More and more, new formalisms and verification techniques are expected to be formalized, and meta-properties proved with a proof assistant or similar tool (and made available to the community)
General programme: given a programming language and a program logic for that language, we aim to
- Prove soundness and (some notion of) completeness of the logic w.r.t to the programming language semantics
- Write a Verification Conditions Generator for the logic: an algorithm that, given a program and a specification, outputs a set of first-order proof obligations
- Prove soundness and completeness of the VCGen
Why3: a sweet spot, in terms of expressivity of logic language, degree of automation, and proof management, for formalizing different notions involved in program verification
As a case study, we consider a non-standard version of Hoare logic for While programs, based on the notion of update (a notion which is also used in the JavaDL logic of the KeY tool)
Even though the programming language is simple, the formalization of updates is quite intricate!
fully automatic proofs of soundness and completeness (in the sense that no goals have to be discharged with the help of an interactive proof assistant -- however, some internal proof trasnformations are required)
a proved VCGen
- The VCGen is a WhyML program, so its proofs of soundness and completeness are obtained at program-level, not logic
- It is extractable using Why3’s extraction mechanism, into OCaml
- It produces FOL proof obligations, so it is compatible with the use of SMT solvers
- version 1.2.0 was used for this development
This directory contains:
- hl-upd.mlw: the WhyML file containing all theories and modules
- hl-upd.html: html version generated by why3doc
- why3session.html: Why3 Proof Results for Project "hl-upd"