List out some of the extra features in Java 8 ?
- Lambda Expressions: Concise functional code using .
- Functional Interfaces: Single-method interfaces.
- Introduced and Improved APIs:
- Stream API: Efficient Data Manipulation.
- Date/Time API: Robust Date and Time Handling.
- Collection API Improvements: Enhanced Methods for Collections (e.g., removeIf, replaceAll).
- Concurrency API Improvements: New classes for parallel processing (e.g., CompletableFuture).
- Optional Class: Handle null values safely.
- forEach() Method in Iterable Interface: Executes an action for each element in a Collection.
- Default Methods: Evolve interfaces without breaking compatibility.
- Static Methods: Allows adding methods with default implementations to interfaces.
- Method References: Refer to methods easily.
explain lambda function ?
explain functional interface ?
can functional interface HAVE static / default method ? ( It can have any number of default, static methods but can contain only one abstract method.)
intermediate vs terminal operation
map vs flatMap
predicate ,BiPredicate, function ,BiFunction, consumer, BiConsumer
findFirst vs findAny
IntStream explain
difference between boxed vs map ( boxed is specifically stream of primitve values to stream of their corresponding wrapper classes .)
Explain optional and provide some method.
collection vs stream
stream vs parallel stream
list all built on functional interfaces
what is metaspace > permGen vs metaspace
can we extend the functional interfaces to another interface ?
what is default methods in java8?
how to create stream
how to convert to stream to list
how to convert stream to integer
how to convert list to stream