdated)
- service.off('removed', this.onItemsUpdated)
- }
- }