title |
A Tiny Compiler For A Typed Higher Order Language |
In this note I'll explain attempt to explain the whole thing, from front to back.
First things first, it's important to define the language we're compiling. The language, PCF short for "partial computable functions", is an extremely small language you generally find in a book on programming languages, it originates with Plotkin if I'm not mistaken.
PCF is based around 3 core elements: natural numbers, functions
(closures), and general recursion. There are two constants for
creating numbers, Zero
and Suc
. Zero
is self explanatory and
Suc e
is the successor of the natural number e
evaluates to. In
most programming languages this just means Suc e = 1 + e
but +
isn't a primitive in PCF (we can define it as a normal
For functions, we have lambdas like you'd find in any functional language. Since PCF includes no polymorphism it's necessary to annotate the function's argument with it's type.
Finally, the weird bit: recursion. In PCF we write recursive things
with fix x : τ in e
. Here we get to use x
in e
and we should
understand that x
"stands for" the whole expression, fix ...
. As
an example, here's how we define +
plus =
fix rec : nat -> nat -> nat in
λ m : nat.
λ n : nat.
ifz m {
Zero => n
| Suc x => Suc (rec x n)
Now compilation is broken up into a bunch of phases and intermediate languages. Even in this small of a compiler there are 3 languages so along with the source and target language there are 5 different languages running around inside of this compiler. Each phase with the exception of typechecking is just translating one intermediate language (IL) into another and in the process making one small modification to the program as a whole.
This compiler starts with an AST, I have no desire to write a parser for this because parsers make me itchy. Here's the AST
data Ty = Arr Ty Ty
| Nat
deriving Eq
data Exp a = V a
| App (Exp a) (Exp a)
| Ifz (Exp a) (Exp a) (Scope () Exp a)
| Lam Ty (Scope () Exp a)
| Fix Ty (Scope () Exp a)
| Suc (Exp a)
| Zero
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
What's interesting here is that our AST uses bound
to manage
variables. Unfortunately there really isn't time to write both a bound
tutorial and a PCF compiler one. I've written about using bound
before here otherwise you can just check out the official
docs. The important bits here are that Scope () ...
binds one variable and that a
stands for the free variables in an
expression. 3 constructs bind variables here, Ifz
for pattern
matching, Fix
for recursive bindings, and Lam
for the
argument. Note also that Fix
and Lam
both must be annotated with a
type otherwise stuff like fix x in x
and fn x => x
are ambiguous.
First up is type checking. This should be familiar to most people
we've written a type checker before since PCF is simply typed. We
simply have a Map
of variables to types. Since we want to go under
binders defined using Scope
we'll have to use instantiate
. However
this demands we be able to create fresh free variables so we don't
accidentally cause clashes. To prevent this we use monad-gen to
generate fresh free variables.
To warm up, here's a helper function to check that an expression has a
particular type. This uses the more general typeCheck
function which
actually produces the type of an expression.
type TyM a = MaybeT (Gen a)
assertTy :: (Enum a, Ord a) => M.Map a Ty -> Exp a -> Ty -> TyM a ()
assertTy env e t = (== t) <$> typeCheck env e >>= guard
This type checks the variable in an environment (something that stores
the types of all of the free variables). Once it receives that it
compares it to the type we expected and chucks the resulting boolean
into guard. This code is used in places like Ifz
where we happen to
know that the first expression has the type Nat
Now on to the main code, typeCheck
typeCheck :: (Enum a, Ord a) => M.Map a Ty -> Exp a -> TyM a Ty
typeCheck _ Zero = return Nat
typeCheck env (Suc e) = assertTy env e Nat >> return Nat
The first two cases for typeCheck
are nice and straightforward. All
we if we get a Zero
then it has type Nat
. If we get a Suc e
assert that e
is an integer and then the whole thing has the type
typeCheck env (V a) = MaybeT . return $ M.lookup a env
For variables we just look things up in the environment. Since this
returns a Maybe
it's nice and easy to just jam it into our MaybeT
typeCheck env (App f a) = typeCheck env f >>= \case
Arr fTy tTy -> assertTy env a fTy >> return tTy
_ -> mzero
Application is a little more interesting. We recurse over the function and make sure it has an actual function type. If it does, we assert the argument has the argument type and return the domain. If it doesn't have a function type, we just fail.
typeCheck env (Lam t bind) = do
v <- gen
Arr t <$> typeCheck (M.insert v t env) (instantiate1 (V v) bind)
typeCheck env (Fix t bind) = do
v <- gen
assertTy (M.insert v t env) (instantiate1 (V v) bind) t
return t
Type checking lambdas and fixpoints is quite similar. In both cases we generate a fresh variable to unravel the binder with. We know what type this variable is supposed to have because we required explicit annotations so we add that to the map constituting our environment. Here's where they diverge.
For a fixpoint we want to make sure that the body has the type as we
said it would so we use assertTy
. For a lambda we infer the body
type and return a function from the given argument type to the body
typeCheck env (Ifz i t e) = do
assertTy env i Nat
ty <- typeCheck env t
v <- gen
assertTy (M.insert v Nat env) (instantiate1 (V v) e) ty
return ty
For Ifz
we want to ensure that we actually are casing on a Nat
we use assertTy
. Next we figure out what type the zero branch
returns and make sure that the else branch has the same type.
All in all this type checker is not particularly fascinating since all we have are simple types. Things get a bit more interesting with polymorphism. I'd suggest looking at that if you want to see a more interesting type checker.
Now for our first interesting compilation phase, closure conversion. In this phase we make closures explicit by annotating lambdas and fixpoints with the variables that they close over. Those variables are then explicitly bound in the scope of the lambda. With these changes, our new syntax tree looks like this
-- Invariant, Clos only contains VCs, can't be enforced statically due
-- to annoying monad instance
type Clos a = [ExpC a]
data ExpC a = VC a
| AppC (ExpC a) (ExpC a)
| LamC Ty (Clos a) (Scope Int ExpC a)
| FixC Ty (Clos a) (Scope Int ExpC a)
| IfzC (ExpC a) (ExpC a) (Scope () ExpC a)
| SucC (ExpC a)
| ZeroC
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
The interesting parts are the additions of Clos
and the fact that
the Scope
for a lambda and a fixpoint now binds an arbitrary number
of variables instead of just one. Here if a lambda or fixpoint binds
variables, the first n - 1
are stored in the Clos
and the last
one is the "argument". Closure conversion is thus just the process of
converting an Exp
to an ExpC
closConv :: Ord a => Exp a -> Gen a (ExpC a)
closConv (V a) = return (VC a)
closConv Zero = return ZeroC
closConv (Suc e) = SucC <$> closConv e
closConv (App f a) = AppC <$> closConv f <*> closConv a
closConv (Ifz i t e) = do
v <- gen
e' <- abstract1 v <$> closConv (instantiate1 (V v) e)
IfzC <$> closConv i <*> closConv t <*> return e'
Most of the cases here are just recursing and building things back up
applicatively. There's the moderately interesting case where we
instantiate the else branch of an Ifz
with a fresh variable and
then recurse, but the interesting cases are for fixpoints and
lambdas. Since they're completely identical we only present the case
for Fix
closConv (Fix t bind) = do
v <- gen
body <- closConv (instantiate1 (V v) bind)
let freeVars = S.toList . S.delete v $ foldMap S.singleton body
rebind v' = elemIndex v' freeVars <|>
(guard (v' == v) *> (Just $ length freeVars))
return $ FixC t (map VC freeVars) (abstract rebind body)
There's a lot going on here but it boils down into three parts.
- Recurse under the binder
- Gather all the free variables in the body
- Rebind the body together so that all the free variables map to
their position in the closure and the argument is
is the number of free variables.
The first is accomplished in much the same way as in the above
cases. To gather the number of free variables all we need to is use
the readily available notion of a monoid on sets. The whole process is
just foldMap S.singleton
! There's one small catch: we don't want to
put the argument into the list of variables we close over so we
carefully delete it from the closure. We then convert it to a list
which gives us an actual Clos a
. Now for the third step we have
maps a free variable to Maybe Int
. It maps a free variable
to its binding occurrence if has one. This boils down to using
to look up somethings position in the Clos
we just built
up. We also have a special case for when the variable we're looking at
is the "argument" of the function we're fixing. In this case we want
to map it to the last thing we're binding, which is just length n
. To capture the "try this and then that" semantics we use the
alternative instance for Maybe
which works wonderfully.
With this, we've removed implicit closures from our language: one of the passes on our way to C.
Next up we remove both fixpoints and lambdas from being
expressions. We want them to have an explicit binding occurrence
because we plan to completely remove them from expressions soon. In
order to do this, we define a language with lambdas and fixpoints
explicitly declared in let expressions. The process of converting from
to this new language is called "lambda lifting" because we're
lifting things into let bindings.
Here's our new language.
data BindL a = RecL Ty [ExpL a] (Scope Int ExpL a)
| NRecL Ty [ExpL a] (Scope Int ExpL a)
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data ExpL a = VL a
| AppL (ExpL a) (ExpL a)
| LetL [BindL a] (Scope Int ExpL a)
| IfzL (ExpL a) (ExpL a) (Scope () ExpL a)
| SucL (ExpL a)
| ZeroL
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
Much here is the same except we've removed both lambdas and fixpoints
and replaced them with LetL
. LetL
works over bindings which are
either recursive (Fix
) or nonrecursive (Lam
). Lambda lifting in
this compiler is rather simplistic in how it lifts lambdas: we just
boost everything one level up and turn
λ (x : τ). ...
let foo = λ (x : τ). ...
in foo
Just like before, this procedure is captured by transforming an ExpC
into an ExpL
llift :: Eq a => ExpC a -> Gen a (ExpL a)
llift (VC a) = return (VL a)
llift ZeroC = return ZeroL
llift (SucC e) = SucL <$> llift e
llift (AppC f a) = AppL <$> llift f <*> llift a
llift (IfzC i t e) = do
v <- gen
e' <- abstract1 v <$> llift (instantiate1 (VC v) e)
IfzL <$> llift i <*> llift t <*> return e'
Just like in closConv
we start with a lot of very boring and trivial
"recurse and build back up" cases. These handle everything but the
cases where we actually convert constructs into a LetL
Once again, the interesting cases are pretty much identical. Let's
look at the case for LamC
for variety.
llift (LamC t clos bind) = do
vs <- replicateM (length clos + 1) gen
body <- llift $ instantiate (VC . (!!) vs) bind
clos' <- mapM llift clos
let bind' = abstract (flip elemIndex vs) body
return (LetL [NRecL t clos' bind'] trivLetBody)
Here we first generate a bunch of fresh variables and unbind the body
of our lambda. We then recurse on it. We also have to recurse across
all of our closed over arguments but since those are variables we know
that should be pretty trivial (why do we know this?). Once we've
straightened out the body and the closure all we do is transform the
lambda into a trivial let expression as shown above. Here
trivLetBody :: Scope Int ExpL a
trivLetBody = fromJust . closed . abstract (const $ Just 0) $ VL ()
Which is just a body that returns the first thing bound in the let. With this done, we've pretty much transformed our expression language to C. In order to get rid of the nesting, we want to make one more simplification before we actually generate C.
C-With-Expressions is our next intermediate language. It has no notion of nested functions or of fixpoints. I suppose now I should finally fess up to why I keep talking about fixpoints and functions as if they're the same and why this compiler is handling them identically. The long and short of it is that fixpoints are really a combination of a "fixed point combinator" and a function. Really when we say
fix x : τ in ...
It's as if we had sayed
F (λ x : τ. ...)
Where F
is a magical constant with the type
F :: (a -> a) -> a
calculates the fixpoint of a function. This means that f (F f) = F f
. This formula underlies all recursive bindings (in Haskell
too!). In the compiler we basically compile a Fix
to a closure (the
runtime representation of a function) and pass it to a C function
which actually calculates the fixed point. Now it might
seem dubious that a function has a fixed point. After all, it would
seem that there's no x
so that (λ (x : nat). suc x) = x
Well the key is to think of these functions as not ranging over just
values in our language, but a domain where infinite loops (bottom
values) are also represented. In the above equation, the solution is
that x
should be bottom, an infinite loop. That's why
fix x : nat in suc x
should loop! There's actual some wonderful math going on here about how computable functions are continuous functions over a domain and that we can always calculate the least fixed point of them in this manner. The curious reader is encouraged to check out domain theory.
Anyways, so that's why I keep handling fixpoints and lambdas in the
same way, because to me a fixpoint is a lambda + some magic. This is
going to become very clear in C-With-Expressions (FauxC
from now on)
because we're going to promote both sorts of let bindings to the same
thing, a FauxC
toplevel function. Without further ado, here's the
next IL.
-- Invariant: the Integer part of a FauxCTop is a globally unique
-- identifier that will be used as a name for that binding.
type NumArgs = Int
data BindTy = Int | Clos deriving Eq
data FauxCTop a = FauxCTop Integer NumArgs (Scope Int FauxC a)
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data BindFC a = NRecFC Integer [FauxC a]
| RecFC BindTy Integer [FauxC a]
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data FauxC a = VFC a
| AppFC (FauxC a) (FauxC a)
| IfzFC (FauxC a) (FauxC a) (Scope () FauxC a)
| LetFC [BindFC a] (Scope Int FauxC a)
| SucFC (FauxC a)
| ZeroFC
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
The big difference is that we've lifted things out of let
bindings. They now contain references to some global function instead
of actually having the value right there. We also tag fixpoints as
either fixing an Int
or a Clos
. The reasons for this will be
apparent in a bit.
Now for the conversion. We don't just have a function from ExpL
because we also want to make note of all the nested lets we're
lifting out of the program. Thus we use WriterT
to gather a lift of
toplevel functions as we traverse the program. Other than that this is
much like what we've seen before.
type FauxCM a = WriterT [FauxCTop a] (Gen a)
fauxc :: ExpL Integer -> FauxCM Integer (FauxC Integer)
fauxc (VL a) = return (VFC a)
fauxc (AppL f a) = AppFC <$> fauxc f <*> fauxc a
fauxc ZeroL = return ZeroFC
fauxc (SucL e) = SucFC <$> fauxc e
fauxc (IfzL i t e) = do
v <- gen
e' <- abstract1 v <$> fauxc (instantiate1 (VL v) e)
IfzFC <$> fauxc i <*> fauxc t <*> return e'
In the first couple cases we just recurse. as we've seen
before. Things only get interesting once we get to LetL
fauxc (LetL binds e) = do
binds' <- mapM liftBinds binds
vs <- replicateM (length binds) gen
body <- fauxc $ instantiate (VL . (!!) vs) e
let e' = abstract (flip elemIndex vs) body
return (LetFC binds' e')
In this case we recurse with the function liftBinds
across all the
bindings, then do what we've done before and unwrap the body of the
let and recurse in it. So the meat of this transformation is in
where liftBinds (NRecL t clos bind) = lifter NRecFC clos bind
liftBinds (RecL t clos bind) = lifter (RecFC $ bindTy t) clos bind
lifter bindingConstr clos bind = do
guid <- gen
vs <- replicateM (length clos + 1) gen
body <- fauxc $ instantiate (VL . (!!) vs) bind
let bind' = abstract (flip elemIndex vs) body
tell [FauxCTop guid (length clos + 1) bind']
bindingConstr guid <$> mapM fauxc clos
bindTy (Arr _ _) = Clos
bindTy Nat = Int
To lift a binding all we do is generate a globally unique identifier
for the toplevel. Once we have that we that we can unwrap the
particular binding we're looking at. This is going to comprise the
body of the TopC
function we're building. Since we need it to be
code as well, we recurse on it. No we have a bunch of faux-C
code for the body of the toplevel function. We then just repackage the
body up into a binding (a FauxCTop
needs one) and use tell
to make
a note of it. Once we've done that we return the stripped down let
binding that just remembers the guid that we created for the toplevel
In an example, this code transforms
let x = λ (x : τ). ... in
... x ...
TOP = λ (x : τ). ...
let x = TOP in
... x ...
With this done our language is now 80% of the way to C!
Converting our faux-C language to actual C has one complication: C
doesn't have let
expressions. Given this, we have to flatten out a
faux-C expression so we can turn a let expression into a normal C
declaration. This conversion is almost a conversion to single static
assignment form, SSA. I say almost because there's precisely one place
where we break the single assignment discipline. This is just because
it seemed rather pointless to me to introduce an SSA IL with φ just so
I could compile it to C. YMMV.
This is what LLVM uses for its intermediate language and because of this I strongly suspect regearing this compiler to target LLVM should be pretty trivial.
Now we're using a library called c-dsl to make generating the
C less painful, but there's still a couple of things we'd like to
add. First of all, all our names our integers so we have i2e
for converting an integer into a C declaration or an expression.
i2d :: Integer -> CDeclr
i2d = fromString . ('_':) . show
i2e :: Integer -> CExpr
i2e = var . fromString . ('_':) . show
We also have a shorthand for the type of all expression in our generated C code.
taggedTy :: CDeclSpec
taggedTy = CTypeSpec "tagged_ptr"
Finally, we have our writer monad and helper function for implementing
the SSA conversion. We write C99 block items and use tellDecl
binding an expression to a fresh variable and then we return this
type RealCM = WriterT [CBlockItem] (Gen Integer)
tellDecl :: CExpr -> RealCM CExpr
tellDecl e = do
i <- gen
tell [CBlockDecl $ decl taggedTy (i2d i) $ Just e]
return (i2e i)
Next we have the conversion procedure. Most of this is pretty straightforward because we shell out to calls in the runtime system for all the hardwork. We have the following RTS functions
, create a zero valueinc
, increment an integer valuedec
, decrement an integer valueapply
, apply a closure to an argumentmkClos
, make a closure with a closing over some valuesEMPTY
, an empty pointer, useful for default valuesisZero
, check if something is zerofixedPoint
, find the fixed point of functionINT_SIZE
, the size of the runtime representation of an integerCLOS_SIZE
, the size of the runtime representation of a closure
Most of this code is therefore just converting the expression to SSA
form and using the RTS functions to shell do the appropriate
computation at each step. Note that c-dsl provides a few overloaded
string instances and so to generate the C code to apply a function we
just use "foo"#[1, "these", "are", "arguments"]
The first few cases for conversion are nice and straightforward.
realc :: FauxC CExpr -> RealCM CExpr
realc (VFC e) = return e
realc (AppFC f a) = ("apply" #) <$> mapM realc [f, a] >>= tellDecl
realc ZeroFC = tellDecl $ "mkZero" # []
realc (SucFC e) = realc e >>= tellDecl . ("inc"#) . (:[])
We take advantage of the fact that realc
returns it's result and we
can almost make this look like the applicative cases we had
before. One particularly slick case is how Suc
works. We compute the
value of e
and apply the result to inc
. We then feed this
expression into tellDecl
which binds it to a fresh variable and
returns the variable. Haskell is pretty slick.
realc (IfzFC i t e) = do
outi <- realc i
deci <- tellDecl ("dec" # [outi])
let e' = instantiate1 (VFC deci) e
(outt, blockt) <- lift . runWriterT $ (realc t)
(oute, blocke) <- lift . runWriterT $ (realc e')
out <- tellDecl "EMPTY"
let branch b tempOut =
CCompound [] (b ++ [CBlockStmt . liftE $ out <-- tempOut]) undefNode
ifStat =
cifElse ("isZero"#[outi]) (branch blockt outt) (branch blocke oute)
tell [CBlockStmt ifStat]
return out
In this next case we're translating Ifz
. For this we obviously need
to compute the value of i
. We do that by recursing and storing the
result in outi
. Now we want to be able to use 1 less than the value
of i
in case we go into the successor branch. This is done by
calling dec
on outi
and storing it for later.
Next we do something a little odd. We recurse on the branches of Ifz
but we definitely don't want to compute both of them! So we can't just
use a normal recursive call. If we did they'd be added to the block
we're building up in the writer monad. So we use lift . runWriterT
to give us back the blocks without adding them to the current one
we're building. Now it's just a matter of generating the appropriate
To do this we add one instruction to the end of both branches, to assign to some output variable. This ensures that no matter which branch we go down we'll end up the result in one place. This is also the one place where we are no longer doing SSA. Properly speaking we should write this with a φ but who has time for that? :)
Finally we build add the if statement and the handful of declarations that precede it to our block. Now for the last case.
realc (LetFC binds bind) = do
bindings <- mapM goBind binds
realc $ instantiate (VFC . (bindings !!)) bind
where sizeOf Int = "INT_SIZE"
sizeOf Clos = "CLOS_SIZE"
goBind (NRecFC i cs) =
("mkClos" #) <$> (i2e i :) . (fromIntegral (length cs) :)
<$> mapM realc cs
>>= tellDecl
goBind (RecFC t i cs) = do
f <- ("mkClos" #) <$> (i2e i :) . (fromIntegral (length cs) :)
<$> mapM realc cs
>>= tellDecl
tellDecl ("fixedPoint"#[f, sizeOf t])
For our last case we have to deal with lets. For this we simply
traverse all the bindings which are now flat and then flatten the
expression under the binder. When we mapM
over the bindings we
actually get back a list of all the expressions each binding evaluated
to. This is perfect for use with instantiate
making the actual
toplevel function quite pleasant. goBind
is slightly less so.
In the nonrecursive case all we have to do is create a closure. So
of a nonrecursive binding shells out to mkClos
. This
is applied to the number of closed over expressions as well
as all the closed over expressions. This is because mkClos
variadic. Finally we shove the result into tellDecl
as usual. For a
recursive call there's a slight difference, namely after doing all of
that we apply fixedPoint
to the output and to the size of the type
of the thing we're fixing. This is why we kept types around for these
bindings! With them we can avoid dragging the size with every value
since we know it statically.
Next, we have a function for converting a faux C function into an
actual function definition. This is the function that we use realc
topc :: FauxCTop CExpr -> Gen Integer CFunDef
topc (FauxCTop i numArgs body) = do
binds <- gen
let getArg = (!!) (args (i2e binds) numArgs)
(out, block) <- runWriterT . realc $ instantiate getArg body
return $
fun [taggedTy] ('_' : show i) [decl taggedTy $ ptr (i2d binds)] $
CCompound [] (block ++ [CBlockStmt . creturn $ out]) undefNode
where indexArg binds i = binds ! fromIntegral i
args binds na = map (VFC . indexArg binds) [0..na - 1]
This isn't the most interesting function. We have one array of
arguments to our C function, and then we unbind the body of the FauxC
function by indexing into this array. It's not explicitly stated in
the code but the array contains the closed over expressions for the
first n - 1 entries and the nth is the actual argument to the
function. This is inline with how the variables are actually bound in
the body of the function which makes unwrapping the body to index into
the argument array very simple. We then call realc
which transforms
our faux-c expression into a block of actual C code. We add one last
statement to the end of the block that returns the final outputted
variable. All that's left to do is bind it up into a C function and
call it a day.
Finally, at the end of it all we have a function from expression to
Maybe CTranslUnit
, a C program.
compile :: Exp Integer -> Maybe CTranslUnit
compile e = runGen . runMaybeT $ do
assertTy M.empty e Nat
funs <- lift $ pipe e
return . transUnit . map export $ funs
where pipe e = do
simplified <- closConv e >>= llift
(main, funs) <- runWriterT $ fauxc simplified
i <- gen
let topMain = FauxCTop i 1 (abstract (const Nothing) main)
funs' = map (i2e <$>) (funs ++ [topMain])
(++ [makeCMain i]) <$> mapM topc funs'
makeCMain entry =
fun [intTy] "main"[] $ hBlock ["call"#[i2e entry]]
This combines all the previous compilation passes together. First we
typecheck and ensure that the program is a Nat
. Then we closure
convert it and immediately lambda lift. This simplified program is
then fed into fauxc
giving a fauxc
expression for main and a bunch
of functions called by main. We wrap up the main expression in a
function that ignores all it's arguments. We then map realc
over all
of these fauxc functions. This gives us actual C code. Finally, we
take on a trivial C main to call the generated code and return the
whole thing.
And that's our PCF compiler.
Well if you've made it this far congratulations. We just went through a full compiler from a typed higher order language to C. Along the way we ended up implementing
- A Type Checker
- Closure Conversion
- Lambda Lifting
- Conversion to Faux-C
- SSA Conversion
If you'd like to fiddle a bit more, some fun project might be
- Writing type checkers for all the intermediate languages. They're all typeable except perhaps Faux-C
- Implement compilation to LLVM instead of C. As I said before, this shouldn't be awful