Versioning information for the CONTEXT tool
Mainly issues covered in #43
2016-07-10 0.8.4 | Prerelease:
- Available at trunk/builds-snapshots directory as executable jarfile
- Closes #43
- UI improvements:
- Charts and summary statistics for alignment stats
- Scrolling behaviour improved for alignments
- Tree statistics reported
- (Limited) support for phylogenies as NEXUS in addition to existing PAML/Phylip/strict NEWICK.
- Method improvements:
- Tree statistics implemented
- Full translation of all possible codons, not just common ones
- Robustness improvements:
- Error reporting improved
- Command-line output less verbose
- File I/O debugged somewhat
2017-07-06 0.8.3:
- Available at trunk/bin directory as executable jarfile
- Closes #42
- Sequence translation now done via static access to EnnumeratedTranslator classes' translate() method. EnnumeratedTranslatorOrthodoxCodons.translate() will get most of the most common, but EnnumeratedTranslatorFullCodons.translate() will usually be needed.
- File I/O tightened up; most alignment imports should work.
- Fairly stable implementation of alignment statistics plotting.
- Summary alignment statistics calculated and tabulated.
2017-06-30 0.8.2:
- Available at trunk/bin directory as executable jarfile
- add text dump of alignment statistics
- first implementation of statistics plotting via XChart
- New dependencies:
- XChart 3.3.1
2015-08-25 0.8.1:
- Available at trunk/bin directory as executable jarfile
2015-08-19 0.8 | Prerelease | First public version:
- Renamed for public release to CONTEXT which is backronyms fairly weakly to 'COmparative NucleoTide (and amino-acid) EXplorer Tool'
- Adds support for dump of alignment stats to tab-delimited textfile
- Improvements to GUI rendering in DisplayAlignmentPanel to speed it up (a lot). Now handles ~000s alignments, even on a Raspi 2.
2011-2015 Internal version 0.1 - 0.8:
- Known as 'BasicAlignmentStats', 'BasicAlignmentStatsGUI', and 'PhylogenomicDatasetBrowser'