Enhanced news/blog extension for the Contao CMS.
- ContentElements like the standard articles
- [Tagcloud] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_tags)
- [Comments] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_comments)
- [Categories] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_categories)
- [Multiple-Categories] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_multicategories)
- [Related-Articles] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_related)
- [Archive-Menu] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_archiveMenu)
- [Newsletter] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_newsletter)
- [Mostread] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_mostread)
- [TitleSearch] (https://github.com/psi-4ward/news4ward_titleSearch)
- and of course some more improvements compared to core-news module
DO NOT use the Contao Repository, it holds very old versions of news4ward and its componentes! Use the Contao Compoers to install news4ward with all dependencies.
Make a Backup of your Installation! If you use news4ward without GlobalContentelements contao deletes all your contentelements!
First install these extensions:
- Download or clone the news4ward to
- and optionally news4ward_tags, news4ward_comments and news4ward_categories if you like
- update the database
- create modules, news4ward-archives and so on ... :)
License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html LGPL
Author: 4ward.media
Much thanks to to Jozef Dvorsky for providing the english translation!