Source the Yocto environment as usual
~$ source poky-nanbield/oe-init-build-env ~/stm32mp1/build
### Shell environment set up for builds. ###
You can now run 'bitbake <target>'
Tested targets are:
~/stm32mp1/build$ bitbake -c menuconfig virtual/kernel
After you are done with changes and have saved the new config, copy it to this directory with whatever name you want
~/stm32mp1/build$ cp <TMPDIR>/work/stm32mp1-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-stm32mp/6.1.28-stm32mp-r1-r0/build/.config
Then edit the recipe bbappend file to use this new config
~/stm32mp1/build$ vi ../meta-stm32mp1/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-stm32mp_6.1.bbappend
In two places, replace 'trimmed-config' with your 'scrap-config'
Then rebuild the kernel and the image
~/stm32mp1/build$ bitbake -c cleansstate virtual/kernel && bitbake virtual/kernel
~/stm32mp1/build$ bitbake -c cleansstate console-image && bitbake console-image