This project conssists on a prototype of a Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) for fire detection. The design is made in Ki-Cad
It uses the Atmega328 (Arduino one). connector J1 you can connect a battery to measure the energy left.
the code for each sensor is in Transmmiter.ino when you configure the channels you have to know that it has to be a number in octal format like this:
int this_node = 01;
It uses NodeMCU with the ESP8266,
the code is BaseNode2.ino also use octal form for channels
-We used the nrf24L01 library to communicate each node, you can find the library here GitHub Pages
-To make a network we used nrf24l01 network library GitHub Pages
-To meassure temperature and humidity we used the DTH22 library GitHub Pages
-To send data to the server we used ArduinoJson [ArduinoJson] (