Tekton Operator follows the Tekton community release policy as follows:
- Versions are numbered according to semantic versioning:
- A new release is produced on a monthly basis
- Four releases a year are chosen for long term support (LTS).
All remaining releases are supported for approximately 1 month (until the next
release is produced)
- LTS releases take place in January, April, July and October every year
- The first Tekton Operator LTS release will be v0.63.0 in October 2022
Tekton Operator produces nightly builds, publicly available on
More details are available in the Tekton Operator release documentation.
Before release v0.63 Tekton Operator has worked on the basis of an undocumented support period of four months, which will be maintained for the releases between v0.60 and v0.62.
Tekton Operator releases are made of YAML manifests and container images. Manifests are published to cloud object-storage as well as GitHub. Container images are signed by Sigstore via Tekton Chains; signatures can be verified through the public key hosted by the Tekton Chains project.
Further documentation available:
- The Tekton Operator release documents
- The Tekton Operator release process
- Installing Tekton
- Standard for release notes
- Latest Release: v0.62.0 (2022-09-20) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.62.0 (2022-09-20)
- End of Life: 2023-01-19
- Patch Releases: v0.62.0
- Latest Release: v0.61.0 (2022-08-25) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.61.0 (2022-08-25)
- End of Life: 2022-12-24
- Patch Releases: v0.61.0
- Latest Release: v0.60.1 (2022-07-28) (docs)
- Initial Release: v0.60.0 (2022-06-28)
- End of Life: 2022-10-27
- Patch Releases: v0.60.0, v0.60.1
Older releases are EOL and available on [GitHub][tekton-pipeline-releases].