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Simple Shell


This is a simple shell program modeled after the likes of early Unix shells such as the Thompson, Korn or C shells. It was written by Michelle Giraldo and Justin Majetich for a project via Holberton School. The shell provides an interface by which a user may interact with the kernel, as well as a number of built-in tools to ease this interaction. Running in interactive mode, the program solicits a command line from the user via the terminal, parses this input for valid commands, and executes them accordingly. Users may also pipe output from other commands into the shell, causing it to run in non-interactive mode. In this mode, the shell will not prompt the user for input and will automatically exit upon completion of the commands received. For further information regarding functionality and support, refer to the included man page.


To install our shell on your Linux machine, clone the contents of this repository into a fresh directory and compile with the following command:

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh


Interactive Mode

user$ ./hsh
$ ls
a.out file0 file1 test.txt
$ exit

Non-Interactive Mode

user$ echo "ls" | ./hsh
a.out file0 file1 test.txt


File Function Description
shell.h contains libraries, function prototypes, externs, and struct declarations
main directs the shell through its fundamental loop of parsing and executing commands
receive_sig prints prompt after user has interrupted loop with "ctrl + c" signal
_getline reads input stream into buffer and parses into distinct command lines
check_buffer checks if read buffer is empty
copy_buffer copies from read buffer up to newline or null-byte
shift_buffer shifts read buffer contents left n bytes
_strtok separates tab or space-delimited "words" from the command line into an array of distinct tokens
count_tokens counts the number of tokens in a command line
token_length takes the length of a given token in a command line
exec_mngr directs a tokenized command line to either built-in or external execution
exec_builtin identify and execute a built-in command
exec_external execute a command-specified external program
get_path retrieve path values from the "PATH" environment variable
path_check determine if argument includes a path
path_count count number of paths listed in "PATH" variable
path_len take the length of a path
print_err format and print error message according to error number
case_three format error message in case erring built-in function
builtin_exit allows user to exit the shell with or without arguments
_atoi converts number string to an integer
is_num determines if a string is a number
builtin_env prints the environment
builtin_cd parse arguments to determine and call appropriate cd behavior
cd_HOME change current directory to home directory
cd_current change current directory to current directory
cd_prev change current directory to previous directory
cd_parent change current directory to parent directory
cd_arg change current directory to path provided as argument
cd_user change current directory to user home directory
get_target copy path from an environment variable
set_PWD set the "PWD" environment variable
set_OLDPWD set the "OLDPWD" environment variable
alloc_mngr direct dynamic memory allocations and store a pointer to each in linked list for eventual freeing
add_mem_node *add node with pointer to new memory allocation to linked list
free_mem_list free linked list of memory allocations
_realloc dynamically reallocate memory
_memset initialize n bytes of memory to designated value
free_static_mem_list free linked list of memory allocations
_strlen take the length of a string
_strncpy copy n bytes from one string to another
_strcmp compare two strings
_strncmp compare n bytes of two strings
_strcat concatenate one string to another
_revstr reverse a string
_itoa convert integer to string number
count_digit count digits in number string