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Authentication With Codeception Exercise

acceptance tests: define the end goal for the customer

unit tests: ensure that each component works correctly

integration tests: verify the integration of two or more classes

The Feature

Let’s imagine that our fictional customer would like to have a new private (password-protected) administration area for their website

user story might be:

In order to perform administrative tasks
As the site owner
I want to login to a password-protected private area

Translating the Feature for Codeception

the above user story may be translated to:

$I->am('Site Owner');
$I->wantTo('login to a password-protected area');
$I->lookForwardTo('perform administrative tasks');

Below is our first test for logging in with proper credentials.

// app/tests/acceptance/LoginCest.php
class LoginCest {

    public function logsInUserWithProperCredentials(AcceptanceTester)
        $I->am('Site Owner');
        $I->wantTo('login to a password-protected area');
        $I->lookForwardTo('perform administrative tasks');


        $I->fillField('email', '[email protected]');
        $I->fillField('password', '1324');

        $I->see('Admin Area', 'h1');

you could probably figure out what this code does.

  1. Vist the admin page, but expect to be redirected to the login page, as it should be protected.
  2. Fill out the username and password, and click the Login button
  3. Expect to be redirected to ‘/admin’, and see the text, Admin Area

Running the tests at this point:

1) Failed to login to a password-protected area in LoginCest::logsInUserWithProperCredentials (app/tests/acceptance/LoginCest.php)

 Step  I see current url equals "/login"
 Fail  Failed asserting that two strings are equal.--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@

Scenario Steps:

 4. $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals("/login")
 3. $I->amOnPage("/admin")
 2. // So that I perform administrative tasks
 1. // As a Site Owner

Register Routes

According to the tests, we require two routes:

1./admin - Should be auth protected 2./login - For creating a new user session

Route::get('admin', ['before' => 'auth', function()
    // Temporary
    return '<h1>Admin Area</h1>';

Route::get('login', function()
    return View::make('');

run the tests again:

1) Failed to login to a password-protected area in LoginCest::logsInUserWithProperCredentials (app/tests/acceptance/LoginCest.php)

 Step  I fill field "email","[email protected]"
 Fail  Form field by Label or CSS element with 'email' was not found.

Scenario Steps:

 5. $I->fillField("email","[email protected]")
 4. $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals("/login")
 3. $I->amOnPage("/admin")
 2. // So that I perform administrative tasks
 1. // As a Site Owner

Building the Form

<!doctype html>

        <meta charset="utf-8">


        {{ Form::open() }}
                {{ Form::label('email', 'Email') }}
                {{ Form::text('email') }}

                {{ Form::label('password', 'Password') }}
                {{ Form::password('password') }}

                {{ Form::submit('Login') }}
        {{ Form::close() }}

run the tests again:

1) Failed to login to a password-protected area in LoginCest::logsInUserWithProperCredentials (app/tests/acceptance/LoginCest.php)

 Step  I see current url equals "/admin"

 Fail  Failed asserting that two strings are equal.--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@

Scenario Steps:

 8. $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals("/admin")
 7. $I->click("Login")
 6. $I->fillField("password","1324")
 5. $I->fillField("email","[email protected]")
 4. $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals("/login")
 3. $I->amOnPage("/admin")


php artisan controller:make SessionsController

// app/routes.php
Route::resource('sessions', 'SessionsController');

// app/views/sessions/new.blade.php
{{ Form::open(['method' => 'post', 'route' => '']) }}

Authenticating the User

php artisan migrate:make create_users_table

// app/databases/migrations/xxxx_create_users_table.php
class CreateUsersTable extends Migration {
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table)

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

// app/database/seeds/UserTableSeeder.php
class UserTableSeeder extends Seeder {

    public function run()
        $user = new User;
        $user->email = '[email protected]';
        $user->password = Hash::make('1234');


Adding a Test Database


Are acceptance tests in Codeception supposed to run in testing environment? (Laravel4 + Codeception)

"Acceptance" tests are not run in the testing environment. The reason is when Laravel is in the testing environment, it disables filters by default.

testing environment is only for unit and functional tests.

So I use the "codeception" environment

// bootstrap/start.php
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(

    'codeception' => array('your-machine-hostname')


--End Note--

// (old version)app/config/testing/database.php
// app/config/codeception/database.php
return [
    'connections' => [
        'mysql' => [
            'driver' => 'mysql',
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'database' => 'my-test-db',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => '1234',
            'charset' => 'utf8',
            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
            'prefix' => ''

// app/codeception.yml
            dsn: 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=my-test-db'
            user: 'root'
            password: '1234'
            dump: tests/_data/dump.sql

migrate and seed this new users table:

(old version)php artisan migrate --env="testing"
(old version)php artisan db:seed --class=UserTableSeeder --env="testing" 

php artisan migrate --env="codeception"
php artisan db:seed --class=UserTableSeeder --env="codeception" 

authenticate the user within SessionsController.

// app/controllers/SessionsController
public function store()
    $creds = [
        'email' => Input::get('email'),
        'password' => Input::get('password')

    if (Auth::attempt($creds)) return Redirect::to('admin');

Run the tests again, and we get green!

Invalid Credentials

if incorrect credentials are specified, then the login page is reloaded, along with an Invalid Credentials error message.

public function loginWithInvalidCredentials(AcceptanceTester $I)

    $I->see('Invalid Credentials', '.flash');

Run the tests:

1) Failed to login with invalid credentials in LoginCest::loginWithInvalidCredentials (app/tests/acceptance/LoginCest.php)

 Step  I see current url equals "/login"
 Fail  Failed asserting that two strings are equal.--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@

Scenario Steps:

 3. $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals("/login")
 2. $I->click("Login")
 1. $I->amOnPage("/login")

update the controller’s store method to redirect back to the login page if authentication fails.

// app/controllers/SessionController.php
public function store()
    $creds = [
        'email' => Input::get('email'),
        'password' => Input::get('password')

    if (Auth::attempt($creds)) return Redirect::to('admin');

    return Redirect::to('login')->withInput();

Run the tests:

1) Failed to login with invalid credentials in LoginCest::loginWithInvalidCredentials (app/tests/acceptance/LoginCest.php)

 Step  I see "Invalid Credentials",".flash"
 Fail  Element located either by name, CSS or XPath element with '.flash' was not found.

Scenario Steps:

 4. $I->see("Invalid Credentials",".flash")
 3. $I->seeCurrentUrlEquals("/login")
 2. $I->click("Login")
 1. $I->amOnPage("/login")

we can flash messages when redirecting by passing a session key and value pair to the with method.

// app/controllers/SessionController.php
public function store()
    $creds = [
        'email' => Input::get('email'),
        'password' => Input::get('password')

    if (Auth::attempt($creds)) return Redirect::to('admin');

    return Redirect::to('login')
        ->with('message', 'Invalid Credentials');;


    <div class="flash">
        {{ Session::get('message') }}

And that should do it!