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CloudFormation Security Scanning - CodeSuite

Sample implementation of a CloudFormation security testing pipeline using the AWS CodeSuite. CodeCommit is used as the SCM, CodeBuild projects are used as the CI servers and CodePipeline is the CD automation engine which will start builds as new code is pushed (directly or via PR) to the Master branch. The final build stage also creates stacks from the template and separate parameter files.

This pipeline lints CloudFormation templates by using python-cfn-lint and looks for regex and high-entropy based secrets/sensitive values using Detect-Secrets. Various security static analysis is performed against the templates using CFRipper, Cfn-nag and Checkov, respectively. The final stage (Checkov) will also use the AWS CLI to create and deploy the stack(s).

Before you start

All CloudFormation templates will need to be placed in the /templates directory regardless of their language. This is done to seperate them from external parameters.json files which will fail builds due to a syntax errors from reading these. This is also done to future-proof the solution in case you use JSON as your CloudFormation template language. If you do use JSON you will need to go through the buildspec files and change some of the tool commands to scan JSON templates as this is setup for YAML only right now.

It is reccomended that you create your own ZIP archive of your own templates, parameter files and modified CodeBuild buildspec and any other helper scripts. You will need to make an archive with /templates, /params and /buildspecs at the root do not send the whole /src directory to a ZIP archive.

Getting Started

Clone this repository and upload to a bucket of your choosing. Deploy a stack from cfn-security-pipeline.yml in your AWS account, all necessary artifacts will be pushed as the first commit to the created CodeCommit repository.

Important Note: Modify the permissions of the CodeBuild Role in cfn-security-pipeline.yml to give it permissions for whatever you will be deploying from your deployment stack. I.e. if you will be deploying EKS clusters or ECS Services you should modify your permissions to include eks or ecs-task permissions.