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Ngamar - Furniture App UI Kit

Ngamar is a High Quality UI Kit of an Furniture Mobile App UI Kit. Ngamar came with a modern minimalistic design. The kit has been equipped with grouping and naming for each group so that you can edit it more easily.

Highlight ⚡


Colors 🎨


Frame_1 Frame_2 Frame_3 Frame_4

Techniques used 🛠️


  • Minimum SDK level 21
  • Architecture
    • MVC
  • GetX - GetX is an extra-light and powerful solution for Flutter.
  • flutter_launcher_icons - A command-line tool which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon.
  • Flutter Screen Util - Used for responsive design in Flutter apps, provides a simple way to scale UI elements and layouts based on the device's screen size and pixel density using a set of utility functions and classes.
  • dots_indicator - Widget to display dots indicator to show a position (for a PageView for example).
  • google_fonts - Provides a set of free and open-source fonts from the Google Fonts library.
  • flutter_svg - An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter, which allows painting and displaying Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 files.
  • simple_animations - Powerful package to create beautiful custom animations in no time.
  • animate_do - An animation package inspired in Animate.css, built using only Flutter animations
  • like_button - Like Button is a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation effects similar to Twitter's
  • flutter_staggered_animations - Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row.
  • blur - Blur is a wrapper widget that blur it's child. There are ImageBlur.asset and that blur the image. Frost is another wrapper which blurs the background.
  • audioplayers - A Flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously

UI Reference : Ui8