Find some lectures for the African Mathematical School on Mathematical Modeling in Biology here.
Stéphanie Portet (University of Manitoba)
- Lecture 1: Introduction to modelling
- Lecture 2(a): Toolbox to analyse Ordinary Differential Equation models
- Lecture 2(b): Toolbox to analyse discrete time models
Michael Li (University of Alberta)
- Lecture 1: Basic Epidemic Models, Disease Data, and Challenges in Modeling Epidemics
- Lecture 2: Heterogeneous Epidemic Models and a Graph-Theoretic Metho>
Julien Arino (University of Manitoba)
- A lecture (from another course) on parameter identification here
James Watmough (University of New Brunswick)
James' material is on his website. I will add links to stuff he mentions here, for convenience.
- Lecture 1 on the simple death process.
You can find some code related to the lectures in this directory in the GitHub repo.