- Matt Craig (@mwcraig)
- Steve Crawford (@crawfordsm)
- Michael Seifert (@MSeifert04)
- Jaime A. Alvarado-Montes (@seap-jaime)
- Yoonsoo P. Bach (@ysBach)
- Kyle Barbary (@kbarbary)
- Javier Blasco (@javierblasco)
- Julio C. N. Campagnolo (@juliotux)
- Mihai Cara (@mcara)
- James Davenport (@jradavenport)
- Christoph Deil (@cdeil)
- Carlos Gomez (@carlgogo)
- Hans Moritz Günther (@hamogu)
- Forrest Gasdia (@EP-Guy)
- Nathan Heidt (@heidtha)
- Michael Hlabathe (@hlabathems)
- Elias Holte (@Sondanaa)
- Anthony Horton (@AnthonyHorton)
- Jennifer Karr (@JenniferKarr)
- Yücel Kılıç (@yucelkilic)
- James McCormac (@jmccormac01)
- Stefan Nelson (@stefannelson)
- Joe Philip Ninan (@indiajoe)
- Punyaslok Pattnaik (@Punyaslok)
- Adrian Price-Whelan (@adrn)
- Luca Rizzi (@lucarizzi)
- Evert Rol (@evertrol)
- William Schoenell (@wschoenell)
- Sourav Singh (@souravsingh)
- Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz)
- Connor Stotts (@stottsco)
- Ole Streicher (@olebole)
- JVSN Reddy (@janga1997)
- Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz)
- Erik Tollerud (@eteq)
- Simon Torres (@simontorres)
- Zè Vinícius (@mirca)
- Josh Walawender (@joshwalawender)
- Nathan Walker (@walkerna22)
- Benjamin Weiner (@bjweiner)
- Jiyong Youn (@hletrd)
(If you have contributed to the ccdproc project and your name is missing, please send an email to the coordinators, or open a pull request for this page in the ccdproc repository)