Creates participant that represents kafka topic.
It lets you add the information what is the topic key and value and whether it is a compacted topic or not. You can also embed a list of example entries.
Parameter | Description |
$id | Participant ID. Identified to be referenced on the diagram. |
$name | Kafka topic name. |
$key | Description of topic key. Default: empty |
$payload | Description of topic value payload. Default: empty |
$compacted | Is the topic compacted. Allowed values: empty, compacted .Default: empty |
$entries | List of example topic entries. Format: key1 : value1| key2: value2Default: empty |
$dir | Display direction for the example entries. Allowed values: horiz , vert Default: horiz |
kafka_topic_participant(A, FooBarBazBooBa, foobarGUID, "{userGUID, userData}", "", "k1:v1|k-2:v-bar2|k-foo:v-boobaa", vert)
kafka_topic_participant(B, Boolaboola, bazbarGUID, "", compacted, "k1:v1|k-2:v-bar2|k-foo:v-boobaa")
kafka_topic_participant(C, SimpleFoo)
A --> B : foomsg
B --> C : barmsg