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executable file
112 lines (103 loc) · 6.1 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
112 lines (103 loc) · 6.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



- endpoint support for /backups/delete <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/set_retention <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId} <DELETE>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/cancel <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/lock <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/copy <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/rename <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/restore <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/restore_files <POST>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/virtual_disk_partitions <GET>
- endpoint support for /backups/{bkpId}/virtual_disk_partition_files <GET>
- endpoint support for /cluster_groups <GET>
- endpoint support for /cluster_groups/{clusterGroupId}/rename <POST>
- endpoint support for /datastore <POST>
- endpoint support for /datastore/{datastoreId} <DELETE>
- endpoint support for /datastore/{datastoreId}/resize <POST>
- endpoint support for /datastore/{datastoreId}/set_policy <POST>
- endpoint support for /datastore/{datastoreId}/share <POST>
- endpoint support for /datastore/{datastoreId}/standard_hosts <GET>
- endpoint support for /datastore/{datastoreId}/unshare <POST>
- endpoint support for /external_stores <GET>
- endpoint support for /external_stores <POST>
- endpoint support for /external_stores/unregister <POST>
- endpoint support for /external_stores/update_credentials <POST>
- endpoint support for /hosts/{hostId}/capacity <GET>
- endpoint support for /hosts/{hostId}/cancel_virtual_controller_shutdown <POST>
- endpoint support for /hosts/{hostId}/metrics <GET>
- endpoint support for /hosts/{hostId}/remove_from_federation <POST>    
- endpoint support for /hosts/{hostId}/shutdown_virtual_controller <POST>
- endpoint support for /hosts/{hostId}/hardware <GET>
- endpoint support for /hosts/{hostId}/virtual_controller_shutdown_status <GET>
- endpoint support for /omnistack_clusters/time_zone_list <GET>
- endpoint support for /omnistack_clusters/{clusterId}/connected_clusters  <GET>
- endpoint support for /omnistack_clusters/{clusterId}/metrics  <GET>
- endpoint support for /omnistack_clusters/{clusterId}/set_time_zone <POST>
- endpoint support for /omnistack_clusters/{clusterId}/throughput <GET>
- endpoint support for /policies <POST>
- endpoint support for /policies/policy_schedule_report <GET>
- endpoint support for /policies/resume <POST>
- endpoint support for /policies/suspend <POST>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId} <DELETE>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/impact_report/create_rules <POST>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/impact_report/edit_rules <POST>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/rename <POST>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/rules <POST>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} <GET>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} <DELETE>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} <PUT>
- endpoint support for /policies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId}/impact_report/delete_rule <POST>
- endpoint support for /security/certificates <GET>
- endpoint support for /security/certificates <POST>
- endpoint support for /virtual_machines/{vmId}/metrics <GET>
- endpoint support for /virtual_machines/{vmId}/power_off <POST>
- endpoint support for /virtual_machines/{vmId}/power_on <POST>
- endpoint support for /virtual_machines/policy_impact_report/apply_policy <POST>
- endpoint support for /virtual_machines/{vmId}/validate_backup_credentials <POST>
- missing connection unit tests to improve code coverage
- missing ovc client host unit tests to improve code coverage
- pull request template to facilitate pull requests
- query string support for post operations


- address unittest.assertequals deprecation warning within unit test cases
- default accept header to application/json
- default value assigned to custom_header parameter 
- leverage pprint in the ./examples/ to improve the overall readability of the output
- policy test cases to improve the existing code coverage metrics
- reformat existing docstrings to conform to Sphinx documentation requirements
- rename the unit test filenames to reflect which objects were being targeted
- static ip address within a unit test to the loopback ip address


- exception handling within the ovc client module
- obtain access token when 'invalid_token' reached
- remove the caching the http.client.HTTPSConnection object
- required files to support unit test discovery
- resolve failing unit test cases
- resolve the virtual machine `__refresh` method
- url encode query string to support values that contain spaces
- resolve `do_get` method to append filters to uri
- resolve add check to `do_http` method for empty response body


- external test dependency for mock module    

[v1.0.0] - 2019-12-04


- endpoint support for /backups <GET>
- endpoint support for /datastores <GET>
- endpoint support for /hosts <GET>
- endpoint support for /omnistack_clusters <GET>
- endpoint support for /policies <GET>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines <GET>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/set_policy <POST>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/{vmId} <GET>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/{vmId}/backup <POST>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/{vmId}/backup_parameters <POST>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/{vmId}/backups <GET>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/{vmId}/clone <POST>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/{vmId}/move <POST>
- endpoint support for /virutal_machines/{vmId}/set_policy <POST>