This is a semester project in the course TTM4115 - Design av kommuniserende systemer. It includes a system specification which documents the planned system. The system is introduced in the system specification. Our implementation is also covered here, especially in the implementation comments section.
There are multiple libraries required to run the application. The requirements should be specified in the requirements.txt, which should be possible to install by pip.
To run the application, run the Python file
- audio_files which is sent, as well as the channel.
- img used in the GUI.
- log_files which contains a transcribed version of the messages sent.
- state_machines used in the application.
- utils files used for logging and noise reduction. The noise reduction is not currently in use.
The system is implemented using MQTT. A MQTT broker hosted by NTNU is used as the broker, in which our devices, i.e., multiple walkie-talkies, subscribe to a desired channel.