Ever wanted to log and profile your external API calls in a Rails app the
same way Rails does with active record? Look no further, as the x-ray-machine
is the thing that will enable you to do that!
As per usual add this to your Gemfile
gem 'x-ray-machine'
Then just call XRay.whatevers
with some marker you wanna see in the logs
(it can be an url or anything stringy) and then give it a block to measure.
class MyThing
def talk_to_elastic_search
url = figure_the_url
XRay.elastic_search url do
make_the_actual_request url
def talk_to_twitter_api
XRay.twitter "loading recent tweets" do
def craaaazy_stuff
XRay.baaacooon "fat acids hitting the brain" do
This will show something like this in your rails console
ElasticSearch (5.1ms) /url?bla=bla&bla
Twitter (100.2ms) loading recent tweets
Baaacooon (10.1ms) fat acids hitting the brain
In case you want to mark a query as cached, you can use the ray
object that is passed down the block, and mark it as cached
url = "some/url.thing"
XRay.heavy_request url do |ray|
if result = find_in_cache(url)
ray.cached = true
result = make_the_actual_request(url)
After that your log entry will look like so
HeavyRequest CACHE (0.1ms) /url?bla=bla&bla
Normally, the XRay
object will use method_missing
and automatically
guess the name for the entry and use a random color for it, but you can
customize things
XRayMachine.config do |config|
config.elastic_search = {
color: :yellow, # color for the line
title: "ES", # title for the entries
show_in_summary: false # show/hide the results in the summary
NOTE: the name you use with the config
should match the one
that you use on the XRay
class to track your queries.
All code in this repository is released under the terms of the MIT License
Copyright (C) 2014 Nikolay Nemshilov