A lightweight service manager to help with graceful shutdown of asynchronous applications.
Meltdown provides a simple way to manage multiple asynchronous services and coordinate their graceful shutdown. Perfect for web servers, background workers, or any async application that needs clean shutdown handling.
- Lightweight - Minimal dependencies and simple implementation
- Runtime Agnostic - Works with any async runtime (tokio, async-std, smol, etc.)
- Flexible - Works with any async service that can handle shutdown signals
- Simple API - Easy to use with plain async functions and custom service types
Add this to your Cargo.toml
meltdown = "0.3.0"
Basic usage example with tokio
and axum
use axum::{routing, Router};
use meltdown::{Meltdown, Token};
async fn api_service(token: Token) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let router = Router::new().route("/", routing::get("Hello!"));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?;
axum::serve(listener, router)
async fn signal_service(token: Token) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
tokio::select! {
() = token => Ok(()),
result = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => result.map_err(Into::into),
async fn main() {
let mut meltdown = Meltdown::new()
// Trigger shutdown when first service completes
if let Some(result) = meltdown.next().await {
println!("Got {result:?}, shutting down");
// Wait for remaining services
while let Some(result) = meltdown.next().await {
println!("Got {result:?}");
For detailed usage and examples, check out the documentation.
Licensed under the 0BSD license.