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François Prunayre edited this page Nov 20, 2013 · 15 revisions

On the last couple of years, open government and the use of open data has increased exponentially. There are new platforms highly focused on open and linked data like CKAN. All those frameworks and platforms haven’t focused on INSPIRE regulations or geographic data.

However, the ease of use of these protocols has gathered a large group of users willing to use and develop around this linked data environment. This process has popularized multiple applications based on open data. GeoNetwork should take the best of this open and linked data platforms if we want to participate on all this open government process. We can and should offer both INSPIRE services and open data services, because the target audience for both is different and right now we are only covering part of it.

GeoNetwork provides 2 types of services:

  • search service returning response using DCAT/RDF
  • metadata export to DCAT/RDF


ISO19139, dublin core mapping to DCAT/RDF are implemented.

It does not provide SPARQL query support.

We should improve and explore further this open and linked data situation, so we can offer the citizens good services they can handle.

  • Should we add DCAT as a schema in GeoNetwork (like DC) ? This could allow import from opendata platform.
  • Should we return DCAT in CSW as an output format ?
  • How to harvest opendata platform not implementing CSW ?

GeoNetwork nodes describing opendata resources:

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