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Multiple runs of task are needed to fetch all files #24

joshrickert opened this issue Oct 28, 2015 · 4 comments

Multiple runs of task are needed to fetch all files #24

joshrickert opened this issue Oct 28, 2015 · 4 comments


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I had to run the grunt fontello task 3+ times to get all of the files to appear in my CSS directory. The first time, I only got codes and codes-ie7. The second time, I got animations, and then after a couple more runs I had everything.

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Same problem here, except I can almost never get the full CSS.

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ghost commented Nov 17, 2015

Same here, we stopped using this a while ago because of this unreliability.

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If there are still people experiencing this issue, please comment on this issue with some details about your grunt-fontello task configuration and Fontello config file

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sinak commented Nov 20, 2019

For me neither the css isn't grabbed at all, even though it shows successes in terminal:

Running "fontello:dist" (fontello) task
Verify paths...OK
Checking session...OK
Fetching archive...OK
Processing font path...OK
>> extract complete

Done, without errors.

Here is my grunt-fontello config:

    fontello: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          config: 'fontello/config.json',
          fonts: 'assets',
          styles: 'css/fontello',
          preprocessor: "scss",
          force: false

And here is my config.json:

  "name": "",
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