diff --git a/config/FeatureFlag.json b/config/FeatureFlag.json
index 6067fb9b5..2a0addeb4 100644
--- a/config/FeatureFlag.json
+++ b/config/FeatureFlag.json
@@ -22,5 +22,6 @@
"forgot_password": false,
"user_journey_analytics": false,
"surcharge": false,
- "customers_module": false
+ "customers_module": false,
+ "permission_based_module": false
diff --git a/src/components/EntityScaffold.res b/src/components/EntityScaffold.res
index 68afbe809..4d02b1644 100644
--- a/src/components/EntityScaffold.res
+++ b/src/components/EntityScaffold.res
@@ -5,28 +5,15 @@ let make = (
~access: AuthTypes.authorization=Access,
- ~renderNewForm=?,
- ~renderShow=?,
+ ~renderNewForm=_ => React.null,
+ ~renderShow=_ => React.null,
) => {
if access === NoAccess {
} else {
switch remainingPath {
- | list{"new"} =>
- switch access {
- | Access =>
- switch renderNewForm {
- | Some(element) => element()
- | None => React.null
- }
- | NoAccess =>
- }
- | list{id} =>
- let page = switch renderShow {
- | Some(fn) => fn(id)
- | None => React.null
- }
- page
+ | list{"new"} => renderNewForm()
+ | list{id} => renderShow(id)
| list{} => renderList()
| _ =>
diff --git a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/FeatureFlagUtils.res b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/FeatureFlagUtils.res
index 438bc3945..dda0429d9 100644
--- a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/FeatureFlagUtils.res
+++ b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/FeatureFlagUtils.res
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ type featureFlag = {
userJourneyAnalytics: bool,
surcharge: bool,
customersModule: bool,
+ permissionBasedModule: bool,
let featureFlagType = (featureFlags: Js.Json.t) => {
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ let featureFlagType = (featureFlags: Js.Json.t) => {
userJourneyAnalytics: dict->getBool("user_journey_analytics", false),
surcharge: dict->getBool("surcharge", false),
customersModule: dict->getBool("customers_module", false),
+ permissionBasedModule: dict->getBool("permission_based_module", false),
diff --git a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperSwitchApp.res b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperSwitchApp.res
index 0cd6e137c..8f90ad3b9 100644
--- a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperSwitchApp.res
+++ b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperSwitchApp.res
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-open UIUtils
-open HSwitchUtils
-open HSLocalStorage
-open HSwitchGlobalVars
-open APIUtils
let make = () => {
+ open UIUtils
+ open HSwitchUtils
+ open HSwitchGlobalVars
+ open APIUtils
+ open PermissionUtils
+ open LogicUtils
let url = RescriptReactRouter.useUrl()
let fetchDetails = useGetMethod()
let {
@@ -14,49 +15,39 @@ let make = () => {
+ isProdIntentCompleted,
} = React.useContext(GlobalProvider.defaultContext)
let (screenState, setScreenState) = React.useState(_ => PageLoaderWrapper.Loading)
- let {isProdIntentCompleted} = React.useContext(GlobalProvider.defaultContext)
let fetchBusinessProfiles = MerchantAccountUtils.useFetchBusinessProfiles()
let fetchMerchantAccountDetails = MerchantAccountUtils.useFetchMerchantDetails()
let fetchConnectorListResponse = ConnectorUtils.useFetchConnectorList()
let enumDetails =
- ->LogicUtils.safeParse
+ ->safeParse
let featureFlagDetails = HyperswitchAtom.featureFlagAtom->Recoil.useRecoilValueFromAtom
+ let (userPermissionJson, setuserPermissionJson) = Recoil.useRecoilState(
+ HyperswitchAtom.userPermissionAtom,
+ )
let getEnumDetails = EnumVariantHook.useFetchEnumDetails()
- let verificationDays = getFromMerchantDetails("verification")->LogicUtils.getIntFromString(-1)
- let userRole = getFromUserDetails("user_role")
+ let verificationDays = HSLocalStorage.getFromMerchantDetails("verification")->getIntFromString(-1)
+ let userRole = HSLocalStorage.getFromUserDetails("user_role")
let modeText = featureFlagDetails.isLiveMode ? "Live Mode" : "Test Mode"
- let titleComingSoonMessage = "Coming Soon!"
- let subtitleComingSoonMessage = "We are currently working on this page."
let modeStyles = featureFlagDetails.isLiveMode
? "bg-hyperswitch_green_trans border-hyperswitch_green_trans text-hyperswitch_green"
: "bg-orange-600/80 border-orange-500 text-grey-700"
- let merchantDetailsValue = HSwitchUtils.useMerchantDetailsValue()
+ let merchantDetailsValue = useMerchantDetailsValue()
let isReconEnabled =
(merchantDetailsValue->MerchantAccountUtils.getMerchantDetails).recon_status === Active
let hyperSwitchAppSidebars = SidebarValues.useGetSidebarValues(~isReconEnabled)
- let comingSoonPage =
sessionExpired := false
let getAgreementEnum = async () => {
- open LogicUtils
try {
let url = #ProductionAgreement->ProdOnboardingUtils.getProdOnboardingUrl
let response = await fetchDetails(url)
@@ -96,12 +87,40 @@ let make = () => {
+ let fetchPermissions = async () => {
+ try {
+ let url = getURL(~entityName=USERS, ~userType=#GET_PERMISSIONS, ~methodType=Get, ())
+ let response = await fetchDetails(url)
+ let permissionsValue =
+ response
+ ->getArrayFromJson([])
+ ->Array.map(ele => ele->Js.Json.decodeString->Option.getWithDefault(""))
+ let permissionJson =
+ permissionsValue->Array.map(ele => ele->mapStringToPermissionType)->getPermissionJson
+ setuserPermissionJson(._ => permissionJson)
+ } catch {
+ | Js.Exn.Error(e) => {
+ let err = Js.Exn.message(e)->Option.getWithDefault("Failed to Fetch!")
+ Js.Exn.raiseError(err)
+ }
+ }
+ }
let setUpDashboard = async () => {
try {
- let _ = await Window.connectorWasmInit()
- let _ = await fetchBusinessProfiles()
- let _ = await fetchConnectorListResponse()
- let _ = await fetchMerchantAccountDetails()
+ if featureFlagDetails.permissionBasedModule {
+ let _ = await fetchPermissions()
+ }
+ if userPermissionJson.merchantConnectorAccountRead === Access {
+ let _ = await Window.connectorWasmInit()
+ let _ = await fetchConnectorListResponse()
+ }
+ if userPermissionJson.merchantAccountRead === Access {
+ let _ = await fetchBusinessProfiles()
+ let _ = await fetchMerchantAccountDetails()
+ }
if featureFlagDetails.quickStart {
let _ = await fetchInitialEnums()
@@ -126,40 +145,30 @@ let make = () => {
- let setPageState = (pageState: ProviderTypes.dashboardPageStateTypes) => {
- setDashboardPageState(_ => pageState)
- React.null
- }
let determineStripePlusPayPal = () => {
- if enumDetails->checkStripePlusPayPal {
- RescriptReactRouter.replace("/home")
- React.null
- } else {
- }
+ enumDetails->checkStripePlusPayPal
+ ? RescriptReactRouter.replace("/home")
+ : setDashboardPageState(_ => #STRIPE_PLUS_PAYPAL)
+ React.null
let determineWooCommerce = () => {
- if enumDetails->checkWooCommerce {
- RescriptReactRouter.replace("/home")
- React.null
- } else {
- }
+ enumDetails->checkWooCommerce
+ ? RescriptReactRouter.replace("/home")
+ : setDashboardPageState(_ => #WOOCOMMERCE_FLOW)
+ React.null
let determineQuickStartPageState = () => {
- if (
- isProdIntentCompleted &&
- enumDetails.integrationCompleted &&
- enumDetails.testPayment.payment_id->String.length > 0
- ) {
- RescriptReactRouter.replace("/home")
- React.null
- } else {
- setPageState(#QUICK_START)
- }
+ isProdIntentCompleted &&
+ enumDetails.integrationCompleted &&
+ !(enumDetails.testPayment.payment_id->isEmptyString)
+ ? RescriptReactRouter.replace("/home")
+ : setDashboardPageState(_ => #QUICK_START)
+ React.null
@@ -204,12 +213,11 @@ let make = () => {
className="p-6 md:px-16 md:pb-16 pt-[3rem] flex flex-col gap-10 max-w-fixedPageWidth">
{switch url.path {
- | list{"home"} =>
- {featureFlagDetails.quickStart ? : }
+ | list{"home"} => featureFlagDetails.quickStart ? :
| list{"fraud-risk-management", ...remainingPath} =>
| list{"connectors", ...remainingPath} =>
- }
- renderNewForm={() => }
- renderShow={_ => }
- />
+ }
+ renderNewForm={() => }
+ renderShow={_ => }
+ />
| list{"payoutconnectors", ...remainingPath} =>
- }
- renderNewForm={() => }
- renderShow={_ => }
- />
- | list{"payments", ...remainingPath} =>
- renderShow={id => }
+ renderList={() => }
+ renderNewForm={() => }
+ renderShow={_ => }
+ | list{"payments", ...remainingPath} =>
+ }
+ renderShow={id => }
+ />
| list{"refunds", ...remainingPath} =>
+ }
+ renderShow={id => }
+ />
+ | list{"disputes", ...remainingPath} =>
- renderShow={id => }
+ renderList={() => }
+ renderShow={id => }
- | list{"disputes", ...remainingPath} =>
- }
- renderShow={id => }
- />
| list{"customers", ...remainingPath} =>
| list{"routing", ...remainingPath} =>
- }
- renderShow={routingType => }
- />
- | list{"users", "invite-users"} =>
+ }
+ renderShow={routingType => }
+ />
+ | list{"users", "invite-users"} =>
| list{"users", ...remainingPath} =>
- }
- renderShow={_ => }
- />
+ }
+ renderShow={_ => }
+ />
| list{"analytics-payments"} =>
| list{"analytics-refunds"} =>
| list{"analytics-user-journey"} =>
- | list{"monitoring"} => comingSoonPage
- | list{"developer-api-keys"} =>
+ | list{"developer-api-keys"} =>
| list{"developer-system-metrics"} =>
- String.includes("internal_") &&
- featureFlagDetails.systemMetrics}>
+ String.includes("internal_") &&
+ featureFlagDetails.systemMetrics}
+ permission=userPermissionJson.analytics>
| list{"payment-settings", ...remainingPath} =>
- }
- renderShow={profileId =>
- }
- />
+ }
+ renderShow={profileId =>
+ }
+ />
| list{"recon"} =>
@@ -328,18 +368,32 @@ let make = () => {
- | list{"3ds"} =>
+ | list{"3ds"} =>
| list{"surcharge"} =>
| list{"account-settings"} =>
- | list{"account-settings", "profile"} =>
+ | list{"account-settings", "profile"} =>
| list{"business-details"} =>
| list{"business-profiles"} =>
diff --git a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperswitchAtom.res b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperswitchAtom.res
index 9a600b266..8f7cc5f68 100644
--- a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperswitchAtom.res
+++ b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/HyperswitchAtom.res
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let paypalAccountStatusAtom: Recoil.recoilAtom> = Recoil.atom(.
+let userPermissionAtom: Recoil.recoilAtom = Recoil.atom(.
- [],
+ PermissionUtils.defaultValueForPermission,
diff --git a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/SidebarValues.res b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/SidebarValues.res
index 648d74cde..dbecf02fc 100644
--- a/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/SidebarValues.res
+++ b/src/entryPoints/hyperswitch/SidebarValues.res
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open SidebarTypes
+open PermissionUtils
// * Custom Component
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ module GetProductionAccess = {
let emptyComponent = CustomComponent({
component: React.null,
let productionAccessComponent = isProductionAccessEnabled =>
? CustomComponent({
@@ -58,35 +60,48 @@ let home = isHomeEnabled =>
: emptyComponent
-let payments = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Payments",
- link: `/payments`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("View payment operations", "")],
+let payments = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Payments",
+ link: `/payments`,
+ access: permissionJson.paymentRead,
+ searchOptions: [("View payment operations", "")],
+ })
-let refunds = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Refunds",
- link: `/refunds`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("View refund operations", "")],
+let refunds = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Refunds",
+ link: `/refunds`,
+ access: permissionJson.refundRead,
+ searchOptions: [("View refund operations", "")],
+ })
-let disputes = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Disputes",
- link: `/disputes`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("View dispute operations", "")],
+let disputes = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Disputes",
+ link: `/disputes`,
+ access: permissionJson.disputeRead,
+ searchOptions: [("View dispute operations", "")],
+ })
-let customers = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Customers",
- link: `/customers`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("View customers", "")],
+let customers = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Customers",
+ link: `/customers`,
+ access: permissionJson.customerRead,
+ searchOptions: [("View customers", "")],
+ })
+let operations = (isOperationsEnabled, customersModule, ~permissionJson) => {
+ let payments = payments(permissionJson)
+ let refunds = refunds(permissionJson)
+ let disputes = disputes(permissionJson)
+ let customers = customers(permissionJson)
-let operations = (isOperationsEnabled, customersModule) => {
? Section({
name: "Operations",
@@ -99,13 +114,13 @@ let operations = (isOperationsEnabled, customersModule) => {
: emptyComponent
-let connectors = (isConnectorsEnabled, isLiveMode) => {
+let connectors = (isConnectorsEnabled, isLiveMode, ~permissionJson) => {
? Link({
name: "Processors",
link: `/connectors`,
icon: "connectors",
- access: Access,
+ access: permissionJson.merchantConnectorAccountRead,
searchOptions: HSwitchUtils.getSearchOptionsForProcessors(
? ConnectorUtils.connectorListForLive
@@ -138,45 +153,54 @@ let userJourneyAnalytics = SubLevelLink({
searchOptions: [("View analytics", "")],
-let analytics = (isAnalyticsEnabled, userJourneyAnalyticsFlag) =>
+let analytics = (isAnalyticsEnabled, userJourneyAnalyticsFlag, ~permissionJson) => {
? Section({
name: "Analytics",
icon: "analytics",
- showSection: true,
+ showSection: permissionJson.analytics === Access,
links: userJourneyAnalyticsFlag
? [paymentAnalytcis, refundAnalytics, userJourneyAnalytics]
: [paymentAnalytcis, refundAnalytics],
: emptyComponent
+let routing = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Routing",
+ link: `/routing`,
+ access: permissionJson.routingRead,
+ searchOptions: [
+ ("Manage default routing configuration", "/default"),
+ ("Create new volume based routing", "/volume"),
+ ("Create new rule based routing", "/rule"),
+ ("Manage smart routing", ""),
+ ],
+ })
-let routing = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Routing",
- link: `/routing`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [
- ("Manage default routing configuration", "/default"),
- ("Create new volume based routing", "/volume"),
- ("Create new rule based routing", "/rule"),
- ("Manage smart routing", ""),
- ],
-let threeDs = SubLevelLink({
- name: "3DS Decision Manager",
- link: `/3ds`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("Configure 3ds", "")],
+let threeDs = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "3DS Decision Manager",
+ link: `/3ds`,
+ access: permissionJson.threeDsDecisionManagerRead,
+ searchOptions: [("Configure 3ds", "")],
+ })
+let surcharge = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Surcharge",
+ link: `/surcharge`,
+ access: permissionJson.surchargeDecisionManagerRead,
+ searchOptions: [("Add Surcharge", "")],
+ })
-let surcharge = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Surcharge",
- link: `/surcharge`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("Add Surcharge", "")],
+let workflow = (isWorkflowEnabled, isSurchargeEnabled, ~permissionJson) => {
+ let routing = routing(permissionJson)
+ let threeDs = threeDs(permissionJson)
+ let surcharge = surcharge(permissionJson)
-let workflow = (isWorkflowEnabled, isSurchargeEnabled) =>
? Section({
name: "Workflow",
@@ -185,50 +209,65 @@ let workflow = (isWorkflowEnabled, isSurchargeEnabled) =>
links: isSurchargeEnabled ? [routing, threeDs, surcharge] : [routing, threeDs],
: emptyComponent
-let userManagement = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Team",
- link: `/users`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("View team management", "")],
-let accountSettings = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Account Settings",
- link: `/account-settings`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [
- ("View profile", "/profile"),
- ("Change password", "/profile"),
- ("Manage your personal profile and preferences", "/profile"),
- ],
+let userManagement = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Team",
+ link: `/users`,
+ access: permissionJson.usersRead,
+ searchOptions: [("View team management", "")],
+ })
-let businessDetails = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Business Details",
- link: `/business-details`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("Configure business details", "")],
+let accountSettings = permissionJson => {
+ // Because it has delete sample data
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Account Settings",
+ link: `/account-settings`,
+ access: permissionJson.merchantAccountWrite,
+ searchOptions: [
+ ("View profile", "/profile"),
+ ("Change password", "/profile"),
+ ("Manage your personal profile and preferences", "/profile"),
+ ],
+ })
-let businessProfiles = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Business Profiles",
- link: `/business-profiles`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("Configure business profiles", "")],
+let businessDetails = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Business Details",
+ link: `/business-details`,
+ access: permissionJson.merchantAccountRead,
+ searchOptions: [("Configure business details", "")],
+ })
-let settings = (~isSampleDataEnabled, ~isUserManagementEnabled, ~isBusinessProfileEnabled) => {
- let settingsLinkArray = [businessDetails]
+let businessProfiles = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Business Profiles",
+ link: `/business-profiles`,
+ access: permissionJson.merchantAccountRead,
+ searchOptions: [("Configure business profiles", "")],
+ })
+let settings = (
+ ~isSampleDataEnabled,
+ ~isUserManagementEnabled,
+ ~isBusinessProfileEnabled,
+ ~permissionJson,
+) => {
+ let settingsLinkArray = [businessDetails(permissionJson)]
if isBusinessProfileEnabled {
- settingsLinkArray->Array.push(businessProfiles)->ignore
+ settingsLinkArray->Array.push(businessProfiles(permissionJson))->ignore
if isSampleDataEnabled {
- settingsLinkArray->Array.push(accountSettings)->ignore
+ settingsLinkArray->Array.push(accountSettings(permissionJson))->ignore
if isUserManagementEnabled {
- settingsLinkArray->Array.push(userManagement)->ignore
+ settingsLinkArray->Array.push(userManagement(permissionJson))->ignore
@@ -239,30 +278,39 @@ let settings = (~isSampleDataEnabled, ~isUserManagementEnabled, ~isBusinessProfi
-let apiKeys = SubLevelLink({
- name: "API Keys",
- link: `/developer-api-keys`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("View API Keys", "")],
+let apiKeys = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "API Keys",
+ link: `/developer-api-keys`,
+ access: permissionJson.apiKeyRead,
+ searchOptions: [("View API Keys", "")],
+ })
-let systemMetric = SubLevelLink({
- name: "System Metrics",
- link: `/developer-system-metrics`,
- access: Access,
- iconTag: "betaTag",
- searchOptions: [("View System Metrics", "")],
+let systemMetric = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "System Metrics",
+ link: `/developer-system-metrics`,
+ access: permissionJson.analytics,
+ iconTag: "betaTag",
+ searchOptions: [("View System Metrics", "")],
+ })
-let paymentSettings = SubLevelLink({
- name: "Payment Settings",
- link: `/payment-settings`,
- access: Access,
- searchOptions: [("View payment settings", ""), ("View webhooks", ""), ("View return url", "")],
+let paymentSettings = permissionJson => {
+ SubLevelLink({
+ name: "Payment Settings",
+ link: `/payment-settings`,
+ access: permissionJson.merchantAccountRead,
+ searchOptions: [("View payment settings", ""), ("View webhooks", ""), ("View return url", "")],
+ })
-let developers = (isDevelopersEnabled, userRole, systemMetrics) => {
+let developers = (isDevelopersEnabled, userRole, systemMetrics, ~permissionJson) => {
let isInternalUser = userRole->String.includes("internal_")
+ let apiKeys = apiKeys(permissionJson)
+ let paymentSettings = paymentSettings(permissionJson)
+ let systemMetric = systemMetric(permissionJson)
? Section({
@@ -276,30 +324,32 @@ let developers = (isDevelopersEnabled, userRole, systemMetrics) => {
: emptyComponent
-let fraudAndRisk = isfraudAndRiskEnabled =>
+let fraudAndRisk = (isfraudAndRiskEnabled, ~permissionJson) => {
? Link({
name: "Fraud & Risk",
icon: "shield-alt",
link: `/fraud-risk-management`,
- access: isfraudAndRiskEnabled ? Access : NoAccess,
+ access: permissionJson.merchantConnectorAccountRead,
searchOptions: [],
: emptyComponent
-let payoutConnectors = isPayoutConnectorsEnabled =>
+let payoutConnectors = (isPayoutConnectorsEnabled, ~permissionJson) => {
? Link({
name: "Payout Processors",
link: `/payoutconnectors`,
icon: "connectors",
- access: Access,
+ access: permissionJson.merchantConnectorAccountRead,
searchOptions: HSwitchUtils.getSearchOptionsForProcessors(
: emptyComponent
let reconTag = (recon, isReconEnabled) =>
@@ -314,6 +364,7 @@ let reconTag = (recon, isReconEnabled) =>
let useGetSidebarValues = (~isReconEnabled: bool) => {
let userRole = HSLocalStorage.getFromUserDetails("user_role")
let featureFlagDetails = HyperswitchAtom.featureFlagAtom->Recoil.useRecoilValueFromAtom
+ let permissionJson = Recoil.useRecoilValueFromAtom(HyperswitchAtom.userPermissionAtom)
let {
@@ -334,18 +385,19 @@ let useGetSidebarValues = (~isReconEnabled: bool) => {
let sidebar = [
- default->operations(customersModule),
- default->analytics(userJourneyAnalyticsFlag),
- default->connectors(isLiveMode),
- default->workflow(isSurchargeEnabled),
- frm->fraudAndRisk,
- payOut->payoutConnectors,
+ default->operations(customersModule, ~permissionJson),
+ default->analytics(userJourneyAnalyticsFlag, ~permissionJson),
+ default->connectors(isLiveMode, ~permissionJson),
+ default->workflow(isSurchargeEnabled, ~permissionJson),
+ frm->fraudAndRisk(~permissionJson),
+ payOut->payoutConnectors(~permissionJson),
- default->developers(userRole, systemMetrics),
+ default->developers(userRole, systemMetrics, ~permissionJson),
+ ~permissionJson,
diff --git a/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtils.res b/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtils.res
index 641dbe13c..5dab5b6c3 100644
--- a/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtils.res
+++ b/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtils.res
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ let getURL = (
| _ => `${userUrl}/${(userType :> string)->String.toLowerCase}`
| #CREATE_MERCHANT => `${userUrl}/create_merchant`
+ | #GET_PERMISSIONS => `${userUrl}/role`
diff --git a/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtilsTypes.res b/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtilsTypes.res
index 376659713..d0b8eddef 100644
--- a/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtilsTypes.res
+++ b/src/screens/HyperSwitch/APIUtils/APIUtilsTypes.res
@@ -56,5 +56,6 @@ type userType = [
diff --git a/src/screens/HyperSwitch/Routing/RoutingUtils.res b/src/screens/HyperSwitch/Routing/RoutingUtils.res
index 5bce5de18..37c686daa 100644
--- a/src/screens/HyperSwitch/Routing/RoutingUtils.res
+++ b/src/screens/HyperSwitch/Routing/RoutingUtils.res
@@ -184,16 +184,14 @@ module SaveAndActivateButton = {
try {
let onSubmitResponse = await onSubmit(formState.values, false)
let currentActivatedFromJson =
- onSubmitResponse->Js.Nullable.toOption->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Js.Json.null)
+ onSubmitResponse->Js.Nullable.toOption->Option.getWithDefault(Js.Json.null)
let currentActivatedId =
currentActivatedFromJson->LogicUtils.getDictFromJsonObject->LogicUtils.getString("id", "")
let _ = await handleActivateConfiguration(Some(currentActivatedId))
} catch {
| Js.Exn.Error(e) =>
- let _err =
- Js.Exn.message(e)->Belt.Option.getWithDefault(
- "Failed to save and activate configuration!",
- )
+ let _ =
+ Js.Exn.message(e)->Option.getWithDefault("Failed to save and activate configuration!")