Behavior protocol files in Bpod
The original beavior protocol files are stored in this repository.
The directory of behavior protocol files in te behavior computer is
"/usr/local/MATLAB/R2018b/Bpod Local/Protocols/"
Updated: 2023-06-21
Digital-in 1: High-speed camera TTL from the function generator
Digital-in 2: Lickometer
Digital-in 3: Auditory cue from the HiFi module
Digital-in 4: Reward delivery from Bpod BNC2
- Start the Intan program from Terminal (cd Programs/IntanRHX > ./IntanRHX)
- Create a new file and name it for recording.
- Start CameraViewr from Terminal (cd Programs/build-CameraViewer-Clang-Release > ./CameraViewer)
- Rescan and Connect cameras
- Put an animal in the rig
- Turn IR light on
- Hit "Trigger" on CameraViewr to start the cameras
- Adjust the position of the lick port (2cm, 2cm on the computer monitor)
- Create a new video file and name it
- Hit "Record" on CameraViewr (CameraViewr is ready to record)
- Hit "output" on the function generator to start camera acquisition
- Start behavior paradigm from Bpod
- -- Behavior recording --
- Stop the behavior paradigm from Bpod
- Hit "output" on the function generator to stop camera acquisition
- Hit "Record" on CameraViewr
- Stop recording in the Intan program.
delivers a water reward every 20 seconds. Upon activating the "mixTrials" section, the code triggers BNC2 for 5 seconds during 20% of the total trials. BNC2 is currently not active with the current settings.
delivers a water reward when the animal licks 5 times within a 10-second response window after an auditory cue. After a successful trial, the animal is allowed to drink for 5 seconds. If the animal fails to meet the licking requirement, the trial proceeds to the inter-trial interval (ITI).
delivers a water reward when the animal licks 3 times (arbitrary number set at LickThreshold) within a 10-second response window after an auditory cue. After a successful trial, the animal is allowed to drink for 5 seconds. If the animal fails to meet the licking requirement, the trial proceeds to the inter-trial interval (ITI). To encourage the animal an unconditioned water reward is delivered every 10th trials. Additionally, an auditory signal is delivered simultaneously with the reward.