diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index c56bc8d1e..65de3d68d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,68 @@
+## [0.43.2](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.43.1...v0.43.2) (2024-04-18)
+### Bug Fixes
+* Added envLoggingUrl in webpack ([#294](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/294)) ([88587ac](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/88587ac725c03fa1362e3ad79222a290f4d86cdb))
+## [0.43.1](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.43.0...v0.43.1) (2024-04-18)
+### Bug Fixes
+* **threedsmethod:** changed Three DS method API call to hidden Form Post ([#302](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/302)) ([e42a5a3](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/e42a5a3b0f68ba3264ffbe6d7afde41b1cc01d9d))
+# [0.43.0](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.42.6...v0.43.0) (2024-04-18)
+### Features
+* mandate changes for Saved Card flow ([#309](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/309)) ([648ea87](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/648ea87d8e2b0c989edbe7949b43a2c1e70e70cc))
+## [0.42.6](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.42.5...v0.42.6) (2024-04-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* mandate data pass hide checkbox ([#308](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/308)) ([51c98ab](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/51c98abc4da2438195cfbb7e418bf7f47f800008))
+## [0.42.5](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.42.4...v0.42.5) (2024-04-17)
+## [0.42.4](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.42.3...v0.42.4) (2024-04-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* promise unresolved type error ([#298](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/298)) ([03da575](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/03da57557f70ae36dc155392a6ccae2b9cad573e))
+## [0.42.3](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.42.2...v0.42.3) (2024-04-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* (paymenthelpers, paymentelement) promise being unresolved ([#297](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/297)) ([6494f51](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/6494f517a95321b4cb0911f772866deff055d878))
+## [0.42.2](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.42.1...v0.42.2) (2024-04-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* changes card payment ([#306](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/306)) ([d9a5b61](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/d9a5b611dbb191f1e3f5a4504f3729249e60d73b))
+## [0.42.1](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.42.0...v0.42.1) (2024-04-17)
+### Bug Fixes
+* card payment changes ([#303](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/303)) ([25dc996](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/25dc996c82fd459a67cf4836c2652cdee91b1cca))
+# [0.42.0](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.41.0...v0.42.0) (2024-04-17)
+### Features
+* (revert) mandate Changes for the Saved card screen & SDK Button Loader changes ([#301](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/issues/301)) ([b490fed](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/commit/b490fed4702306997a642041fdff56417822b7ca))
# [0.41.0](https://github.com/juspay/hyperswitch-web/compare/v0.40.0...v0.41.0) (2024-04-16)
diff --git a/aws/hyperswitch_web_aws_production_deployment.sh b/aws/hyperswitch_web_aws_production_deployment.sh
index 0f3fdd9a6..62c9ed923 100755
--- a/aws/hyperswitch_web_aws_production_deployment.sh
+++ b/aws/hyperswitch_web_aws_production_deployment.sh
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ echo $( (aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket $MY_AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME --policy "$
echo "Bucket configuration updated"
-echo "Enter the backend endpoint your Hyperswitch Client will hit (hosted Hyperswitch Backend, https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io is taken by default):"
+echo "Enter the backend endpoint your Hyperswitch Client will hit (hosted Hyperswitch Backend, https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api is taken by default):"
let clientSecret = CardUtils.getQueryParamsDictforKey(url.search, "clientSecret")
let sessionId = CardUtils.getQueryParamsDictforKey(url.search, "sessionId")
let publishableKey = CardUtils.getQueryParamsDictforKey(url.search, "publishableKey")
- let endpoint =
- CardUtils.getQueryParamsDictforKey(url.search, "endpoint")->decodeURIComponent
| "achBankTransfer"
| "bacsBankTransfer"
diff --git a/src/Components/SaveDetailsCheckbox.res b/src/Components/SaveDetailsCheckbox.res
index 703c58858..838fe86c8 100644
--- a/src/Components/SaveDetailsCheckbox.res
+++ b/src/Components/SaveDetailsCheckbox.res
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-let make = (~isChecked, ~setIsChecked, ~list: PaymentMethodsRecord.list) => {
+let make = (~isChecked, ~setIsChecked) => {
let {themeObj} = Recoil.useRecoilValueFromAtom(RecoilAtoms.configAtom)
let showFields = Recoil.useRecoilValueFromAtom(RecoilAtoms.showCardFieldsAtom)
let {business} = Recoil.useRecoilValueFromAtom(RecoilAtoms.optionAtom)
@@ -44,16 +44,14 @@ let make = (~isChecked, ~setIsChecked, ~list: PaymentMethodsRecord.list) => {
setIsChecked(_ => value)
let {localeString} = Recoil.useRecoilValueFromAtom(RecoilAtoms.configAtom)
- let (checkboxState, checkedState, checkBoxLabelSate) = isChecked
+ let (checkboxState, checkedState, checkBoxLabelState) = isChecked
? ("Checkbox--checked", "CheckboxInput--checked", "CheckboxLabel--checked")
: ("", "", "")
- let valueToBeRendered = if showFields {
+ let saveCardCheckboxLabel = if showFields {
- } else if business.name !== "" {
- localeString.cardTerms(business.name)
} else {
- localeString.cardTerms(list.merchant_name)
+ localeString.cardTerms(business.name)
@@ -61,8 +59,8 @@ let make = (~isChecked, ~setIsChecked, ~list: PaymentMethodsRecord.list) => {
diff --git a/src/Payments/PreMountLoader.res b/src/Payments/PreMountLoader.res
index 214e2ecd0..ba75d49b1 100644
--- a/src/Payments/PreMountLoader.res
+++ b/src/Payments/PreMountLoader.res
@@ -1,83 +1,108 @@
-let make = (~sessionId as _, ~publishableKey as _, ~clientSecret as _, ~endpoint as _) => {
- // open Utils
- // let logger = OrcaLogger.make(
- // ~sessionId,
- // ~source=Loader,
- // ~merchantId=publishableKey,
- // ~clientSecret,
- // (),
- // )
+let make = (~sessionId, ~publishableKey, ~clientSecret) => {
+ open Utils
+ let (paymentMethodsResponseSent, setPaymentMethodsResponseSent) = React.useState(_ => false)
+ let (
+ customerPaymentMethodsResponseSent,
+ setCustomerPaymentMethodsResponseSent,
+ ) = React.useState(_ => false)
+ let (sessionTokensResponseSent, setSessionTokensResponseSent) = React.useState(_ => false)
+ let logger = OrcaLogger.make(
+ ~sessionId,
+ ~source=Loader,
+ ~merchantId=publishableKey,
+ ~clientSecret,
+ (),
+ )
- // // let (
- // // paymentMethodsResponse,
- // // customerPaymentMethodsResponse,
- // // sessionTokensResponse,
- // // ) = React.useMemo0(() => {
- // // (
- // // PaymentHelpers.fetchPaymentMethodList(
- // // ~clientSecret,
- // // ~publishableKey,
- // // ~logger,
- // // ~switchToCustomPod=false,
- // // ~endpoint,
- // // ),
- // // PaymentHelpers.fetchCustomerDetails(
- // // ~clientSecret,
- // // ~publishableKey,
- // // ~optLogger=Some(logger),
- // // ~switchToCustomPod=false,
- // // ~endpoint,
- // // ),
- // // PaymentHelpers.fetchSessions(
- // // ~clientSecret,
- // // ~publishableKey,
- // // ~optLogger=Some(logger),
- // // ~switchToCustomPod=false,
- // // ~endpoint,
- // // (),
- // // ),
- // // )
- // // })
+ let endpoint = ApiEndpoint.getApiEndPoint(~publishableKey, ())
- // // let sendPromiseData = (promise, key) => {
- // // open Promise
- // // promise
- // // ->then(res => {
- // // handlePostMessage([("response", res), ("data", key->JSON.Encode.string)])
- // // resolve()
- // // })
- // // ->catch(_err => {
- // // handlePostMessage([("response", JSON.Encode.null), ("data", key->JSON.Encode.string)])
- // // resolve()
- // // })
- // // ->ignore
- // // }
+ let paymentMethodsResponse = React.useMemo0(() =>
+ PaymentHelpers.fetchPaymentMethodList(
+ ~clientSecret,
+ ~publishableKey,
+ ~logger,
+ ~switchToCustomPod=false,
+ ~endpoint,
+ )
+ )
- // // React.useEffect0(() => {
- // // let handle = (ev: Window.event) => {
- // // let json = try {
- // // ev.data->JSON.parseExn
- // // } catch {
- // // | _ => JSON.Encode.null
- // // }
- // // let dict = json->Utils.getDictFromJson
- // // if dict->Dict.get("sendPaymentMethodsResponse")->Option.isSome {
- // // paymentMethodsResponse->sendPromiseData("payment_methods")
- // // } else if dict->Dict.get("sendCustomerPaymentMethodsResponse")->Option.isSome {
- // // customerPaymentMethodsResponse->sendPromiseData("customer_payment_methods")
- // // } else if dict->Dict.get("sendSessionTokensResponse")->Option.isSome {
- // // sessionTokensResponse->sendPromiseData("session_tokens")
- // // }
- // // }
- // // Window.addEventListener("message", handle)
- // // handlePostMessage([("preMountLoaderInitCallback", true->JSON.Encode.bool)])
- // // Some(
- // // () => {
- // // Window.removeEventListener("message", handle)
- // // },
- // // )
- // // })
+ let customerPaymentMethodsResponse = React.useMemo0(() =>
+ PaymentHelpers.fetchCustomerPaymentMethodList(
+ ~clientSecret,
+ ~publishableKey,
+ ~optLogger=Some(logger),
+ ~switchToCustomPod=false,
+ ~endpoint,
+ )
+ )
+ let sessionTokensResponse = React.useMemo0(() =>
+ PaymentHelpers.fetchSessions(
+ ~clientSecret,
+ ~publishableKey,
+ ~optLogger=Some(logger),
+ ~switchToCustomPod=false,
+ ~endpoint,
+ (),
+ )
+ )
+ let sendPromiseData = (promise, key) => {
+ open Promise
+ promise
+ ->then(res => {
+ handlePostMessage([("response", res), ("data", key->JSON.Encode.string)])
+ switch key {
+ | "payment_methods" => setPaymentMethodsResponseSent(_ => true)
+ | "session_tokens" => setSessionTokensResponseSent(_ => true)
+ | "customer_payment_methods" => setCustomerPaymentMethodsResponseSent(_ => true)
+ | _ => ()
+ }
+ resolve()
+ })
+ ->catch(_err => {
+ handlePostMessage([("response", JSON.Encode.null), ("data", key->JSON.Encode.string)])
+ resolve()
+ })
+ ->ignore
+ }
+ let handle = (ev: Window.event) => {
+ let json = try {
+ ev.data->JSON.parseExn
+ } catch {
+ | _ => JSON.Encode.null
+ }
+ let dict = json->Utils.getDictFromJson
+ if dict->Dict.get("sendPaymentMethodsResponse")->Belt.Option.isSome {
+ paymentMethodsResponse->sendPromiseData("payment_methods")
+ } else if dict->Dict.get("sendCustomerPaymentMethodsResponse")->Belt.Option.isSome {
+ customerPaymentMethodsResponse->sendPromiseData("customer_payment_methods")
+ } else if dict->Dict.get("sendSessionTokensResponse")->Belt.Option.isSome {
+ sessionTokensResponse->sendPromiseData("session_tokens")
+ }
+ }
+ React.useEffect0(() => {
+ Window.addEventListener("message", handle)
+ handlePostMessage([("preMountLoaderIframeMountedCallback", true->JSON.Encode.bool)])
+ Some(
+ () => {
+ Window.removeEventListener("message", handle)
+ },
+ )
+ })
+ React.useEffect3(() => {
+ if (
+ paymentMethodsResponseSent && customerPaymentMethodsResponseSent && sessionTokensResponseSent
+ ) {
+ handlePostMessage([("preMountLoaderIframeUnMount", true->JSON.Encode.bool)])
+ Window.removeEventListener("message", handle)
+ }
+ None
+ }, (paymentMethodsResponseSent, customerPaymentMethodsResponseSent, sessionTokensResponseSent))
diff --git a/src/ThreeDSMethod.res b/src/ThreeDSMethod.res
index de218ada5..e024fd7a9 100644
--- a/src/ThreeDSMethod.res
+++ b/src/ThreeDSMethod.res
@@ -3,15 +3,25 @@ open Utils
let make = () => {
let logger = OrcaLogger.make()
- let mountToInnerHTML = innerHTML => {
- let ele = Window.querySelector("#threeDsInvisibleIframe")
- switch ele->Nullable.toOption {
- | Some(elem) => elem->Window.innerHTML(innerHTML)
- | None =>
- Console.warn(
- "INTEGRATION ERROR: Div does not seem to exist on which threeDSMethod is to be mounted",
- )
- }
+ let (stateMetadata, setStateMetadata) = React.useState(_ => Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object)
+ let handleLoaded = _ev => {
+ stateMetadata->Utils.getDictFromJson->Dict.set("3dsMethodComp", "Y"->JSON.Encode.string)
+ let metadataDict = stateMetadata->JSON.Decode.object->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
+ let iframeId = metadataDict->getString("iframeId", "")
+ LoggerUtils.handleLogging(
+ ~optLogger=Some(logger),
+ ~value="Y",
+ ~paymentMethod="CARD",
+ (),
+ )
+ handlePostMessage([
+ ("fullscreen", true->JSON.Encode.bool),
+ ("param", `3dsAuth`->JSON.Encode.string),
+ ("iframeId", iframeId->JSON.Encode.string),
+ ("metadata", stateMetadata),
+ ])
React.useEffect0(() => {
@@ -21,6 +31,7 @@ let make = () => {
let dict = json->Utils.getDictFromJson
if dict->Dict.get("fullScreenIframeMounted")->Option.isSome {
let metadata = dict->getJsonObjectFromDict("metadata")
+ setStateMetadata(_ => metadata)
let metaDataDict = metadata->JSON.Decode.object->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
let threeDsDataDict =
@@ -42,74 +53,65 @@ let make = () => {
let paymentIntentId = metaDataDict->Utils.getString("paymentIntentId", "")
let publishableKey = metaDataDict->Utils.getString("publishableKey", "")
- let iframeId = metaDataDict->getString("iframeId", "")
- open Promise
- PaymentHelpers.threeDsMethod(threeDsUrl, threeDsMethodData, ~optLogger=Some(logger))
- ->then(res => {
- if res == "" {
- Exn.raiseError("Empty response from threeDsMethod")->reject
- } else {
- LoggerUtils.handleLogging(
- ~optLogger=Some(logger),
- ~value="Y",
- ~paymentMethod="CARD",
- (),
- )
- mountToInnerHTML(res)
- metadata->Utils.getDictFromJson->Dict.set("3dsMethodComp", "Y"->JSON.Encode.string)
- handlePostMessage([
- ("fullscreen", true->JSON.Encode.bool),
- ("param", `3dsAuth`->JSON.Encode.string),
- ("iframeId", iframeId->JSON.Encode.string),
- ("metadata", metadata),
- ])
- resolve(res)
- }
- })
- ->catch(err => {
- let exceptionMessage = err->Utils.formatException
- metadata->Utils.getDictFromJson->Dict.set("3dsMethodComp", "N"->JSON.Encode.string)
- handlePostMessage([
- ("fullscreen", true->JSON.Encode.bool),
- ("param", `3dsAuth`->JSON.Encode.string),
- ("iframeId", iframeId->JSON.Encode.string),
- ("metadata", metadata),
- ])
+ let iframeId = metaDataDict->getString("iframeId", "")
+ let handleFailureScenarios = value => {
- ~value=exceptionMessage->JSON.stringify,
+ ~value,
- reject(err)
- })
- ->ignore
+ metadata->Utils.getDictFromJson->Dict.set("3dsMethodComp", "N"->JSON.Encode.string)
+ handlePostMessage([
+ ("fullscreen", true->JSON.Encode.bool),
+ ("param", `3dsAuth`->JSON.Encode.string),
+ ("iframeId", iframeId->JSON.Encode.string),
+ ("metadata", stateMetadata),
+ ])
+ }
- let headersDict =
- metaDataDict
- ->getJsonObjectFromDict("headers")
- ->JSON.Decode.object
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- let headers = Dict.make()
+ let ele = Window.querySelector("#threeDsInvisibleDiv")
- headersDict
- ->Dict.toArray
- ->Array.forEach(entries => {
- let (x, val) = entries
- Dict.set(headers, x, val->JSON.Decode.string->Option.getOr(""))
- })
+ switch ele->Nullable.toOption {
+ | Some(elem) => {
+ let form = elem->makeForm(threeDsUrl, "threeDsHiddenPostMethod")
+ let input = Types.createElement("input")
+ input.name = encodeURIComponent("threeDSMethodData")
+ let threeDsMethodStr = threeDsMethodData->JSON.Decode.string->Option.getOr("")
+ input.value = encodeURIComponent(threeDsMethodStr)
+ form.target = "threeDsInvisibleIframe"
+ form.appendChild(input)
+ try {
+ form.submit()
+ } catch {
+ | err => {
+ let exceptionMessage = err->Utils.formatException->JSON.stringify
+ handleFailureScenarios(exceptionMessage)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ | None => handleFailureScenarios("Unable to Locate threeDsInvisibleDiv")
+ }
Window.addEventListener("message", handle)
Some(() => {Window.removeEventListener("message", handle)})
+ <>
+ >
diff --git a/src/Utilities/ApiEndpoint.res b/src/Utilities/ApiEndpoint.res
index 0bd259d16..d3ede5855 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/ApiEndpoint.res
+++ b/src/Utilities/ApiEndpoint.res
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let getApiEndPoint = (~publishableKey="", ~isConfirmCall=false, ()) => {
| Some(str) => str
| None =>
let backendEndPoint = isConfirmCall ? GlobalVars.confirmEndPoint : GlobalVars.backendEndPoint
- GlobalVars.isProd && testMode ? "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io" : backendEndPoint
+ GlobalVars.isProd && testMode ? "https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api" : backendEndPoint
diff --git a/src/Utilities/PaymentBody.res b/src/Utilities/PaymentBody.res
index 9ddae8ef2..e98bdacf3 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/PaymentBody.res
+++ b/src/Utilities/PaymentBody.res
@@ -78,50 +78,49 @@ let customerAcceptanceBody =
-let savedPaymentMethodBody = (
+let savedCardBody = (
- ~paymentMethod,
- ~paymentMethodType,
+ ~cvcNumber,
+ ~requiresCvv,
) => {
- let savedPaymentMethodBody = [
- ("payment_method", paymentMethod->JSON.Encode.string),
+ let savedCardBody = [
+ ("payment_method", "card"->JSON.Encode.string),
("payment_token", paymentToken->JSON.Encode.string),
("customer_id", customerId->JSON.Encode.string),
- ("payment_method_type", paymentMethodType),
+ if requiresCvv {
+ savedCardBody->Array.push(("card_cvc", cvcNumber->JSON.Encode.string))->ignore
+ }
if isCustomerAcceptanceRequired {
- savedPaymentMethodBody->Array.push(("customer_acceptance", customerAcceptanceBody))->ignore
+ savedCardBody->Array.push(("customer_acceptance", customerAcceptanceBody))->ignore
- savedPaymentMethodBody
+ savedCardBody
-let savedCardBody = (
+let savedPaymentMethodBody = (
- ~cvcNumber,
- ~requiresCvv,
+ ~paymentMethod,
+ ~paymentMethodType,
) => {
- let savedCardBody = [
- ("payment_method", "card"->JSON.Encode.string),
+ let savedPaymentMethodBody = [
+ ("payment_method", paymentMethod->JSON.Encode.string),
("payment_token", paymentToken->JSON.Encode.string),
("customer_id", customerId->JSON.Encode.string),
- ("customer_acceptance", customerAcceptanceBody),
+ ("payment_method_type", paymentMethodType),
- if requiresCvv {
- savedCardBody->Array.push(("card_cvc", cvcNumber->JSON.Encode.string))->ignore
- }
if isCustomerAcceptanceRequired {
- savedCardBody->Array.push(("customer_acceptance", customerAcceptanceBody))->ignore
+ savedPaymentMethodBody->Array.push(("customer_acceptance", customerAcceptanceBody))->ignore
- savedCardBody
+ savedPaymentMethodBody
let mandateBody = paymentType => {
diff --git a/src/Utilities/PaymentHelpers.res b/src/Utilities/PaymentHelpers.res
index 83937b42d..a2e835fd8 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/PaymentHelpers.res
+++ b/src/Utilities/PaymentHelpers.res
@@ -79,69 +79,6 @@ let retrievePaymentIntent = (
-let threeDsMethod = (url, threeDsMethodData, ~optLogger) => {
- open Promise
- logApi(
- ~optLogger,
- ~url,
- ~apiLogType=Request,
- ~logType=INFO,
- ~logCategory=API,
- (),
- )
- let threeDsMethodStr = threeDsMethodData->JSON.Decode.string->Option.getOr("")
- let body = `${encodeURIComponent("threeDSMethodData")}=${encodeURIComponent(threeDsMethodStr)}`
- fetchApiWithNoCors(url, ~method=#POST, ~bodyStr=body, ())
- ->then(res => {
- let statusCode = res->Fetch.Response.status->Int.toString
- if statusCode->String.charAt(0) !== "2" {
- res
- ->Fetch.Response.text
- ->then(text => {
- logApi(
- ~optLogger,
- ~url,
- ~data=text->JSON.Encode.string,
- ~statusCode,
- ~apiLogType=Err,
- ~logType=ERROR,
- ~logCategory=API,
- (),
- )
- ""->resolve
- })
- } else {
- logApi(
- ~optLogger,
- ~url,
- ~statusCode,
- ~apiLogType=Response,
- (),
- )
- res->Fetch.Response.text
- }
- })
- ->catch(err => {
- let exceptionMessage = err->formatException
- Console.log2("Unable to call 3ds method ", exceptionMessage)
- logApi(
- ~optLogger,
- ~url,
- ~apiLogType=NoResponse,
- ~data=exceptionMessage,
- ~logType=ERROR,
- ~logCategory=API,
- (),
- )
- reject(err)
- })
let threeDsAuth = (~clientSecret, ~optLogger, ~threeDsMethodComp, ~headers) => {
let endpoint = ApiEndpoint.getApiEndPoint()
let paymentIntentID = String.split(clientSecret, "_secret_")[0]->Option.getOr("")
@@ -712,65 +649,78 @@ let rec intentCall = (
->catch(err => {
Promise.make((resolve, _) => {
- let url = urlSearch(confirmParam.return_url)
- url.searchParams.set("payment_intent_client_secret", clientSecret)
- url.searchParams.set("status", "failed")
- let exceptionMessage = err->formatException
- logApi(
- ~optLogger,
- ~url=uri,
- ~eventName,
- ~apiLogType=NoResponse,
- ~data=exceptionMessage,
- ~logType=ERROR,
- ~logCategory=API,
- ~isPaymentSession,
- (),
- )
- if counter >= 5 {
- if !isPaymentSession {
- closePaymentLoaderIfAny()
- postFailedSubmitResponse(~errortype="server_error", ~message="Something went wrong")
- }
- if handleUserError {
- handleOpenUrl(url.href)
- } else {
- let failedSubmitResponse = getFailedSubmitResponse(
- ~errorType="server_error",
- ~message="Something went wrong",
- )
- resolve(failedSubmitResponse)
- }
- } else {
- let paymentIntentID = String.split(clientSecret, "_secret_")->Array.get(0)->Option.getOr("")
- let endpoint = ApiEndpoint.getApiEndPoint(~publishableKey=confirmParam.publishableKey, ())
- let retrieveUri = `${endpoint}/payments/${paymentIntentID}?client_secret=${clientSecret}`
- intentCall(
- ~fetchApi,
- ~uri=retrieveUri,
- ~headers,
- ~bodyStr,
- ~confirmParam: ConfirmType.confirmParams,
- ~clientSecret,
+ try {
+ let url = urlSearch(confirmParam.return_url)
+ url.searchParams.set("payment_intent_client_secret", clientSecret)
+ url.searchParams.set("status", "failed")
+ let exceptionMessage = err->formatException
+ logApi(
- ~handleUserError,
- ~paymentType,
- ~iframeId,
- ~fetchMethod=#GET,
- ~setIsManualRetryEnabled,
- ~switchToCustomPod,
- ~sdkHandleOneClickConfirmPayment,
- ~counter=counter + 1,
+ ~url=uri,
+ ~eventName,
+ ~apiLogType=NoResponse,
+ ~data=exceptionMessage,
+ ~logType=ERROR,
+ ~logCategory=API,
- ->then(
- res => {
- resolve(res)
- Promise.resolve()
- },
+ if counter >= 5 {
+ if !isPaymentSession {
+ closePaymentLoaderIfAny()
+ postFailedSubmitResponse(~errortype="server_error", ~message="Something went wrong")
+ }
+ if handleUserError {
+ handleOpenUrl(url.href)
+ } else {
+ let failedSubmitResponse = getFailedSubmitResponse(
+ ~errorType="server_error",
+ ~message="Something went wrong",
+ )
+ resolve(failedSubmitResponse)
+ }
+ } else {
+ let paymentIntentID =
+ String.split(clientSecret, "_secret_")->Array.get(0)->Option.getOr("")
+ let endpoint = ApiEndpoint.getApiEndPoint(~publishableKey=confirmParam.publishableKey, ())
+ let retrieveUri = `${endpoint}/payments/${paymentIntentID}?client_secret=${clientSecret}`
+ intentCall(
+ ~fetchApi,
+ ~uri=retrieveUri,
+ ~headers,
+ ~bodyStr,
+ ~confirmParam: ConfirmType.confirmParams,
+ ~clientSecret,
+ ~optLogger,
+ ~handleUserError,
+ ~paymentType,
+ ~iframeId,
+ ~fetchMethod=#GET,
+ ~setIsManualRetryEnabled,
+ ~switchToCustomPod,
+ ~sdkHandleOneClickConfirmPayment,
+ ~counter=counter + 1,
+ ~isPaymentSession,
+ (),
+ )
+ ->then(
+ res => {
+ resolve(res)
+ Promise.resolve()
+ },
+ )
+ ->ignore
+ }
+ } catch {
+ | _ =>
+ if !isPaymentSession {
+ postFailedSubmitResponse(~errortype="error", ~message="Something went wrong")
+ }
+ let failedSubmitResponse = getFailedSubmitResponse(
+ ~errorType="server_error",
+ ~message="Something went wrong",
- ->ignore
+ resolve(failedSubmitResponse)
@@ -976,26 +926,39 @@ let usePaymentIntent = (optLogger: option, paymentType: p
switch list {
+ | LoadError(data)
| Loaded(data) =>
let paymentList = data->getDictFromJson->PaymentMethodsRecord.itemToObjMapper
let mandatePaymentType =
- switch paymentList.mandate_payment {
- | Some(_) =>
- switch paymentType {
- | Card
- | Gpay
- | Applepay
- | KlarnaRedirect
- | Paypal
- | BankDebits =>
- intentWithMandate(mandatePaymentType)
- | _ => intentWithoutMandate(mandatePaymentType)
+ if paymentList.payment_methods->Array.length > 0 {
+ switch paymentList.mandate_payment {
+ | Some(_) =>
+ switch paymentType {
+ | Card
+ | Gpay
+ | Applepay
+ | KlarnaRedirect
+ | Paypal
+ | BankDebits =>
+ intentWithMandate(mandatePaymentType)
+ | _ => intentWithoutMandate(mandatePaymentType)
+ }
+ | None => intentWithoutMandate(mandatePaymentType)
- | None => intentWithoutMandate(mandatePaymentType)
+ } else {
+ postFailedSubmitResponse(
+ ~errortype="payment_methods_empty",
+ ~message="Payment Failed. Try again!",
+ )
+ Console.warn("Please enable atleast one Payment method.")
| SemiLoaded => intentWithoutMandate("")
- | _ => ()
+ | _ =>
+ postFailedSubmitResponse(
+ ~errortype="payment_methods_loading",
+ ~message="Please wait. Try again!",
+ )
| None =>
@@ -1168,7 +1131,7 @@ let fetchPaymentMethodList = (
-let fetchCustomerDetails = (
+let fetchCustomerPaymentMethodList = (
diff --git a/src/Utilities/Utils.res b/src/Utilities/Utils.res
index af84cfe38..c3b8a2d00 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/Utils.res
+++ b/src/Utilities/Utils.res
@@ -835,37 +835,6 @@ let fetchApi = (uri, ~bodyStr: string="", ~headers=Dict.make(), ~method: Fetch.m
-let fetchApiWithNoCors = (
- uri,
- ~bodyStr: string="",
- ~headers=Dict.make(),
- ~method: Fetch.method,
- (),
-) => {
- open Promise
- let body = switch method {
- | #GET => resolve(None)
- | _ => resolve(Some(Fetch.Body.string(bodyStr)))
- }
- body->then(body => {
- Fetch.fetch(
- uri,
- {
- method,
- mode: #"no-cors",
- ?body,
- headers: getHeaders(~headers, ~uri, ()),
- },
- )
- ->catch(err => {
- reject(err)
- })
- ->then(resp => {
- resolve(resp)
- })
- })
let arrayJsonToCamelCase = arr => {
arr->Array.map(item => {
@@ -1192,7 +1161,7 @@ let makeForm = (element, url, id) => {
form.action = url
form.method = "POST"
form.enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"
- form.style = "display: hidden; "
+ form.style = "display: hidden;"
@@ -1234,3 +1203,14 @@ let makeOneClickHandlerPromise = sdkHandleOneClickConfirmPayment => {
+let generateRandomString = length => {
+ let characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
+ let result = ref("")
+ let charactersLength = characters->String.length
+ Int.range(0, length)->Array.forEach(_ => {
+ let charIndex = mod((Math.random() *. 100.0)->Float.toInt, charactersLength)
+ result := result.contents ++ characters->String.charAt(charIndex)
+ })
+ result.contents
diff --git a/src/orca-loader/Elements.res b/src/orca-loader/Elements.res
index d093d55a5..1297d5895 100644
--- a/src/orca-loader/Elements.res
+++ b/src/orca-loader/Elements.res
@@ -55,105 +55,135 @@ let make = (
- let paymentMethodListPromise = PaymentHelpers.fetchPaymentMethodList(
- ~clientSecret,
- ~publishableKey,
- ~endpoint,
- ~switchToCustomPod,
- ~logger,
- )
- let customerDetailsPromise = PaymentHelpers.fetchCustomerDetails(
- ~clientSecret,
- ~publishableKey,
- ~endpoint,
- ~switchToCustomPod,
- ~optLogger=Some(logger),
- )
- let sessionsPromise = PaymentHelpers.fetchSessions(
- ~clientSecret,
- ~publishableKey,
- ~endpoint,
- ~switchToCustomPod,
- ~optLogger=Some(logger),
- (),
- )
+ let localSelectorString = "hyper-preMountLoader-iframe"
+ let mountPreMountLoaderIframe = () => {
+ if (
+ Window.querySelector(
+ `#orca-payment-element-iframeRef-${localSelectorString}`,
+ )->Js.Nullable.isNullable
+ ) {
+ let componentType = "preMountLoader"
+ let iframeDivHtml = ``
+ let iframeDiv = Window.createElement("div")
+ iframeDiv->Window.innerHTML(iframeDivHtml)
+ Window.body->Window.appendChild(iframeDiv)
+ }
+ let elem = Window.querySelector(`#orca-payment-element-iframeRef-${localSelectorString}`)
+ elem
+ }
let locale = localOptions->getJsonStringFromDict("locale", "")
let loader = localOptions->getJsonStringFromDict("loader", "")
let clientSecret = localOptions->getRequiredString("clientSecret", "", ~logger)
- let clientSecretReMatch = RegExp.test(`.+_secret_[A-Za-z0-9]+`->RegExp.fromString, clientSecret)
+ let clientSecretReMatch = Re.test(`.+_secret_[A-Za-z0-9]+`->Re.fromString, clientSecret)
+ let preMountLoaderIframeDiv = mountPreMountLoaderIframe()
+ let unMountPreMountLoaderIframe = () => {
+ switch preMountLoaderIframeDiv->Nullable.toOption {
+ | Some(iframe) => iframe->remove
+ | None => ()
+ }
+ }
+ let preMountLoaderMountedPromise = Promise.make((resolve, _reject) => {
+ let preMountLoaderIframeCallback = (ev: Types.event) => {
+ let json = ev.data->Identity.anyTypeToJson
+ let dict = json->Utils.getDictFromJson
+ if dict->Dict.get("preMountLoaderIframeMountedCallback")->Belt.Option.isSome {
+ resolve(true->JSON.Encode.bool)
+ } else if dict->Dict.get("preMountLoaderIframeUnMount")->Belt.Option.isSome {
+ unMountPreMountLoaderIframe()
+ }
+ }
+ addSmartEventListener(
+ "message",
+ preMountLoaderIframeCallback,
+ "onPreMountLoaderIframeCallback",
+ )
+ })
let fetchPaymentsList = mountedIframeRef => {
- open Promise
- paymentMethodListPromise
- ->then(json => {
- let isApplePayPresent =
- PaymentMethodsRecord.getPaymentMethodTypeFromList(
- ~list=json->getDictFromJson->PaymentMethodsRecord.itemToObjMapper,
- ~paymentMethod="wallet",
- ~paymentMethodType="apple_pay",
- )->Option.isSome
- let isGooglePayPresent =
- PaymentMethodsRecord.getPaymentMethodTypeFromList(
- ~list=json->getDictFromJson->PaymentMethodsRecord.itemToObjMapper,
- ~paymentMethod="wallet",
- ~paymentMethodType="google_pay",
- )->Option.isSome
- if isApplePayPresent || isGooglePayPresent {
- if (
- Window.querySelectorAll(`script[src="https://tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"]`)->Array.length === 0 &&
- Window.querySelectorAll(`script[src="https://test-tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"]`)->Array.length === 0
- ) {
- let trustPayScriptURL =
- publishableKey->String.startsWith("pk_prd_")
- ? "https://tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"
- : "https://test-tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"
- let trustPayScript = Window.createElement("script")
- trustPayScript->Window.elementSrc(trustPayScriptURL)
- trustPayScript->Window.elementOnerror(err => {
- })
- Window.body->Window.appendChild(trustPayScript)
- logger.setLogInfo(~value="TrustPay Script Loaded", ~eventName=TRUSTPAY_SCRIPT, ())
+ let handlePaymentMethodsLoaded = (event: Types.event) => {
+ let json = event.data->Identity.anyTypeToJson
+ let dict = json->getDictFromJson
+ let isPaymentMethodsData = dict->Utils.getString("data", "") === "payment_methods"
+ if isPaymentMethodsData {
+ let json = dict->Utils.getJsonFromDict("response", JSON.Encode.null)
+ let isApplePayPresent =
+ PaymentMethodsRecord.getPaymentMethodTypeFromList(
+ ~list=json->Utils.getDictFromJson->PaymentMethodsRecord.itemToObjMapper,
+ ~paymentMethod="wallet",
+ ~paymentMethodType="apple_pay",
+ )->Belt.Option.isSome
+ let isGooglePayPresent =
+ PaymentMethodsRecord.getPaymentMethodTypeFromList(
+ ~list=json->Utils.getDictFromJson->PaymentMethodsRecord.itemToObjMapper,
+ ~paymentMethod="wallet",
+ ~paymentMethodType="google_pay",
+ )->Belt.Option.isSome
+ if isApplePayPresent || isGooglePayPresent {
+ if (
+ Window.querySelectorAll(`script[src="https://tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"]`)->Array.length === 0 &&
+ Window.querySelectorAll(`script[src="https://test-tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"]`)->Array.length === 0
+ ) {
+ let trustPayScriptURL =
+ publishableKey->String.startsWith("pk_prd_")
+ ? "https://tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"
+ : "https://test-tpgw.trustpay.eu/js/v1.js"
+ let trustPayScript = Window.createElement("script")
+ trustPayScript->Window.elementSrc(trustPayScriptURL)
+ trustPayScript->Window.elementOnerror(err => {
+ Utils.logInfo(Console.log2("ERROR DURING LOADING TRUSTPAY APPLE PAY", err))
+ })
+ Window.body->Window.appendChild(trustPayScript)
+ logger.setLogInfo(~value="TrustPay Script Loaded", ~eventName=TRUSTPAY_SCRIPT, ())
+ }
+ }
+ let msg = [("paymentMethodList", json)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ }
+ }
+ let msg = [("sendPaymentMethodsResponse", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
+ addSmartEventListener("message", handlePaymentMethodsLoaded, "onPaymentMethodsLoaded")
+ preMountLoaderIframeDiv->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ }
+ let fetchCustomerPaymentMethods = (mountedIframeRef, disableSaveCards) => {
+ if !disableSaveCards {
+ let handleCustomerPaymentMethodsLoaded = (event: Types.event) => {
+ let json = event.data->Identity.anyTypeToJson
+ let dict = json->getDictFromJson
+ let isCustomerPaymentMethodsData =
+ dict->Utils.getString("data", "") === "customer_payment_methods"
+ if isCustomerPaymentMethodsData {
+ let json = dict->Utils.getJsonFromDict("response", JSON.Encode.null)
+ let msg = [("customerPaymentMethods", json)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- // setTimeout(() => {
- let msg = [("paymentMethodList", json)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- let maskedPayload = json->PaymentHelpers.maskPayload->JSON.stringify
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~value="",
- ~internalMetadata=maskedPayload,
- (),
+ addSmartEventListener(
+ "message",
+ handleCustomerPaymentMethodsLoaded,
+ "onCustomerPaymentMethodsLoaded",
- // }, 5000)->ignore
- json->resolve
- })
- ->ignore
- }
- let fetchCustomerDetails = mountedIframeRef => {
- open Promise
- customerDetailsPromise
- ->then(json => {
- // setTimeout(() => {
- let msg = [("customerPaymentMethods", json)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- // }, 5000)->ignore
- json->resolve
- })
- ->catch(_err => {
- let dict =
- [("customer_payment_methods", []->JSON.Encode.array)]->Dict.fromArray->JSON.Encode.object
- let msg = [("customerPaymentMethods", dict)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- resolve(msg->JSON.Encode.object)
- })
- ->ignore
+ }
+ let msg =
+ [
+ ("sendCustomerPaymentMethodsResponse", !disableSaveCards->JSON.Encode.bool),
+ ]->Dict.fromArray
+ preMountLoaderIframeDiv->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
@@ -246,7 +276,6 @@ let make = (
("sdkSessionId", sdkSessionId->JSON.Encode.string),
("blockConfirm", blockConfirm->JSON.Encode.bool),
("switchToCustomPod", switchToCustomPod->JSON.Encode.bool),
- ("endpoint", endpoint->JSON.Encode.string),
("sdkHandleOneClickConfirmPayment", sdkHandleOneClickConfirmPayment->JSON.Encode.bool),
("parentURL", "*"->JSON.Encode.string),
("analyticsMetadata", analyticsMetadata),
@@ -396,372 +425,391 @@ let make = (
addSmartEventListener("message", handleApplePayMounted, "onApplePayMount")
addSmartEventListener("message", handleGooglePayThirdPartyFlow, "onGooglePayThirdParty")
+ Window.removeEventListener("message", handleApplePayMessages.contents)
- sessionsPromise
- ->then(json => {
- let sessionsArr =
- json
- ->JSON.Decode.object
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- ->SessionsType.getSessionsTokenJson("session_token")
- let applePayPresent = sessionsArr->Array.find(item => {
- let x =
- item
- ->JSON.Decode.object
- ->Option.flatMap(
- x => {
- x->Dict.get("wallet_name")
- },
- )
- ->Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.string)
- ->Option.getOr("")
- x === "apple_pay" || x === "applepay"
- })
- if !(applePayPresent->Option.isSome) {
- let msg = [("applePaySessionObjNotPresent", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- }
- let googlePayPresent = sessionsArr->Array.find(item => {
- let x =
- item
- ->JSON.Decode.object
- ->Option.flatMap(
- x => {
- x->Dict.get("wallet_name")
- },
- )
- ->Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.string)
- ->Option.getOr("")
- x === "google_pay" || x === "googlepay"
- })
+ let fetchSessionTokens = mountedIframeRef => {
+ let handleSessionTokensLoaded = (event: Types.event) => {
+ let json = event.data->Identity.anyTypeToJson
+ let dict = json->getDictFromJson
+ let sessionTokensData = dict->Utils.getString("data", "") === "session_tokens"
+ if sessionTokensData {
+ let json = dict->Utils.getJsonFromDict("response", JSON.Encode.null)
- (json, applePayPresent, googlePayPresent)->resolve
- })
- ->then(res => {
- let (json, applePayPresent, googlePayPresent) = res
- if componentType === "payment" && applePayPresent->Option.isSome {
- //do operations here
- let processPayment = (token: JSON.t) => {
- //let body = PaymentBody.applePayBody(~token)
- let msg = [("applePayProcessPayment", token)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- }
+ {
+ let sessionsArr =
+ json
+ ->JSON.Decode.object
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ ->SessionsType.getSessionsTokenJson("session_token")
+ let applePayPresent = sessionsArr->Array.find(item => {
+ let x =
+ item
+ ->JSON.Decode.object
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(x => {
+ x->Dict.get("wallet_name")
+ })
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.string)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault("")
+ x === "apple_pay" || x === "applepay"
+ })
+ if !(applePayPresent->Belt.Option.isSome) {
+ let msg =
+ [("applePaySessionObjNotPresent", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ }
+ let googlePayPresent = sessionsArr->Array.find(item => {
+ let x =
+ item
+ ->JSON.Decode.object
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(x => {
+ x->Dict.get("wallet_name")
+ })
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.string)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault("")
+ x === "google_pay" || x === "googlepay"
+ })
- handleApplePayMessages :=
- (
- (event: Types.event) => {
- let json = event.data->anyTypeToJson
- let dict = json->getDictFromJson
- switch dict->Dict.get("applePayButtonClicked") {
- | Some(val) =>
- if val->JSON.Decode.bool->Option.getOr(false) {
- let isDelayedSessionToken =
- applePayPresent
- ->Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- ->Dict.get("delayed_session_token")
- ->Option.getOr(JSON.Encode.null)
- ->JSON.Decode.bool
- ->Option.getOr(false)
- if isDelayedSessionToken {
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~value="Delayed Session Token Flow",
- ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
- ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
- (),
- )
+ (json, applePayPresent, googlePayPresent)->resolve
+ }
+ ->then(res => {
+ let (json, applePayPresent, googlePayPresent) = res
+ if componentType === "payment" && applePayPresent->Belt.Option.isSome {
+ //do operations here
+ let processPayment = (token: JSON.t) => {
+ //let body = PaymentBody.applePayBody(~token)
+ let msg = [("applePayProcessPayment", token)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ }
- let applePayPresent =
- dict
- ->Dict.get("applePayPresent")
- ->Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- let connector =
- applePayPresent
- ->Dict.get("connector")
- ->Option.getOr(JSON.Encode.null)
- ->JSON.Decode.string
- ->Option.getOr("")
- switch connector {
- | "trustpay" =>
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~value="TrustPay Connector Flow",
- ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
- ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
- (),
- )
- let secrets =
- applePayPresent
- ->Dict.get("session_token_data")
- ->Option.getOr(JSON.Encode.null)
- ->JSON.Decode.object
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- ->Dict.get("secrets")
- ->Option.getOr(JSON.Encode.null)
- let paymentRequest =
- applePayPresent
- ->Dict.get("payment_request_data")
- ->Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- ->jsonToPaymentRequestDataType
- let payment =
- secrets
- ->JSON.Decode.object
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- ->Dict.get("payment")
- ->Option.getOr(JSON.Encode.null)
- ->JSON.Decode.string
- ->Option.getOr("")
- try {
- let trustpay = trustPayApi(secrets)
- trustpay.finishApplePaymentV2(payment, paymentRequest)
- ->then(res => {
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~value="TrustPay ApplePay Success Response",
- ~internalMetadata=res->JSON.stringify,
- ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
- ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
- (),
- )
- let msg =
- [("applePaySyncPayment", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- resolve()
- })
- ->catch(err => {
- let exceptionMessage = err->formatException->JSON.stringify
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
- ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
- ~value=exceptionMessage,
- (),
- )
- let msg =
- [("applePaySyncPayment", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- resolve()
- })
- ->ignore
- } catch {
- | exn => {
+ handleApplePayMessages :=
+ (
+ (event: Types.event) => {
+ let json = event.data->Identity.anyTypeToJson
+ let dict = json->getDictFromJson
+ switch dict->Dict.get("applePayButtonClicked") {
+ | Some(val) =>
+ if val->JSON.Decode.bool->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(false) {
+ let isDelayedSessionToken =
+ applePayPresent
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ ->Dict.get("delayed_session_token")
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(JSON.Encode.null)
+ ->JSON.Decode.bool
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(false)
+ if isDelayedSessionToken {
- ~value=exn->formatException->JSON.stringify,
+ ~value="Delayed Session Token Flow",
- let msg =
- [("applePaySyncPayment", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ let applePayPresent =
+ dict
+ ->Dict.get("applePayPresent")
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ let connector =
+ applePayPresent
+ ->Dict.get("connector")
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(JSON.Encode.null)
+ ->JSON.Decode.string
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault("")
+ switch connector {
+ | "trustpay" =>
+ logger.setLogInfo(
+ ~value="TrustPay Connector Flow",
+ ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
+ ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
+ (),
+ )
+ let secrets =
+ applePayPresent
+ ->Dict.get("session_token_data")
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(JSON.Encode.null)
+ ->JSON.Decode.object
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ ->Dict.get("secrets")
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(JSON.Encode.null)
+ let paymentRequest =
+ applePayPresent
+ ->Dict.get("payment_request_data")
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ ->ApplePayTypes.jsonToPaymentRequestDataType
+ let payment =
+ secrets
+ ->JSON.Decode.object
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ ->Dict.get("payment")
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(JSON.Encode.null)
+ ->JSON.Decode.string
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault("")
+ try {
+ let trustpay = trustPayApi(secrets)
+ trustpay.finishApplePaymentV2(payment, paymentRequest)
+ ->then(res => {
+ logger.setLogInfo(
+ ~value="TrustPay ApplePay Success Response",
+ ~internalMetadata=res->JSON.stringify,
+ ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
+ ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
+ (),
+ )
+ let msg =
+ [
+ ("applePaySyncPayment", true->JSON.Encode.bool),
+ ]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ logger.setLogInfo(
+ ~value="",
+ ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
+ (),
+ )
+ resolve()
+ })
+ ->catch(err => {
+ let exceptionMessage =
+ err->Utils.formatException->JSON.stringify
+ logger.setLogInfo(
+ ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
+ ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
+ ~value=exceptionMessage,
+ (),
+ )
+ let msg =
+ [
+ ("applePaySyncPayment", true->JSON.Encode.bool),
+ ]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ resolve()
+ })
+ ->ignore
+ } catch {
+ | exn => {
+ logger.setLogInfo(
+ ~value=exn->Utils.formatException->JSON.stringify,
+ ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
+ ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
+ (),
+ )
+ let msg =
+ [
+ ("applePaySyncPayment", true->JSON.Encode.bool),
+ ]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ }
+ }
+ | _ => ()
+ }
+ } else {
+ let paymentRequest =
+ applePayPresent
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ ->Dict.get("payment_request_data")
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object)
+ ->Utils.transformKeys(Utils.CamelCase)
+ let ssn = applePaySession(3, paymentRequest)
+ switch applePaySessionRef.contents->Nullable.toOption {
+ | Some(session) =>
+ try {
+ session.abort()
+ } catch {
+ | error => Console.log2("Abort fail", error)
+ }
+ | None => ()
+ }
+ ssn.begin()
+ applePaySessionRef := ssn->Js.Nullable.return
+ ssn.onvalidatemerchant = _event => {
+ let merchantSession =
+ applePayPresent
+ ->Belt.Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make())
+ ->Dict.get("session_token_data")
+ ->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object)
+ ->Utils.transformKeys(Utils.CamelCase)
+ ssn.completeMerchantValidation(merchantSession)
+ }
+ ssn.onpaymentauthorized = event => {
+ ssn.completePayment(
+ {"status": ssn.\"STATUS_SUCCESS"}->Identity.anyTypeToJson,
+ )
+ applePaySessionRef := Nullable.null
+ processPayment(event.payment.token)
+ }
+ ssn.oncancel = _ev => {
+ let msg =
+ [("showApplePayButton", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ applePaySessionRef := Nullable.null
+ Utils.logInfo(Console.log("Apple Pay payment cancelled"))
+ }
+ } else {
+ ()
- | _ => ()
+ | None => ()
- } else {
- try {
- let paymentRequest =
- applePayPresent
- ->Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- ->Dict.get("payment_request_data")
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object)
- ->transformKeys(CamelCase)
- let ssn = applePaySession(3, paymentRequest)
- switch applePaySessionRef.contents->Nullable.toOption {
- | Some(session) =>
- try {
- session.abort()
- } catch {
- | error => Console.log2("Abort fail", error)
- }
- | None => ()
- }
+ }
+ )
- applePaySessionRef := ssn->Nullable.make
+ addSmartEventListener(
+ "message",
+ handleApplePayMessages.contents,
+ "onApplePayMessages",
+ )
+ }
+ if componentType === "payment" && googlePayPresent->Belt.Option.isSome {
+ let dict = json->getDictFromJson
+ let sessionObj = SessionsType.itemToObjMapper(dict, Others)
+ let gPayToken = SessionsType.getPaymentSessionObj(sessionObj.sessionsToken, Gpay)
- ssn.onvalidatemerchant = _event => {
- let merchantSession =
- applePayPresent
- ->Option.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- ->Dict.get("session_token_data")
- ->Option.getOr(Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object)
- ->transformKeys(CamelCase)
- ssn.completeMerchantValidation(merchantSession)
- }
+ let tokenObj = switch gPayToken {
+ | OtherTokenOptional(optToken) => optToken
+ | _ => Some(SessionsType.defaultToken)
+ }
- ssn.onpaymentauthorized = event => {
- ssn.completePayment({"status": ssn.\"STATUS_SUCCESS"}->anyTypeToJson)
- applePaySessionRef := Nullable.null
- processPayment(event.payment.token)
- }
- ssn.oncancel = _ev => {
- let msg =
- [("showApplePayButton", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- applePaySessionRef := Nullable.null
- logInfo(Console.log("Apple Pay payment cancelled"))
- }
+ let gpayobj = switch tokenObj {
+ | Some(val) => val
+ | _ => SessionsType.defaultToken
+ }
- ssn.begin()
- } catch {
- | exn => {
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~value=exn->formatException->JSON.stringify,
- ~eventName=APPLE_PAY_FLOW,
- ~paymentMethod="APPLE_PAY",
- (),
- )
- logInfo(Console.error2("Apple Pay Error", exn))
- let msg =
- [("showApplePayButton", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- applePaySessionRef := Nullable.null
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- ()
- }
- | None => ()
+ let baseRequest = {
+ "apiVersion": 2,
+ "apiVersionMinor": 0,
- }
- )
+ let paymentDataRequest = GooglePayType.assign2(
+ Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object,
+ baseRequest->Identity.anyTypeToJson,
+ )
- addSmartEventListener("message", handleApplePayMessages.contents, "onApplePayMessages")
- }
- if componentType === "payment" && googlePayPresent->Option.isSome {
- let dict = json->getDictFromJson
- let sessionObj = SessionsType.itemToObjMapper(dict, Others)
- let gPayToken = SessionsType.getPaymentSessionObj(sessionObj.sessionsToken, Gpay)
+ let payRequest = GooglePayType.assign(
+ Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object,
+ baseRequest->Identity.anyTypeToJson,
+ {
+ "allowedPaymentMethods": gpayobj.allowed_payment_methods->arrayJsonToCamelCase,
+ }->Identity.anyTypeToJson,
+ )
+ paymentDataRequest.allowedPaymentMethods =
+ gpayobj.allowed_payment_methods->arrayJsonToCamelCase
+ paymentDataRequest.transactionInfo =
+ gpayobj.transaction_info->transformKeys(CamelCase)
+ paymentDataRequest.merchantInfo = gpayobj.merchant_info->transformKeys(CamelCase)
+ try {
+ let gPayClient = GooglePayType.google(
+ {
+ "environment": publishableKey->String.startsWith("pk_prd_")
+ : "TEST",
+ }->Identity.anyTypeToJson,
+ )
- let tokenObj = switch gPayToken {
- | OtherTokenOptional(optToken) => optToken
- | _ => Some(SessionsType.defaultToken)
- }
+ gPayClient.isReadyToPay(payRequest)
+ ->then(res => {
+ let dict = res->getDictFromJson
+ let isReadyToPay = getBool(dict, "result", false)
+ let msg = [("isReadyToPay", isReadyToPay->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ resolve()
+ })
+ ->catch(err => {
+ logger.setLogInfo(
+ ~value=err->Identity.anyTypeToJson->JSON.stringify,
+ ~eventName=GOOGLE_PAY_FLOW,
+ ~paymentMethod="GOOGLE_PAY",
+ ~logType=DEBUG,
+ (),
+ )
+ resolve()
+ })
+ ->ignore
- let gpayobj = switch tokenObj {
- | Some(val) => val
- | _ => SessionsType.defaultToken
- }
+ let handleGooglePayMessages = (event: Types.event) => {
+ let evJson = event.data->anyTypeToJson
+ let gpayClicked =
+ evJson
+ ->getOptionalJsonFromJson("GpayClicked")
+ ->getBoolFromJson(false)
+ if gpayClicked {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ gPayClient.loadPaymentData(paymentDataRequest->anyTypeToJson)
+ ->then(
+ json => {
+ let msg = [("gpayResponse", json->anyTypeToJson)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ resolve()
+ },
+ )
+ ->catch(
+ err => {
+ logger.setLogInfo(
+ ~value=err->anyTypeToJson->JSON.stringify,
+ ~eventName=GOOGLE_PAY_FLOW,
+ ~paymentMethod="GOOGLE_PAY",
+ ~logType=DEBUG,
+ (),
+ )
- let baseRequest = {
- "apiVersion": 2,
- "apiVersionMinor": 0,
- }
- let paymentDataRequest = GooglePayType.assign2(
- Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object,
- baseRequest->anyTypeToJson,
- )
- let payRequest = GooglePayType.assign(
- Dict.make()->JSON.Encode.object,
- baseRequest->anyTypeToJson,
- {
- "allowedPaymentMethods": gpayobj.allowed_payment_methods->arrayJsonToCamelCase,
- }->anyTypeToJson,
- )
- paymentDataRequest.allowedPaymentMethods =
- gpayobj.allowed_payment_methods->arrayJsonToCamelCase
- paymentDataRequest.transactionInfo = gpayobj.transaction_info->transformKeys(CamelCase)
- paymentDataRequest.merchantInfo = gpayobj.merchant_info->transformKeys(CamelCase)
- try {
- let gPayClient = GooglePayType.google(
- {
- "environment": publishableKey->String.startsWith("pk_prd_")
- : "TEST",
- }->anyTypeToJson,
- )
+ let msg = [("gpayError", err->anyTypeToJson)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ resolve()
+ },
+ )
+ ->ignore
+ }, 0)->ignore
+ }
+ }
+ addSmartEventListener("message", handleGooglePayMessages, "onGooglePayMessages")
+ } catch {
+ | _ => Console.log("Error loading Gpay")
+ }
+ }
- gPayClient.isReadyToPay(payRequest)
- ->then(res => {
- let dict = res->getDictFromJson
- let isReadyToPay = getBool(dict, "result", false)
- let msg = [("isReadyToPay", isReadyToPay->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- resolve()
+ json->resolve
- ->catch(err => {
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~value=err->anyTypeToJson->JSON.stringify,
- ~eventName=GOOGLE_PAY_FLOW,
- ~paymentMethod="GOOGLE_PAY",
- ~logType=DEBUG,
- (),
- )
- resolve()
+ ->then(json => {
+ let msg = [("sessions", json)]->Dict.fromArray
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ json->resolve
- let handleGooglePayMessages = (event: Types.event) => {
- let evJson = event.data->anyTypeToJson
- let gpayClicked =
- evJson
- ->getOptionalJsonFromJson("GpayClicked")
- ->getBoolFromJson(false)
- if gpayClicked {
- setTimeout(() => {
- gPayClient.loadPaymentData(paymentDataRequest->anyTypeToJson)
- ->then(
- json => {
- let msg = [("gpayResponse", json->anyTypeToJson)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- resolve()
- },
- )
- ->catch(
- err => {
- logger.setLogInfo(
- ~value=err->anyTypeToJson->JSON.stringify,
- ~eventName=GOOGLE_PAY_FLOW,
- ~paymentMethod="GOOGLE_PAY",
- ~logType=DEBUG,
- (),
- )
- let msg = [("gpayError", err->anyTypeToJson)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- resolve()
- },
- )
- ->ignore
- }, 0)->ignore
- }
- }
- addSmartEventListener("message", handleGooglePayMessages, "onGooglePayMessages")
- } catch {
- | _ => Console.log("Error loading Gpay")
- json->resolve
- })
- ->then(json => {
- let msg = [("sessions", json)]->Dict.fromArray
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
- json->resolve
+ let msg = [("sendSessionTokensResponse", true->JSON.Encode.bool)]->Dict.fromArray
+ addSmartEventListener("message", handleSessionTokensLoaded, "onSessionTokensLoaded")
+ preMountLoaderIframeDiv->Window.iframePostMessage(msg)
+ }
+ preMountLoaderMountedPromise
+ ->then(_ => {
+ fetchPaymentsList(mountedIframeRef)
+ if (
+ newOptions
+ ->getDictFromJson
+ ->getBool("displaySavedPaymentMethods", true)
+ ) {
+ fetchCustomerPaymentMethods(mountedIframeRef, false)
+ }
+ fetchSessionTokens(mountedIframeRef)
+ mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(message)
+ resolve()
- if (
- newOptions
- ->getDictFromJson
- ->getBool("displaySavedPaymentMethods", true)
- ) {
- fetchCustomerDetails(mountedIframeRef)
- }
- fetchPaymentsList(mountedIframeRef)
- mountedIframeRef->Window.iframePostMessage(message)
let paymentElement = LoaderPaymentElement.make(
diff --git a/src/orca-loader/Hyper.res b/src/orca-loader/Hyper.res
index fd8239ea0..47c3f108e 100644
--- a/src/orca-loader/Hyper.res
+++ b/src/orca-loader/Hyper.res
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ let make = (publishableKey, options: option, analyticsInfo: optionOption.flatMap(JSON.Decode.object)->Option.getOr(Dict.make())
- let sessionID = analyticsInfoDict->getString("sessionID", "")
+ let sessionID =
+ analyticsInfoDict->getString("sessionID", "hyp_" ++ Utils.generateRandomString(8))
let sdkTimestamp = analyticsInfoDict->getString("timeStamp", Date.now()->Belt.Float.toString)
let logger = OrcaLogger.make(
diff --git a/src/orca-loader/PaymentSessionMethods.res b/src/orca-loader/PaymentSessionMethods.res
index 8e5ab84a0..bdf2693ac 100644
--- a/src/orca-loader/PaymentSessionMethods.res
+++ b/src/orca-loader/PaymentSessionMethods.res
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ let getCustomerSavedPaymentMethods = (
) => {
open Promise
- PaymentHelpers.fetchCustomerDetails(
+ PaymentHelpers.fetchCustomerPaymentMethodList(
diff --git a/src/orca-loader/Types.res b/src/orca-loader/Types.res
index 7800863c2..af364c201 100644
--- a/src/orca-loader/Types.res
+++ b/src/orca-loader/Types.res
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ type rec ele = {
mutable target: string,
mutable enctype: string,
mutable value: string,
- submit: (. unit) => unit,
- appendChild: (. ele) => unit,
+ submit: unit => unit,
+ appendChild: ele => unit,
@scope("document") @val external createElement: string => ele = "createElement"
diff --git a/src/orca-log-catcher/OrcaLogger.res b/src/orca-log-catcher/OrcaLogger.res
index 6517c1b09..c42ca30c2 100644
--- a/src/orca-log-catcher/OrcaLogger.res
+++ b/src/orca-log-catcher/OrcaLogger.res
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ type eventName =
@@ -79,8 +77,6 @@ let eventNameToStrMapper = eventName => {
@@ -499,7 +495,7 @@ let make = (
@@ -508,6 +504,7 @@ let make = (
->Array.find(log => {
@@ -542,7 +539,6 @@ let make = (
diff --git a/webpack.common.js b/webpack.common.js
index c6602f654..c8fc54102 100644
--- a/webpack.common.js
+++ b/webpack.common.js
@@ -5,21 +5,20 @@ const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin");
-const BundleAnalyzerPlugin =
- require("webpack-bundle-analyzer").BundleAnalyzerPlugin;
+const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require("webpack-bundle-analyzer").BundleAnalyzerPlugin;
const { sentryWebpackPlugin } = require("@sentry/webpack-plugin");
const sdkEnv = process.env.sdkEnv;
const envSdkUrl = process.env.envSdkUrl;
const envBackendUrl = process.env.envBackendUrl;
+const envLoggingUrl = process.env.envLoggingUrl;
//git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
let repoVersion = require("./package.json").version;
let majorVersion = "v" + repoVersion.split(".")[0];
let repoName = require("./package.json").name;
-let repoPublicPath =
- sdkEnv === "local" ? "" : `/${repoVersion}/${majorVersion}`;
+let repoPublicPath = sdkEnv === "local" ? "" : `/${repoVersion}/${majorVersion}`;
let sdkUrl;
@@ -40,12 +39,12 @@ let backendEndPoint;
if (envBackendUrl === undefined) {
backendEndPoint =
sdkEnv === "prod"
- ? "https://api.hyperswitch.io"
+ ? "https://checkout.hyperswitch.io/api"
: sdkEnv === "sandbox"
- ? "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io"
+ ? "https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api"
: sdkEnv === "integ"
? "https://integ-api.hyperswitch.io"
- : "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io";
+ : "https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api";
} else {
backendEndPoint = envBackendUrl;
@@ -54,20 +53,25 @@ let confirmEndPoint;
if (envBackendUrl === undefined) {
confirmEndPoint =
sdkEnv === "prod"
- ? "https://api.hyperswitch.io"
+ ? "https://checkout.hyperswitch.io/api"
: sdkEnv === "sandbox"
- ? "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io"
+ ? "https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api"
: sdkEnv === "integ"
? "https://integ-api.hyperswitch.io"
- : "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io";
+ : "https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api";
} else {
confirmEndPoint = envBackendUrl;
-let logEndpoint =
- sdkEnv === "prod"
- ? "https://api.hyperswitch.io/logs/sdk"
- : "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io/logs/sdk";
+let logEndpoint;
+if (envLoggingUrl === undefined) {
+ logEndpoint =
+ sdkEnv === "prod"
+ ? "https://api.hyperswitch.io/logs/sdk"
+ : "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io/logs/sdk";
+} else {
+ logEndpoint = envLoggingUrl;
// Set this to true to enable logging
let enableLogging = true;
diff --git a/webpack.dev.js b/webpack.dev.js
index 8801754f3..89044d741 100644
--- a/webpack.dev.js
+++ b/webpack.dev.js
@@ -6,20 +6,21 @@ const sdkEnv = process.env.sdkEnv;
let backendEndPoint =
sdkEnv === "prod"
- ? "https://api.hyperswitch.io/payments"
+ ? "https://checkout.hyperswitch.io/api/payments"
: sdkEnv === "sandbox"
- ? "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io/payments"
+ ? "https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api/payments"
: sdkEnv === "integ"
? "https://integ-api.hyperswitch.io/payments"
- : "https://sandbox.hyperswitch.io/payments";
+ : "https://beta.hyperswitch.io/api/payments";
let devServer = {
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, "dist"),
hot: true,
+ host: "",
port: 9050,
historyApiFallback: true,
proxy: {
- "/payments": {
+ "/api/payments": {
target: backendEndPoint,
changeOrigin: true,
secure: true,