- logging: added a logging submodule
- logging: Added a submodule for logging
- filtering-ibd-file: Restructured hung-hsin's filtering into a module
- logging: added logging to the program
- log: removed the messed up log folder
- removed the log from the .gitmodules
- debugging: added a str method to indices classes
- global-variables: removed more global variables
- global-variable-removal: removed some global variables that were constants and converted them to user options in the commandline
- drive/generate_indices.py: remove branching in create_indices
- file-indices: Switched to a strategy pattern
- split_target_string: Added a check to the split_target_string function
- drive/DRIVE.py: refactor how the target string was split and how to indices are created
- drive/callbacks.py: created callback function to make sure that the input ibd file exist
- DRIVE.py: Refactored CLI to use typer-cli
- profiles/python_3_8_drive_dcm_hh.prof: addeed a profile for python 3.8
- pyproject.toml: Added static type checkers and linters
- profiles: added directory to keep track of profiles