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@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Here 之 is a sign of the possessive case: "the shadow of your body".
# b
-Here 皆 is used as an equalizing part which indicates that a quality, a state or an action relates to two or several objects to the same extent.
+Here 皆 is used as an equalizing particle which indicates that a quality, a state or an action relates to two or several objects to the same extent.
**Similar examples**.
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@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Jyutping Korean Vietnamese English
爲 wèi wai⁶ 위 vị because of; for; by; on behalf of
爲 wéi wai⁴ 위 vi to do; to make; to cause
蝦 xiā haa¹ 하 hà a shrimp; a prawn
-蝦 há haa⁴ 하 a shrimp; a prawn
-蟆 má maa⁴ ma a frog
+蝦 há haa⁴ 하 a frog
+蟆 má maa⁴ ma a common toad; a frog
蝦蟆 há má haa⁴ maa⁴ a common toad; a frog
夜 yè je⁶ 야 dạ night; darkness
厭 yàn jim³ 염 ướm to dislike; to hate; to loathe
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+# Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 9, Text 1
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
+Plants appeared upon the earth earlier than movable beings. Hence in remotest antiquity there were only thick forests everywhere. In the course of time after transformations of the surface of the earth, (those forests) were submerged and buried witbin the earth and there, under the continuous pressure (lit. as they had been accumulated and pressed for a long time) they changed into coal, lying between layers of sand, mud and earth. At the present time men dig out the coal and use it reaping enormous profits from it. The colour of coal is black with a lustre. It is brittle, easily splits and possesses the quality durable combustion out of comparison with fire-wood. On account of that all use of machinery (lit. all who use machinery) isdependent on coal. In our country there are many coal fields. But our mining is not yet developed, and therefore coal is still worked but little. Magnificent natural resources we do not exploit ourselves, but wait till others do it for us, and thus we allow the source of immense profit to be monopolized by foreigners. It is deplorable indeed!
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+Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Jyutping Korean Vietnamese English
+煤 méi mui⁴ 매 muồi
+植 zhí zik⁶ 식 thực
+森 sēn sam¹ 삼 chùm
+林 lín lam⁴ 림?, 임? lâm
+獨 dú duk⁶ 독 độc
+陵 líng ling⁴ 능?, 릉? lăng
+谷 gǔ guk¹ 곡 cốc
+遷 qiān cin¹ 천 thiên
+湮 yān jin¹ 인
+壓 yā aat³ 압 áp
+既 jì gei³
+沙 shā saa¹ 사 vành?, sa?
+泥 ní nai⁴ 니?, 이? nhãn?, nề?
+掘 jué gwat⁶ 굴 quật
+黑 hēi hak¹ 흑 hắc
+脆 cuì ceoi³ 취
+碎 suì seoi³ 쇄 toái
+耐 nài noi⁶ 내
+柴 chái caai⁴ 시 sài
+薪 xīn san¹ 신
+機 jī gei¹ 기 cơ
+賴 lài laai⁶ 뢰
+產 chǎn caan² 산
+礦 kuàng kong³ khoáng
+興 xìng hing¹ 흥 hưng
+開 kāi hoi¹ 개 khai
+探 tàn taam³ 탐 thám
+美 měi mei⁵ 미 mỉ
+待 dài doi⁶ 대 đãi
+源 yuán jyun⁴ 원 nguồn
+壟 lǒng lung⁵ 농?, 롱? lũng
+斷 duàn dyun⁶ 단
+痛 tòng tung³ 통 thống
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+# Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 9, Text 2
+Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
+An Unusual Gem
+A peasant of the Sung State when ploughing found a piece of jade. He offered it to protector of the town Tzu-han But Tzu-han refused to accept it. The peasant said, "I showed it to a jeweller and he acknowledged it a gem. Therefore I dared to offer it (to you)". "You take jade for a gem," replied Tzu-han, "but I take integrity for a gem. If you give (this jade) to me, we would both lose our gems. Better if each (of us) keeps his gem (for himself)." Therefore the elders of the Sung State (used) to say, "Tzu-han knows what thing the gem is: only his gem is different (lit. that what he values is different). If we take a hundred ounces of silver and a millet cake and offer (lit. show) to a child, he certainly will take the cake. If we offer a Ho-shih jade and a hundred ounces of silver to an uncultured man, he will surely take silver. If we. offer a Ho-shih jade and the virtue to a sage, he certainly will prefer the virtue. Those whose tastes (lit. knowledge) are coarse ask for primitive things, and those whose tastes are refined ask for refined things."
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+Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Jyutping Korean Vietnamese English
+宋 sòng sung³ 송 tống
+野 yě je⁵ 야 dã
+玉 yù juk⁶ 옥 ngọc
+罕 hǎn hon² 한
+示 shì si⁶ 시 đình?, thị?
+予 yǔ jyu⁴ 여 nhừ
+貪 tān taam¹ 탐 tham
+金 jīn gam¹ 금?, 김? kim
+摶 tuán tyun⁴
+黍 shǔ syu² 서
+龢 hé wo⁴ 화
+氏 shì si⁶ 씨 thị
+璧 bì bik¹ 벽 bích
+鄙 bǐ pei² 비 bẽ
+蘇 sū sou¹ 소 to
+壁 bì bik¹ 벽 bích
+彌 mí nei⁴ 미
+精 jīng zing¹ 정 tinh
+粗 cū cou¹ 조 thô
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+# Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 9, Text 3
+Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
+## Grammatical section
+### 禁止字 The prohibitive particles
+The structures formed with the aid of the prohibitive particles are similar to the imperative mood from negative verbs.
+These particles are:
+`不` `勿` `毋` `無` `莫` `休`
+#### Examples of using the prohibitive particles:
+① 不寶遠物。印遠人格。
+Prize not far-fetched commodities (lit. far-off things) and people from remote parts will come (and submit).
+② 無名草木年年發。不信男兒一世窮。
+Unnamed grass comes forth every year. Do not believe that a man will be poor for ever.
+③ 勿言人之短
+Do not speak of other people's shortcomings.
+④ 己所不欲。勿施於人。
+Do not do to others that which you would not wish for yourself.
+⑤ 過則勿憚改
+When you have faults do not fear to correct them.
+⑥ 勿恃富而欺窮
+Do not trust in your wealth and ill-treat the poor.
+⑦ 毋友不如己者
+Have no friends not equal to yourself.
+⑧ 毋令一名漏網
+Do not let a single man escape.
+⑨ 毋違此示
+Do not disobey this proclamation.
+⑩ 毋胎後悔
+Do not leave cause for regret.
+⑪ 子曰。無欲速。無見小利。
+The Master said," Do not be desirous to have things done quickly, do not look at small advantages.
+⑫ 王請無好小勇
+I beg your Majesty not to have small valour.
+⑬ 施恩莫望報
+When you do a kindness, do not look for repayment.
+⑭ 閑談莫論人非
+When talking at your leisure, do not discuss other men's wrong-doings.
+⑮ 莫笑他人老。誰能永少年。
+Laugh not at others' old age; who can remain a youth for ever?
+⑯ 對於師友休傲慢
+Do not treat scornfully (your) teacher and (your) friends.
+⑰ 無錢休入衆
+Without money do not enter a crowd.
+⑱ 休題起
+Do not bring the matter up.
+⑲ 君如不肯。休想活命。
+If you won't agree, do not expect to save your life.
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+Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Jyutping Korean Vietnamese English
+毋 wú mou⁴ 무 vô
+印 yìn jan³ 인 ấn
+格 gé gaak³ 격 cách
+草 cǎo cou² 초 thảo
+男 nán naam⁴ 남 nam
+改 gǎi goi² 개
+恃 shì ci⁵ 시
+欺 qī hei¹ 기 khi
+友 yǒu jau⁵ 우 hữu
+漏 lòu lau⁶ 누?, 루? lậu
+胎 tāi toi¹ 태 thai
+請 qǐng cing² 청 thỉnh
+恩 ēn jan¹ 은 ân
+望 wàng mong⁶ 망 vọng
+報 bào bou³ 보 báo
+閑 xián haan⁴ 한 nhàn
+談 tán taam⁴ 담 đàm
+論 lùn leon⁶ 논?, 론? luận
+誰 shuí?, shéi? seoi⁴ 수
+永 yǒng wing⁵ 영 vắng
+師 shī si¹ 사 sư
+傲 ào ngou⁶ 오 ngạo
+慢 màn maan⁶ 만 mạn
+題 tí tai⁴ 제
+想 xiǎng soeng² 상 tưởng
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+# Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 10, Text 1
+Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
+The Brain
+The ancients thought that man's perceptions originate in the heart. (But) in reality the heart is (only) an apparatus for distributing the blood, and the source of perceptions is in the brain. The brain substance fills the upper part of the head, and contains innumerable nerves which penetrate throughout the whole body as telegraph wires pass throughout the whole country fo the (mutual) transmission of news. (If) we have to make a move, then an order is given from the brain to the nerves for the direction of the mechanism of the body, the same as the head-office sends telegrams to the branch-offices. (Or) when our skin has a sensation of pain or itching or when our ears, eyes, mouth or nose receive a sound, color, taste or smell, our nerves transmit those sensations to the brain, the same as the branch-offices telegraph to the head-office. During the day's work we exhaust our brain's energy; therefore we must sleep at night in order to restore it. The child's brain is not completely formed, and (therefore) the period of sleep needs to be long. For the adults the night rest can be limited to eight hours.
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+Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Jyutping Korean Vietnamese English
+腦 nǎo nou⁵ 뇌 não
+本 běn bun² 본 bản
+心 xīn sam¹ 심 tâm
+血 xuè hyut³ 혈 huyết
+充 chōng cung¹ 충 sung
+顱 lú lou⁴ 로
+部 bù bou⁶ 부 bộ
+數 shù sou³ 삭?, 수? số
+神 shén san⁴ 신 thần
+全 quán cyun⁴ 전 toàn
+電 diàn din⁶ 전
+線 xiàn sin³ 선
+互 hù wu⁶ 호 hỗ
+通 tōng tung¹ 통 thông
+消 xiāo siu¹ 소 tiêu
+揮 huī fai¹ 휘 huy
+總 zǒng zung² 총 tổng
+局 jú guk⁶ 국 cục
+疴 kē o¹ 아
+癢 yǎng joeng⁵ 양
+觸 chù zuk¹ 촉 xúc
+肌 jī gei¹ 기
+膚 fū fu¹ 부
+臭 chòu cau³ 취 xú
+味 wèi mei⁶ 미 vị
+接 jiē zip³ 접 tiếp
+鼻 bí bei⁶ 비
+感 gǎn gam² 감 cảm
+耗 hào hou³ 모 hao
+睡 shuì seoi⁶ 수
+眠 mián min⁴ 면?, 민? miên
+童 tóng tung⁴ 동 đồng
+八 bā baat³ 팔 bát
+度 dù dou⁶ 도?, 탁? độ
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+# Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 10, Text 2
+Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
+The Nurse from the Wei State
+The Ch'in State attacked the Wei State and destroyed it. The heir-apparent of the prince of Wei disappeared, and in spite of all efforts (lit. big searches) could not be found. Then the following order was issued throughout the Wei State: "He who will find the heir-apparent will be rewarded with one thousand ounces of silver. He who hides him will be punished with all his clan (lit. punishment reaches the clan)." The nurse of the young prince had fled (together) with him. Someone told her, "There is a big reward for finding the prince. You must know the place (of his refuge). Why not tell it?" "I do not know it," replied the nurse, "should I know it, even if I had to die I could not tell it. One who nurses another person's child takes care of his life, and by no means must let him die. How could I for cupidity and for dread of death (lit. because I see the interest and am afraid of death) neglect my duty and commit treachery! I cannot remain alive and let the prince die alone" And then she, holding the prince in her arms (lit. together with the prince), jumped into a pool. The soldiers of Ch'in saw them, and began to shoot at them with arrows. The nurse protected the prince with her body. A dozen arrows hit her, but in this way she did not allow them to hit the prince.
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+Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Jyutping Korean Vietnamese English
+魏 wèi ngai⁶ 위
+乳 rǔ jyu⁵ 유 vú
+秦 qín ceon⁴ 진
+賞 shǎng soeng² 상 thưởng
+千 qiān cin¹ 천 thiên
+匿 nì nik¹ 닉?, 익? nặc
+罪 zuì zeoi⁶ 죄 tội
+族 zú zuk⁶ 족 tộc
+應 yīng jing³ 응 ứng
+務 wù mou⁶ 무 vụ
+畏 wèi wai³ 외 uý
+誅 zhū zyu¹ 주 tru
+詐 zhà zaa³ 사 trá
+逃 táo tou⁴ 도 đào
+軍 jūn gwan¹ 군 quân
+射 shè se⁶ 사 xạ
+翼 yì jik⁶ 익 dực
+二 èr ji⁶ 이 nhì
+矢 shǐ ci² 시 ngao?, thỉ?
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+# Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 10, Text 3
+Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
+## Grammatical section
+### 斷定字 The particles of definite judgment
+The particles of definite judgment imply to the expressed judgments or conclusions a definite character. and are very similar to the expressions: of _course_, _naturally_, _certainly_, _surely_, _doubtless_ etc. for positive sentences, and to: _on no account_, _by no means_, _not in the least_, _not a bit_ etc. for negative sentences.
+These particles are:
+`斷` `定` `决` `必` `實` `自` `絕` `並` `毫` `總` `終` `萬` `固`
+#### Examples of using the particles of definite judgment:
+I certainly cannot bear to do this.
+It is really impossible to accede to your request.
+To deny emphatically.
+It was certainly on account of this.
+Certainly must be punished.
+I am determined not to go.
+On no account will leniency be shown.
+The thing must have happened.
+He who escapes (lit. does not die) from a great calamity, must have in the future a good fortune.
+The superior man must be watchful over himself when he is alone.
+Truly both just and expedient.
+Though the affair has been discussed and settled, it really is difficult to carry out.
+It really shows great audacity and disorderly be- haviour.
+If the officials be pure, the people naturally will be tranquil.
+The doing of evil is never without its reward. Sooner or later the time will surely come.
+I shall certainly not change (it).
+No advantage whatever.
+There is really no disagreement.
+It is really not so.
+Foreign coin must on no account be prohibited.
+There is not the slightest doubt.
+I have not transgressed in the least.
+Never showing any improvement.
+If you make a loan, you certainly must repay.
+This way of action is by no means a good scheme.
+Refuse on no account.
+There is absolutely no such principle.
+Indeed, it is what I desire.
+It most decidedly ought to be.
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+Traditional Hanyu Pinyin Jyutping Korean Vietnamese English
+决 jué kyut³
+毫 háo hou⁴ 호 hào
+允 yǔn wan⁵ 윤
+承 chéng sing⁴ 승 thừa
+認 rèn jing⁶ 인 nhận
+懲 chéng cing⁴ 징 trừng
+辦 bàn baan⁶ 판
+決 jué kyut³ 결 quyết
+寬 kuān fun¹ 관 khoan
+貸 dài taai³ 대
+福 fú fuk¹ 복 phúc
+慎 shèn san⁶ thận
+議 yì ji⁵ 의 nghị
+胆 dǎn daam² 단 đảm
+妄 wàng mong⁵ 망
+官 guān gun¹ 관 quan
+清 qīng cing¹ 청 thanh
+合 hé hap⁶ 합 hợp
+洋 yáng joeng⁴ 양 dương
+疑 yí ji⁴ 의
+效 xiào haau⁶ 효 hiệu
+借 jiè ze³ 차 tá
+債 zhài zaai³ 채 trái
+償 cháng soeng⁴ 상
+還 hái waan⁴ 환 hoàn
+種 zhǒng zung² 종 chõng
+策 cè caak³ 책 sách
+推 tuī teoi¹ 추 suy
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