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This library implements methods to facilitate minimally lossy matrix decomposition for sparse nonnegative matrices, under the paradigm described in Saul (2022).

In the problem setting, given a sparse nonnegative matrix X, we would like to return a low-rank matrix L of known target rank r. Applying a ReLU nonlinearity to L allows lossless recovery of X.

Two methods of estimating the low-rank representation L are currently offered:

  • a model-free method, which returns only the low-rank approximation
  • a method which returns the means-and-variance parameters (L, v) of a Gaussian model, as described in Saul (2022)

Both methods operate in an iterative fashion; the latter is particularly analogous to expectation-maximization.


Getting Started

The library is currently accessed through Python calls (interactive REPL, scripts, or probably Jupyter, although the latter has not been tested).

  • Ensure that you have a package environment in your environment manager of choice (e.g. Conda, venv)
  • Required packages:
    • numpy 1.25+
    • scipy 1.11.1+
    • scikit-learn 1.3.0+

Only numpy is used extensively, but the other libraries offer more convenient implementations of some of the statistical operations.

As the lzcompression package is not yet published, you'll need to install it in local mode. The easiest way to do this is to:

  • Clone this repository and change into it
  • Ensure your appropriate environment is active
  • pip install -e . to make lzcompression an installed package for the environment

We'll publish to pypi once we're out of alpha and have picked a good name.


Load the observed non-negative matrix X as a numpy array:

from lzcompression.decompose import decompose
from lzcompression.types import KernelStrategy
import numpy as np
import logging

# "info"-level log messages in the library won't be displayed unless the
# caller explicitly allows them--this is by design, since it's bad to let
# library code override its caller's logging strategy!

# NOTE: Ensure that this uses a float dtype!
# If you try to use this method on an integer array, it
# isn't going to work very well!
nonnegative_matrix_X = np.array([...]) # or load from file, etc.

target_rank = 5         # as per your domain expertise

result_data = decompose(
model_means_L = result_data.reconstruction
model_variance = result_data.variance

# use model_means_L as appropriate for your application

# To visualize recovery of X, assuming target_rank was high enough to do so:
#   First improve readability of printed numpy arrays:
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, linewidth=150)

#   then pass the low-rank estimate through a ReLU nonlinearity and compare
#   its result to the input sparse matrix:
relu_L = np.copy(model_means_L)
relu_L[relu_L < 0] = 0

Additional Features

The main entry point for the model-based low-rank matrix estimation is lzcompression.decompose.decompose. Three parameters are required:

  • the sparse nonnegative matrix
  • the target rank
  • the "kernel strategy," which specifies which of the family of algorithms to use. Currently supported kernel strategies are:
    • KernelStrategy.BASE_MODEL_FREE -- a naive approach that just iteratively applies SVD, with no underlying statistical model
    • KernelStrategy.GAUSSIAN_MODEL_SINGLE_VARIANCE -- a Gaussian model as described in Saul (2022)
    • KernelStrategy.GAUSSIAN_MODEL_ROWWISE_VARIANCE -- a Gaussian model similar to that described in Saul (2022), but which computes a different variance value for each row instead of using a single global/mean variance

Additionally, the following options are exposed:

  • svd_strategy: Strategy to use for SVD step during iteration. Supported options:
    • SVDStrategy.FULL: Full, deterministic decomposition.
    • SVDStrategy.EXACT_TRUNCATED: Deterministic/exact decomposition, but will not attempt to recover beyond target_rank values.
    • SVDStrategy.RANDOM_TRUNCATED: Uses a randomized algorithm for truncated SVD. The default, with much better performance.
  • initialization: Initialization strategy for the first guess at the low-rank matrix.
    • InitializationStrategy.BROADCAST_MEAN: the default for the model-based algorithm; creates a first-guess low-rank matrix where each element is the mean of the elements of X.
    • InitializationStrategy.ROWWISE_MEAN: creates a first-guess low-rank matrix where each element is the mean of the elements of X from the corresponding row. This is intuitively appealing for the per-row-variance Gaussian model algorithm.
    • InitializationStrategy.COPY: Uses a copy of X as the first guess for the low-rank matrix. The naive EM algorithm is currently restricted to this, though that may change in the future.
    • InitializationStrategy.KNOWN_MATRIX: When used along with a value for the initial_guess_matrix parameter, allows the caller to use any appropriately-sized matrix for the current low-rank estimate. (This is to facilitate checkpointing and warm starts.)
  • tolerance: If set, the algorithm will stop early once the loss (defined as the Frobenius norm of the difference between X and the current estimate) is below this value.
  • manual_max_iterations: If set, the algorithm will use this number as the maximum number of iterations (instead of running for 100 * target_rank iterations).
  • verbose: if set to True (and the caller's logging config allows it), will log a running record of estimation performance.

Regardless of settings, the estimator will generate a warning if the iteration-over-iteration likelihood was observed to decrease during the course of estimation. (This is quite common due to numerics noise once a good estimate has been reached.)


Lawrence K Saul (2022), "A Nonlinear Matrix Decomposition for Mining the Zeros of Sparse Data" (Preprint: